Algorithm for Matching Hospital Names - algorithm

I work in a health care company and I have trouble with the hospitalization report data. I have the data are coming from various sources: Excel Reports, Plain Text File, and in some cases paper. I managed to get all the data into an Excel File. But I am running into a problem where each person spelled and referred to the same hospital.
For Example: New York Presbyterian Hospital, I have seen more than 10 variation.
New York Presbyterian Hospital
NY Presbyterian Hospital
Presbyterian Hospital
Presb Hospital
Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center
NYP/Columbia University Medical Center
New York Presbyterian Hospital Columbia University Medical
A more more cases where the hospital name is misspelled
A few of the different system string limit and cut off the string in random places, or maybe they copy and pasted incorrectly.
Different nurses refer to the Hospital in a differently
In my effect I am trying to create a true database that can store all the membership's information, but I am running into a wall because each staff/department are naming the hospital in a different way. (There is a provider ID unique to each hospital), but most of the reports I received only included "name". I have over 2000 members with about 100-150 hospitals, but 3 or 4 times the amount of different names.
I know Levenshtein distance could be in use, but in such extreme case, is there a strategy to build a match? There are too much data to do by hands (time consuming), since this is one of the dozens or reports I am assigned. Any suggestion would be appreciated.

This is a pretty standard and pretty difficult problem. Entire companies exist to solve it for big data.
The usual strategy is to encode what is known about the data domain in a heuristic algorithm to classify the data before putting it in the database.
A standard classification method would be to create a set of pattern strings for each hospital. The examples you gave might go in the pattern set initially.
Then for each incoming string and each pattern, calculate a metric that's the difference between the string and pattern. Levenshtein is a good starting point. The set containing the least distance pattern (in this case Columbia Presbyterian) wins. An excessive least distance means your pattern set is no good. (You get to tweak what "excessive" means.) More than one low distance (you get to define "low," too) means the pattern set has inadvertent overlaps.
Both problems may be handled in various ways, usually involving human intervention either to classify the data or enhance the pattern sets or both.
A second possibility is to use regexes as patterns. Then a match is equivalent to distance zero above, and a non-match is distance infinity. As you might expect, this makes the algorithm less flexible. Yet for some kinds of data - probably not yours though - it's the best choice.

You should look for "specific patterns" which your data is forming. What i have observed is, out of the strings that you've revealed-- "Presb" is the sub-string which is used in all strings (variations of hospital fields that you have been provided with). #M-ohem's comment is a nice approach as well. But for the starters, you can put up a regular expression which checks if any input string has the pattern "Persb" in it. Learn More


