parsing a file with a column of key/value pairs - bash

I am trying to parse a tab delimited file with the last column has a variable number of key-value pairs separated by semicolon. Here is an example
ab cd ef as=2;sd=5;df=12.3
gh ij kl sd=23;df=55
mn op qr as=24;df=77
I want to print the 2nd column and the value associated with the key "sd"
The expected output should be
cd 5
ij 23
Can I do this in bash?
The problem here is that the key-value column has variable no of entries so that the target key will have different positions in different rows.
I can grep the values of a given key like this
grep -o 'sd=[^;]*' file.txt
but I can not print the other column values at the same time

Whenever you have name/value pairs in your data it's best to create a name/value array from that data so you can just reference the values by name:
$ cat tst.awk
delete n2v
for (i=1;i in tmp;i+=2) {
n2v[tmp[i]] = tmp[i+1]
"sd" in n2v { print $2, n2v["sd"] }
$ awk -f tst.awk file
cd 5
ij 23

awk to the rescue!
$ awk -v k="sd=" '{n=split($NF,a,";");
{sub(k,$2" ",a[i]);
print a[i]}}' file
cd 5
ij 23
if your key is not fixed length anchoring it on the left is a better idea.
Change a[i]~k to a[i]~"^"k

I know you asked for awk, but here is the obligatory sed one liner, that is a bit shorter than the awk examples. After peaks hint, I added a few more test cases with sd in different parts of the line.
cat kv.txt
ab cd ef as=2;sd=5;df=12.3
gh ij kl sd=23;df=55
test1 sd in col2=true;df=55
test2 sd_inFront spacer sd=2;other=5;
test3 sd_inMiddle spacer other1=6;sd=3;other2=8
test4 sd_atEnd spacer other1=7;sd=4;
test5 sd_AtEndWO; spacer other1=8;sd=5
test6 esd in col4=true;esd=6;
test7 esd_inFront spacer esd=7;other=5;
test8 esd_inMiddle spacer other1=6;esd=8;other2=8
test9 esd_atEnd spacer other1=7;esd=9;
test10 esd_AtEndWO; spacer other1=8;esd=10
test11 sd_and_esd spacer other1=6;sd=11;other2;esd=4;other3=8
test12 esd_and_sd spacer other1=6;esd=3;other2;sd=12;other3=8
cat kv.txt| sed -nr "/(.+\w){3} (.*;)?sd=/ {s/.* (.*) .* (.*;)?sd=([^;]+).*/\1 \3/g; p;}"
cd 5
ij 23
sd_inFront 2
sd_atEnd 4
sd_AtEndWO; 5
sd_and_esd 11
esd_and_sd 12
The sed command consists of two parts: the first part /(.+\w){3} (.*;)?sd=/ matches lines with sd= in coloumn four (either as first key or after a .*;) and applies the following part inside the braces to the line.
The second part inside the braces consists of a substitution (s) and a print the result command (p). The substitutions works like this:
the four .* are your columns, the second column is captured with the parentheses
(.*;)?sd=([^;]+) captures the values after sd= up to the ;
the replacement uses the captured \1 (column two) and \3 (the value after sd=) to create your desired output

Here are gawk/awk solutions that avoid splitting and looping.
$ cat pf.txt
ab cd ef as=2;sd=5;df=12.3
gh ij kl sd=23;df=55
aa bb cc as=24;df=77;sd=15
mn op qr as=24;df=77
With gawk you can use a gensub capture group to isolate the desired value from $4:
$ gawk '/sd=/{print $2, gensub(/.*sd=([^;]*).*/,"\\1","g",$4)}' pf.txt
cd 5
ij 23
bb 15
Or, with non-gawk awk you use two sub calls to remove the parts before and after the desired value:
$ awk '/sd=/{ sub(/.*sd=/, "", $4); sub(/;.*/, "", $4); print $2, $4 }' pf.txt
cd 5
ij 23
bb 15

