Quickstart VM 5.5 failed to boot on VirtualBox 5.0.14 - hadoop

Not sure why it was so challenging to bring up Cloudera CDH 5.5 on VirtualBox 5.0.14 on my Windows 7 workstation (64-bit). My desktop is a Lenovo 30AGS01Y00 w/ 1 Intel64 CPU, 16GB RAM, and 1TB of HDD. The detail OS version: 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601.
After installing VirtualBox and unzip Cloudera QuickStart VM 5.5, I created my VM with Red Hat (64-bit), Memory Size: 8,192MB and the "Use an existing virtual hard disk file" option to point to the vmdk file of the Cloudera quickstart for virtual box file. After the VM was created I adjusted its settings, as recommended, such as "Shared Clipboard", "DragnDrop", "Boot Order" (leave Hard Disk only).
The chipset setting was PIIX3 by default. It made no difference when I tried both PIIX3 and ICH9.
I left Processor as 1 CPU because my desktop has only 1 physical CPU even though its VT-x and physical HyperThreading were enabled. Nested Paging was also enabled.
The Storage of the Cloudera VM was created with SATA and Type: AHCI. The rest of settings remained no change (as default).
When I tried to boot the VM my VM screen looked exactly the same as depicted in this question:
Virtual machine "Cloudera quick start" not booting
I've been Googling this issues for about a week. The above question is the closest case I could find on the web. I tried a variety of VM settings but no luck. Not sure what the root cause is.
I tried to fall back to Cloudera QuickStart VM 5.4.2. No luck either.
Looks like zip file cannot be attached. Some key elements in VBox and VboxHardening logs were excerpted as follows:
00:00:02.535619 VMSetError: F:\tinderbox\win-5.0\src\VBox\Storage\VD.cpp(6410) int __cdecl VDOpen(struct VBOXHDD *,const char *,const char *,unsigned int,struct VDINTERFACE *); rc=VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED
Note: I don't know what F: drive is. There is no F: drive on my desktop.
00:00:02.520998 AIOMgr: Endpoint for file 'C:\CDH_5.4.2\cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.4.2-0-virtualbox-disk1.vmdk' (flags 000c0781) created successfully
00:00:02.535626 VMSetError: VD: error VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED opening image file 'C:\CDH_5.4.2\cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.4.2-0-virtualbox-disk1.vmdk'
00:00:02.567924 AIOMgr: Preparing flush failed with VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED, disabling async flushes
62a4.318: NtOpenDirectoryObject failed on \Driver: 0xc0000022

This may not make a difference, but have you tried importing the .ovf file (not the .vmdk one)?
Also, for future reference, there is much Cloudera VM knowledge here: https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Apache-Hadoop-Concepts-and/bd-p/ApacheHadoopConcepts

I still can't get the "Use an existing virtual hard disk file" part to work.
But, "Import Appliance" via .ovf does bring up the CDH VM. Here is what I do in case if anyone hit the same issue as me.
To import the QuickStart VM (.ovf or .ova):
Select File and then "Import Appliance (Ctrl I) " in VirtualBox.
Browse to find your .ovf (or .ova) and click Next
You may leave everything default and click Import.
Via this "Import Appliance" method, I was able to bring up QuickStart 5.4.2 and 5.5.0, on VirtualBox 5.0.14 on my Windows 7 desktop. It took about 4-5 minutes to finish the boot up process.


Performance issues on WSL 2

For the last two months I've (tried to) embraced WSL2 as my main development environment. It works fine with most small projects, but when it comes to complex ones, things start to slow down, making working on WSL2 impossible. With complex one I mean a monorepo with React, node, different libraries, etc. This same monorepo, on the same machine, works just fine when running it from Windows itself.
Please note that, when working on WSL2, all my files are in the linux environment; I'm not trying to access Windows files from WSL2.
I've the latest Docker Desktop installed, with WSL2 integration and kubernetes enabled. But the issue persists even with Docker completely stopped.
I've also tried to limit the memory consumption for WSL2, but that doesn't seems to fix the problem.
My machine is an Aero 15X with 16GB of ram. A colleague suggested upgrading to 32GB of ram. But before trying this, or "switching back" to Windows for now, I'd like to see if someone has any suggestions I could test out.
The recent Kernel version Linux MSI-wsl starts slower than previous overall.But the root cause can be outside WSL: if you have a new NVIDIA GeForce card installed Windows gives it to eat as much memory as it can, i.e 6-16 Gb without using it. I had to limit WSL memory to 8Gb to start WSL service without OoM. Try to play with this parameter in .wslconfig in your home directory and look at the WSL_Console_Log in the same place. If the timestamps in this file are in ms my Kernel starts in 55 ms and then hangs on Networking(!!!).
I'm afraid that WSL Kernel network driver
lshw -c network
description: Ethernet interface
physical id: 1
logical name: eth0
serial: 00:15:5d:52:c5:c0
size: 10Gbit/s
capabilities: ethernet physical
configuration: autonegotiation=off broadcast=yes driver=hv_netvsc driverversion= duplex=full firmware=N/A ip= link=yes multicast=yes speed=10Gbit/s
is not so fast how it is expected to be