Searching for companies with elasticsearch

Imagine I have two sources of data. One source is calling Mærsk for A.P. Møller - Mærsk A while the other is A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S. Now I have a lot of companies and I want to streamline the naming of these.
Both sources are indexed in elasticsearch but I am too much of a newbie with this technology to come up with a proper search query. My initial though was to use common which gives decent results, but I figure there are better ways.
Any suggestions?
A little clarification. My two sources is just a data source that deliver company names. I've stored these names in its own index for each source - a document is just the name.
So I have two indices with company names (nothing else there). Now for each company name in index A I want find the corresponding company in index B. The challenge is that there are various ways to write a company name - it is not standardized. I want to create this link with as little manual labour as possible and minimal risk for errors as well.
The OP has probably moved on from this question, given it was asked a while ago. And, for example, common has now been deprecated. But in case it helps others, here are some guidelines:
The Problem
As I understand it from the question, the problem is exemplified by this: I have two company names in two different data sources. One is:
A.P. Møller - Mærsk A
The other is:
A.P. Møller - Mærsk A/S
Assuming these represent the same company, the problem is how to resolve these to a single canonical name (for example, "Mærsk" if that is an appropriate name in this case).
Furthermore, how can we perform this matching process across a large set of company names in as automated a way as possible?
One warning - it usually pays to make such tasks repeatable - even if you think it's going to be a one-time-only clean-up exercise, it often doesn't end up that way (IMHO).
One Solution
Getting to a fully-automated matching solution is typically not possible in cases like this - some manual intervention is usually needed. But you may be able to get close.
I will take some liberties - for example, I will ignore the "two different data sources" aspect. Instead, I will assume we have one overall list, the union of both sources (because maybe there are name variants within each list).
Here is what has broadly worked for me in a similar domain (film titles).
FULL DISCLOSURE: I did not use ElasticSearch, in my case. I used Lucene and some custom Java. But in this context, there are many similarities. My references below are all to ElasticSearch v7.5 functionality.
The question indicates that data has already been indexed - but using what tokenization steps? Some suggestions (which may already have been implemented in the OP's case):
Consider leaving in stop-words. Not a hard-and-fast rule, but consider what would happen to the band The The if stop-words were removed. There would be nothing to index. In relatively short text such as names, stop-words may be too important to remove.
Consider ascii folding, etc. to normalize text (removal of diacritics, such as é to e; expansion of ligatures, such as æ to ae; and so on. This assumes you are using Latin-based text. Less relevant for other scripts (Chinese, etc.).
Consider customizations specific to your problem domain. For example, there may be nomenclature variations such as "LTD", "Ltd", etc. representing the word "Limited" in company names. Or the use of ampersands (&) in some examples, but "and" in others. "Smith & Sons, Ltd" versus "Smith and Sons Limited".
other transformations such as lowercase and removal of punctuation are more straightforward.
Supporting Metadata
The OP may not have access to any of this - but supporting metadata can be vital in determining if two name variants refer to the same entity. An example from the world of film titles: There are two movies in IMDb called "Kicking and Screaming" - and numerous TV episodes. They can be distinguished from each other by comparing related metadata such as:
type of release (movie, TV episode, etc).
year of initial release (perhaps with a +/- tolerance threshold).
I don't know what the equivalent might be for companies.
A fairly crude technique would be to append such data to each company name, thus increasing the number of tokens available in each indexable term.
Or, the metadata data can be used downstream to further verify whether two terms match or not.
Matching & Score Thresholds
Let's assume we have simple word-boundary indexed terms (although there are plenty of other ways to go - ngrams, shingles, etc.).
Now we perform a search on each company name (plus additional metadata, if we added it).
Let's assume we have defined a threshold score that must be reached for a search result to be considered a match. The score should be easily adjustable to tune matching behavior.
If we get only one match which exceeds this score, we can assume we have an automated match: the two names represent the same underlying company.
If we get zero matches which exceed this score, then we can assume the company name is unique in our data set.
If we get multiple matches, then that is the point at which manual intervention may be needed, to determine if the names are equivalent or not.
Test Cases
The aim is to minimize false positive matches, while also minimizing match misses.
How do you know?
The only good answer I have for this is to generate a set of test cases. And the best way to do that is to study the data, so you can find suitably cunning & devious cases to test.
This all sounds like a lot of work. How much of it you actually do, or how little - how rigorous or how cursory - is up to you. Depends on your context, of course.

Data matching Algorithm Approach

I don't really know where to start with this project, and so I'm hoping a broad question can at least point me in the right direction.
I have 2 data sets right now, each about 5gb with 2million observations. They are the assessed and historical data gathered for property listings of a given area for a certain amount of time. What I need to do is match properties to one another. So a property may arise in the historical since it gets sold 2 or 3 times during the period. In this historical I have the seller info, the loan info, and sale info. In the assessor data I have all of the characteristics that would describe the property sold. So in order to do any pricing model, I need to match the two.
I have variables that are similar in each, however they are going to differ slightly (misspellings, abbreviations, etc). Does anyone have any recommendations for me about going through this? First off, what program would I want to do this in? I have experience in STATA, R and a little bit of SAS and Matlab, but I'd prefer to use the former two.
I read through this:
Data matching algorithm
Where he uses .NET and one user suggested a Levenshtein approach (where the distance between strings is calculated) so for fields like Address I could use this and weight the approximate accuracy between the two string. Then it was suggested maybe to use Soundex for maybe Name of the seller/owner.
But I'm really lost in how to implement any of this, and before I approach anyone in my department I really need to have some sort of idea of what I'm doing!
Any help or advice would be immensely helpful.
Yes, there are several good algorithms for the string matching problem you describe, namely:
damerau-levenshtein, and
to name the few.
I recommend A Comparison of String Distance Metrics for Name-Matching Tasks, by W. W. Cohen, P. Ravikumar, S. Fienberg for an overview of what might be working the best for what.
SoftTFIDF claims to be the best one. It is available as a Java package. There are other implementations of string matching and record linkage algorithms available in:
Java (SecondString),
Python (JellyFish),
C# (FuzzyString), and
Scala StringMetric

