How to create content for child pages of a template? - objectscript

I created a Zen page with a header. All is good. I then created a new Zen page and during the wizard specified that it was a "subclass of a template page". So now I have Class Custom.App.HomePage Extends Custom.App.TemplateMaster. If I visit HomePage.cls I see the header from the template. However, the HomePage class has no XData Contents section so I have no idea how to actually add content. I tried adding the section but once I do then I don't see the template content anymore.
So, how do I put content in a page that extends another page as a template?
The only documentation I found about templates doesn't really help and unfortunately I don't have access to the sample files mentioned.

You can do it using pane's. You can create differents XData with the identifier that you want, and add a pane object using the paneName. This is a simple example:
Class Custom.App.TemplateMaster
XData Contents
<page xmlns="" >
<pane paneName="HomePageContent" width="100%" />
Class Custom.App.HomePage Extends Custom.App.TemplateMaster
XData HomePageContent
<!-- the specific content of your HomePage ->


Magento 2, add a custom block with page builder

I have Magento 2.4.3.
I created a custom block inside a custom module.
I tried to use it inside a custom layout of a custom theme
It works.
Now i want use it with page builder.
In back-end when i try to select the block to insert it inside a page the block not exists, how can i register it to show it in list?
namespace Goteam\HelloWorld\Block;
class Display extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
public function __construct(\Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context $context)
public function sayHello()
return __('Hello World');
I don't think it's possible (yet) to register to show it in the (static) block list or the sidebar. I've been looking into the core module source code and it seems the elements from the page builder are built using ui_components.
You can however add it inside a HTML code block using a "shortcode":
{{block class="Goteam\HelloWorld\Block\Display" name="hello" template="Goteam_HelloWorld::template.phtml" area="frontend"}}

Magento, checkout/cart block not loading in ajax extension

I'm programming an ajax extension to Magento and I'm having trouble when I try to make checkout/cart work with it.
I want to reload the entire block, including the item and also the cart totals after a change in any product in the cart.
I've modified the layout as many sites said and I can't get the checkout/cart block render well.
My two solutions were:
1° Tryed to update the layout via an xml file, and I get a false in $block_cart.
I've a class
Mati_Ajax_CartController extends Mage_Checkout_CartController
public function updateShoppingCartAction()
$block_cart = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('checkout/cart');
and a xml file (which I'm sure i'ts being loaded beacause the js pointed there is loading)
<update handle="checkout_cart_index" />
2° Tryed to create the block
public function updateShoppingCartAction()
$block_cart = $this->getLayout()->getBlockSingleton('checkout/cart')->setTemplate("checkout/cart.phtml")->toHtml();
And here I get the block, but when the template executes $this->getChildHtml('totals');
It gets a false anwer, so the webpage has some differences with the previousone
Does anybody knows how to make this work ?
In your first attempt just append ->toHtml();
Alternatively you could have included that as a command in the xml output="toHtml"
Check how the checkout/onepage/review functions if you are looking for advice.
There they access the response object and then set the body of the response to the html variable, in your case $block_cart
The key was in the xml file
<update handle="checkout_cart_index" />

First component creation based on HelloWorld failed

I'm trying to create my first component for Joomla 2.5 but when try to execute get this error:
Error: 500
You may not be able to visit this page because of:
an out-of-date bookmark/favourite
a search engine that has an out-of-date listing for this site
a mistyped address
you have no access to this page
The requested resource was not found.
An error has occurred while processing your request.
View not found [name, type, prefix]: transportation, html, transportationView
What I've developed now is very basic and this is the controller under site/components/com_transportation/controllers/controller.php
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// import Joomla controller library
class TransportationController extends JController {
And under site/components/com_transportation/views/view.html.php this:
// No direct access to this file
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
// import Joomla view library
class TransportationViewTransportation extends JView {
// Overwriting JView display method
function display($tpl = null) {
// Assign data to the view
$this->msg = 'Hello World';
// Display the view
What I'm missing? What is wrong?
Your folder structure is incorrect. Your view file must be in site/components/com_transportation/views/transportation/view.html.php
Try this ,
When you start developing a new component go through the tutorial deeply,Then start modifying the samples .
follow this url it will help you .Its for 1.5 but the things are same for 2.5.
Only you have to mention version in the xml
<install type="component" version="1.5.0">
Also you will get a sample component download from this.
Download it and compare with your component then find the issue.
Hope this may helps..
View not found [name, type, prefix]: transportation, html, transportationView
Means just tha no view was found with the class name of transporationViewtransporation and the type view.html.php. What is the name of the class in your view.html.php file? is the second transportation really lower case like that? Also what are the name(s) of your layout and xml files in the tmpl folder?

