Duplicate generated class gradle output (build/...) vs intellij output (out/...) - gradle

I'm using intellij (2019.1.1) for a java gradle (5.4.1) project and use lombok (1.18.6) for autogenerating code. Intellij puts generated sources under out/production/classes/generated/... and gradle puts them under build/generated/sources/...
This is fine, and I like that intellij keeps it's own build artifacts separate from gradles, however, intellij seems to look in both directories when running projects and it complains about the duplicate generated classes.
What is the best practice for using intellij with gradle and autogenerated sources? Do you:
tell intellij to output to the same directory as gradle (this
could lead to odd behaviour if a process outside of intellij updates
a file under build/)
tell intellij to perform all tasks with
gradle (i hear this is slower than intellij's make)
tell intellij
to simply ignore the 'build' directory (how do you even do this? and
why does intellij even care about 'build/' when it knows it outputs
to 'out/')
UPDATE: to clarify the situation, the issue is NOT with lombok autogenerated code, it is with hibernate-jpamodelgen. The problem remains the same (duplicate generated sources) but I want to clarify the it is the sources generated by jpamodelgen and not lombok.
UPDATE 2: I have tried the following configuration in an attempt to tell intellij where the generated sources live and also to tell intellij to ignore the build directory. Sadly, this did not work (still get duplicate class error on the generated source files).
apply plugin: 'idea'
idea {
module {
sourceDirs += file('out/production/classes/generated')
generatedSourceDirs += file('out/production/classes/generated')
excludeDirs += file('build')
Tried the advice from M.Riccuiti and deleted build/, out/, .idea/, .gradle/ and reimported the gradle project but intellij is still seeing the generated sources in the build/ directory.

Here is an approach that finally worked for me. The trick is to notice that when gradle generates the classes, it puts them in:
but intellij has the production sources directory set to "generated" in this case, the sources go to:
if you compile with gradle first and then use idea, you get both of them, which causes the problem!
To solve this, replace "generated" and "generated_test" in the intellij annotation processors "production sources directory " and "test sources directory " configuration with just a "/" this makes both gradle and intellij generate the sources in the SAME directory, overwriting each other as needed. Also make sure that the "store generated sources relative to" is set to "module content root" and REBUILD the application to clear out any other sources.

The solution I proposed in previous comment was working fine in IDEA 2018.3.x but after upgrading to IDEA 2019.1 I again got this duplicate class exception...
Below is a working solution to make this work with Gradle 5.x (tested with 5.4) and IDEA 2019.1 , to implement your solution #3 which I think is the best option (do not mix gradle & idea generated output directories, and do not delegate IDEA action do Gradle )
The key point is to use excludeDirs property from idea.module extension to make IDEA ignore generated sources managed by Gradle under build/generated/sources/...
ext {
// path to Gradle generated main sources directory
gradleGeneratedMainSourcesDir = "$buildDir/generated/sources/annotationProcessor/java/main/"
// path to Gradle generated test sources directory
gradleGeneratedTestSourcesDir = "$buildDir/generated/sources/annotationProcessor/java/test/"
// path to IDEA generated sources directory
ideaGeneratedSourcesDir = "$projectDir/out/production/classes/generated"
idea {
module {
// exclude main & test sources generated by Gradle from project source directories
excludeDirs += file(gradleGeneratedMainSourcesDir)
excludeDirs += file(gradleGeneratedTestSourcesDir)
// include generated sources directory managed by IDEA
sourceDirs += file(ideaGeneratedSourcesDir)
generatedSourceDirs += file(ideaGeneratedSourcesDir)
See complete sample project based on this configuration here : https://github.com/mricciuti/sample-springboot-gradle-idea

You can enter to IntelliJ Settings (Preferences):
Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle | Runner
Then you tick the checkbox Delegate IDE build/run action to Gradle
Finally, you clean and build again. The issues will be resolved.


