Importing GeneratedSource in Gradle - gradle

I'm generating some source files via ANTLR. I want to use those files while writing my own source code.
When I use the generateGrammarSource task the code is perfectly generated but goes to the build\generated-src directory. When I import classes from that directory, both my build task and the make project compiles successfully. But IntelliSense is generating a metric ton of errors and warnings (mostly indicating that the imports are non-existent - Cannot resolve Symbol, even though they really are there).
Is this a problem with IntelliJ, what can I do to appease IntelliSense, so I can continue my work in peace?

Basically you should have the following setup:
def generatedDir = 'src/main/gen'
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs += [generatedDir]
task generateGrammarSource // need to generate the file under src/main/gen
compileTask.dependsOn(generateGrammarSource) // don't know the exact name of the compile task
clean << {
You'll also need to add the generated sources to IntelliJ, google for it.


How can I generate an entire gradle subproject and have it as a dependency in another project?

So let's say I have the following settings.gradle:
include 'math-server'
project(':math-server').projectDir = file('math/server')
include 'math-client-gen'
project(':math-client-gen').projectDir = file('math/client')
include 'ai'
Now I'd like to not commit the any of the files in math-client-gen (including the build.gradle) since those are generated by a build job in math-server:
// math/server/build.gradle
task generateClient(type:Exec) {
workingDir '.'
commandLine './client-generator/'
The leverages the openapi client generator for kotlin.
Now the ai project relies on the math-client-gen:
// ai/build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(':math-client-gen')
Now I have currently found two suboptimal ways to make this work.
Option 1 is to run ./gradlew :math-server:generateClient before I'm able to run ./gradlew :ai:build. This sucks, since you cannot build ai on its own anymore.
Option 2 is to commit the files, which of course also isn't the way it should be.
I'm sure there is a better way to do it with gradle, but I just didn't manage to find it yet. As a compromise, I'd be willing to commit the generated math-client-gen/build.gradle if it doesn't work without that.
What's the best solution to this problem?
Note: I also saw something like:
implementation files(layout.buildDirectory.dir('classes')) {
builtBy 'compile'
in the docs, that looks promising, but i'd like to have it for an entire subproject and not just some source files if possible.
// ai/build.gradle
afterEvaluate {":math-client").tasks["generateClient"])
To automate your first option.
I ended up committing the build.gradle of the math-client-gen and have this line there:
// math/client/build.gradle
compileKotlin {
dependsOn ':math-server:buildMathClient'
This ensures that the client is always generated when this project is listed as a dependency somewhere.
Then you can simply add the math-client-gen as a dependency in other projects, no additional steps required:
// ai/build.gradle
dependencies {
compile project(':math-client-gen')

Duplicate generated class gradle output (build/...) vs intellij output (out/...)

I'm using intellij (2019.1.1) for a java gradle (5.4.1) project and use lombok (1.18.6) for autogenerating code. Intellij puts generated sources under out/production/classes/generated/... and gradle puts them under build/generated/sources/...
This is fine, and I like that intellij keeps it's own build artifacts separate from gradles, however, intellij seems to look in both directories when running projects and it complains about the duplicate generated classes.
What is the best practice for using intellij with gradle and autogenerated sources? Do you:
tell intellij to output to the same directory as gradle (this
could lead to odd behaviour if a process outside of intellij updates
a file under build/)
tell intellij to perform all tasks with
gradle (i hear this is slower than intellij's make)
tell intellij
to simply ignore the 'build' directory (how do you even do this? and
why does intellij even care about 'build/' when it knows it outputs
to 'out/')
UPDATE: to clarify the situation, the issue is NOT with lombok autogenerated code, it is with hibernate-jpamodelgen. The problem remains the same (duplicate generated sources) but I want to clarify the it is the sources generated by jpamodelgen and not lombok.
UPDATE 2: I have tried the following configuration in an attempt to tell intellij where the generated sources live and also to tell intellij to ignore the build directory. Sadly, this did not work (still get duplicate class error on the generated source files).
apply plugin: 'idea'
idea {
module {
sourceDirs += file('out/production/classes/generated')
generatedSourceDirs += file('out/production/classes/generated')
excludeDirs += file('build')
Tried the advice from M.Riccuiti and deleted build/, out/, .idea/, .gradle/ and reimported the gradle project but intellij is still seeing the generated sources in the build/ directory.
Here is an approach that finally worked for me. The trick is to notice that when gradle generates the classes, it puts them in:
but intellij has the production sources directory set to "generated" in this case, the sources go to:
if you compile with gradle first and then use idea, you get both of them, which causes the problem!
To solve this, replace "generated" and "generated_test" in the intellij annotation processors "production sources directory " and "test sources directory " configuration with just a "/" this makes both gradle and intellij generate the sources in the SAME directory, overwriting each other as needed. Also make sure that the "store generated sources relative to" is set to "module content root" and REBUILD the application to clear out any other sources.
The solution I proposed in previous comment was working fine in IDEA 2018.3.x but after upgrading to IDEA 2019.1 I again got this duplicate class exception...
Below is a working solution to make this work with Gradle 5.x (tested with 5.4) and IDEA 2019.1 , to implement your solution #3 which I think is the best option (do not mix gradle & idea generated output directories, and do not delegate IDEA action do Gradle )
The key point is to use excludeDirs property from idea.module extension to make IDEA ignore generated sources managed by Gradle under build/generated/sources/...
ext {
// path to Gradle generated main sources directory
gradleGeneratedMainSourcesDir = "$buildDir/generated/sources/annotationProcessor/java/main/"
// path to Gradle generated test sources directory
gradleGeneratedTestSourcesDir = "$buildDir/generated/sources/annotationProcessor/java/test/"
// path to IDEA generated sources directory
ideaGeneratedSourcesDir = "$projectDir/out/production/classes/generated"
idea {
module {
// exclude main & test sources generated by Gradle from project source directories
excludeDirs += file(gradleGeneratedMainSourcesDir)
excludeDirs += file(gradleGeneratedTestSourcesDir)
// include generated sources directory managed by IDEA
sourceDirs += file(ideaGeneratedSourcesDir)
generatedSourceDirs += file(ideaGeneratedSourcesDir)
See complete sample project based on this configuration here :
You can enter to IntelliJ Settings (Preferences):
Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle | Runner
Then you tick the checkbox Delegate IDE build/run action to Gradle
Finally, you clean and build again. The issues will be resolved.