Magento custom admin menu dropdown

I need a little help: I’m developing an admin module, where I create two menus. I want to set the links in the config.xml, but I do not get it. My config.xml is as follows.
<menuitem1 module="PrecosMargens">
<title>Actualizar Preços Custos</title>
<menuitem2 module="PrecosMargens">
<title>Actualizar Preços vendas</title>
But with the MenuItem2 get error 404. Can you help me how to solve this? In the controller file I have just as follows:
class lbonus_PrecosMargens_ExampleController extends Mage_Adminhtml_Controller_Action
public function indexAction()
// "Fetch" display
// "Inject" into display
// THe below example will not actualy show anything since the core/template is empty
//defino o template
// "Output" display
I wanted to do is to have two different layouts, one layout to another to link1 and link2
The second action (PrecosMargens/example2) is trying to find a method indexAction() in a separate class lbonus_PrecosMargens_Example2Controller. You need two controllers for the two actions.
You could have one controller instead. Change the actions to PrecosMargens/example/custos and PrecosMargens/example/vendas which cause the matching methods custosAction() and vendasAction() to be used.
The action (which becomes part of the URL) is in the form "router/controller/action". The router is matched to your module by the <routers> section of that module's config.xml file.
The controller becomes the class name with "Controller" appended to it, so in this case the "example" becomes your module's "ExampleController".
The action part leads to that class' method with "Action" appended to it. You can see "custos" becomes the custosAction() method.
When one of these parts is missing it defaults to "index", so a default controller is "IndexController" and a default action is "indexAction". If you just used "PrecosMargens" it would be used as if it were "PrecosMargens/index/index".