Gradle Idea plugin - issues with specifing test sources

I'm trying to create a custom source set and mark its contents in Intellij Idea as a Test Sources Root. I tried to use idea plugin and do it according to the gradle official website but it is not clear for me how it works.
First of all the documentation specifies the following configuration setup
idea {
module {
When I try to use it i receive Unresolved reference: testSources. Where is it coming from?
Then I tried to use:
idea {
module {
testSourceDirs = intTest.java.srcDirs
it works fine as long as I use only Java. After applying Kotlin plugin however, both kotlin and java + resources folder are again treated as Sources Root not Test Sources. To fix that I had to change from:
testSourceDirs = intTest.java.srcDirs
testSourceDirs = intTest.kotlin.srcDirs
and now all folders are Test Source Root again. Since kotlin.srcDirs also includes java.srcDirs it looks like you have to specify all, otherwise it is ignored...
Now the real issue came when I used gradle-avro-plugin. Applying it made my folders marked as Sources Root again. I believe it is because it adds another avro directory, but just to main source set.
Does anyone know how to make it marked as Test Sources having both kotlin and avro plugin applied? Am I doing something wrong here? Beacause this beheviour seems to be buggy in the first place.
Tested with:
IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3.1 (Ultimate Edition)
Gradle 6.8.3 and 7.4.2
Plugin id("com.github.davidmc24.gradle.plugin.avro") version "1.5.0"
Plugin kotlin("jvm") version "1.7.0"

Add local Gradle source module by absolute path

I want to add a subproject to my Gradle project. The project is located somewhere on my hard disk drive, for example:
What I want to achieve is to use ProjectB as a source module within Project A. However, all my attempts to do this so far - either by adding include /Another/Path/to/another/ProjectB or by adding include ':ProjectB'; project(':ProjectB').projectDir = ... in settings.gradle - just failed. Apparently, Gradle is not able to find the project.
How can I add ProjectB as a dependency without moving it from it's location?
Using Gradle 3.4.1, the following works for me (full example here):
include 'app', 'common'
def MY_PATH = '/Users/johndoe/foo'
assert new File("$MY_PATH/random/path/common").exists()
project(':common').projectDir = new File("$MY_PATH/random/path/common")
Thanks for your responses.
Turns out I've made several mistakes:
Adding the project to the built was dependent on the value of an environment variable. I replaced that with a property within gradle.properties.
I tested this by running the settings.gradle usind IntelliJ. I mistakingly expected this to work, but it didn't
I did not add the project as a dependency to the build.gradle file of the parent project.
It works now. Thank you all again!

How to use Afterburner.fx with Gradle instaed of Maven 3, while leaving the original project structure of afterburner.fx

afterburner.fx for JavaFX 8 is a minimalistic (3 classes) JavaFX MVP framework based on Convention over Configuration and Dependency Injection created by Adam Bien.
afterburner.fx use Maven 3.
I would like to use it with Gradle.
How to use Afterburner.fx with Gradle instaed of Maven 3, while leaving the original project structure of afterburner.fx ?
In the build.gradle File add dependencies
dependencies {
compile group: 'com.airhacks', name:'afterburner.fx', version: afterburnerfxVersion
In the build.gradle File add the additional Resources (.fxml , .css , .properties)
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs("src/main/java").includes.addAll(["**/*.fxml", "**/*.css", "**/*.properties"])
and (re-)add all the standard Resources (in the resources folder)
Update for Gradle Version 6.8.1 : if you run gradlew with --warning-mode all there is a deprecated Message:
Copying or archiving duplicate paths with the default duplicates strategy has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 7.0.
add this line:
// from https://docs.gradle.org/6.8.1/userguide/upgrading_version_5.html#implicit_duplicate_strategy_for_copy_or_archive_tasks_has_been_deprecated
// and https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/java_plugin.html
// Java Plugin Task processResources(type: Copy)
processResources.duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.INCLUDE // allow duplicates
Thanks, this helped me a lot. I added the short form of it to dependencies:
compile 'com.airhacks:afterburner.fx:1.6.0'
Additionally I added a second line to include the files from the resources folder and not only from /java. I also added **/*.png to include png files because new Image("filename.png") wasn't working anymore.
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs("src/main/java").includes.addAll(["**/*.fxml", "**/*.css", "**/*.properties", "**/*.png"])
sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs("src/main/resources").includes.addAll(["**/*.fxml", "**/*.css", "**/*.properties", "**/*.png"])
I don't know why the above two lines broke the default behavior - seems like I have to add every new file type to the above lines. :/ If anyone has a better solution please tell me.