How to run Mapr?

I am trying to run mapr sandbox on a windows pc and with 8gb ram. But when I am trying to import the ovf its always saying ovf is corrupt while I have used multiple sources the ovf that is running on the other machine is not running in my one.I have tried to play with the configuration as well I also tried to extract and run the ovf as a vmdk but than there will be no config setup done for so that doesn't works as well. Now I have tried that on vmplayer it got install and said that the ovf format is unsupproted and when you try again it will not see the ovf file specification concern so it imported the file successfully but now its says that the vmx file is incompatible. I cannot find any way out?
I did the following for install it on Ubuntu 14.04 (being virtual machines the final destination, shouldn't be mayor problems):
On VirtualBox
Don't use the ovf file.
Create virtual machine (Machine -> New...)
On operating system, choose red hat 64 bits
On memory, you should asing 8 GB for the VM (or less, if you have an old computer like me :D)
Don't add virtual drives, you can't add both drives. Use the option "Do not add a Virtual Hard Drive"
After creation of the VM
Add both disks to the virtual machine, from settings
Configure the network of the machine as following
Attached to "Bridget Adapter"
Name: Eht0
Adapter Type: Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop
Promiscuos mode: Deny
Cable Connected: yes
After this small steps, you should be capable of doing right click -> start, and start using MapR. Basically, we import the machine in a very complicated way, because the ovf file that is supposed to use for importing doesn't work!!
I was facing same issue on my Windows & machine. Here is what I did:
Again downloaded MapR sandbox for VMWare for windows.
Uninstalled previous version of VMWare which was giving this issue and downloaded VMWare Workstation Player for Windows 64 bit.
This time it worked.
As I had the chance to experiment with MapR recently-
MapR needs 6GB RAM
at least for the Virtual Box
(or the virtual machine you are using on windows)
if you don't grant the MapR these 6gb it is just not starting with some strange error saying nothing about that issue. You have 8gb ram on your windows machine so I recommend you to spend at least 6.2gb ram for the process.
p.s. Later I had other problems with the mapper as you can see with no support. (previous I found 1 more bug that they say will be fixed in MapR 6)
I am currently using MapR 5.2

How to deploy Windows 10 IoT (Rasp Pi image) as a Virtual Machine

Is it possible to deploy Windows 10 IoT (Rasp Pi image) as a Virtual Machine using VirtualBox or VMWare Player?
I need for a testing lab a network of three to five Windows 10 IoT devices. A virtual cluster would be perfect. My Google- and Bing-based research failed.
The problem could be either the non-ISO disk image file format or the non-x86 architecture of the operating system, couldn't it?
The easiest way I found is downloading Windows 10 IoT Core for MinnowBoard MAX
(here: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=691712). This MinnowBoard is x86-based and the image comes in a .iso file. I know the OP was specific about being a Rasp Pi image, but I don't really see the difference if we're just trying to use a hypervisor. Afterwards, you may just follow this tutorial: http://www.newventuresoftware.com/blog/running-windows-10-iot-core-in-a-virtual-machine
It's very simple and straight-forward, and it works with VirtualBox.
Based on #makoshichi's links here's the steps that worked for me:
Download MinnowBoard MAX IoT Core from microsoft, and install
Run ImgMount tool as Admin to mount "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft IoT\FFU\MinnowBoardMax\flash.ffu"
Detach the VHD from Disk Management (in Computer Management), move the resultant .vhd file (that it informs you of on detach) to a location of your choice
Create, but don't launch, a new Virtual Machine in VirtualBox (expert mode) as Windows 32-bit, using an "existing virtual hard disk file" - the one you just moved
Goto device Settings->System and click Enable EFI (special OSes only)
Goto device Settings->Network and select Bridged Adapater
That's it - Run your virtual machine and be a happy Thing of the Internet, or something like that.
This is my short version of this wonderful post by Yavor Ivanov.
The QEMU emulator may do it, it will boot the image file directly. you may need to expand the ffu with dism first.
You don't have to fully install w10 preview: just boot the W10 real or virtual DVD and select to open a cmd box, from there you can run the updated dism command.iot w10 have no (direct) GUI, you must talk to the device via winrm and powershell
There is a good startup for you on
https://github.com/0xabu/qemu/tree/raspi is a working way to run Windows 10 IoT on Qemu. It fully emulates a RPi2, except USB
Hi you could use the Raspberry Pi Simulator https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-raspberry-pi-web-simulator-get-started

