Why should we use Dynamic Programming with Memoization in order to solve - Minimum Number of Coins to Make Change - algorithm

The Problem Statement:
Given an infinite supply of coins of values {C1, C2, ..., Cn} and a sum, find the minimum number of coins that can represent the sum X.
Most of the solutions on the web include dynamic programming with memoization. Here is an example from Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf_M7RdHr1M
My question is: why don't we sort the array of coins in descending order first and start exploring recursively by minimizing the sum until we reach 0? When we reach 0, we know that we have found the needed coins to make up the sum. Because we sorted the array in descending order, we know that we will always choose the greatest coin. Therefore, the first time the sum reaches down to 0, the count will have to be minimum.
I'd greatly appreciate if you help understand the complexity of my algorithm and compare it to the dynamic programming with memoization approach.
For simplicty, we are assuming there will always be a "$1" coin and thus there is always a way to make up the sum.
import java.util.*;
public class Solution{
public static void main(String [] args){
MinCount cnt=new MinCount(new Integer []{1,2,7,9});
class MinCount{
Integer[] coins;
public MinCount(Integer [] coins){
public int count(int sum){
if(sum<0)return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if(sum==0)return 0;
int min=Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for(int i=0; i<coins.length; i++){
int val=count(sum-coins[i]);
return min+1;

Suppose that you have coins worth $1, $50, and $52, and that your total is $100. Your proposed algorithm would produce a solution that uses 49 coins ($52 + $1 + $1 + … + $1 + $1); but the correct minimum result requires only 2 coins ($50 + $50).
(Incidentally, I think it's cheating to write
For simplicty we are assuming there will always be a "$1" coin and thus there is always a way to make up the sum.
when this is not in the problem statement, and therefore not assumed in other sources. That's a bit like asking "Why do sorting algorithms always put a lot of effort into rearranging the elements, instead of just assuming that the elements are in the right order to begin with?" But as it happens, even assuming the existence of a $1 coin doesn't let you guarantee that the naïve/greedy algorithm will find the optimal solution.)

I will complement the answer that has already been provided to your question with some algorithm design advice.
The solution that you propose is what is called a "greedy algorithm": a problem solving strategy that makes the locally optimal choice at each stage with the hope of finding a global optimum.
In many problems, a greedy strategy does not produce an optimal solution. The best way to disprove the correctess of an algorithm is to find a counter-example, such as the case of the "$52", "$50", and "$1" coins. To find counter-examples, Steven Skiena gives the following advice in his book "The Algorithm Design Manual":
Think small: when an algorithm fails, there is usually a very simple example on which it fails.
Hunt for the weakness: if the proposed algorithm is of the form "always take the biggest" (that is, a greedy algorithm), think about why that might prove to be the wrong thing to do. In particular, ...
Go for a tie: A devious way to break a greedy algorithm is to provide instances where everything is the same size. This way the algorithm may have nothing to base its decision on.
Seek extremes: many counter-examples are mixtures of huge and tiny, left and right, few and many, near and far. It is usually easier to verify or reason about extreme examples than more muddled ones.

#recursive solution in python
import sys
class Solution:
def __init__(self):
def minCoins(self, coins, m, v):
if res==sys.maxsize-1:
return -1
return res
def solve(self,coins,m,v):
if m==0 and v>0:
return self.maxint
if v==0:
return 0
if coins[m-1]<=v:
return self.ans
return self.ans


Is Recursion W/Memoization In Staircase Problem Bottom-Up?

Considering the classical staircase problem as "Davis has a number of staircases in his house and he likes to climb each staircase 1, 2, or 3 steps at a time. Being a very precocious child, he wonders how many ways there are to reach the top of the staircase."
My approach is to use memoization with recursion as
# TimeO(N), SpaceO(N), DP Bottom Up + Memoization
def stepPerms(n, memo = {}):
if n < 3:
return n
elif n == 3:
return 4
if n in memo:
return memo[n]
memo[n] = stepPerms(n - 1, memo) + stepPerms(n - 2 ,memo) + stepPerms(n - 3 ,memo)
return memo[n]
The question that comes to my mind is that, is this solution bottom-up or top-down. My way of approaching it is that since we go all the way down to calculate the upper N values (imagine the recursion tree). I consider this bottom-up. Is this correct?
Recoursion strategies are as a general rule topdown approaches, whether they have memory or not. The underlaying algorithm design is dynamic programming, which traditionally built in a bottom-up fashion.
I noticed that you wrote your code in python, and python is generally not happy about deep recoursion (small amounts are okay, but performance quickly takes a hit and there is a maximum recousion depth of 1000 - unless it was changed since I read that).
If we make a bottom-up dynamic programmin version, we can get rid of this recousion, and we can also recognise that we only need constant amount of space, since we are only really interested in the last 3 values:
def stepPerms(n):
if n < 1: return n
memo = [1,2,4]
if n <= 3: return memo[n-1]
for i in range(3,n):
memo[i % 3] = sum(memo)
return memo[n-1]
Notice how much simpler the logic is, appart from the i is one less than the value, since the positions are starts a 0 instead of the count of 1.
In the top-down approach, the complex module is divided into submodules. So it is top down approach. On the other hand, bottom-up approach begins with elementary modules and then combine them further.
And bottom up approach of this solution will be:
for i in range(0,3):
for i in range(4,n+1):

