OSX link preview on one-time link - macos

As part of a password reset process, it's not uncommon to send out a one-time link that will expire once clicked, or similarly activation links. We're seeing an issue where a user accidentally Force Touches a preview and expires the reset link in OSX Mail, thereby being unable to click the link to complete the form in a browser. Is there any way to prevent this preview behaviour to stop this happening? I found this similar question asked on the Apple forums but with no answer.

As far as I know, this is impossible. This feature is baked into the very core of OS X and unless there is an option in Settings.app there is now way to disable it.
Also there is no specific header or user agent set so you could determine on server-side.
Unfortunately the answer seems to be no.
In the comments we came up with a JavaScript workaround. Since the force-click preview does not execute JavaScript, you could do the actual resetting process using AJAX or view a JavaScript redirection on a different page.


How to retrieve filled PDF from Google Chrome

I had all filed PDF on Google Chrome, that I accessed from a site. The site lets you fill like
Unfortunately, I hit back from MacBook pro touch pad.
Is there a way to retrieve the filled one from the Chrome cache? I know the time window.
According to this similar Super User question, Google Chrome Help thread, and Adobe Support Community post, the PDF Viewer does not automatically save the data.
Other browsers provide a warning such as This page is asking you to confirm that you want to leave — information you’ve entered may not be saved.

Closing browser without user interaction in Xamarin Forms

I have a scenario where I need to open a browser to remove user cookies for logging out. So the process is:
Open browser (Chrome CustomTab or SFSafariView depending on OS) and point it towards my URL to delete cookies.
Send the user back to the mobile app login screen.
Where I'm having an issue is step 2. How do I go about closing/minimizing the browser without requiring user interaction? The only thing I have found so far is to run System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); which closes the entire app, but I have seen comments online that doing this might cause the app to get rejected by Google and/or Apple.
Any ideas on how I can solve this?
You can put SFSafariViewController inside the navigation controller and then you can dismiss the navigation controller. That's for iOS assuming that you already know when to call this code, just don't know how. For Android... no idea for now, probably you should ask it as a separate question not too many people are experts both for Android and iOS...

Microphone Permission on Firefox Mobile not permanent

I am facing an issue with our web tool that I am unable to solve. I already tried to google a solution but failed to find one.
We have a website where we use JavaScript to record audio from the users microphone via getUserMedia. The first time the user enters a html page on the https website, there is a notification popping up about permission rights. Thats fine, but on Firefox Mobile it doesn't matter if you gave your permission already, you will be asked on every single page again. Thats not the case for every other browser we tried.
So, is this some kind of our error or is it a limitation of Firefox Mobile?
Hope anyone solved that issue already in the past.
Best regards,
It's a limitation in Firefox for Android (fennec). It intentionally asks users each time.
It's being solved in the next generation version, available in beta as Firefox Preview (fenix). The prompt there adds this checkbox, similar to Firefox for desktop:
☐ Remember decision for this site

disabling (or fixing) ReadCube WebReader on Firefox

Mac OSX 10.11.2, Firefox 45.0.1
I'm trying to access articles through Wiley publishers website (onlinelibrary.wiley.com) and the PDF viewing function forces me to use ReadCube Webreader, which fails every time to load my article. I also cannot download the article. I have full permissions to view the article, but everything but the first page is blurred out. I just want to use Adobe PDF Reader like I used to, but I cannot figure out how to disable ReadCube. I have toggle this setting https://www.readcube.com/epdf_settings, cleared my cookies, turned off my addblocker, but nothing works! If I use Safari, which I really don't want to do, it works just brilliantly. Please help.
My add-on HTTPS Everywhere was interfering. It can be disabled by clicking the HTTPS Everywhere Icon in the browser window, and selecting the red-highlighted processes that are being encrypted by clicking on it. This is a bad answer to my question, because I'm not entirely sure how this has fixed the problem, but it has worked.

WP7: Edit Screenshot While App is Backgrounding (Mango)

I have an app that I have been developing that can display sensitive user data.
When the user backgrounds the app, the OS appears to take a screenshot of the app as it was running, and displays it so when the user returns, their state is restored.
I am trying to prevent the user's information from being seen in this screenshot.
My initial idea was to display a Popup of my splash screen image, but it does not seem to render it in ApplicationDeactivated. Is there any other way you might accomplish this?
I am not sure you are analyzing this correctly. I don't see how the OS could take a screenshot of an app and use that to restore state. Also, if it was true that the OS did that, Tomb Stoning wouldn't be such a big issue in the requirements for an app in the submission process. A dev needs to handle grabbing and saving state on exit and reloading it on start-up again.
If you didn't code this tomb stoning, are you using a frameowrk that has built in support for this? You could disable the tombstoning so certain pieces of information are not stored, and in fact if this data is that sensitive you should make sure it isn't saved. But, if you save it make sure you encrypt it so nothing else could examine the saved state. Although, that shouldn't be possible on Win Phone as the OS is supposed to enforce the boundries between apps.
Received a response from Microsoft which indicates that this is not possible in the Mango SDK; it may be added into future releases of the platform.
