Back button causes naked partial view - ajax

Here's the scenario: I invoke an action method which returns PartialViewresult via ajax. The result is loaded into another view. Then I Navigate to another page and after this if I press browser back button the previously loaded PartialViewResult appears naked. By naked I mean no container view and layout is loaded, just plain html elements are rendered. Like this:
Has anyone faced and tackled this problem?
EDIT: To provide a better understanding of the situation here's my action method:
public ActionResult Inbox(int pageNumber = 1, int pageSize = 10, string filter = null)
var inboxItems = GetInboxItems(filter);
PagedList<InboxItem> pagedList = inboxItems.ToPagedList(pageNumber, pageSize);
InboxViewModel vm = new InboxViewModel(pagedList);
if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return View(vm);
return PartialView(vm);
In the Inbox.cshtml file I load layout based on if the request is ajax request:
#model Dokcentra.Models.InboxViewModel
#if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Cabinet.cshtml";
I think the last piece of code is what causes this problem because the layout file _Cabinet.cshtml has all the html, css and js and when I press browser back button that layout file doesn't load.

After lots of digging and hair pulling I realized that this only happens in Chrome. I found out that I need to provide a different url from the full html document. So when sending a reuest through AJAX to this action method I just append any arbitrary query string value to "?Cabinet/Inbox", like this:
var url= "/Cabinet/Inbox?anythingYouWant"


What is the difference between view & partial view in mvc

i am learning mvc. so like to know what is the difference between view & partial view in mvc in terms of functionality.
normal view & partial view both render html in what is the difference and limitation for two?
what are things are accomplish by partial view. please give me few scenario where people need to use partial view.
here is posting two code to load view based on dropdown value change.
$(function() {
$('#myddl').change(function() {
var url = $(this).data('url');
var value = $(this).val();
$('#result').load(url, { value: value })
public ActionResult Foo(string value)
SomeModel model = ...
return PartialView(model);
public ActionResult GetView(int id)
switch (id)
case 1:
return View("View1", model1);
case 2:
return View("View2", model2);
return View("Default", modelDefault);
now see one action result return PartialView and another return just view to ajax method. which approach is right? when second approach need to use?
please guide me with knowledge. thanks
We use partial view to render a specific section of a page, like take an example of Customer. Your Index view of Customer controller will be a normal view while your grid of customers will be a partial view so that when you update or insert a new customer or delete a customer you will just render your partial view which contains grid of customers not the whole index view.
As far as i know, a partial is used as part of a view and can be shared across multiple views to provide extra functionality for those views. Also, views can be broken down to partials to make editing easier and eliminate redundancy. Hope it helps a little
Partial view kept to use as partial page of the main page(parent page).
What does mean of partial view? Actually in the main page we will have all the HTML page attributes as below:
html lang="en"
But in partial view we will not have all above attributes.
Find the features of partial page:
1. Partial page will be light wait and get fitted into the any view.
2. This will use as the reusable component.
3. Partial view will be render inside of a View(parent view or page).
For all who coming from ASP.Net background they can understand partial view as user control.

AJAX created SELECT "invisible" inside FORM data

I'm new here but I found many help in the passt reading Q&A.
My problem is this:
in a HTML page I have a form with many fields, one of these is a SELECT with name and id "f_container"; I pose it inside a element (<div id=f_cont_ins></div>) ad use an AJAX function to populate it dynamically.
function ele_con(id,cod_cont) {
var http = createRequestObject();'get', 'fler.php?id='+id+'&art='+document.getElementById('stp').value);
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(http.readyState == 4){
var response = http.responseText;
document.getElementById('f_cont_ins').innerHTML = response;
The "response" is right formatted an display right in the browser (Firefox); if I inspect the element or analyze the DOM structure it seems all ok, and I can get the value of a selection with document.getElementById('f_container').value.
But when I post the form, the field "f_cointainer" isn't present in the print_r($_POST); array, but all the other yes.
I navigate the net but don't found a clear ansver that these is not possible or a workaround to solve the problem.
I have an idea that is to use the document.location='page.php?par1=a&par2=b&f_container=5'; created reading value with document.getElementById, but I prefer a POST solution if it exist.

How to use partial views

I'm coming to a part in my MVC 3 page where I need to do a JQuery $.Ajax callback, but unlike before where I have returned some simple values and handled updating the UI using JQuery I need to refresh the part of the page that displays the main ViewModel data. So in effect it's almost as if I need to do a callback but instead of returning the JSonResult I want to return the original View?? I'm pretty sure though that I need to be thinking about using partial views? Could anyone advise or perhaps point me towards a good tutorial?
Thanks in advance.
If I understand correctly. In this sort of scenario I usually re-use the same action but return either a full or partial view based on the IsAjaxRequest method.
public ActionResult MyAction(string someParam)
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView(model);
return View(model);
This can then be called in jQuery using something like:
$("a.myAction").click(function (event)
var button = $(this);
// Get more results using ajax
$.get(button.attr("href"), function (data)
// Add the new content
}, "html");
You may need to POST instead or change the Url to include a query string if you want to send data to the action to change the view.