Incorrect Recursive approach to finding combinations of coins to produce given change

I was recently doing a project euler problem (namely #31) which was basically finding out how many ways we can sum to 200 using elements of the set {1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200}.
The idea that I used was this: the number of ways to sum to N is equal to
(the number of ways to sum N-k) * (number of ways to sum k), summed over all possible values of k.
I realized that this approach is WRONG, namely due to the fact that it creates several several duplicate counts. I have tried to adjust the formula to avoid duplicates, but to no avail. I am seeking the wisdom of stack overflowers regarding:
whether my recursive approach is concerned with the correct subproblem to solve
If there exists one, what would be an effective way to eliminate duplicates
how should we approach recursive problems such that we are concerned with the correct subproblem? what are some indicators that we've chosen a correct (or incorrect) subproblem?
When trying to avoid duplicate permutations, a straightforward strategy that works in most cases is to only create rising or falling sequences.
In your example, if you pick a value and then recurse with the whole set, you will get duplicate sequences like 50,50,100 and 50,100,50 and 100,50,50. However, if you recurse with the rule that the next value should be equal to or smaller than the currently selected value, out of those three you will only get the sequence 100,50,50.
So an algorithm that counts only unique combinations would be e.g.:
function uniqueCombinations(set, target, previous) {
for all values in set not greater than previous {
if value equals target {
increment count
if value is smaller than target {
uniqueCombinations(set, target - value, value)
uniqueCombinations([1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200], 200, 200)
Alternatively, you can create a copy of the set before every recursion, and remove the elements from it that you don't want repeated.
The rising/falling sequence method also works with iterations. Let's say you want to find all unique combinations of three letters. This algorithm will print results like a,c,e, but not a,e,c or e,a,c:
for letter1 is 'a' to 'x' {
for letter2 is first letter after letter1 to 'y' {
for letter3 is first letter after letter2 to 'z' {
print [letter1,letter2,letter3]
m69 gives a nice strategy that often works, but I think it's worthwhile to better understand why it works. When trying to count items (of any kind), the general principle is:
Think of a rule that classifies any given item into exactly one of several non-overlapping categories. That is, come up with a list of concrete categories A, B, ..., Z that will make the following sentence true: An item is either in category A, or in category B, or ..., or in category Z.
Once you have done this, you can safely count the number of items in each category and add these counts together, comfortable in the knowledge that (a) any item that is counted in one category is not counted again in any other category, and (b) any item that you want to count is in some category (i.e., none are missed).
How could we form categories for your specific problem here? One way to do it is to notice that every item (i.e., every multiset of coin values that sums to the desired total N) either contains the 50-coin exactly zero times, or it contains it exactly once, or it contains it exactly twice, or ..., or it contains it exactly RoundDown(N / 50) times. These categories don't overlap: if a solution uses exactly 5 50-coins, it pretty clearly can't also use exactly 7 50-coins, for example. Also, every solution is clearly in some category (notice that we include a category for the case in which no 50-coins are used). So if we had a way to count, for any given k, the number of solutions that use coins from the set {1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200} to produce a sum of N and use exactly k 50-coins, then we could sum over all k from 0 to N/50 and get an accurate count.
