How to make "%" wildcard match targets containing the equal sign? - makefile

The makefile wildcard system doesn't seem to match targets if they contain the equal sign. Is there a way to work around this deficiency? Some flag or setting or rule to escape the equal sign? I know I can just not use the equal sign but I'd prefer to fix this idiosyncrasy of make if possible.
Here's an example of what I mean
$ cat Makefile
echo Dummy target
echo $#
$ make b_c=1
echo Dummy Target
$ make b_c1
echo b_c1
The first make command does not match b_% even though it should. I also wasn't able to find documentation for exactly what is supposed to be matched by the % wildcard. Any pointers? My make version is
$ make --version
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This program built for i386-apple-darwin10.0

The problem here is not with the % syntax, but with the fact that any command-line argument with an equals sign in it is interpreted as a variable assignment.
You should find that if you add the dependency all: b_c=1, then make all will generate the file just fine.
There are restrictions on what file names you can use with make -- they can't contain spaces or newlines, and e.g. backslashes are problematic, too (though not completely impossible to accommodate for simple use cases).
If you absolutely have to have a file named like this, my suggested workaround would be to use a different name internally, and then symlink it to the external name as the last step of the make recipe.


gnu make hash symbol in the middle of string

I'm trying to print out the perforce file version of the make file when it's executed. I'm using the $Id$ tag, which expands to $Id: //repository/path/check.make#6 $ or the like and I want to print //repository/path/check.make#6 to a file (currently using echo). I can't figure out how to get make to take the # as part of the string and not the beginning of a comment. I tried:
str1 = $(subst \#,\\\#,'$Id: //repository/path/check.make#6 $')
and other variations but I keep getting:
unterminated call to function `subst': missing `)'. Stop.
It would help if you provided a full example of what you want. I don't really understand why you're trying to subst a hash with a backslash hash. If you showed us a full example, including how you get the string and also what you want to do with the variable ar1, we could actually give you advice.
But, the way to use hashes in GNU make is to put them into a variable:
HASH := \#
$(info HASH = $(HASH))
That's all I can say without more info.
Yes, I'm very familiar with keyword expansion... it originated with SCCS/RCS back in the day :).
I see, you mean, you want to put the $Id$ into your makefile, then when your makefile is checked out the value will be replaced. That wasn't clear to me.
I'm sorry to say that what you want to do is close to impossible. The problem is that you can't escape the value in the makefile because you're not writing the value into the makefile, Perforce is. And Perforce is not escaping it.
You have only two options that I can see:
First, don't try to put this into a make variable. There are many ways to do this, depending on what you really want. One way is to create a header file that contains const char* foo = "$Id$"; and let that be replaced. If you really want the ID of the makefile, but you only need it within a certain recipe, you can put it directly into that recipe:
myrecipe: ; echo '$$Id$$'
(I'm not actually sure the $$ trick here will work, it depends on how Perforce replaces things... if it doesn't you can use echo '$Id$x' you'll lose the dollar signs but keep the rest).
The only other option is to upgrade your version of GNU make to the latest (4.3). In that release, some broken handling of hash characters in the $(shell ...) function was fixed, which means you can use:
var1 := $(shell echo '$$Id$$')
and it will work (same caveats, and solutions, for $$ here as above).
Maybe I didn't get you correctly but the following works for an outside actor replacing $Id$ without escaping:
PERFORCE_ID := $(word 2,$(value PERFORCE_ID))
$(info $(PERFORCE_ID))
As a test, I simply put in the text substitution from Perforce myself:
$Id: //repository/path/check.make#6 $
PERFORCE_ID := $(word 2,$(value PERFORCE_ID))
$(info Perforce id is: $(PERFORCE_ID))
Perforce id is: //repository/path/check.make#6
You can't have an unescaped literal # in a make assignment and not have it be interpreted as a comment character. But as a hack, you can have the shell extract this token from the current Makefile.
# $Id: //repository/path/check.make#6 $
str1 := $(shell sed '/[$$]Id[$$:]/!d;s/^\# [$$]Id: \(.*\) [$$].*/\1/' Makefile)
The sed script looks for the $Id$ or $Id: token in the Makefile itself by way of a regex which doesn't match itself; the doubled dollar sign is how you put a literal dollar sign in a Makefile. It extracts the contents of the field, and make assigns the output to str1. Because there is no literal # in the code which assigns the variable, no further escaping is necessary.
This requires GNU Make, but that's apparently what you are using already. (Please tag such questions explicitly as gnu-make.)

