BIRT - Java 1.8 - birt

I was using BIRT together with java 1.6 but recently have updated java to the latest version which is a prerequistie for other applications. Since then BIRT is not working.
I was using BIRT 4.4.0.v201405191524.
Is there any possibilty to work BIRT with the java 1.8 version?

BIRT has some dependencies which are given here.
They have specifically mentioned only Java 1.6 JDK/JRE as a pre-requisite but not higher version of JDK/JRE.
The BIRT engine 4.5 itself is still compiled with a java 6 compliance but many eclipse libraries require java 1.7.

I'm using BIRT 4.3.2 v20140211-1400 with java 1.8.
I'm using jre 1.8.20 and compiler version 1.8.

We recently upgraded our Dev environments to use BIRT 4.6.0 v20160607-2122 with Java 8_121, using Eclipse Neon 4.6.2
All is well, BIRT works great, with one minor issue: on the Edit Chart dialog's Select Data tab, the Summation button for the Value Series / Slice Size Definition is always disabled.


Spring tool suite JDK 9 issue

After importing spring-boot 1.x project into my workspace I got -
So I has looked for my STS.ini to set it to use JDK 8, but I could not find it.
Running win 10 with 64 bit.
BTW - is there another way to solve this?
I am not aware of any other way to solve this than to configure your STS.ini file to point to a JDK 1.8 to run STS on. You can grab the latest JDK 1.8 64bit for Windows from various download pages (e.g. the official Oracle one), install that, and configure your STS.ini file to use that JDK.
You can still use a newer JDK level in your projects though. Running STS itself on a JDK 1.8 doesn't mean you can't use JDK 9 or 10 in your projects. That should work independently of the JDK that you use to run the IDE itself (just in case that matters in your case).

BIRT 4.3.1 runtime compatibility with PDFBox jar

I am using PDFBox jar to print the pdf generated from my BIRT module.
BIRT version is 4.3.1 which i am planning to upgrade.
I just wanted to know that BIRT uses PDFBox or IText internally to generate the PDF.
If i use PDFBox with BIRT 4.3.1 do i have to worry that it might cause issues with BIRT PDF generation if BIRT is using some other version of PDFBox jar internally.
I am not sure but I've heard that birt uses iText to generate pdf. Just test it. It's the saves way to get this sure if it really works.

Using Analysis Tools on SonarQube not containing in the Java Ecosystem Plugin

I'm setting up a project environment for a bigger Java project and plan to use SonarQube with PMD, Findbugs and JaCoco. Theses tools are already included in SonarQube with the Java Ecosystem Plugins, but not all the new versions are supported.
In specific, PMD has only support for version 4.3 (, which is 2 years old now. Is there any possibility to install/use the newest version of PMD with SonarQube?
The answer is no.
For your information, you shouldn't need to use PMD anymore. See
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Using mule magento connector in mule 3.2

I have tried to use the lastest version of magento connector on mule 3.2. However I keep getting this error:
SAXParseException: cos-all-limited.1.2: An all model group must appear in a particle with {min occurs} = {max occurs} = 1, and that particle must be part of a pair which constitutes the {content type} of a complex type definition.
I have googled it and I think the problem is a bug in mule's devkit. And I am getting it because the magento connector is built using the devkit. The bug apparently has been fixed according to this link:
Where can I download the fixed version of the devkit? and how do I install it in mule 3.2?
This bug have been fixed indeed. If the Magento connector you're using has been compiled with a recent DevKit, things should be fine. Where did you get the Magento connector you're using? Have you tried building a fresh one from source?
DevKit can be found in MuleSoft Maven releases repository:
This said, you do not need to install DevKit it in Mule per se. DevKit is primarily used at compile time as a code generator for modules (like the Magento one). It may bring runtime dependencies but they'll be packaged with the module distribution archive (alongside the module Jar itself).

Upgrading dojo in Spring-js from 1.3 to 1.4

We have a project where we're using Spring-js. With it comes Spring-dojo and the full dojo package. But in the current version of Spring-js (2.0.9), it's using dojo 1.3. Is there a way to upgrade manually to dojo 1.4? Or even a new Spring-js.jar-file that can be donwloaded that uses dojo 1.4?
Yes. If you are using the ResourceServlet, you can simply drop the new version of Dojo in the top-level directory of your WAR structure. The ResourceServlet always looks there before it looks on the classpath, thus resources in top-level of the WAR take precedence. I would suggest using a full uncompressed source distro of Dojo during development, and then doing a custom build that is tailored to your usage patterns for production.
Beware that we've occasionally seen some minor incompatibilities when upgrading Dojo versions, so be on the lookout for that and report any issues in the Web Flow Jira.
I suspect we'll be upgrading to Dojo 1.4 in the official distribution for the upcoming Spring Web Flow 2.1 release.
Btw., spring webflow 2.0.9 uses dojo 1.2.4 not 1.3 as the release notes tell