How to do this efficiently? This is where the recursion comes in. The number of solutions that use coins from the set {1,2,5,10,20,50,100,200} to produce a sum of N and use exactly k 50-coins is equal to the number of solutions that sum to N-50k and do not use any 50-coins, i.e. use coins only from the set {1,2,5,10,20,100,200}. This of course works for any particular coin denomination that we could have chosen, so these subproblems have the same shape as the original problem: we can solve each one by simply choosing another coin arbitrarily (e.g. the 10-coin), forming a new set of categories based on this new coin, counting the number of items in each category and summing them up. The subproblems become smaller until we reach some simple base case that we process directly (e.g. no allowed coins left: then there is 1 item if N=0, and 0 items otherwise).
I started with the 50-coin (instead of, say, the largest or the smallest coin) to emphasise that the particular choice used to form the set of non-overlapping categories doesn't matter for the correctness of the algorithm. But in practice, passing explicit representations of sets of coins around is unnecessarily expensive. Since we don't actually care about the particular sequence of coins to use for forming categories, we're free to choose a more efficient representation. Here (and in many problems), it's convenient to represent the set of allowed coins implicitly as simply a single integer, maxCoin, which we interpret to mean that the first maxCoin coins in the original ordered list of coins are the allowed ones. This limits the possible sets we can represent, but here that's OK: If we always choose the last allowed coin to form categories on, we can communicate the new, more-restricted "set" of allowed coins to subproblems very succinctly by simply passing the argument maxCoin-1 to it. This is the essence of m69's answer.
There's some good guidance here. Another way to think about this is as a dynamic program. For this, we must pose the problem as a simple decision among options that leaves us with a smaller version of the same problem. It boils out to a certain kind of recursive expression.
Put the coin values c0, c1, ... c_(n-1) in any order you like. Then define W(i,v) as the number of ways you can make change for value v using coins ci, c_(i+1), ... c_(n-1). The answer we want is W(0,200). All that's left is to define W:
W(i,v) = sum_[k = 0..floor(200/ci)] W(i+1, v-ci*k)
In words: the number of ways we can make change with coins ci onward is to sum up all the ways we can make change after a decision to use some feasible number k of coins ci, removing that much value from the problem.
Of course we need base cases for the recursion. This happens when i=n-1: the last coin value. At this point there's a way to make change if and only if the value we need is an exact multiple of c_(n-1).
W(n-1,v) = 1 if v % c_(n-1) == 0 and 0 otherwise.
We generally don't want to implement this as a simple recursive function. The same argument values occur repeatedly, which leads to an exponential (in n and v) amount of wasted computation. There are simple ways to avoid this. Tabular evaluation and memoization are two.
Another point is that it is more efficient to have the values in descending order. By taking big chunks of value early, the total number of recursive evaluations is minimized. Additionally, since c_(n-1) is now 1, the base case is just W(n-1)=1. Now it becomes fairly obvious that we can add a second base case as an optimization: W(n-2,v) = floor(v/c_(n-2)). That's how many times the for loop will sum W(n-1,1) = 1!
But this is gilding a lilly. The problem is so small that exponential behavior doesn't signify. Here is a little implementation to show that order really doesn't matter:
#include <stdio.h>
#define n 8
int cv[][n] = {
int *c;
int w(int i, int v) {
if (i == n - 1) return v % c[n - 1] == 0;
int sum = 0;
for (int k = 0; k <= v / c[i]; ++k)
sum += w(i + 1, v - c[i] * k);
return sum;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
unsigned p;
if (argc != 2 || sscanf(argv[1], "%d", &p) != 1 || p > 2) p = 0;
c = cv[p];
printf("Ways(%u) = %d\n", p, w(0, 200));
return 0;
Drumroll, please...
$ ./foo 0
Ways(0) = 73682
$ ./foo 1
Ways(1) = 73682
$ ./foo 2
Ways(2) = 73682