Recover windows seven

I started on Ubuntu and have had the first considerable error. I'm looking for help.
I have an HP Pavilion dv6 i7. I had installed windows 7 and I decided to also install Ubuntu using a USB.
My first attempt was to install Ubuntu 11.10 following the instructions of the official Ubuntu website. When loading the pendrive, my PC stucks at the main menu of ubuntu, so after searching, I found could be due to a problem with my AMD Radeon graphic card (or not), but I decided to change.
Then I used Ubuntu 10.4. This could happen from the start menu i get into Ubuntu live. There I decided to install it because I liked it and I need to develope with Google TV (in windows is not posible).
And I fail in the partitions section. I tried to follow the instructions on this page:
but there were things that changed a bit so I improvised. I took the windows partition of 700000MB and went to 600000Mb leaving 100GB free to install Linux there. The error was to set it to ext3 (it was ntfs). I thought the new 100gb partition will be set to ext3, and windows partition will stuck at ntfs system, but not.
Total I ran out to boot windows, and above I can not install ubuntu on the 100GB free.
Someone thinks I can help. Is there any easy way to convert back to ntfs windows and not lose data?
Thank you very much.
You should be able to hit F11 when the machine is booting up and go to the HP recovery application. This should let you reset to factory default.
You should definitely be able to install Ubuntu on the new 100GB partition as well. Just make sure you choose the right partition to install it on.
You will need to recover using recovery CD/DVD's. You must have been using the install gparted utility in Linux to "re-partition" your drive. You scrubbed some boot files.
If you successfully recover using the recovery media you can use Disk Management in Win 7 to shrink or extend your volume. In your case you would shrink it down 100Gb's and then when installing Linux gparted will see that available 100 GB and install there while Windows will still run.
Also, you should probably be running ext4 fs, not ext3. you would only want ext3 for compatibility reasons.

How to convert Cloudera Hadoop "vbox" VMDK to VirtualBox VDI

Hi guys : I am trying to run the Cloudera Hadoop VM in Virtual box.
First, I noted that the download is a .vmdk file. Of course, this suffix is for VMWare, so that was a bit odd.
Luckily, I found a tutorial on how to convert the cloudera vmdk into a virtual box file here : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-convert-vmware-image-to-virtualbox-image.html. However, when I tried to convert the vmdk file to a virtual box file by using convertdd, and ultimately got a message that "Failed to write to disk image "cdh.vdi" VERR_DISK_FULL"
So my question is , how do you run the Cloudera Hadoop VM in vbox ? I found a site http://www.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=108313592002 here, but it does not appear to work (this site suggests loading the VMDK image as a new hard disk, but "new" hard disks are not enabled in my fresh virtual box install). I only get "remove" and "refresh" options in my VBox disk manager.
~/Development$ VBoxManage convertdd /tmp/vh.bin cdh.vdi
Converting from raw image file="/tmp/vh.bin" to file="cdh.vdi"...
Creating dynamic image with size 5475663872 bytes (5222MB)...
VBoxManage: error: Failed to write to disk image "cdh.vdi": VERR_DISK_FULL
:~/Development$ ls
VBox supports VMDK since v2.0 AFAIR.
VBox UI of Virtual Media Manager changed in 4.0 version, so there is no direct option of adding hard disk in Virtual Media Manager (there used to be one -- strange decision in my opinion).
Although, you can create a new virtual machine in Virtualbox, and in the stage of choosing disk, choose existing one (VMDK) so you don't need to convert VMDK to VDI (there is a dropdown, but besides, also a button to choose a hard disk file not listed yet in Virtual Media Manager.
Here is a guide from Cloudera themselves: http://www.cloudera.com/blog/2009/07/cloudera-training-vm-virtualbox/
I created a new VM using Red Hat 64b. Chose existing drive and opened the vmdk file. Gave it 2G Ram and it started up fine.