Spring Tools Suite and Gradle - Setup to use correct resources from inside STS

I have a Spring Boot Gradle project setup in Spring Tools Suite (3.7.2 RELEASE) with the following source folders:
- src/integration-test/java
- src/integration-test/resources
- src/main/java
- src/main/resources
- src/test/java
- src/test/resources`
Whenever I run the application or unit tests from within STS, I see that STS is using the resources found under src/integration-test/resources.
I see a duplicate resource warning in STS for files which exist in all 3 resource source folders. For example, I have an application.properties in all 3 source folders and I see following:
The resource is a duplicate of src/integration-test/resources/application.properties and was not copied to the output folder
If I run the application as a JAR or unit tests/integration tests from the command line (via gradle build), everything seems to use the correct resources. This makes me believe it is a problem with how STS/Eclipse is handling gradle.
Does anybody know of how I can configure STS to use the correct resource source folders when using gradle?
I think my problem may be related to (or the same as?) Spring Boot incorrectly loads test configuration when running from eclipse+gradle, https://issuetracker.springsource.com/browse/STS-3882, https://issues.gradle.org/browse/GRADLE-1777
I also tried the solution found here, but that seems to only fix Maven builds:
Spring Tool Suite finds spring-boot integration test configuration and does not start main application
I think my problem may be related to...
Yes, it is related but in my opinion not the same. That problem is caused by the runtime classpath being incorrect. This problem is an error coming from the eclipse project builder so it is a compile-time issue.
The problems are closely related though. Depending on your point of view, you could say they are the same (incorrect mixing of test and compile-time classpaths).
Here, specifically, the problem is that the eclipse builder tries to copy all the resources it finds in source folders to the project's single output folder. Each source folder has a 'application.properties'. The builder warns that it could not copy some of them because one would overwrite the other.
I think there may be a solution for this problem. But it is a solution that really should come from Gradle + ( BuildShip | STS Gradle Tooling) than from you.
It is possible in Eclipse to configure each source-folder individually to target a specific outputfolder. Maven + M2E are doing this correcty, but Gradle + (BuildsShip | STS Gradle Tooling) combdos do not.
For example this is what maven puts into the eclipse .classpath file when it configures a test resources folder:
<classpathentry excluding="**" kind="src" output="target/test-classes" path="src/test/resources">
<attribute name="maven.pomderived" value="true"/>
Notice how it explicitly sets the output folder for that entry (to something different from the project's default output folder).
You may be able to address the problem yourself by modifying the .classpath for a gradle project in a similar way. Either by doing it manually or from your build.gradle.
I'm not sure this is worth it however as you will then likely still get hit by the runtime classpath issue (since these folders will still be added to your runtime classpath, your runtime classpath will end-up with two appication.properties resources, one which will 'shadow' the other. See: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=482315)
I would say, the right thing to do is add a comment to the issue I linked, and hope they fix it soon as there is only so much you can do yourself by hacking the build.gradle file to modify the .classpath (this can not solve the runtime classpath issue, but in order to solve the runtime classpath issue, they would have to configure source folders to target individual output folder similar to what m2e does).
I would add this as a comment to #Kris's answer but it's too long.
I have solved the runtime classpath issue by adding the code below to my build.gradle file. The code generates an Eclipse launch configuration for the Spring Boot application class and includes only the runtime classpath (i.e. no test JARs).
My project uses the Gradle 'eclipse' plugin to generate the Eclipse project files (which I then import into Eclipse). Running the eclipseClasspath Gradle target will generate the launch file in the project's root directory.
def mainClassName = "com.example.MyApplication"
task eclipseApplicationLaunch {
group "IDE"
description "Generate an Eclipse launch configuration file for the Spring Boot application class"
eclipseApplicationLaunch << {
def writer = new FileWriter("${mainClassName.substring(mainClassName.lastIndexOf(".")+1)}.launch")
def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(writer)
xml.doubleQuotes = true
xml.launchConfiguration(type: "org.eclipse.jdt.launching.localJavaApplication") {
listAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.debug.core.MAPPED_RESOURCE_PATHS") {
listAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.debug.core.MAPPED_RESOURCE_TYPES") {
listAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.CLASSPATH") {
listEntry(value:"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n<runtimeClasspathEntry containerPath=\"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER/org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.ui.launcher.StandardVMType/JavaSE-1.8/\" javaProject=\"${project.name}\" path=\"1\" type=\"4\"/>\r\n")
listEntry(value:"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n<runtimeClasspathEntry path=\"3\" projectName=\"${project.name}\" type=\"1\"/>\r\n")
configurations.runtime.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts.each { artifact ->
def filePath = artifact.file.canonicalPath.replace("\\","/")
listEntry(value:"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?>\r\n<runtimeClasspathEntry externalArchive=\"${filePath}\" path=\"3\" type=\"2\"/>\r\n")
booleanAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.DEFAULT_CLASSPATH", value:"false")
stringAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.MAIN_TYPE", value:"${mainClassName}")
stringAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROGRAM_ARGUMENTS", value:"--spring.profiles.active=local --spring.config.location=conf/")
stringAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.PROJECT_ATTR", value:"${project.name}")
stringAttribute(key:"org.eclipse.jdt.launching.VM_ARGUMENTS", value:"-Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true")
eclipseClasspath.dependsOn eclipseApplicationLaunch
I haven't modified the Eclipse .classpath file as per Kris' suggestion. Instead, I have added #Profile("test") to my test application class and #ActiveProfiles("test") to my test classes.