Images in Magento widgets

I am developing a site for a fashion client in Magento Community version 1.4.2 and as part of this project I need to have some customized home page promotion blocks to feature specific products or categories of products. For this I thought I would write my own widget and have made pretty good progress in this with the exception of how to deal with images. I need to include an image as part of the promotion. In my widget definition file I included the following parameter
<description>Promotion image</description>
This seemed at first to work fine and when creating/editing a widget in the admin back end a file upload field is included in the widget options however on saving the form the image does not appear to be uploaded, or its details retained in the database. Does anyone else have experience of using images in widgets and what I may be doing wrong?
There are a couple reason why it doesn't save/upload the image:
The form enctype needs to be "multipart/form-data" for a file upload to work
Even if you change the form enctype to "multipart/form-data" you will notice if you monitor the requests that it gets POST'ed as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" this is because it is done through ajax and ajax by itself can't process a file upload, you need to process them separately.
I have successfully implemented a "Insert Image" button which initialises the Media Library dialogue where you can browse your server for images and/or upload images.
Once the user clicks "Insert File" it inserts the full image url into a textbox in the widget so it's passed along like a normal field to your template.
This is how I achieved it:
In your widget.xml specify a new node:
<image translate="label">
<button translate="open">
<open>Insert Image...</open>
The helper block type <type>widgets/cms_wysiwyg_images_chooser</type> is a custom class, so you can change it to anything you want as long as you create the class/files correctly.
class Stackoverflow_Widgets_Block_Cms_Wysiwyg_Images_Chooser extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template
public function prepareElementHtml(Varien_Data_Form_Element_Abstract $element)
$config = $this->getConfig();
$chooseButton = $this->getLayout()->createBlock('adminhtml/widget_button')
->setClass('scalable btn-chooser')
->setOnclick('MediabrowserUtility.openDialog(\''.$this->getUrl('*/cms_wysiwyg_images/index', array('target_element_id' => $element->getName())).'\')')
$text = new Varien_Data_Form_Element_Text();
->setClass('widget-option input-text');
if ($element->getRequired()) {
if ($element->getValue()) {
$element->setData('after_element_html', $text->getElementHtml().$chooseButton->toHtml());
return $element;
And that is it! You should now have a new field in your widget options called "Image" with a textbox and a button in which you can insert the url to an image on your server and display it from your template.
A quick explanation of how it works:
A button is created that has an onclick function that calls the Media Library dialogue by calling MediabrowserUtility.openDialog() which along is passed the parameter target_element_id which tells media library what element to set the value in once they user clicks "Insert File" so we simply pass along the id of our textbox in the widget for it to receive the url of the image that the user selected.
Hope this helps someone as I couldn't find any resources out there that explained how to do it so I spent quite a while digging through Magento to work it all out :)
What I would like to do in the future is have it so it displays the image after you select it in the widget, and it stores the url in a hidden field, but having an onchange bind is not fired when the value is set to the element from js/mage/adminhtml/browser.js in the insert function, so without changing the core files it is a lot harder to do. I thought about playing around with when the form gets focus again after the Media Library closes or a timer (pretty dodgey but would work), but I have other things to move on to and may come back to it later!
The URL's that the Media Library generates are like so:
Which are a cached image, and only work if the user is an admin. Stupid? Yes. If you insert the same image in to a CMS page when the html is generated for output it converts it to the original url on the server accessible via /media/wysiwyg/path/to/file/photo.jpg. We need the original url to show to the user, so what we can do is hook into the function that generates the widget html (when you click "Insert Widget") and look for /admin/cms_wysiwyg/directive/___directive/ and replace it with the original URL to the image as the CMS page does.
In your config.xml for your custom widgets:
Then create the model Widget code\local\Stackoverflow\Widgets\Model\Widget.php:
class Stackoverflow_Widgets_Model_Widget extends Mage_Widget_Model_Widget
public function getWidgetDeclaration($type, $params = array(), $asIs = true)
foreach($params as $k => $v){
if(strpos($v,'/admin/cms_wysiwyg/directive/___directive/') !== false){
$parts = explode('/',parse_url($v, PHP_URL_PATH));
$key = array_search('___directive', $parts);
if($key !== false){
$directive = $parts[$key+1];
$src = Mage::getModel('core/email_template_filter')->filter(Mage::helper('core')->urlDecode($directive));
$params[$k] = parse_url($src, PHP_URL_PATH);
return parent::getWidgetDeclaration($type, $params, $asIs);
Which overrides the getWidgetDeclaration function which is called every time a the widget output is produced for a textarea/wysiwyg and looks through all the parameters and if it finds an image that is linked to the admin cache it will find out the original image and overwrite the variable in the array and call the original function with the parameters.