$ cat /tmp/file.txt
ab cd ef as=2;sd=5;df=12.3
gh ij kl sd=23;df=55
mn op qr as=24;df=77
mn sd qr as=24;df=77
(Those are tabs, not spaces)
You can set awk to separate fields on either a tab or a ; like so:
$ awk -F "\t|;" '/sd/ {print $2}' /tmp/file.txt
(I realize the last one should not be printed; bear with me)
To then print the field that has 'sd', simply loop through the fields:
$ awk -F "\t|;" '/sd/ { for (x=1;x<=NF;x++) if ($x~"^sd=") print $2 " " $(x) }' /tmp/file.txt
cd sd=5
ij sd=23
You can then split that field on =, change $x~"^sd=" for an exact match, and print the field to the right of the split on either side of = to get your precise output:
$ awk -F "\t|;" '/sd/ { for (x=1;x<=NF;x++) if ($x~"^sd=") { split($x, tmp, /=/); print $2 " " tmp[2]}}' /tmp/file.txt
cd 5
ij 23


awk to get first column if the a specific number in the line is greater than a digit

I have a data file (file.txt) contains the below lines:
123 pro=tegs, ETA=12:00, team=xyz,user1=tom,
345 pro=rbs, team=abc,user1=chan,,ETA=23:00
456 team=efg, pro=bvy,ETA=22:00,,user2=lis
I'm expecting to get the first column ($1) only if the ETA= number is greater than 15, like here I will have 2nd and 3rd line first column only is expected.
I tried like cat file.txt | awk -F [,TPF=]' '{print $1}' but its print whole line which has ETA at the end.
Using awk
$ awk -F"[=, ]" '{for (i=1;i<NF;i++) if ($i=="ETA") if ($(i+1) > 15) print $1}' input_file
With your shown samples please try following GNU awk code. Using match function of GNU awk where I am using regex (^[0-9]+).*ETA=([0-9]+):[0-9]+ which creates 2 capturing groups and saves its values into array arr. Then checking condition if 2nd element of arr is greater than 15 then print 1st value of arr array as per requirement.
awk '
match($0,/(^[0-9]+).*\<ETA=([0-9]+):[0-9]+/,arr) && arr[2]+0>15{
print arr[1]
' Input_file
I would harness GNU AWK for this task following way, let file.txt content be
123 pro=tegs, ETA=12:00, team=xyz,user1=tom,
345 pro=rbs, team=abc,user1=chan,,ETA=23:00
456 team=efg, pro=bvy,ETA=02:00,,user2=lis
awk 'substr($0,index($0,"ETA=")+4,2)+0>15{print $1}' file.txt
gives output
Explanation: I use String functions, index to find where is ETA= then substr to get 2 characters after ETA=, 4 is used as ETA= is 4 characters long and index gives start position, I use +0 to convert to integer then compare it with 15. Disclaimer: this solution assumes every row has ETA= followed by exactly 2 digits.
(tested in GNU Awk 5.0.1)
Whenever input contains tag=value pairs as yours does, it's best to first create an array of those mappings (v[]) below and then you can just access the values by their tags (names):
$ cat tst.awk
FS = "[, =]+"
OFS = ","
delete v
for ( i=2; i<NF; i+=2 ) {
v[$i] = $(i+1)
v["ETA"]+0 > 15 {
print $1
$ awk -f tst.awk file
With that approach you can trivially enhance the script in future to access whatever values you like by their names, test them in whatever combinations you like, output them in whatever order you like, etc. For example:
$ cat tst.awk
FS = "[, =]+"
OFS = ","
delete v
for ( i=2; i<NF; i+=2 ) {
v[$i] = $(i+1)
(v["pro"] ~ /b/) && (v["ETA"]+0 > 15) {
print $1, v["team"], v["dom"]
$ awk -f tst.awk file
Think about how you'd enhance any other solution to do the above or anything remotely similar.
It's unclear why you think your attempt would do anything of the sort. Your attempt uses a completely different field separator and does not compare anything against the number 15.
You'll also want to get rid of the useless use of cat.
When you specify a column separator with -F that changes what the first column $1 actually means; it is then everything before the first occurrence of the separator. Probably separately split the line to obtain the first column, space-separated.
awk -F 'ETA=' '$2 > 15 { split($0, n, /[ \t]+/); print n[1] }' file.txt
The value in $2 will be the data after the first separator (and up until the next one) but using it in a numeric comparison simply ignores any non-numeric text after the number at the beginning of the field. So for example, on the first line, we are actually literally checking if 12:00, team=xyz,user1=tom, is larger than 15 but it effectively checks if 12 is larger than 15 (which is obviously false).
When the condition is true, we split the original line $0 into the array n on sequences of whitespace, and then print the first element of this array.
Using awk you could match ETA= followed by 1 or more digits. Then get the match without the ETA= part and check if the number is greater than 15 and print the first field.
awk '/^[0-9]/ && match($0, /ETA=[0-9]+/) {
if(substr($0, RSTART+4, RLENGTH-4)+0 > 15) print $1
}' file
If the first field should start with a number:
awk '/^[0-9]/ && match($0, /ETA=[0-9]+/) {
if(substr($0, RSTART+4, RLENGTH-4) > 15)+0 print $1
}' file

