Replace a field with a value in the input data - bash

I have a data
note that the spaces in between the fields are not constant
Now I want to replace the third field with another number which is stored in another variable v.
I have used awk in this way:
echo "A BC 3 CD" | awk '{$3 = $v; print}'
The output is the third field is getting replaced with the entire line(wrong output)
Is there any possible to get the desired output without changing the spaces in the original data?
Thanks for your help!!

Try this:
$ v=25
$ echo "A BC 3 CD" | gawk '{print gensub(/[^ \t]+/, v, 3)}' v="$v"
A BC 25 CD
In your code, $v is being evaluated by awk, not bash, with v=0. Hence $3 gets replaced by $0, which is entire line.
Note that gensub is gawk enhancement...


Read value from csv

For a csv file appearing as:
variables = cl, cd, clp, clv, cdp, cdv, ...
-0.00000002, 0.01023266, -0.00000002, 0.00000000, 0.00985099, 0.00038167, ...
-0.00000000, 0.01023305, -0.00000000, 0.00000000, 0.00985080, 0.00038225,
-0.00000002, 0.01023390, -0.00000002, 0.00000000, 0.00985075, 0.00038315,
0.00000002, 0.01023482, 0.00000002, 0.00000000, 0.00985070, 0.00038412,
-0.00000004, 0.01023574, -0.00000004, 0.00000000, 0.00985065, 0.00038509,
I have a short script to read values from a csv file, but as it is, it returns the entire column. I need it to assign a single value to each variable.
export IFS=","
cat file.csv | while read a b c d e f; do echo "$b; done
This returns:
How do I make this command return only:
The following line is supposed to return a single value from my file:
str=$(awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} FNR==$row' history.out | awk '{print substr($col, 1, length($col)-1)}')
echo $str
It works when I use $4, but not $row. What's the final fix? As it is, $str is returned empty.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: Since OP has shown samples now so adding solution as per it now.
awk -v R="$row" -v C="$col" 'BEGIN{FS=","} FNR==R{print $C}' Input_file
Change FS="," to FS=", " in case you have space in your comma delimiters too.
This could be easily done in awk.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","} FNR==4' Input_file

Awk add a variable to part of a column string

add "67" to column 1 of the output file with 67 being the variable ($iv) classified on the difference between 2 dates.
Current Output 3_file1.csv
Desired Output 3_file1.csv
Current Code
#! bin/sh
set -eu
de=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y" -d "1 month ago")
iv=$(awk -vdate1=$de -vdate2=$ds 'BEGIN{split(date1, A,"-");split(date2, B,"-");year_diff=A[3]-B[3];if(year_diff){months_diff=A[2] + 12 * year_diff - B[2] + 1;} else {months_diff=A[2]>B[2]?A[2]-B[2]+1:B[2]-A[2]+1};print months_diff}')
for f in $(find *.csv); do
awk -F"," -v OFS=',' '{print "BOB-UK-"$iv,$0,0.05}' $f > "1_$f.csv" ##PROBLEM LINE##
awk -F"," -v OFS=',' '{print $0,$6*$7/1000}' "1_$f.csv" > "2_$f.csv" ##calculate price
awk -F"," -v OFS=',' '{print $0}; {sum+=$6}{sum2+=$8} END {print "TOTAL,,,,," (sum)",,"(sum2)}' "2_$f.csv" > "3_$f.csv" ##calculate total
When I run the first awk line (Marked as "## PROBLEM LINE##") the loop doesn't change column $1 to include the "67" after "BOB-UK-". This should be done with the print "BOB-UK-"$iv but instead it doesn't do anything. I suspect this is due to the way print works in awk but I haven't been able to work out a way to treat it within this row. Does anyone know if this is possible or do I need to create a new row to achieve this?
You have to pass the variable value to awk. awk does not inherit variables from the shell and does not expand $variable variables like shell. It is another tool with it's internal language.
awk -v iv="$iv" -F"," -v OFS=',' '{print "BOB-UK-"iv,$0,0.05}' "$f"
Tested in repl with the input provided.
for f in $(find *.csv)
Is useless use of find, makes no sense, just
for f in *.csv
Also note that you are creating 1_$f.csv, 2_$f.csv and 3_$f.csv files in the current directory in your loop, so the next time you run your script there will be 4 times more .csv files to iterate through. Dunno if that's relevant.
How $iv works in awk?
The $<number> is the field number <number> from the line in awk. So for example the $1 is the first field of the line in awk. The $2 is the second field. The $0 is special and it is the whole line.
The $iv expands to $ + the value of iv. So for example:
echo a b c | awk '{iv=2; print $iv}'
will output b, as the $iv expands to $2 then $2 expands to the second field from the input - ie. b.
Uninitialized variables in awk are initialized with 0. So $iv is substituted for $0 in your awk line, so it expands for the whole line.

