Using Analysis Tools on SonarQube not containing in the Java Ecosystem Plugin - sonarqube

I'm setting up a project environment for a bigger Java project and plan to use SonarQube with PMD, Findbugs and JaCoco. Theses tools are already included in SonarQube with the Java Ecosystem Plugins, but not all the new versions are supported.
In specific, PMD has only support for version 4.3 (, which is 2 years old now. Is there any possibility to install/use the newest version of PMD with SonarQube?

The answer is no.
For your information, you shouldn't need to use PMD anymore. See
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How do I get SonarQube to count spock/groovy unit tests?

I am trying to configure SonarQube to report an accurate count of the unit test cases in my repository, currently it is only showing the java jUnit test cases.
SonarQube reports the java jUnit test count as well as the overall coverage from jacoco which includes both java and groovy coverage.
How do I get SonarQube to recognize the groovy/spock unit tests in the overall count?
SonarQube 7.7 (I see the issue on 7.4 as well)
I am not sure if there is a specific sonar property I need to set in my Gradle configuration or if there is a plugin in SonarQube itself I need to install?
I do see some related answers about installing the Groovy plugin in SonarQube however there is no mention as to which version of SonarQube this is a solution for (I no longer see this plugin as available)
The marketplace had been missing the Groovy plugin for quite some time. A new version has just been released!
Simply installing the plugin that is available on the Marketplace solved this problem.

SonarQube no longer reporting test coverage from jacoco

SonarQube does no longer show test coverage for my project which is analyzed with jacoco. It seems there was an update on SonarQube (I found new rules dates May 19). I assume it also since then that the test coverage gathered with jacoco maven plugin is no longer evaluated. I've seen older questions with a similar issue, but that was 4 years ago:
JaCoCo SonarQube incompatible version 1007
I updated my POM to the latest plugin version 0.8.4 but to no avail. Any ideas where I need to change something so this works again?
I had exactly the same problem. The problem was that they deprecated the jacoco.exec file and now you have to use the XML format.
To use the new format you only have to install the official jacoco plugin in Sonarqube and everything it's going to work again without any more changes.

Clover maven plugin

After I replace version 4.1.2 clover-maven-plugin instead of version 3.1.3 maven-clover2-plugin, and then i got an error as below:
But i am confused with "Renewals and upgrades of Clover are no longer available effective April 11, 2017. If you require an upgrade to a different license tier we recommend switching to the open-source version. Open-source Clover does not require a license tier and offers unlimited usage."
Can someone help have look?
Atlassian has open-sourced Clover on April 11, 2017. It means that all binaries published before this date are the commercial ones and thus they require a license key. It applies to all Clover versions up to 4.1.2. Please note that historically the Maven Clover Plugin has been renamed, so its artifactId is:
maven-clover2-plugin till version 4.0.6
clover-maven-plugin for versions 4.1.1-4.1.2
In order to use the open-source version of Clover, you have to build it from sources (Atlassian published source code only and does not host any open-source binaries at the moment).
However, as Clover-lover :-) I've prepared binaries - they're named OpenClover. It's a fork based on Atlassian Clover sources. See the website: The Maven plugin is org.openclover:clover-maven-plugin, as Haven Lin wrote.

sonar-redmine plugin in SonarQube 5.6.5

Now my sonarQube version is sonar-5.6.5 and I want to use sonar-redmine plugin.
but this plugin was deprecated in my version.
How can i use this plugin in my version?
What plugin is a substituable sonar-redmine plugin?
I want to integrate SonarQube and redmine.
The extensions points used by the SonarQube Redmine plugin are no longer supported in SonarQube 5.6 LTS. This is why this plugin is deprecated.
For your information, you won't find any replacement for this kind of plugin. If you want to better understand why this feature has been removed from SonarQube extension points, please read the "Stop planning; fix the leak!" blog post that I wrote on this topic - in which you can replace "JIRA" by "Redmine".

Does SonarQube 5.4's 'Sonar way' quality profile contain Findbugs?

There was saying that 'SonarQube Java Analyzer' will be containing FindBug rules .so we need not to add any external findbug rule to sonar .
Is this already added in SonarQube 5.4 ?
What you should focus here is not the version of SonarQube but version of SonarQube Java Analyzer. Last release of the analyzer (3.12 at time of writing) contains rules that cover more than 80% of findbugs rules and this coverage is likely to keep increasing.
So yes, by updating to the latest version of SonarQube and the java analyzer, you don't need to use the FindBugs plugin anymore.
(Disclaimer, I am maintainer of the SonarQube java plugin, and author of the mentioned blog post in the question so I am a bit biaised here ;) )