How can one dynamically create a new csv from selected columns of another csv file?

I dynamically iterate through a csv file and select columns that fit the criteria I need. My CSV is separated by commas.
I save these indexes to an array that looks like
echo "${cols_needed[#]}"
1 3 4 7 8
I then need to write these columns to a new file and I've tried the following cut and awk commands, however, as the array is dynamically created, I cant seem to find the right commands that can select them all at once. I have tried cut, awk and paste commands.
awk -v fields=${cols_needed[#]} 'BEGIN{ n = split(fields,f) }
{ for (i=1; i<=n; ++i) printf "%s%s", $f[i], (i<n?OFS:ORS) }' test.csv
This throws an error as it cannot split the fields unless I hard code them (even then, it can only do 2), split on spaces.
fields="1 2’
I have tried to dynamically create -f parameters, but can only do so with one variable in a loop like so
for item in "${cols_needed[#]}";
cat test.csv | cut -f$item
which outputs one column at a time.
And I have tried to dynamically create it with commas - input as 1,3,4,7...
cat test.csv | cut -f${cols_needed[#]};
which also does not work!
Any help is appreciated! I understand awk does not work like bash and we cannot pass variables around in the same way. I feel like I'm going around in circles a bit! Thanks in advance.
Your first approach is ok, just:
change -v fields=${cols_needed[#]} to -v fields="${cols_needed[*]}", to pass the array as a single shell word
add FS=OFS="," to BEGIN, after splitting (you want to split on spaces, before FS is changed to ,)
ie. BEGIN {n = split(fields, f); FS=OFS=","}
Also, if there are no commas embedded in quoted csv fields, you can use cut:
IFS=,; cut -d, -f "${cols_needed[*]}" test.csv
If there are embedded commas, you can use gawk's FPAT, to only split fields on unquoted commas.
Here's an example using that.
# prepend $ to each number
for i in "${cols_needed[#]}"; do
gawk -v FPAT='([^,]+)|(\"[^\"]+\")' -v OFS=, "{print ${fields[*]}}"
Injecting shell code in to an awk command is generally not great practice, but it's ok here IMO.
Expanding on my comments re: passing the bash array into awk:
Passing the array in as an awk variable:
$ cols_needed=(1 3 4 7 8)
$ typeset -p cols_needed
declare -a cols_needed=([0]="1" [1]="3" [2]="4" [3]="7" [4]="8")
$ awk -v fields="${cols_needed[*]}" 'BEGIN{n=split(fields,f); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) print i,f[i]}'
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 7
5 8
Passing the array in as a 'file' via process substitution:
$ awk 'FNR==NR{f[++n]=$1;next} END {for (i=1;i<=n;i++) print i,f[i]}' <(printf "%s\n" "${cols_needed[#]}")
1 1
2 3
3 4
4 7
5 8
As for OP's main question of extracting a specific set of columns from a .csv file ...
Borrowing dawg's .csv file:
$ cat file.csv
Expanding on the suggestion for passing the bash array in as an awk variable:
awk -v fields="${cols_needed[*]}" '
n=split(fields,f," ")
{ pfx=""
for (i=1;i<=n;i++) {
printf "%s%s", pfx, $(f[i])
print ""
' file.csv
NOTE: this assumes OP has provided a valid list of column numbers; if there's some doubt as to the validity of the input (column) numbers then OP can add some logic to address said doubts (eg, are they integers? are they positive integers? do they reference a field (in file.csv) that actually exists?, etc)
This generates:
Suppose you have this variable in bash:
$ echo "${cols_needed[#]}"
3 4 7 8
And this CSV file:
$ cat file.csv
You can select columns of that csv file in awk this way:
awk '
FNR==NR{split($0, cols," "); next}
for (e=1;e<=length(cols); e++)
s=e<length(cols) ? s $(cols[e]) OFS : s $(cols[e])
print s
}' <(echo "${cols_needed[#]}") file.csv
Or, you can do:
awk -v cw="${cols_needed[*]}" '
BEGIN{FS=OFS=","; split(cw, cols," ")}
for (e=1;e<=length(cols); e++)
s=e<length(cols) ? s $(cols[e]) OFS : s $(cols[e])
print s
}' file.csv
# same output
BTW, you can do this entirely with cut:
cut -d ',' -f $(IFS=, ; echo "${cols_needed[*]}") file.csv

