I have a question regarding the Honeyd logging . I am using Raspberry pi Wheezy Raspbian ...
I am using the -l flag as described on the website of the Honeyd.
but the problem is I could not found that where the logs are being stored I cant find them ..
$ sudo honeyd -d -f honeyd.conf -l /usr/share/honeyd/scripts/logs/honeyd.txt
When I checked the honeyd.txt file, its always empty
It will be very nice and the help will be highly appreciated .
I'm trying to generate an Apple Help Book index file (Big Sur), I'm using the following scripts:
hiutil -I corespotlight -Cf Base.lproj.cshelpindex -a -vv .
hiutil -I lsm -Cf Base.lproj.helpindex -a -vv .
Files are generated, but when I validate them I get:
Index format no longer supported.
Unable to open Archive
I've generated the same files with Apple's "Help Indexer" GUI program, but the files too are apparently no-longer supported.
I've read that it apparently works on High-Sierra, but I don't have access to a Mac with that OS.
Is there a known workaround for this? or am I doing it wrong?
The ultimate goal would be to run on GitHub Actions, but I'm limited as I can't run a macOS Virtual Machine on there.
Maybe I could find the version of hiutil that ran on High Sierra (hiutil version 1.3.2 (55) ?) and run that in a Linux Docker?
Maybe I could find out the file format of the .helpindex files and write a program to generate them
I think I have the answer, the commands need to be:
hiutil -I corespotlight -Caf Base.lproj.cshelpindex -vv .
hiutil -I lsm -Caf Base.lproj.helpindex -vv .
and to validate
hiutil -I corespotlight -Af Base.lproj.helpindex
hiutil -I corespotlight -Af Base.lproj.cshelpindex
Just use a virtual machine which runs another os inside your os. This is the easiest way for you: download Parallels Desktop Lite and see Install MacOS in Parallels Desktop Lite.
I want to simulate opportunistic routing protocol in ns2 . Does anyone know where can I get the code or atleast some reference to write code. I searched it but didn't find anything
Totally opportunistic routing algorithm (TORA) is present in e.g. ns-2.35/. But the default code isn't working very well. I.e. in order not to conflict with other protocols, the functions are limited to a minimum.
A working TORA can be added with "tora_ns235-1.patch"
$ tar xvf ns-allinone-2.35_gcc5.tar.gz # year 2014 update
$ cd ns-allinone-2.35/
$ patch -p0 < tora_ns235-1.patch
$ ./install
$ cd ns-2.35/
$ cp ns ns235-tora # This is also your backup
$ sudo cp ns235-tora /usr/local/bin/
------- Simulation -----------
$ ns235-tora 02-T-msg12973.tcl
I just started exploring python scripting. I am using anaconda/jupyter editor.
I have a python executable let's say "new-crawler", I have installed it using "pip install new-crawler". It is installed in the correct environment, python etc.
I am able to import the module in jupyter.
However, I am running into an issue "SyntaxError: invalid syntax".
%aimport news-crawler as nc
nc reports USA -o out.csv -s 20160101 -e 20161231 -keyword election.
Error points right after "reports".
I assume this is because of passing multiple arguments.
I really appreciate any help with proper python syntax here.
Thanks in advance.
Same line works fine from command line.
Finally found the answer.
news-crawler reports USA -o out.csv -s 20160101 -e 20161231 -keyword election
is a command to run the executable in shell, not IPython commands.
I just had to prefix the command with ! to run in IPython.
I am getting this error while cloning the site on aegir
Unknown option: --profile. See drush help provision-backup for available >options. To suppress this error, add the option --strict=0. [2.39 sec, 21.19 MB]
I am using aegir3 on ubuntu 14.04.4. Can anyone please help me solve this. I have searched on web but there is no solution regarding this issue. This issue also occurs while migrating.
you might find more Aegir users at the new community support forum
I had a similar issue and found a solution there
I found that debugging Aegir issues was a lot easier if you executed the Drush commands directly.
You can find the command by looking through the Log Messages keeping an eye out for entries like
Backend invoke: /usr/bin/php -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runti... (Expand)
Below entries like the above you will find the command that was executed, expand that by clicking the (Expand) and copy the command (I found sometimes the expand did not work, in cases like this I just use chrome tools to look at the source and copy it)
/usr/bin/php -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off /var/aegir/.composer/vendor/drush/drush/drush.php --php=/usr/bin/php --php-options=' -d magic_quotes_gpc=Off -d magic_quotes_runtime=Off -d magic_quotes_sybase=Off' --backend=2 --yes #centosintranet provision-install-backend --client_email='this.email#is.invalid' 2>&1
All you need to do now is run this as the Aegir user via bash. If you use the apt-get package to install Aegir you should be able to open a terminal and enter
sudo su - aegir -s /bin/bash
You will be prompted for your password, after entering it you will have a bash shell as the Aegir user. Paste in the above drush command and press enter.
Watch it execute, I found it easier to work out what was going on by removing the --backend=2 option. If you still can't see what the issue is try adding -vvv or --debug to the drush command.
Using this method I have solves all issues I have run into thus far when Aegir falls over.
I recently updated my installation of vowpal wabbit by manually deleting the vowpal_wabbit directory and reinstalling according to the instructions at https://github.com/JohnLangford/vowpal_wabbit/wiki/Tutorial.
I needed access to the --link=logistic option, which my older installation didn't have. Currently the command:
~/vowpal_wabbit/vowpalwabbit/vw -d test_vw.vw -t -i lg.vw --link=logistic -p raw_predictions.txt
gives me what I want, whereas
vw -d test_vw.vw -t -i lg.vw --link=logistic -p raw_predictions.txt
hangs. It seems that only by explicitly declaring the path to the most current implementation of vw am I able to get the result I'm looking for.
This is probably more of a Unix/BASH question, but how do I update the short call to vw? I've had similar difficulties using vw-varinfo for what I suspect are similar reasons.