Application Issues in Migrating Websphere from to Liberty profile - websphere

i'm trying to migrate WAS server to Liberty Profile. So I downloaded the Migration Tool using the "Install New Software" option in the "Help" Menu just a week ago. I selected the "Migration Tools" -> "Websphere Application Server Migration" -> "Configuration Manager" -> "Websphere Configuration Migration Toolkit for Websphere". Followed below link steps . But while executing comments in command prompt:
wsadmin -lang jython -c "AdminTask.extractConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName my.props'])"
Getting Below error message :
C:\Users\DSIVARAM\WAS-profiles\8.0\SFQ\bin>wsadmin(.sh/.bat) -lang jython -c "AdminTask.extractConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName my.props'])"
WASX7209I: Connected to process "SFQ" on node SFQNode using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
WASX7411W: Ignoring the following provided option: [(.sh/.bat)]
WASX7015E: Exception running command: "AdminTask.extractConfigProperties(['-propertiesFileName my.props'])"; exception information:
ADMA0144E: Application SourcingForQuality20031104 is installed with the zero binary copy option. Applications are installed using this option in a Rational unit test environment or using AppManagement MBean API.
When an application is installed using this option it is not possible to perform any operation on this application using wsadmin or administrative console that involves accessing the application metadata or EAR file.
Such operations include view/edit application information, export, export DDL etc. The only possible operations using wsadmin or admin console are start, stop and uninstall.
If this application is installed using WSAD unit test environment then use WSAD to view/edit application information.
Please help me to sort out the issue.

If you are running your server from development tool (Eclipse/Rad), change your server publishing settings from run resources from workspace to run from server , restart and redeploy application. You should be able to export then.

You won't be able to extract application information with extractConfigProperties if you have a zero-binary installed application. I think you can limit the extent of the extract using the -filterMechanism or -configData options to just extract the configuration needed by the application without extracting the application information itself.
See for examples.


Trouble building build over Web interface

I set up a CI server for Xamarin.Forms using TeamCity on a mini Mac. When I run the build command from the terminal as root it builds successfully, but when I try to fire up a build from the Web UI it fails with the following error:
Tool exited with code: 1. Output: mdimport will not import on behalf
of root user. Exiting.
Amr, I cannot speak to Mac, but in Windows TC installs by default with the system account which would prevent any program/tools installed under a specific user account to run from TC Web UI. In Windows, I had to change the account for the service under which the teamcity server runs. I'm guessing you would have to do the same for Mac.
Stop the TC server service. Change the service user from system to your user. Start the TC server service.
this happens when you do:
sudo mdimport
but not:
So, make sure that you currently own the current folder and you have read, write and execute permissions as well.
The solution is to install TeamCity in the recommended directory which is the /Library/TeamCity folder.

How to find WebSphere 8.5 Admin console URL in Linux

I installed WebSphere 8.5 on Redhat Linux using the below steps.
1. Unzip the installation kit (, &
2. Login as normal user
3. Navigate to the folder WLP/wlp-8500.jar
4. Install thru Running: 'java -jar wlp-8500.jar'
5. Follow the steps and complete installation (all comand line)
6. Move to wlp folder
7. Create server instance thru Moving to bin folder and Run 'server create <serverName>'
7. Start server thru Running 'server start <serverName>'
8. Check the server status thru Running 'server status <serverName>'
After this setup I created and started the server. It is up and running.
I dont know how to login to Admin console. I tried different URLs and ports nothing is working.
How to find the Admin Console URL or Port no?
You have installed WebSphere Liberty Profile (wlp) not the full (aka classic) WebSphere Application Server. WebSphere Liberty doesn't have full administrative console like classic one. You have only simplified adminCenter feature, which must be installed separately.
The Admin Center is a web user interface that runs on Liberty profile V8.5.5.2 and later servers, since you have version looking at your log, you will have to install later version to see it.
See also:
AdminCenter feature
Settig up AdminCenter in Liberty
AdminCenter on youtube - Overview, New features (03/2015)
If you want full administrative console, you have to use Installation Manager and install WebSphere Application Server, not the Liberty profile.
I can only tell you the default ports you may have changed them:
http : 9060
https: 9043
To find the exact port:
Open WC_profiledir/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt
Look for lines similar to the following:
Administrative console port: 9102
Administrative console secure port: 9104

websphere not starting with error ADMU7704E

I created websphere server. I was able to launch my application with it. However after I enable the debugging , the server is not starting. I am getting the following error
"ADMU7704E: Failed while trying to start the Windows Service associated with
server: server1; probable error executing WASService.exe"
On some sites a workaround was to delete file but I am not seeing any such files in the location.
Please suggest
The first thing to test is to disable the WAS Windows service from Windows Services Panel and then try to start server using command line ie startserver.bat
You run this command from PROFILE_HOME/bin. if this starts fine, you can recreate the service using wasservicecmd
If the manual startup fails , please check if any logs created under PROFILE_HOME/logs// Check for any error messages in SystemOut.log, SystemErr.log , native_stderr and native_stdout logs.
PROFILE_HOME is home directory of WAS profile.
VG, opinions are my own and not those of my employer

unable to start Websphere Application server from RAD

I am using WAS 6.1 for my application development. I have created profiles and configured the JDBC providers and datasource. When i was trying to start the WAS from RAD, i am getting a time out error along with the below information in the RAD console:
Usage: AppServer/java/bin/java [-options] class [args...]
(to execute a class)
or AppServer/java/bin/java [-jar] [-options] jarfile [args...]
(to execute a jar file)
where options include:
-cp -classpath <directories and zip/jar files separated by ;>
set search path for application classes and resources
set a system property
enable verbose output
-version print product version
require the specified version to run
-showversion print product version and continue
-jre-restrict-search | -no-jre-restrict-search
include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof
see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
load native agent library by full pathname
load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
-? -help print this help message
-X print help on non-standard options
-assert print help on assert options*
anyone is having any idea?
Got the same error, it's a bug with RAD creating a buggy script to optimized Websphere server for development.
One workaround is to disable RAD script generation for Websphere.
Double click on your Websphere instance (in the server view), then on the bottom left, uncheck the select box:
-> Optimize server start for development:
--> [ ] "Start server with a generated script".
Then you should be able to start your server in RAD.
More info on this issue on the IBM website.

How to stop/start specfic WebSphere-deployed EAR from command line?

I'm throwing a dependency jar into my exploded EAR on WebSphere app server. I need to stop/start the EAR to get WS to execute the new code. Is there a way to do this from command line?
Try running something like this:
/opt/ibm/websphere/appserver/profiles/<MyProfileName>/bin/ -c "AdminControl.invoke(AdminControl.queryNames('type=ApplicationManager,process=<MyServerName>,*'),'stopApplication','MyAppName')" -lang jython
It will prompt you for a WAS Userid and password (in case you have enabled "Administrative Security") and when you enter them - provided your userid has at least been assigned the Operator Role - your application will be stopped.
In a similar way you may start the same application.
You should be able to manage that using the wsadmin command line tool provided as a part of your WAS installation. Pretty much any administration task can be scripted using this tool.
I don't know the specific command to do what you've asked but here is a link to the documentation that should help get you going.