How to change WebGrid action for getting data (.NET MVC3)

I have a Partial View that renders WebGrid. My controller looks like
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult GetUserList(int? page, string sort, string sortdir)
var model = UserModel.getList(page,sort,sortdir);
return PartialView("_UserList",model);
Index.cshtml :
The problem is that every time I click on grid navigation or sort links it calls Index method. How can I make Webgrid to execute a different action (GetUserList in this case)? I'm sure I can prepend GetUserList to all links in grid using jquery, but I believe it should be a better way.
It's also possible that what I'm doing is completely wrong, so thanks for your suggestions.
After lot of monkeying around and digging (and even fiddling with Reflector with WebGrid's source code), I came to the conclusion that with WebGrid, you cannot control/change the Header link action.
To create the header link URL, the path is taken from HttpContext.Request.Path, so there is no way to customize it to point to a different route.
One very ugly hack would be to tap into to jQuery Ajax's events (since the header link uses jQuery.load to sort) and overwrite the URL:
Album Id
Better solution would be to use:
Telerik Grid which lets you specify custom routes and also offers much more flexibility in rendering your layout
or MvcContrib Grid (not sure if this lets you modify header links but definitely offers more flexibility than WebGrid)
#MrChief had the idea above about the ugly hack...I put that together. Here is the main code that I used to do this. It does, indeed, hijack the ajax call before it is put on the wire. The key is to modify the URL that is getting sent because the grid will grab that URL from HttpContext.Request.Path. and plug it into the onclick for the anchor element.
I put this into my main common.js and will simply attach a function to capture the ajaxSend event which happens just before the data is sent.
// Used to hijack the sending of all AJAX calls. Before it sends the call to the server, it checks to see if the
// active element (the element that prompted the call) is marked with a given class. If so, then it will perform
// the given operation.
$(document).ajaxSend(function (event, jqXHR, ajaxOptions) {
var activeElement = document.activeElement;
if ($(activeElement).attr('redosorturl') != null) {
// If this is a sort anchor link from a grid that needs to have the sort link redone, do it here.
// the code is in the eipGrip.js file.
if ($(activeElement).attr('redosorturl').toString() == 'redoSortURL') {
var newURL = RedoGridSortURL(activeElement, ajaxOptions.url.toString());
ajaxOptions.url = newURL.toString();
return false;
When rendering the page, I have marked the tag in column header that contains the incorrect URL with a class named "redosorturl', so I know when I hijack the ajax call, the operation has to be done on this element. I then call a custom function that gives me the correct URL, then the ajaxOptions.url is then rewritten with that new URL.
I have to pass the activeElement to that rewrite function so I can traverse up the DOM to get the grid information, where I have put data like the controller and action method that is used along with and IDs and other info that I use for the URL. Likewise, I pass in the current url string because the grid will inject a token at the end of the url that I parse off and put on the new url.
Your conclusion isn't right. You just need to wrap your webgrid in a Get form:
using (Html.BeginForm("GetUserList", "ThingaMaBob", System.Web.Mvc.FormMethod.Get))
var grid = new WebGrid(
Html.Hidden(grid.SortFieldName, grid.SortColumn);
Html.Hidden(grid.SortDirectionFieldName, grid.SortDirection == SortDirection.Ascending ? "ASC" : "DESC");
The hiddens are so that the sort dir and sort field end up in parseable form in the querystring. You end up with urls like localhost/ThingaMaBob/GetUserList?someotherfields=whatever=&sort=city&sortdir=ASC
If you remove [HttpPost] attribute and let the route come to the same function. you'll find the Request["page"] value in your method. this will allow you to put a check on Request["Page"] value.