Dynamic Programming Coin Change Problems

I am having issues with understanding dynamic programming solutions to various problems, specifically the coin change problem:
"Given a value N, if we want to make change for N cents, and we have infinite supply of each of S = { S1, S2, .. , Sm} valued coins, how many ways can we make the change? The order of coins doesn’t matter.
For example, for N = 4 and S = {1,2,3}, there are four solutions: {1,1,1,1},{1,1,2},{2,2},{1,3}. So output should be 4. For N = 10 and S = {2, 5, 3, 6}, there are five solutions: {2,2,2,2,2}, {2,2,3,3}, {2,2,6}, {2,3,5} and {5,5}. So the output should be 5."
There is another variation of this problem where the solution is the minimum number of coins to satisfy the amount.
These problems appear very similar, but the solutions are very different.
Number of possible ways to make change: the optimal substructure for this is DP(m,n) = DP(m-1, n) + DP(m, n-Sm) where DP is the number of solutions for all coins up to the mth coin and amount=n.
Minimum amount of coins: the optimal substructure for this is
DP[i] = Min{ DP[i-d1], DP[i-d2],...DP[i-dn] } + 1 where i is the total amount and d1..dn represent each coin denomination.
Why is it that the first one required a 2-D array and the second a 1-D array? Why is the optimal substructure for the number of ways to make change not "DP[i] = DP[i-d1]+DP[i-d2]+...DP[i-dn]" where DP[i] is the number of ways i amount can be obtained by the coins. It sounds logical to me, but it produces an incorrect answer. Why is that second dimension for the coins needed in this problem, but not needed in the minimum amount problem?
Thanks in advance. Every website I go to only explains how the solution works, not why other solutions do not work.
Lets first talk about the number of ways, DP(m,n) = DP(m-1, n) + DP(m, n-Sm). This in indeed correct because either you can use the mth denomination or you can avoid it. Now you say why don't we write it as DP[i] = DP[i-d1]+DP[i-d2]+...DP[i-dn]. Well this will lead to over counting , lets take an example where n=4 m=2 and S={1,3}. Now according to your solution dp[4]=dp[1]+dp[3]. ( Assuming 1 to be a base case dp[1]=1 ) .Now dp[3]=dp[2]+dp[0]. ( Again dp[0]=1 by base case ). Again applying the same dp[2]=dp[1]=1. Thus in total you get answer as 3 when its supposed to be just 2 ( (1,3) and (1,1,1,1) ). Its so because
your second method treats (1,3) and (3,1) as two different solution.Your second method can be applied to case where order matters, which is also a standard problem.
Now to your second question you say that minimum number of denominations can
be found out by DP[i] = Min{ DP[i-d1], DP[i-d2],...DP[i-dn] } + 1. Well this is correct as in finding minimum denominations, order or no order does not matter. Why this is linear / 1-D DP , well although the DP array is 1-D each state depends on at most m states unlike your first solution where array is 2-D but each state depends on at most 2 states. So in both case run time which is ( number of states * number of states each state depends on ) is the same which is O(nm). So both are correct, just your second solution saves memory. So either you can find it by 1-D array method or by 2-D by using the recurrence
dp(n,m)=min(dp(m-1,n),1+dp(m,n-Sm)). (Just use min in your first recurrence)
Hope I cleared the doubts , do post if still something is unclear.
This is a very good explanation of the coin change problem using Dynamic Programming.
The code is as follows:
public static int change(int amount, int[] coins){
int[] combinations = new int[amount + 1];
combinations[0] = 1;
for(int coin : coins){
for(int i = 1; i < combinations.length; i++){
if(i >= coin){
combinations[i] += combinations[i - coin];
return combinations[amount];