OSGi bundle build issue in Gradle

I have a simple use case of building an OSGi bundle using Gradle build tool. The build is successful if there are java files present in the build path, but it fails otherwise.
I am using 'osgi' plugin inside the gradle script and trying to build without any java files. The build always fails with following error:
Could not copy MANIFEST.MF to
I am sure there must be some way to do it in Gradle but not able to fine. Any idea what can be done to resolve this depending on your experience.
I ran into this today as well, and #Peter's fix didn't work for me (I hadn't applied the java plugin in the first place...). However, after hours of Googling I did find this thread, which helped me find the problem.
Basically, it seems that the error occurs (as Peter stated) when no class files are found in the jar - my guess is because the plugin then cannot scan the classes for package names on which to base all the Import and Export information.
My solution was to add the following to the manifest specification:
classesDir = theSourceSet.output.classesDir
classpath = theSourceSet.runtimeClasspath
In my actual build code, I loop over all source sets to create jar tasks for them, so then it looks like this:
sourceSets.each { ss ->
assemble.dependsOn task("jar${ss.name.capitalize()}", type: Jar, dependsOn: ss.getCompileTaskName('Java')) {
from ss.output
into 'classes'
manifest = osgiManifest {
classesDir = ss.output.classesDir
classpath = ss.runtimeClasspath
// Other properties, like name and symbolicName, also set based on
// the name of the source set
baseName = ss.name
Running with --stacktrace indicates that the osgi plugin doesn't deal correctly with the case where both the osgi and the java plugins are applied, but no Java code is present. Removing the java plugin should solve the problem.
I had the same issue also when java code was present.
Adding these two lines to the osgiManifest closure fixed the problem:
classesDir = sourceSets.main.output.classesDir
classpath = sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
-- erik