If the cached image is not found the function will work as normal.
UPDATE: 13/09/2012
As Jonathan Day pointed out you have to overwrite Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance also if you want it to work in a Widget Instance.
I haven't had the need to add an image to a widget through a Widget Instance until now and was confused why my function didn't work, until I investigated and realised the "popup" widget instances use Mage_Widget_Model_Widget and the widget instances that are used on a Widget options tab (no popup) are Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance and do not extend Mage_Widget_Model_Widget so do not inherit the functionality.
To add the functionality to Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance simply add the line <widget_instance>Petbarn_Widgets_Model_Widget_Instance</widget_instance> to your config.xml so it will look like:
Then create the model Instance code\local\Stackoverflow\Widgets\Model\Widget\Instance.php:
class Petbarn_Widgets_Model_Widget_Instance extends Mage_Widget_Model_Widget_Instance
protected function _beforeSave()
if (is_array($this->getData('widget_parameters'))) {
$params = $this->getData('widget_parameters');
foreach($params as $k => $v){
if(strpos($v,'/cms_wysiwyg/directive/___directive/') !== false){
$parts = explode('/',parse_url($v, PHP_URL_PATH));
$key = array_search('___directive', $parts);
if($key !== false){
$directive = $parts[$key+1];
$src = Mage::getModel('core/email_template_filter')->filter(Mage::helper('core')->urlDecode($directive));
$params[$k] = parse_url($src, PHP_URL_PATH);
$this->setData('widget_parameters', $params);
return parent::_beforeSave();
This time we are modifying the widget_parameters data at the start of the _beforeSave() function so it fixes up the url before it saves it.
You also have to ensure the /js/mage/adminhtml/browser.js javascript file is included (in my case it wasn't) to get the MediabrowserUtility functionality.
To ensure it is included, the easiest way is to include it for all of admin (didn't spend much time targeting it better).
Create a local.xml for adminhtml layouts (if you don't already have one): app\design\adminhtml\default\default\layout\local.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<layout version="0.1.0">
<reference name="head">
<action method="addJs"><script>mage/adminhtml/browser.js</script></action>
This will make Magento include js/mage/adminhtml/browser.js on every page of admin so MediabrowserUtility will always be available.
NOTE: I'm using Magento Enterprise so I'm not sure how it behaves on other versions.
I solved this use case by creating a custom field type for widgets:
<description>Promotion image</description>
I implemented a block Aijko_WidgetImageChooser_Block_Chooser that triggers the standard Magento image chooser element.
To solve the problem with the non clear url to the image file I implemented a custom controller Aijko_WidgetImageChooser_Adminhtml_Cms_Wysiwyg_Images_ChooserController that handles the return value from the Magento standard image chooser.
The value is added to a textbox in the widget. This relative url to the image then can be used to show the image in the frontend.
Feel free to try the extension available on Github or install directly using Magento Connect.
Thx krus for you answer! I've found a nicer way to solve the problem with the cached image URLs. I even had to do this, because your solution overwriting the Widget Model didn't work with Magento
So what I have done is adding a new GET parameter use_file_url to the URL used for the Chooser Block:
$url = $this->getUrl(
'target_element_id' => $element->getName(),
'use_file_url' => 1
This passes the GET parameter to the media browser. The next step is to pass this parameter to the onInsertAction of the Mage_Adminhtml_Cms_Wysiwyg_ImagesController. Do do this, you have to override the getOnInsertUrl() function of the Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Cms_Wysiwyg_Images_Content Block:
public function getOnInsertUrl()
$useFileUrl = (int)$this->getRequest()->getParam('use_file_url', 0);
return $this->getUrl('*/*/onInsert', array('use_file_url' => $useFileUrl));
Then you need to handle the new parameter in the Mage_Adminhtml_Cms_Wysiwyg_ImagesController controller:
public function onInsertAction()
$useFileUrl = (int)$this->getRequest()->getParam('use_file_url', 0) == 1 ? true : false;
$helper = Mage::helper('cms/wysiwyg_images');
$storeId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('store');
$filename = $this->getRequest()->getParam('filename');
$filename = $helper->idDecode($filename);
$asIs = $this->getRequest()->getParam('as_is');
if ($useFileUrl == false) {
$image = $helper->getImageHtmlDeclaration($filename, $asIs);
} else {
$image = $helper->getImageMediaUrl($filename);
The last step is to override the Mage_Cms_Helper_Wysiwyg_Images helper and add the getImageMediaUrl() function:
public function getImageMediaUrl($filename)
return $this->getCurrentUrl() . $filename;
I think this is a quite pretty approach, even though you have to ovverride 4 classes. But passing a GET parameter seems to be more future safe than parsing the cached URL.
There is no file uploads for widgets. To solve that problem you may use magento media browser and select image like for wysiwyg editor, but there is other issue, media browser do not return clear url of image.
As of Magento version you will also need to add the following to your adminhtml layout file:
Magento's Image custom attributes normally does not come to extension tab and you will have to go to Catalog>Product> Images to assign this attribute. But with some custom coding you can achieve this.