Format for representing GIS data

Is there open data format for representing such GIS data as roads, localities, sublocalities, countries, buildings, etc.
I expect that format would define address structure and names for components of address.
What I need is a data format to return in response to reverse geocoding requests.
I looked for it on the Internet, but it seems that every geocoding provider defines its own format.
Should I design my own format?
Does my question make any sense at all? (I'm a newbie to GIS).
In case I have not made myself clear I don't look for such data formats as GeoJSON, GML or WKT, since they define geometry and don't define any address structure.
UPD. I'm experimenting with different geocoding services and trying to isolate them into separate module. I need to provide one common interface for all of them and I don't want to make up one more data format (because on the one hand I don't fully understand domain and on the other hand the field itself seems to be well studied). The module's responsibility is to take partial address (or coordinates) like "96, Dubininskaya, Moscow" and to return data structure containing house number (96), street name (Dubininskaya), sublocality (Danilovsky rn), city (Moscow), administrative area (Moskovskaya oblast), country (Russia). The problem is that in different countries there might be more/less division (more/less address components) and I need to unify these components across countries.
Nope there is not unfortunately.
Why you may ask
Beacuse different nations and countries have vastly different formats and requirements for storing addresses.
Here in the UK for example, defining a postcode has quite a complex set of rules, where as ZIP codes in the US, are 4 digit numerical prefixed with a simple 2 letter state code.
Then you have to consider the question what exactly constitutes an address? again this differences not just from country to country, but some times drastically within the same territory.
for example: (Here in the UK)
Smith and Sons Butchers
10 High street
Some town
Mr smith
10 High street
Some town
The Occupier
10 High Street
Some Town
Smith and Sons Butchers
High Street
Some Town
Are all valid addresses in the UK, and in all cases the post would arrive at the correct destination, a GPS however may have trouble.
A GPS database might be set up so that each building is a square bit of geometry, with the ID being the house number.
That, would give us the ability to say exactly where number 10 is, which means immediately the last look up is going to fail.
Plots may be indexed by name of business, again that s fine until you start using person names, or generic titles.
There's so much variation, that it's simply not possible to create one unified format that can encompass every possible rule required to allow any application on the planet to format any geo-coded address correctly.
So how do we solve the problem?
Simple, by narrowing your scope.
Deal ONLY with a specific set of defined entities that you need to work with.
Hold only the information you need to describe what you need to describe (Always remember YAGNI* here)
Use standard data transmission formats such as JSON, XML and CSV this will increase your chances of having to do less work on code you don't control to allow it to read your data output
(* YAGNI = You ain't gonna need it)
Now, to dig in deeper however:
When it comes to actual GIS data, there's a lot of standard format files, the 3 most common are:
Esri Shape Files (*.shp)
Keyhole mark up Language (*.kml)
Comma separated values (*.csv)
All of the main stay GIS packages free and paid for can work with any of these 3 file types, and many more.
Shape files are by far the most common ones your going to come across, just about every bit of Geospatial data Iv'e come across in my years in I.T has been in a shape file, I would however NOT recommend storing your data in them for processing, they are quite a complex format, often slow and sequential to access.
If your geometry files to be consumed in other systems however, you can't go wrong with them.
They also have the added bonus that you can attach attributes to each item of data too, such as address details, names etc.
The problem is, there is no standard as to what you would call the attribute columns, or what you would include, and probably more drastically, the column names are restricted to UPPERCASE and limited to 32 chars in length.
Kml files are another that's quite universally recognized, and because there XML based and used by Google, you can include a lot of extra data in them, that technically is self describing to the machine reading it.
Unfortunately, file sizes can be incredibly bulky even just for a handful of simple geometries, this trade off does mean though that they are pretty easy to handle in just about any programming language on the planet.
and that brings us to the humble CSV.
The main stay of data transfer (Not just geo-spatial) ever since time began.
If you can put your data in a database table or a spreadsheet, then you can put it in a CSV file.
Again, there is no standards, other than how columns may or may not be quoted and what the separation points are, but readers have to know ahead of time what each column represents.
Also there's no "Pre-Made" geographic storage element (In fact there's no data types at all) so your reading application, also will need to know ahead of time what the column data types are meant to be so it can parse them appropriately.
On the plus side however, EVERYTHING can read them, whether they can make sense of them is a different story.

Which data mining algorithm would you suggest for this particular scenario?