I want to use awk to print rearranged fields then print from the 4th field to the end

I have a text file containing filesize, filedate, filetime, and filepath records. The filepath can contain spaces and can be very long (classical music names). I would like to print the file with filedate, filetime, filesize, and filepath. The first part, without the filepath is easy:
awk '{print $2,$3,$1}' filelist.txt
This works, but it prints the record on two lines:
awk '{print $2,$3,$1,$1=$2=$3=""; print $0}' filelist.txt
I've tried using cut -d' ' -f '2 3 1 4-' , but that doesn't allow rearranging fields. I can fix the two line issue using sed to join. There must be a way to only use awk. In summary, I want to print the 2nd, 3rd, 1st, and from the 4th field to the end. Can anyone help?
Since the print statement in awk always prints a newline in the end (technically ORS, which defaults to a newline), your first print will break the output in two lines.
With printf, on the other hand, you completely control the output with your format string. So, you can print the first three fields with printf (without the newline), then set them to "", and just finish off with the print $0 (which is equivalent to print without arguments):
awk '{ printf("%s %s %s",$2,$3,$1); $1=$2=$3=""; print }' file
I avoid awk when I can. If I understand correctly what you have said -
while read size date time path
do echo "$date $time $size $path"
done < filelist.txt
You could printf instead of echo for more formatting options.
Embedded spaces in $path won't matter since it's the last field.
I have no awk at hand to test but I suppose you may use printf to format a one-line output. Just locate the third space in $0 and take a substring from that position through the end of the input line.
You may also try to swap fields before a standard print, although I'm not sure it will produce desired results...
It always helps to delimit your fields with something like <tab>, so subsequent operations are easier... (I can see you used cut without -d, so maybe your data is already tab delimited.)
echo 1 2 3 very long name |
sed -e 's/ /\t/' -e 's/ /\t/' -e 's/ /\t/' |
awk -v FS='\t' -v OFS='\t' '{print $2, $3, $1, $4}'
The first line generates data. The sed command substitutes first three spaces in each row with \t. Then the awk works flawlessly, outputting tab delimited data again (you need a reasonably new awk).
With GNU awk for gensub():
$ echo '1 2 3 4 5 6' | awk '{print $3, $2, $1, gensub(/([^ ]+){3}/,"",1)}'
3 2 1 4 5 6
With any awk:
$ echo '1 2 3 4 5 6' | awk '{rest=$0; sub(/([^ ]+ ){3}/,"",rest); print $3, $2, $1, rest}'
3 2 1 4 5 6

passing a parameter in awk command won't work

I run the script bellow with ./command 11, the first line of code bellow stores the output (321) successfully in parameter x (checked with echo on line 2). On line 3 I try to use parameter x to retrieve the last two columns on all lines where the value in the first column is equal to x (in doc2.csv). This won't work but when I replace z=$x by z=321it works fine. Why won't this code work when passing the parameter?
x="$(awk -v y=$1 -F\; '$1 == y' ~/Documents/doc1.csv | cut -d ';' -f2)"
echo $x
awk -v z=$x -F, '$1 == z' ~/Documents/doc2.csv | cut -d ',' -f2,3
doc1.csv (all columns have unique values)
Like others have mentioned there is probably some extra characters coming along for the ride in field 2 of your cut command.
If you just use awk to print the column you want instead of the entire line and cutting that you shouldn't have any problems. If you still do then you will need to look into dos2unix.
x=$(awk -v y=$n -F\; '$1 == y {print $2}' d1);
echo ${x};
awk -v z=$x -F, '$1 == z' d2
d1 and d2 contain doc1 and doc2 contents as you outlined.
As you can see all I did was stop using cut on the output of awk and just told awk to print the second field if the first field is equal to the input variable.
By the way awk is pretty powerful if you weren't aware... You can do this entire program within awk.
n=11; awk -v x=$n -F\; 'NR==FNR{ if($1==x){ y[$2]; } next} $1 in y{print $2, $3}' d1 <( sed 's/,/;/g' d2)
NR==FNR Is a trick that effectively says "If we are still in the first file, do this"... the key is not forgetting to use next to skip the rest of the awk command. Once we get to the second file FNR flips back to 1 but NR keeps incrementing up so they'll never be equal again.
So for the first file we just load up the second column values into an array where the first column matches our passed variable. You could optimize this since you said d1 was always unique lines.
So once we get into the next file the logic skips everything and runs $1 in y. This just checks if the first column is in the array we have created. If it is awk prints column 2 and 3.
<( sed 's/,/;/g' d2) just means we want to treat the output of the sed command as a file. The sed command is just converting the commas in d2 to semicolons so that it matches the FS that awk expects.
Hopefully you've learned a bit about awk, read more here and a great redirection cheat sheet is available here .

cut string in a specific column in bash

How can I cut the leading zeros in the third field so it will only be 6 characters?
desired output
or here's a solution using awk
echo " xxx,aaa,00000000cc
rrr,ttt,0000000yhh"|awk -F, -v OFS=, '{sub(/^0000/, "", $3)}1'
awk uses -F (or FS for FieldSeparator) and you must use OFS for OutputFieldSeparator) .
sub(/srchtarget/, "replacmentstring", stringToFix) is uses a regular expression to look for 4 0s at the front of (^) the third field ($3).
The 1 is a shorthand for the print statement. A longhand version of the script would be
echo " xxx,aaa,00000000cc
rrr,ttt,0000000yhh"|awk -F, -v OFS=, '{sub(/^0000/, "", $3);print}'
# ---------------------------------------------------------^^^^^^
Its all related to awk's /pattern/{action} idiom.
If you can assume there are always three fields and you want to strip off the first four zeros in the third field you could use a monstrosity like this:
$ cat data
$ cat data |sed 's/\([^,]\+\),\([^,]\+\),0000\([^,]\+\)/\1,\2,\3/
Another more flexible solution if you don't mind piping into Python:
cat data | python -c '
import sys
for line in sys.stdin():
print(",".join([f[4:] if i == 2 else f for i, f in enumerate(line.strip().split(","))]))
This says "remove the first four characters of the third field but leave all other fields unchanged".
Using awks substr should also work:
awk -F, -v OFS=, '{$3=substr($3,5,6)}1' file
It just take 6 characters from 5 position in field 3 and set it back to field 3
