Magento 2, add a custom block with page builder - magento

I have Magento 2.4.3.
I created a custom block inside a custom module.
I tried to use it inside a custom layout of a custom theme
It works.
Now i want use it with page builder.
In back-end when i try to select the block to insert it inside a page the block not exists, how can i register it to show it in list?
namespace Goteam\HelloWorld\Block;
class Display extends \Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template
public function __construct(\Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template\Context $context)
public function sayHello()
return __('Hello World');

I don't think it's possible (yet) to register to show it in the (static) block list or the sidebar. I've been looking into the core module source code and it seems the elements from the page builder are built using ui_components.
You can however add it inside a HTML code block using a "shortcode":
{{block class="Goteam\HelloWorld\Block\Display" name="hello" template="Goteam_HelloWorld::template.phtml" area="frontend"}}


Laravel disable controller action layout

Is there a way to disable layout for certain controller method?
Im using something like $this->layout = null ,yet it still render the layout
The view im rendering obviously have a layout associate with it, i just wonder is it possbile to disable the layout from within controller method, without need to modify the blade file itself
Here is the controller:
class PurchaserController extends \BaseController
public function index()
$this->layout = null;
return View::make('purchasers.index');
The view:
Im using Laravel 4
Just remove
from your view. That will prevent the view from loading.
Also - if you are using the #extends - then you dont actually need $this->layout() in your controller at all
" i just wonder is it possbile to disable the layout from within controller method, without need to modify the blade file itself"
The idea is you do it either entirely from the controller, or entirely from the blade file. Not both together.

CodeIgniter Dry Navigation

My boss told me make dry navigation dont use repetitive code, for navigation i am trying to extend CI_Controler and with construct load header nav, body, footer files.
My question is when i create new controller and when i try to load different view files, how to achive that???
my extended controler
class MY_Controller extends CI_Controller
public function __construct() {
and later when i am creating new controler how to load diffrent view files
class Pages extends MY_Controller
public function __construct() {
You can create a template library yourself. For example :
function template($view_name,$view_data){
//below will return html string from view name
$data['content'] = $this->load->view($view_name,$view_data,true)
//load main template view and pass the html string to main template
In main template, just echo $content
If I understand your question, you're trying to achieve a template situation. For this, the best way is to actually call your templates view files within a primary page view. What I mean is your controller function (not the constructor, an actual class function representing a page) should call a primary view such as
$this->load->view('page1', $this->data);
and within that file, you call
$this->load->view('nav', $this->data);
then your content and then
$this->load->view('footer', $this->data);
You would then repeat the process for page 2 where in your controller's page2 function, you would call
$this->load->view('page2', $this->data);
and your page2 view file is almost identical to page1 except you use your page 2 content in that area.
You could even use a single template view file and pass it a $content variable (which obviously changes per page) and call
$this->load->view('template', $this->data);

Convert Mangento module page to use a cms page

I have a module that creates pages in Magento. Since I can't duplicate the functionality of the module in a CMS page, I want to convert the module to produce pages that use the CMS model for its page output. I was looking in the Controller and this code looks promising, but I not sure what I would change. Can anyone help me?
// Setup layout handles
foreach (array('catalog/session', 'checkout/session') as $class_name) {
$storage = Mage::getSingleton($class_name);
if ($storage) {
// Render our layout
Take a look #
Replace your controller method with
public function noRouteAction($coreRoute = null)
$pageId = {cms page key};
if (!Mage::helper('cms/page')->renderPage($this, $pageId)) {

Magento: how to add a link via code to a block of a custom module?

I'm trying to add a link to one of my blocks to a specific action of one of my controllers. Looking through the class docs and googling didn't resolve something useful. (maybe I just used the wrong search queries).
My Controller has two actions:
indexAction() and exportAction()
Now, in one of my blocks I wand to add link to exportAction(). I've found the method addLink() but this doesn't work.
Maybe anyone knows how to do that ? Or could point me to the right resources on the net ?
Regards, Alex
Block Example:
class Polyvision_Tempest_Block_Adminhtml_View extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template
public function __construct()
protected function _toHtml()
$html = "whatever";
return $html;
Your question isn't clear/complete.
A block renders HTML, either through a phtml template or through PHP code. To add an HTML link, you just render a html anchor tag with an href
//via PHP
protected function _toHtml()
$html = 'My Link';
return $html;
//via phtml template
#your block
class Polyvision_Tempest_Block_Adminhtml_View extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Template
protected function _construct()
#your template
My Link';
The addLink method is a special method that only applies to certain types of blocks. When you call it it add links information to the block's data properties. Then, it's _toHtml method or phtml template has been written such that it loops over the stored data to output links. It doesn't apply to general blocks, which is what makes your question confusing.
Hope that helps!

Is it good practice to add own file in lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element folder

I need to create module in Magento which will have few database tables. One of the function of the module is adding multiple images.
For example while being on the "Add new item" or "Edit item" page in the admin, from the left side I have tabs, one of them is "Item Images". When being clicked I want the content of this tab to be my own custom one.
After digging into the code, found out that the way it renders this content, Magento is using one of the Varien_Data_Form_Element classes for each element in the full form. I want to add my own class here that will render form elements the way I want.
Is this a good practice to do so, or there is some other more elegant way of adding own content in the admin forms?
EDIT: I must add that none of the existing classes is helping my problem.
I have a controller in my custom module that is in Mypackage/Mymodule/controllers/Adminhtml/Item.php. In the editAction() method which I am using for adding and creating new items, I am creating 2 blocks, one for the form and one left for the tabs:
The Block/Adminhtml/Edit/Tabs.php block is creating 2 tabs on the left: General Info and Item Images, each of them are rendering different content on the right side using Block classes.
protected function _beforeToHtml()
$this->addTab('item_info', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('mymodule')->__('Item Info'),
'content'=> $this->getLayout()->createBlock('item/adminhtml_edit_tab_form')->toHtml(),
$this->addTab('item_images', array(
'label' => Mage::helper('mymodule')->__('Item Images'),
'active' => ( $this->getRequest()->getParam('tab') == 'item_images' ) ? true : false,
'content' => $this->getLayout()->createBlock('item/adminhtml_images')->toHtml(),
return parent::_beforeToHtml();
I wanted the tab item_images to render my own form elements and values, not the default varien form elements.
class Mypackage_Mymodule_Block_Adminhtml_Images extends Mage_Core_Block_Template
public function __construct()
$this->setTemplate('item/images.phtml'); //This is in adminhtml design
public function getPostId()
return $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
public function getExistingImages()
return Mage::getModel('mymodule/item')->getImages($this->getPostId());
Then in the template app/design/adminhtml/default/default/template/item/images.phtml you can use these values:
//You can add your own custom form fields here and all of them will be included in the form
foreach($this->getExistingImages() as $_img):
//Do something with each image
//You can add your own custom form fields here and all of them will be included in the form
No, it's not. You should never edit or add to files that provided by a vendor. If you absolutely must replace a class file you should use the local code pool. For example, if you wanted to change the behavior of a text field,
You should place a file in the local or community code pool
However, doing the replaces the class, and it becomes your responsibility to maintain compatibility with future versions. That means if Magento Inc. changes lib/Varien/Data/Form/Element/Text.php, you need to update your version to be compatible.
Based on what you said I'd look into creating a class rewrite for the Block class that renders the form.