This is not a directly programming related question, but it's about selecting the right data mining algorithm.
I want to infer the age of people from their first names, from the region they live, and if they have an internet product or not. The idea behind it is that:
there are names that are old-fashioned or popular in a particular decade (celebrities, politicians etc.) (this may not hold in the USA, but in the country of interest that's true),
young people tend to live in highly populated regions whereas old people prefer countrysides, and
Internet is used more by young people than by old people.
I am not sure if those assumptions hold, but I want to test that. So what I have is 100K observations from our customer database with
approx. 500 different names (nominal input variable with too many classes)
20 different regions (nominal input variable)
Internet Yes/No (binary input variable)
91 distinct birthyears (numerical target variable with range: 1910-1992)
Because I have so many nominal inputs, I don't think regression is a good candidate. Because the target is numerical, I don't think decision tree is a good option either. Can anyone suggest me a method that is applicable for such a scenario?
I think you could design discrete variables that reflect the split you are trying to determine. It doesn't seem like you need a regression on their exact age.
One possibility is to cluster the ages, and then treat the clusters as discrete variables. Should this not be appropriate, another possibility is to divide the ages into bins of equal distribution.
One technique that could work very well for your purposes is, instead of clustering or partitioning the ages directly, cluster or partition the average age per name. That is to say, generate a list of all of the average ages, and work with this instead. (There may be some statistical problems in the classifier if you the discrete categories here are too fine-grained, though).
However, the best case is if you have a clear notion of what age range you consider appropriate for 'young' and 'old'. Then, use these directly.
New answer
I would try using regression, but in the manner that I specify. I would try binarizing each variable (if this is the correct term). The Internet variable is binary, but I would make it into two separate binary values. I will illustrate with an example because I feel it will be more illuminating. For my example, I will just use three names (Gertrude, Jennifer, and Mary) and the internet variable.
I have 4 women. Here are their data:
Gertrude, Internet, 57
Jennifer, Internet, 23
Gertrude, No Internet, 60
Mary, No Internet, 35
I would generate a matrix, A, like this (each row represents a respective woman in my list):
The first three columns represent the names and the latter two Internet/No Internet. Thus, the columns represent
[Gertrude, Jennifer, Mary, Internet, No Internet]
You can keep doing this with more names (500 columns for the names), and for the regions (20 columns for those). Then you will just be solving the standard linear algebra problem A*x=b where b for the above example is
You may be worried that A will now be a huge matrix, but it is a huge, extremely sparse matrix and thus can be stored very efficiently in a sparse matrix form. Each row has 3 1's in it and the rest are 0. You can then just solve this with a sparse matrix solver. You will want to do some sort of correlation test on the resulting predicting ages to see how effective it is.
You might check out the babynamewizard. It shows the changes in name frequency over time and should help convert your names to a numeric input. Also, you should be able to use population density from data to get a numeric value associated with your regions. I would suggest an additional flag regarding the availability of DSL access - many rural areas don't have DSL coverage. No coverage = less demand for internet services.
My first inclination would be to divide your response into two groups, those very likely to have used computers in school or work and those much less likely. The exposure to computer use at an age early in their career or schooling probably has some effect on their likelihood to use a computer later in their life. Then you might consider regressions on the groups separately. This should eliminate some of the natural correlation of your inputs.
I would use a classification algorithm that accepts nominal attributes and numeric class, like M5 (for trees or rules). Perhaps I would combine it with the bagging meta classifier to reduce variance. The original algorithm M5 was invented by R. Quinlan and Yong Wang made improvements.
The algorithm is implemented in R (library RWeka)
It also can be found in the open source machine learning software Weka
For more information see:
Ross J. Quinlan: Learning with Continuous Classes. In: 5th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Singapore, 343-348, 1992.
Y. Wang, I. H. Witten: Induction of model trees for predicting continuous classes. In: Poster papers of the 9th European Conference on Machine Learning, 1997.
I think slightly different from you, I believe that trees are excellent algorithms to deal with nominal data because they can help you build a model that you can easily interpret and identify the influence of each one of these nominal variables and it's different values.
You can also use regression with dummy variables in order to represent the nominal attributes, this is also a good solution.
But you can also use other algorithms such as SVM(smo), with the previous transformation of the nominal variables to binary dummy ones, same as in regression.

How to detect duplicate data?