What does $(#:.h=.h.d) mean in GNU make?

I'm maintaining a (horrendously complicated) Makefile, and in some recipes I saw the following:
I have absolutely no clue as to how to interpret this, or whether there's any documentation on those characters. Obviously, Google won't work because it thinks I'm typing gibberish.
I saw a related question about #:H, but this is GNU make instead of BSD make.
This is a variable reference with a substitution: $(VAR:FROM=TO). It means the value of the variable VAR, but for each whitespace-separated word in the value, if the word ends with the suffix FROM, it is replaced by the suffix TO.
In this case, the variable is #, the filename of the target of the rule (with special handling for archive members). If the target of the rule ends with .h, then .d is added at the end.
A common file naming convention is to use .d for a list of dependencies. The file foo.h.d presumably contains dependencies for rules to compile source files that include foo.h (so, in practice, foo.d.h would contains foo.h and the headers that it includes).
By the way, this is portable syntax. There is another slightly more wordy syntax which is common (supported by both GNU and BSD make) but not POSIX: $(#:%.h=%.h.d) where the % acts as a wildcard; this syntax allows a prefix to be substituted in addition to a suffix. There is yet another syntax to do the same thing in GNU make: call the function patsubst, written $(patsubst %.h,%.h.d,$#) — it's arguably less cryptic, but because the portable syntax has existed for decades, it's commonly used even in makefiles that otherwise require GNU make.

can't use variable in Makefile

My main Makefile call
include $(TOPDIR)/
then include some sentences like this:
ifdef CPU
sinclude $(TOPDIR)/cpu/$(CPU)/
ifdef SOC
sinclude $(TOPDIR)/cpu/$(CPU)/$(SOC)/
I have prepared these two tree and necessary config.mks. But for "SOC", whose value is "versatile", there is a problem. If I put "versatile" directly here, it could find the file and everything is fine; but when I use $(SOC), il will meet an error, and say
/../../../cpu/arm926ejs/versatile: is a folder, stop
Anyone know what the problem is ??
Are you sure you gave the exact error message? What version of make are you using? That error doesn't look like anything GNU make would print.
Anyway, I'll bet the problem is that your assignment of the SOC variable has trailing whitespace. According to the POSIX definition of make, leading whitespace before a variable value is removed, but trailing whitespace is preserved. That means, for example, if you write your makefile like this:
SOC = versatile # this is the versatile SOC
then make will remove the comment, but keep the space, so the value will be 'versatile' (space at the end). This means when the value is expanded in the sinclude line you get:
sinclude $(TOPDIR)/cpu/$(CPU)/versatile /
which make interprets as trying to include two different values, the first of which is a directory.
Even if you don't have a comment there, any trailing whitespace will be preserved. When editing makefiles you should try to put your editor into a mode where it flags trailing whitespace, or even better removes it automatically. GNU Emacs, for example, can do this.

Can GNU make handle spaces?

I have a makefile that has C INCLUDES with spaces in them. There is no way for me to get around having to have the spaces in the file names. Is there any way to have spaces in file names with gnu make?
Make has some basic support for this by escaping spaces in filenames, in that the following Makefile will correctly compile and recompile the C file foo bar.c:
foo\ bar: foo\ bar.c
gcc -o "${#}" "${<}"
However, you have to be super-careful in quoting every command you run, and variables that are space-separated lists of files—e.g., SRCS, LIBS—won’t work, although it’ß possible that with enough hacking using Make text functions you can parse out the quotes and get everything working…
So while there is rudimentary support for spaces in filenames in rules and patterns, anything complicated is going to be an awful lot of very hard and frustrating work.

variable=#value# in Makefiles

I understand that # suppresses printing of a command in a Makefile...
... and I understand that $# is the target name...
... but I can't find any information on what a line like this might mean:
I'm not trying to fix anything here, just trying to better understand Makefiles.
Update: The "Makefile Subsitutions" section of the GNU autoconf manual explains that it's a value that is substituted by autoconf.
Typically you find this in files, which are processed by configure (which are in turn generated by autoconf) scripts.
In that case #X# will be replaced by the value of a shell variable $X, if configure is told so. If it's not, no occurrence in the input file will be touched by configure, hence leaving the replaceable string as it is. If you ask me these instances indicate slips in the build system.
