Installing another instance of android studio on Mac - macos

On a Mac, I have Android studio 1.2 installed.
I want another separate Android studio version 1.5.1 (the latest one) installed on my system.
Is it possible ? If yes, any leads on how to ?

Yes, It is possible. I don't have any experience of installing android studio but I am using Mac and I have been doing like this with installing Xcode. Just give the name what your software version is and copy it in application. Hope you got it.


How to downgrade Xamarin.ios in mac machine?

when i updated the visual studio version 8.4.1 in my mac it automatically updated the xamarin.ios to latest version then some of the functionality like search bar not working in build.I need to downgrade the Xmarin.ios Please help me how can i do it?
Visual Studio for Windows
Downgrading Xamarin.iOS to the version 10.12 in Visual Studio means that you need to downgrade VS to the version 15.3.
You need to contact the support team for the download link since they provide only the link for the version N-1.
I'll just leave the links, they may be useful to someone.
For Xamarin Studio:
It's possible, either downloading Xamarin.iOS from here:
or directly from the repository, which contains every version:

VS2017 on Windows with iOS SDK & Mac with XCode 9.2 Beta

Even with all lastest tools installed on Both Visual studio (on windows) and XCode on Mac, I am receiving following error when tried to connect from visual studio 2017 through Xamarin agent. Any hint how to solve it?
"The installed Xamarin.iOS (version not specified) on the Mac is not compatible with the local Xamarin.iOS (version Please select a new server or install the correct Xamarin.iOS versions.
Even with all lastest tools installed on Both Visual studio (on windows) and XCode on Mac
In order to build Xamarin.iOS apps, Xamarin Tools and SDKs are needed on the Mac, too. You should have Visual Studio for Mac installed, it comes with all the necessary tools and SDKs.
If Xamarin is outdated on your Mac (disregarding of the Xcode version) you will see the message that Xamarin.iOS is outdated. Please follow these instructions to update your Xamarin components. (Anyway, avoid the beta channel and stick to stable unless you have a good reason not to.)

Xamarin.iOS not compatible on Mac myMac.local

I am getting the following error ! and i have upto date xamarin Visual studio.
The installed xamarin.ios(version 10.4)on mac myMac.local.(172.26.17.*) is not compatible with the local Xamarin.ios(version).
Can any one help me out here. Thanks in Advance.
Make sure that your Xamarin.iOS Versions are both on the same major version. i.e. Ensure you are on the Stable channel on both your Mac and Windows machines. Please ensure you are using Xamarin Studio on Mac and Visual Studio on Windows as they are both considered stable. Visual Studio for Mac is still in Preview.

Is it possible to use Visual Studio on macOS?

I want to install Visual Studio on macOS. Is this possible?
Yes! You can use the new Visual Studio for Mac, which Microsoft launched in November.
Read about it here:
Download a preview version here:
I recently purchased a MacBook Air (mid-2011 model) and was really happy to find that Apple officially supports Windows 7. If you purchase Windows 7 (I got DSP), you can use the Boot Camp assistant in OSX to designate part of your hard drive to Windows. Then you can install and run Windows 7 natively as if it were as Windows notebook.
I use Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 on my MacBook Air (I kept OSX as well) and I could not be happier. Heck, the initial start-up of the program only takes 3 seconds thanks to the SSD.
As others have mentions, you can run it on OSX using Parallels, etc. but I prefer to run it natively.
I guess you can install it via Parallel or in any other Virtual machine with windows in it
No. Neither Visual Studio or the .NET framework will run on Mac OSX (although the latter is changing). However, if you want to write an application in a similar framework, you could use Mono and MonoDevelop.
There is no native version of Visual Studio for Mac OS X.
Almost all versions of Visual Studio have a Garbage rating on Wine's application database, so Wine isn't an option either, sadly.
While Parallels is technically a VM it is capable of running games in high resolution at a high frame rate. If you run Parallels in Coherence mode it completely integrates Windows 7 into OS X and .Net framework is fully supported. So yes you can install Visual Studio on your Mac however the Apps you created would only run of windows computers unless they were web based.
Yes, you can! There's a Visual Studio for macs and there's Visual Studio Code if you only need a text editor like Sublime Text.
Current Visual Studio versions (2019, 2022) are targeted specifically for Mac as well.
I found Microsoft’s Visual Studio for Mac getting complete overhaul with native UI and more pretty enligthing
This question is outdated.

Can two different Windows SDK versions coexist on the same machine without conflict?

I have a machine with Vsiual Studio 2005 and Visual Studio 2008 and Windows SDK version 6.1 (Windows Vista). I am planning to install the latest SDK (Windows 7 and .Net 3.5 Service Pack1), but the MSDN Comptabilty document ( indicates that the latest SDK is not recommended with VS 2005.
I would like to check if the two SDKs can coexist on the same machine or the latest SDK will oevrride the older version and could cause issues with VS 2005.
Just a word of warning, the 7.0 SDK has a badly broken installer. It hacks registry keys that are used by Visual Studio to find SDK components and drops files in the VS install directory. This can render it unusable. The worst problems are documented as sticky posts in the Windows SDK forum at the MSDN forums.
I had problems as well, the installer failed half-way through on my machine with a completely undescriptive error. On a pretty virgin machine with VS2008. It didn't roll back the install even though it failed, I had to edit the registry by hand to fix the damage.
I recommend you actually install the SDK on a machine you don't care about. Then copy the directory to a production machine and edit the VC++ directories yourself. Do strongly favor the v7.1 version instead. Good luck with it.
Should be fine as long as you don't try and install both versions of Visual Studio in the same folder. The SDK is essentially passive, you can have as many of them as you want installed, but you need to make sure that the paths that VS 2005 uses are to the older SDK rather than the newer one.
Since by default, the SDK is installed in a subfolder of the Visual Studio install folder, a long as you put different versions of VS in different folders, everything should work out fine all by itself.
Yes they can. I have 6.1 and 7.0 on one machine (Windows 7 64 bit no VS 2005 though) without any noticeable issues.
Definitely you can . u can set the sdk version u want to use each time .
This links tells how to set up your sdk versions in different visual studio versions.