I have got a simple contacts database but I'm having problems with users entering in duplicate data. I have implemented a simple data comparison but unfortunately the duplicated data that is being entered is not exactly the same. For example, names are incorrectly spelled or one person will put in 'Bill Smith' and another will put in 'William Smith' for the same person.
So is there some sort of algorithm that can give a percentage for how similar an entry is to another?
So is there some sort of algorithm
that can give a percentage for how
similar an entry is to another?
Algorithms as Soundex and Edit distances (as suggested in a previous post) can solve some of your problems. However, if you are serious about cleaning your data, this will not be enough. As others have stated "Bill" does not sound anything like "William".
The best solution I have found is to use a reduction algorithm and table to reduce the names to it's root name.
To your regular Address table, add Root-versions of the names, e.g
Person (Firstname, RootFirstName, Surname, Rootsurname....)
Now, create a mapping table.
FirstNameMappings (Primary KEY Firstname, Rootname)
Populate your Mapping table by:
Insert IGNORE (select Firstname, "UNDEFINED" from Person) into FirstNameMappings
This will add all firstnames that you have in your person table together with the RootName of "UNDEFINED"
Now, sadly, you will have to go through all the unique first names and map them to a RootName. For example "Bill", "Billl" and "Will" should all be translated to "William"
This is very time consuming, but if data quality really is important for you I think it's one of the best ways.
Now use the newly created mapping table to update the "Rootfirstname" field in your Person table. Repeat for surname and address. Once this is done you should be able to detect duplicates without suffering from spelling errors.
You can compare the names with the Levenshtein distance. If the names are the same, the distance is 0, else it is given by the minimum number of operations needed to transform one string into the other.
I imagine that this problem is well understood but what occurs to me on first reading is:
compare fields individually
count those that match (for a possibly loose definition of match, and possibly weighing the fields differently)
present for human intervention any cases which pass some threshold
Use your existing database to get a good first guess for the threshold, and correct as you accumulate experience.
You may prefer a fairly strong bias toward false positives, at least at first.
While I do not have an algorithm for you, my first action would be to take a look at the process involved in entering a new contact. Perhaps users do not have an easy way to find the contact they are looking for. Much like on Stack Overflow's new question form, you could suggest contacts that already exist on the new contact screen.
If you have access SSIS check out the Fuzzy grouping and Fuzzy lookup transformation.
If you have a large database with string fields, you can very quickly find a lot of duplicates by using the simhash algorithm.
This may or may not be related but, minor misspellings might be detected by a Soundex search, e.g., this will allow you to consider Britney Spears, Britanny Spares, and Britny Spears as duplicates.
Nickname contractions, however, are difficult to consider as duplicates and I doubt if it is wise. There are bound to be multiple people named Bill Smith and William Smith, and you would have to iterate that with Charles->Chuck, Robert->Bob, etc.
Also, if you are considering, say, Muslim users, the problems become more difficult (there are too many Muslims, for example, that are named Mohammed/Mohammad).
I'm not sure it will work well for the names vs nicknames problem, but the most common algorithm in this sort of area would be the edit distance / Levenshtein distance algorithm. It's basically a count of the number of character changes, additions and removals required to turn one item into another.
For names, I'm not sure you're ever going to get good results with a purely algorithmic approach - What you really need is masses of data. Take, for example, how much better Google spelling suggestions are than those in a normal desktop application. This is because Google can process billions of web queries and look at what queries lead to each other, what 'did you mean' links actually get clicked etc.
There are a few companies which specialise in the name matching problem (mostly for national security and fraud applications). The one I could remember, Search Software America seems to have been bought out by these guys, but I suspect any of these sorts of solutions would be far to expensive for a contacts application. has API's that can solve this for you, see their documentation here:
They have APIs for Name Normalization (Bill into William), Name Deducer (for raw text), and Name Similarity (comparing two names).
All APIs are free at the moment, it could be a good way to get started.
You might also want to look into probabilistic matching.
For those wandering around the web and end up here, might I suggest that you try using a Google Sheet add-on I created called Flookup.
It's particularly good with names and it has a couple of other awesome features which I'll describe below:
Say you have a list of names and there are 2 people called "John Smith". You can use the rank parameter from Flookup to instruct the algorithm to return the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or nth best match. This is helpful if you have additional information that you can use to identify the "John Smith" you want.
Say you have an additional database/list of apartment numbers. You an specify which "John Smith" you want by typing: John Smith & Apartment A or John Smith & Apartment B as the lookup parameter to help distinguish between the two names.
I hope you find Flookup as beneficial as others have.