Delete values in line based on column index using shell script

I want to be able to delete the values to the RIGHT(starting from given column index) from the test.txt at the given column index based on a given length, N.
Column index refers to the position when you open the file in the VIM editor in LINUX.
If my test.txt contains 1234 5678, and I call my delete_var function which takes in the column number as 2 to start deleting from and length N as 2 to delete as input, the test.txt would reflect 14 5678 as it deleted the values from column 2 to column 4 as the length to delete was 2.
I have the following code as of now but I am unable to understand what I would put in the sed command.
delete_var() {
sed -i -r 's/not sure what goes here' test.txt
clmn_index= $1
delete_var "$clmn_index" "$_N" # call the method with the column index and length to delete
#sample test.txt (before call to fn)
1234 5678
#sample test.txt (after call to fn)
14 5678
Can someone guide me?
You should avoid using regex for this task. It is easier to get this done in awk with simple substr function calls:
awk -v i=2 -v n=2 'i>0{$0 = substr($0, 1, i-1) substr($0, i+n)} 1' file
14 5678
Assumping OP must use sed (otherwise other options could include cut and awk but would require some extra file IOs to replace the original file with the modified results) ...
Starting with the sed command to remove the 2 characters starting in column 2:
$ echo '1234 5678' > test.txt
$ sed -i -r "s/(.{1}).{2}(.*$)/\1\2/g" test.txt
$ cat test.txt
14 5678
(.{1}) - match first character in line and store in buffer #1
.{2} - match next 2 characters but don't store in buffer
(.*$) - match rest of line and store in buffer #2
\1\2 - output contents of buffers #1 and #2
Now, how to get variables for start and length into the sed command?
Assume we have the following variables:
$ s=2 # start
$ n=2 # length
To map these variables into our sed command we can break the sed search-replace pattern into parts, replacing the first 1 and 2 with our variables like such:
replace {1} with {$((s-1))}
replace {2} with {${n}}
Bringing this all together gives us:
$ s=2
$ n=2
$ echo '1234 5678' > test.txt
$ set -x # echo what sed sees to verify the correct mappings:
$ sed -i -r "s/(.{"$((s-1))"}).{${n}}(.*$)/\1\2/g" test.txt
+ sed -i -r 's/(.{1}).{2}(.*$)/\1\2/g' test.txt
$ set +x
$ cat test.txt
14 5678
Alternatively, do the subtraction (s-1) before the sed call and just pass in the new variable, eg:
$ x=$((s-1))
$ sed -i -r "s/(.{${x}}).{${n}}(.*$)/\1\2/g" test.txt
$ cat test.txt
14 5678
One idea using cut, keeping in mind that storing the results back into the original file will require an intermediate file (eg, tmp.txt) ...
Assume our variables:
$ s=2 # start position
$ n=2 # length of string to remove
$ x=$((s-1)) # last column to keep before the deleted characters (1 in this case)
$ y=$((s+n)) # start of first column to keep after the deleted characters (4 in this case)
At this point we can use cut -c to designate the columns to keep:
$ echo '1234 5678' > test.txt
$ set -x # display the cut command with variables expanded
$ cut -c1-${x},${y}- test.txt
+ cut -c1-1,4- test.txt
14 5678
1-${x} - keep range of characters from position 1 to position $(x) (1-1 in this case)
${y}- - keep range of characters from position ${y} to end of line (4-EOL in this case)
NOTE: You could also use cut's ability to work with the complement (ie, explicitly tell what characters to remove ... as opposed to above which says what characters to keep). See KamilCuk's answer for an example.
Obviously (?) the above does not overwrite test.txt so you'd need an extra step, eg:
$ echo '1234 5678' > test.txt
$ cut -c1-${x},${y}- test.txt > tmp.txt # store result in intermediate file
$ cat tmp.txt > test.txt # copy intermediate file over original file
$ cat test.txt
14 5678
Looks like:
cut --complement -c $1-$(($1 + $2 - 1))
Should just work and delete columns between $1 and $2 columns behind it.
please provide code how to change test.txt
cut can't modify in place. So either pipe to a temporary file or use sponge.
cut --complement -c $1-$(($1 + $2 - 1)) test.txt > "$tmp"
mv "$tmp" test.txt
Below command result in the elimination of the 2nd character. Try to use this in a loop
sed s/.//2 test.txt