Algorithm to check if a number if a perfect number

I am looking for an algorithm to find if a given number is a perfect number.
The most simple that comes to my mind is :
Find all the factors of the number
Get the prime factors [except the number itself, if it is prime] and add them up to check if it is a perfect number.
Is there a better way to do this ?.
On searching, some Euclids work came up, but didnt find any good algorithm. Also this golfscript wasnt helpful: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3472534/checking-whether-a-number-is-mathematically-a-perfect-number .
The numbers etc can be cached etc in real world usage [which I dont know where perfect nos are used :)]
However, since this is being asked in interviews, I am assuming there should be a "derivable" way of optimizing it.
Thanks !
If the input is even, see if it is of the form 2^(p-1)*(2^p-1), with p and 2^p-1 prime.
If the input is odd, return "false". :-)
See the Wikipedia page for details.
(Actually, since there are only 47 perfect numbers with fewer than 25 million digits, you might start with a simple table of those. Ask the interviewer if you can assume you are using 64-bit numbers, for instance...)
Edit: Dang, I failed the interview! :-(
In my over zealous attempt at finding tricks or heuristics to improve upon the "factorize + enumerate divisors + sum them" approach, I failed to note that being 1 modulo 9 was merely a necessary, and certainly not a sufficient condition for at number (other than 6) to be perfect...
Duh... with on average 1 in 9 even number satisfying this condition, my algorithm would sure find a few too many perfect numbers ;-).
To redeem myself, persist and maintain the suggestion of using the digital root, but only as a filter, to avoid the more expensive computation of the factor, in most cases.
[Original attempt: hall of shame]
If the number is even,<br>
compute its [digital root][1].
if the digital root is 1, the number is perfect, otherwise it isn't.
If the number is odd...
there are no shortcuts, other than...
"Not perfect" if the number is smaller than 10^300
For bigger values, one would then need to run the algorithm described in
the question, possibly with a few twists typically driven by heuristics
that prove that the sum of divisors will be lacking when the number
doesn't have some of the low prime factors.
My reason for suggesting the digital root trick for even numbers is that this can be computed without the help of an arbitrary length arithmetic library (like GMP). It is also much less computationally expensive than the decomposition in prime factors and/or the factorization (2^(p-1) * ((2^p)-1)). Therefore if the interviewer were to be satisfied with a "No perfect" response for odd numbers, the solution would be both very efficient and codable in most computer languages.
[Second and third attempt...]
If the number is even,<br>
if it is 6
The number is PERFECT
otherwise compute its [digital root][1].
if the digital root is _not_ 1
The number is NOT PERFECT
else ...,
Compute the prime factors
Enumerate the divisors, sum them
if the sum of these divisor equals the 2 * the number
If the number is odd...
same as previously
On this relatively odd interview question...
I second andrewdski's comment to another response in this post, that this particular question is rather odd in the context of an interview for a general purpose developer. As with many interview questions, it can be that the interviewer isn't seeking a particular solution, but rather is providing an opportunity for the candidate to demonstrate his/her ability to articulate the general pros and cons of various approaches. Also, if the candidate is offered an opportunity to look-up generic resources such as MathWorld or Wikipedia prior to responding, this may also be a good test of his/her ability to quickly make sense of the info offered there.
Here's a quick algorithm just for fun, in PHP - using just a simple for loop. You can easliy port that to other languages:
function isPerfectNumber($num) {
$out = false;
if($num%2 == 0) {
$divisors = array(1);
for($i=2; $i<$num; $i++) {
if($num%$i == 0)
$divisors[] = $i;
if(array_sum($divisors) == $num)
$out = true;
return $out ? 'It\'s perfect!' : 'Not a perfect number.';
Hope this helps, not sure if this is what you're looking for.
int sumOfFactors(int );
int main(){
int x, start, end;
printf("Enter start of the range:\n");
scanf("%d", &start);
printf("Enter end of the range:\n");
scanf("%d", &end);
for(x = start;x <= end;x++){
if(x == sumOfFactors(x)){
printf("The numbers %d is a perfect number\n", x);
return 0;
int sumOfFactors(int x){
int sum = 1, i, j;
for(j=2;j <= x/2;j++){
if(x % j == 0)
sum += j;
return sum;

Partition a Set into k Disjoint Subset

Give a Set S, partition the set into k disjoint subsets such that the difference of their sums is minimal.
say, S = {1,2,3,4,5} and k = 2, so { {3,4}, {1,2,5} } since their sums {7,8} have minimal difference. For S = {1,2,3}, k = 2 it will be {{1,2},{3}} since difference in sum is 0.
The problem is similar to The Partition Problem from The Algorithm Design Manual. Except Steven Skiena discusses a method to solve it without rearrangement.
I was going to try Simulated Annealing. So i wondering, if there was a better method?
Thanks in advance.
The pseudo-polytime algorithm for a knapsack can be used for k=2. The best we can do is sum(S)/2. Run the knapsack algorithm
for s in S:
for i in 0 to sum(S):
if arr[i] then arr[i+s] = true;
then look at sum(S)/2, followed by sum(S)/2 +/- 1, etc.
For 'k>=3' I believe this is NP-complete, like the 3-partition problem.
The simplest way to do it for k>=3 is just to brute force it, here's one way, not sure if it's the fastest or cleanest.
import copy
arr = [1,2,3,4]
def t(k,accum,index):
print accum,k
if index == len(arr):
return copy.deepcopy(accum);
return [];
element = arr[index];
result = []
for set_i in range(len(accum)):
if k>0:
clone_new = copy.deepcopy(accum);
result.extend( t(k-1,clone_new,index+1) );
for elem_i in range(len(accum[set_i])):
clone_new = copy.deepcopy(accum);
result.extend( t(k,clone_new,index+1) );
return result
print t(3,[[]],0);
Simulated annealing might be good, but since the 'neighbors' of a particular solution aren't really clear, a genetic algorithm might be better suited to this. You'd start out by randomly picking a group of subsets and 'mutate' by moving numbers between subsets.
If the sets are large, I would definitely go for stochastic search. Don't know exactly what spinning_plate means when writing that "the neighborhood is not clearly defined". Of course it is --- you either move one item from one set to another, or swap items from two different sets, and this is a simple neighborhood. I would use both operations in stochastic search (which in practice could be tabu search or simulated annealing.)
