How can I upload a jar file for jdbc connection to workload scheduler service agent in Bluemix? - jdbc

The docs for the Workload Scheduler for Node.js says:
"Important: Before running a database step, download and install the
JDBC database client driver on the agent where you want to run the
step. Specify the client jar file path in the JDBC jar class path."
How can I download and install the necessary JAR files to the agent? I see from this question that they should be installed at /home/wauser/utils, but I cannot figure out how to access the agent to install.
I tried an FTP step to move the file to the agent, but it was also unsuccessful.

From your description I assume your are trying to run SQL steps on the xx_CLOUD agent.
Where is the database running and which type of database is it? is it on Bluemix or somewhere else?
Currently the best way to run SQL steps is to use a workload scheduler agent installed on a VM or a docker image, so that you can easily install the jdbc jar files.


Run multiple jobs in parallel in Atlassian Bamboo

I would like to run multiple jobs in parallel on the same automation server. For this I need as many agents installed as the number of parallel jobs.
When I try to install an additional remote agent the installer picks the location of the first agent that is already installed on the automation server. As a result the installation fails.
What I did was: I turned off the first agent and then I run the installer for the new remote agent.
How should I go about installing an addition remote agent?
location of the first agent
I presume you're referring to the agent's home dir. Try overriding it per agent with a distinct location using:
More info:

How to keep logstash service running when I logout from remote server

I configure logstash service following the instructions in the link (logstash as a service using nssm) but I noted that the service does actually not running when I am disconnected from the remote server I installed it.
Is there a way to fix this problem?
The same thing happens also running logstash manually (I mean , running the appropriate bat file in command prompt).

Application Issues in Migrating Websphere from to Liberty profile

i'm trying to migrate WAS server to Liberty Profile. So I downloaded the Migration Tool using the "Install New Software" option in the "Help" Menu just a week ago. I selected the "Migration Tools" -> "Websphere Application Server Migration" -> "Configuration Manager" -> "Websphere Configuration Migration Toolkit for Websphere". Followed below link steps . But while executing comments in command prompt:
wsadmin -lang jython -c "AdminTask.extractConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName my.props'])"
Getting Below error message :
C:\Users\DSIVARAM\WAS-profiles\8.0\SFQ\bin>wsadmin(.sh/.bat) -lang jython -c "AdminTask.extractConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName my.props'])"
WASX7209I: Connected to process "SFQ" on node SFQNode using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
WASX7411W: Ignoring the following provided option: [(.sh/.bat)]
WASX7015E: Exception running command: "AdminTask.extractConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName my.props'])"; exception information:
ADMA0144E: Application SourcingForQuality20031104 is installed with the zero binary copy option. Applications are installed using this option in a Rational unit test environment or using AppManagement MBean API.
When an application is installed using this option it is not possible to perform any operation on this application using wsadmin or administrative console that involves accessing the application metadata or EAR file.
Such operations include view/edit application information, export, export DDL etc. The only possible operations using wsadmin or admin console are start, stop and uninstall.
If this application is installed using WSAD unit test environment then use WSAD to view/edit application information.
Please help me to sort out the issue.
If you are running your server from development tool (Eclipse/Rad), change your server publishing settings from run resources from workspace to run from server , restart and redeploy application. You should be able to export then.
You won't be able to extract application information with extractConfigProperties if you have a zero-binary installed application. I think you can limit the extent of the extract using the -filterMechanism or -configData options to just extract the configuration needed by the application without extracting the application information itself.
See for examples.

Run post processing commands on remote server from informatica cloud

I am running a job on informatica cloud. It picks up a file from a server (remote) and dumps the data into salesforce. I want to run post processing commands from informatica cloud on the source file which is present in the remote server after the informatica job finishes. Is it possible?
Files need to present in the Agent installed machine.
Post processing command file cannot be present in remote location.

CentOS 6.4 Minimal + how to configure jenkins jobs via xml?

I need to create a Build Server in CentOS 6.4 Minimal I sucessfully installed:
Java compiler (OpenJDK 1.7.0)
Git or Mercurial
Now I need to to the following:
At given intervals (eg daily at midnight) is the latest revision in the version control system (tip, HEAD, ...) compiled with Maven. In addition, Java Docs and packages (jar, war) need to be created.
Then Jenkins with all tests conducted and reported.
Make sure there is a report of previous builds
Ensure that the Java Docs and packages can be downloaded (jars, wars, ...) of the latest build
I can't use a GUI on CentOS Minimal so I need to configure the job in xml files? Could please someone show me the way... I'm not a linux server guru.
It's a bit impractical to configure Jenkins via XML by hand, because Jenkins' configuration is spread over multiple files, and the format of the configuration files changes between releases.
Given that Jenkins is a web application, you should be able to visit port 8080 (Jenkins' default port, assuming you didn't change it) on the server where you installed Jenkins (e.g., and configure it via the web interface.
If you're unable to access the web interface because of a firewall or similar, but you are able to SSH to the server (presumably you can, given that you were able to install stuff on it), you could set up an SSH tunnel to forward a port on your local machine to port 8080 on the server. For example, from your local machine, run the following command. You will then be able to access Jenkins on your local machine at http://localhost:28080 . If you're on Windows, you can use Putty to do the same thing.
ssh -L 28080:
If you can't access the web app directly, and you can't SSH tunnel, I'd recommend setting up Jenkins on a server where you can access the web app, configuring it, and copying the XML config files from /var/lib/jenkins on that server across to your Centos server.