MVC2 Client-Side Validation for injected Ajax content

I am making an Ajax call and adding content to a form inside a MVC2 app.
I need to update the Client Validation Metadata with the validation for my new content.
<script type="text/javascript">
if (!window.mvcClientValidationMetadata) { window.mvcClientValidationMetadata = []; }
Is there a way to generate this metadata for a partial view ?
Thanks in advance.
I was banging my head against a wall for a few days on this too and was going to go down the route of removing the form tag, but have just got it working in a slightly less hacky way if you are still interested. My scenario was similar in that I have a form with a collection of elements to validate initially, but users can dynamically add new rows via ajax.
I'll break it down so hopefully it'll be easier to see what is going on. Looking at the MVC source code, the form and validation works roughly as so:
Html.BeginForm() outputs the opening form tag then creates and returns a new instance of MvcForm, which doesn't outwardly do much except make the scope of the form easier to manage for you.
It does however create a new FormContext and stores this within ViewContext.FormContext. It is this FormContext that tracks the client validation.
The last thing Html.BeginForm() does is set the FormId property of the new FormContext, using the id of the form tag. This is required so the client script can match up forms and validation rules.
Html.EndForm() disposes the MvcForm. This Dispose method outputs the form closing tag and then calls ViewContext.OutputClientValidation() which is resposible for outputting the javascript. Lastly it removes the current FormContext and sets it back to the parent FormContext or null if there isn't one.
So to not output the form tag we somehow need to take some of the FormContext management out of the MvcForm constructor/destructor.
So within my Partial View I did the following:
At the top I check if the ViewContext.FormContext has a value. If so we we are in the initial load so no need to mess around. If not, it is an ajax call, so I enable client validation, create a new MvcForm directly (not with BeginForm) - this causes a FormContext to be created - and set the FormContext.FormId to the same as my parent page
At the end of the view, I check if I have a form instance and if so, call ViewContext.OutputClientValidation() and reset the ViewContext.FormContext to null. I do not Dispose() the MvcForm as this would output the closing tag and MvcForm does not contain disposable objects.
The skeleton of the view looks as so:
MvcForm dummyForm = null;
if (this.ViewContext.FormContext == null)
dummyForm = new MvcForm(this.ViewContext);
this.ViewContext.FormContext.FormId = "mainform";
// standard partial view markup goes here
if (dummyForm != null)
this.ViewContext.FormContext = null;
You could quite easily wrap this up into an extension method
Finally got it to work.
The answer is simple: don't waist time with MicrosoftMvcValidation.js. It is generated with Script# which makes it difficult to extend.
Switch to xVal and jQuery Validation.
It doesn't need a form to generate the client validation metadata.
Also in order to load validation for a AJAX request all you have to do is to call the following after you have the new Html:
That does it. First you remove the old content. Than re-run validation to get rid of potentially obsolete validation errors. Than add the new content. Works like a cham.
Also jQuery Validation makes it really easy to enable or disable validation for a certain field (conditional validation).
I have the same problem and resolve using the Future files, and in MicrosoftMvcJQueryValidation.js I change the and of file, this:
$(document).ready(function () {
var allFormOptions = window.mvcClientValidationMetadata;
if (allFormOptions) {
while (allFormOptions.length > 0) {
var thisFormOptions = allFormOptions.pop();
function chargeValidation() {
var allFormOptions = window.mvcClientValidationMetadata;
if (allFormOptions) {
while (allFormOptions.length > 0) {
var thisFormOptions = allFormOptions.pop();
and in content after close form using I call the 'chargeValidation()', this resolve for me the problem I have using $.get(action) containing a form validation.
I hope to help you!
Finally found it.
After content is loaded in dynamically you will need to register the new form.
Since I am using Facebox, I added it to the facebox code, however you can add it wherever you need, or in a callback if your modal or whatever you are loading into has an afterLoaded event.
I wrapped them in a try/catch just in case i ever use facebox without the validation stuff.
Just run these two lines AFTER your content has been loaded:
try {
} catch (err) {/* MVC Clientside framework is likely not loaded*/ }
I made some progress but I am not quite happy.
Problem #1: The client validation metadata is not generated unless you have a Html.BeginForm() in your partial. Which in my case is false because I do not update the entire form, I update portions of it.
Solution for Problem #1: Add a form in the partial view, let MVC generate the client validation MetaData and remove the form tags with a action filter. Let's call this Hack #1.
public class RemoveFormFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private static readonly MethodInfo SwitchWriterMethod = typeof(HttpResponse).GetMethod("SwitchWriter", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
private TextWriter _OriginalWriter;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
_OriginalWriter = (TextWriter)SwitchWriterMethod.Invoke(HttpContext.Current.Response, new object[] {new HtmlTextWriter(new StringWriter())});
public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
if (_OriginalWriter != null)
HtmlTextWriter lTextWriter =(HtmlTextWriter) SwitchWriterMethod.Invoke(HttpContext.Current.Response, new object[] {_OriginalWriter});
string lOriginalHTML = lTextWriter.InnerWriter.ToString();
string lNewHTML = RemoveFormTags(lOriginalHTML);
Problem #2: The initial client validation metadata for the page is gone by the time I have the metaData for the new content.
Solution for Problem #2: Store the initial metadata (hard copy) and update it with the new fieds, than call the methods you mentioned to let MVC know new stuff arrived. Let's call this Hack #2.
<script type="text/javascript">
var pageMvcClientValidationMetadata;
$(document).ready(function() {
//create a back-up of the ValidationMetadata
pageMvcClientValidationMetadata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(window.mvcClientValidationMetadata));
function PaymentTypeChanged() {
var selectedPaymentType = $("input[name='PaymentTypeName']:checked").val();
url: 'PersonalData/GetPaymentTypeHtml?&paymentType=' + selectedPaymentType,
type: "GET",
cache: false,
success: GetPaymentTypeHtml_Success
function GetPaymentTypeHtml_Success(result) {
function UpdateValidationMetaData() {
//update the ValidationMetadata
for (i = 0; i < window.mvcClientValidationMetadata[0].Fields.length; i++) {
//restore the ValidationMetadata
window.mvcClientValidationMetadata = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(pageMvcClientValidationMetadata));
//Notify the Validation Framework that new Metadata exists
Now. Any improvements would be appreciated.
Hack #1: How can I generate the client validation metadata without having an actual form ?
HAck #2: How can I appent to the page validation metadata ?
