variable=#value# in Makefiles - makefile

I understand that # suppresses printing of a command in a Makefile...
... and I understand that $# is the target name...
... but I can't find any information on what a line like this might mean:
I'm not trying to fix anything here, just trying to better understand Makefiles.
Update: The "Makefile Subsitutions" section of the GNU autoconf manual explains that it's a value that is substituted by autoconf.

Typically you find this in files, which are processed by configure (which are in turn generated by autoconf) scripts.
In that case #X# will be replaced by the value of a shell variable $X, if configure is told so. If it's not, no occurrence in the input file will be touched by configure, hence leaving the replaceable string as it is. If you ask me these instances indicate slips in the build system.


GNU Makefile "preprocessor"?

Is there an option to output the "preprocessed" makefile, something equivalent to the GCC's -E option?
I have a project comprised of an hierarchy of dozens of modules, each with its makefile. The build is invoked from a master makefile. That master makefile contains includes, variable definitions, command line option dependent variables, etc.
So, essentially, I am looking for the processed makefile, including all substitutions.
Not that I'm aware of. The closest thing you can get to this is the output from make -qp (or similar) which will dump the make database out at you.
Part of the problem with this request is that many of the substitutions/etc. happen as targets are processed and the list of targets isn't necessarily known without actually attempting a build (at least to an extent) so it isn't necessarily possible to fully expand/etc. a makefile in-place.
The make -d output is also useful for certain incidental information related to how make has processed the makefiles but doesn't contain makefile contents directly.
Remake might also be able to provide some extra useful information.
If you are looking for the computed value of some assembled/etc. global make variable then this blog post by Eric Melski is likely to be very helpful.
tl;dr It adds a target like this to the Makefile (though there's more magic in the blog post so I suggest reading it).
#echo '$*=$($*)'
#echo ' origin = $(origin $*)'
#echo ' flavor = $(flavor $*)'
#echo ' value = $(value $*)'
Though in personal use I replaced that first line with something more like this
#echo '$*=$(subst ','\'',$($*))'
to keep the quoting of the result correct.

canonical way to use pkg-config variables in

A bunch of projects foo-A-B, foo-B-C, foo-A-C etc. each depend on foo-A, foo-B, foo-C etc.
Each of foo-X installs a pkg-config file ( which contains a variable srcdir=#datarootdir#/foo/foo-B. A foo-X-Y project needs to refer to files in Xsrcdir and Ysrcdir.
Currently we do it like this in
PKG_CHECK_MODULES([foo_X], [foo-X])
AC_ARG_VAR(XSRC, "Source directory for foo-X")
AS_IF([test -z "$XSRC"], [XSRC=`pkg-config --variable=srcdir foo-X`])
(so gets to have rules like compile "$XSRC"/ $#). This also lets developers override XSRC on running ./configure.
My question: is there a more canonical way to use non-standard pkg-config variables in autotools configury/makefiles? For e.g. libdir, I see pkg-config sets the variables itself so no line is needed apart from PKG_CHECK_MODULES; are there other m4 macros we should be using?
I know this is fairly late, but since somebody was asking me about this recently, I thought it might be worth answering this too.
What you're looking for is PKG_CHECK_VAR, indeed most of that code can be replaced by a single line:
PKG_CHECK_VAR([XSRC], [foo-X], [srcdir], ,
AC_MSG_FAILURE([Unable to find value for XSRC]))
The error message is a bit less clear than the one triggered by PKG_CHECK_MODULES, but it also triggers in case the srcdir variable is not defined.
I wrote some more details as part of my Autotools Mythbuster.

understanding data assigned to macros in a makefile

I have searched through this forum but am not able to find an answer to this question, still if I have missed it please excuse me and direct me to the same.
I am trying to understand makefiles and came across the makefile for the tcpreplay utility on Linux. There are lot of macros that have been defined with the value starting an ending in a #. What are these values, how are they used? A snippet:
AR = #AR#
This is a makefile template, likely for software built with a GNU configure script. When configure is run, the #NAME# placeholders are replaced with proper values as determined at runtime. E.g. #AR# will be the name (or path) of the archiver, /usr/bin/ar. You then have a proper Makefile that you can run with a make invokation. If an actual Makefile still contains #NAME# placeholders, there was an error in running configure.
You are very likely not looking at a file named Makefile but one named The .in suffix indicating that this is input to configure.
You can find all the gory details in the GNU autoconf manual.

Should I name "makefile" or "Makefile"?

Although both names will do the job, what is the correct name for makefiles?
GNU `make' homepage uses Makefile, and I guess it is the good way to name it. Any reasons for typing the front M in upper case ?
What Name to Give Your Makefile chapter of GNU Make manual clarifies it:
By default, when make looks for the makefile, it tries the following names, in order: GNUmakefile, makefile and Makefile. Normally you should call your makefile either makefile or Makefile. (We recommend Makefile because it appears prominently near the beginning of a directory listing, right near other important files such as README.) The first name checked, GNUmakefile, is not recommended for most makefiles. You should use this name if you have a makefile that is specific to GNU make, and will not be understood by other versions of make. Other make programs look for makefile and Makefile, but not GNUmakefile.
I think that Makefile is displayed at the almost top of the list rather than makefile when using the ls command.
it is not only the reason that it appears prominently near the beginning of a directory listing, but also that it would cause a compile error when you using “makefile” to replace “Makefile”。 you could try to test in the helloworld case of Linux device driver..

make - specifying target name to make from command line

I am looking at C makefile, and I have a question.
I know that 'make a' will make the target a, which is supposed to be defined in the makefile.
I want to know whether the target name itself can be supplied as an argument to make.
i.e. this is what I want to do:
$(target_name) is the name supplied to command 'make'. For example, 'make foo'.
and in the makefile,
$(target_name) = dependencies
I am not sure whether this is possible... could not find anything in the make manual too.
If anyone can help me with this, it'll be awesome.
Everything you are asking about is what make does by default - there is no need to write any special code in the makefile to do this. You seem rather confused about make (it is not particularly C related, for example). The best guide to it is the GNU Make Manual, which is not only a manual but a pretty good tutorial.
I'm kind of new to Makefiles but it seems you don't pass values in Makefile like that. If the following is your Makefile
# Makefile
echo $(TARGET)
You can pass parameters in by calling make like this in the terminal