Manage generated resources for project in Gradle

I have a Gradle project which has a lot of resources in the /src/main/resources folder. For performance reasons, some resources have to be generated from other resources at build time. So I split everything up into sub-projects:
/MainProj/src/main/java - The application
/InternalProj/src/main/java - Code for generating additional resources for MainProj
When I run InternalProj using a special Gradle task, it generates some files to /InternalProj/output which I then copy to /MainProj/src/main/resources. Needless to say, this is really ugly and I'd like to know how to do this in a better way. Should I put it somewhere into build or directly into /MainProj/src/main/resources? Maybe use a symlink?
I now use a relative symlink from /src/main/generated-resources to /build/something and so far it works fine. But now I have a different problem: I have task A that generates some resources and task B that depends on those resources and thus on A. If I run gradle B or gradle A B, B will still fail since the resources generated by A didn't get updated into its build folder. How can I force Gradle to update the resources?
You can add the output file to the main source set of the InternalProj:
Example Groovy Code:
sourceSets {
main {
resources {
srcDirs "src/main/resources", "output"
Related answer:

Gradle: assemble output of a specific configuration

For a project, I have a custom configuration which should simply extend the default one, both in terms of java sources and in terms of dependencies.
This is what it looks like at the moment:
configurations {
// Tools inherits everything from default and adds on
sourceSets {
main {
java {
srcDirs = ['src']
tools {
java {
// Tools extends on the core sources
srcDirs = + ['src-tools']
dependencies {
compile libs.a
compile libs.b
compile libs.c
// Tools adds on the dependencies of the default configuration
toolsCompile libs.d
toolsCompile libs.e
I know I could have also used sub-projects for this. I gave up on it, after trying, because I can't get it work properly together with the Eclipse integration plugin (it works fine when used from command line).
I have a couple of questions on the solution above:
Is the way I extend correct? Is there a more elegant way?
EDIT: Apparently it is not correct, as gradle eclipse generates a .classpath with a duplicate entry for src. Help please?
After I created my tools configuration, I know I can for example use it as a dependency from another project, as in compile project(path: ':myproject', configuration: 'tools'). What do I need to add if I instead want to get the output of the assemble task for my tools configuration? Do I have to make an explicit task for that? The task toolsClasses is created automatically, but not toolsAssemble or toolsBuild.

How to compile single class dependency in gradle outside the main project

I have a gradle project that contains only Selenium/TestNG test classes. They are executed against a deployed war application. All works fine and now I'm adding a java utility that will query the test base and print list of tests that belong to a given TestNG group. The utility should be compiled and executed separate from the main project, as users may want to query the test base before test execution.
I added the following to build.gradle:
task listgroups(dependsOn:'buildUtil' ) <<{ 'util.TestGroupScanner', fork: true,
classpath: "src/test/java")
task buildUtil {
compile {
source = "src/test/java/util"
However, when calling listgroups task, I'm getting the following error:
C:\console-bg1>g listgroups
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'console-bg1'.
> Could not find method compile() for arguments [build_4emu7duna2isgubc1k8uts8k9
8$_run_closure6_closure11#d210ab] on root project 'console-bg1'.
I'm not sure how to resolve this issue and needless to say, haven't found an answer online so far. Any pointers appreciated.
The problem is in the buildUtil task, as the error suggests. The buildUtil declares a compile closure, but such closure does not exist for the default task.
Let me try to clarify what your setup is. The util.TestGroupScanner source is in the src/test/java/util directory, which you want to compile separately from other source (presumably src/main/java and src/test/java). The buildUtil task is supposed to compile sources in src/test/java/util, and the listgroups task executes the scanner utility on sources src/test/java folder.
In this case, I'd suggest you declare a new source set for your utility sources, like this:
sourceSets {
util {
java {
srcDir 'src/test/java/util'
This will automatically create a compile task called compileUtilJava for you, that will compile those sources. I also think you'll want to include utility classes in the classpath when executing your tool, which can be retrieved by sourceSets.util.output.classesDir. So now your listgroups task will look like:
task listgroups(dependsOn: 'compileUtilJava' ) <<{ 'util.TestGroupScanner', fork: true,
classpath: "src/test/java:" + sourceSets.util.output.classesDir)
One thing I have noticed about your setup, is that src/test/java/util source folder is nested under src/test/java. Gradle will assume src/test/java to be the default folder for your project test, and will therefore automatically include it, and all of its children when running tests. Since you want to keep your utility folder separate from the default setup, I would recommend you put it in src/testutil/java, to avoid any clashes. If you do, don't forget to update the sourceSets setup above with the correct source path.
To solve this with gradle, I suggest to create a specific sourceset for your util class and add a task of type JavaExec that executes this class for printing your testng groups. Have a look at the following snippet:
apply plugin:'java'
testUtilCompile.extendsFrom testCompile
java {
srcDir "src/test/java"
include "util/**"
task printGroups(type:JavaExec){
main = "util.TestGroupScanner"
classpath = sourceSets.testUtil.runtimeClasspath