Replace a field with a value in the input data

I have a data
note that the spaces in between the fields are not constant
Now I want to replace the third field with another number which is stored in another variable v.
I have used awk in this way:
echo "A BC 3 CD" | awk '{$3 = $v; print}'
The output is the third field is getting replaced with the entire line(wrong output)
Is there any possible to get the desired output without changing the spaces in the original data?
Thanks for your help!!
Try this:
$ v=25
$ echo "A BC 3 CD" | gawk '{print gensub(/[^ \t]+/, v, 3)}' v="$v"
A BC 25 CD
In your code, $v is being evaluated by awk, not bash, with v=0. Hence $3 gets replaced by $0, which is entire line.
Note that gensub is gawk enhancement...

Print lines whose 1st and 4th column differ

I have a file with a bunch of lines of this form:
12 AAA 423 12 BBB beta^11 + 3*beta^10
18 AAA 1509 18 BBB -2*beta^17 - beta^16
18 AAA 781 12 BBB beta^16 - 5*beta^15
Now I would like to print only lines where the 1st and the 4th column differ (the columns are space-separated) (the values AAA and BBB are fixed). I know I can do that by getting all possible values in the first column and then use:
for i in $values; do
cat file.txt | grep "^$i" | grep -v " $i BBB"
However, this runs through the file as many times as how many different values appear in the first column. Is there a way how to do that simply in one pass only? I think I can do the comparison, my main problem is that I have no idea how to extract the space-separated columns.
This is something quite straight forward for awk:
awk '$1 != $4' file
With awk, you refer to the first field with $1, the second with $2 and so on. This way, you can compare the first and the forth with $1 != $4. If this is true (that is, $1 and $4 differ), awk performs its default action: print the current line.
For your sample input, this works:
$ awk '$1 != $4' file
18 AAA 781 12 BBB beta^16 - 5*beta^15
Note you can define a different field separator with -v FS="...". This way, you can tell awk that your lines contain fields tab / comma / ... separated. All together it would be like this: awk -v FS="\t" '$1 != $4' file.
