AWK record separator set to empty line not working - bash

I am trying to write a simple AWK script which uses empty lines as record separator. I reproduced on my PC the example from the GNU AWK manual Multiple-Line Records. I copy the code below:
# addrs.awk --- simple mailing list program
# Records are separated by blank lines.
# Each line is one field.
BEGIN { RS = "" ; FS = "\n" }
print "Name is:", $1
print "Address is:", $2
print "City and State are:", $3
print ""
Input is:
Jane Doe
123 Main Street
Anywhere, SE 12345-6789
John Smith
456 Tree-lined Avenue
Smallville, MW 98765-4321
Files are created on UNIX system.
Required output is:
Name is: Jane Doe
Address is: 123 Main Street
City and State are: Anywhere, SE 12345-6789
Name is: John Smith
Address is: 456 Tree-lined Avenue
City and State are: Smallville, MW 98765-4321
Instead, I get a result which is different from the expected one. What I get is:
Name is: Jane Doe
Address is: 123 Main Street
City and State are: Anywhere, SE 12345-6789
Does anybody know why I am getting the wrong result? AWK finds only 1 record instead of 2, do you know why?

This is to confirm that:
(1) the given program works properly using awk version 20070501, gawk, or mawk, provided the input file has bare newline ('\n') line endings (as opposed to CR LF).
(2) if the input is a DOS text file, then the result is as the OP stated.
Also, if the input file is a DOS text file, an alternative to dos2unix is to use tr as illustrated here:
$ tr -d '\r' < input.dos.txt | awk ....


Search field and display next data to it

Is there an easiest way to search the following data with specific field based on the field ##id:?
This is the sample data file called sample
##id: 123 ##name: John Doe ##age: 18 ##Gender: Male
##id: 345 ##name: Sarah Benson ##age: 20 ##Gender: Female
For example, If I want to search an ID of 123 and his gender I would do this:
Basically this is the prototype that I want:
# usage: <id> <field>
# eg: search 123 age
grep "^##id: ${search}" sample | # FILTER <FIELD>
So when I search an ID 123 like below: 123 gender
The output would be
Up until now, based on the code above, I only able to grep one line based on ID, and I'm not sure what is the best method or fastest method with less complicated to get its next value after specifying the field (eg. age)
1st solution: With your shown samples, please try following bash script. This considers that you want to match exact string match.
cat script.bash
awk -v search="$search" -v field="$field" '
sub(/.*: +/,"",value)
print value
' Input_file
2nd solution: In case you want to search strings(values) irrespective of their cases(lower/upper case) in each line then try following code.
cat script.bash
awk -v search="$search" -v field="$field" '
sub(/.*: +/,"",value)
print value
' Input_file
Explanation: Simple explanation of code would be, creating BASH script, which is expecting 2 parameters while its being run. Then passing these parameters as values to awk program. Then using match function to match the id in each line and print the value of passed field(eg: name OR Gender etc).
Since you want to extract a part of each line found, different from the part you are matching against, sed or awk would be a better tool than grep. You could pipe the output of grep into one of the others, but that's wasteful because both sed and awk can do the line selection directly. I would do something like this:
sed -n "/^##id: ${search}"'\>/ { s/.*##'"${field}"': *//i; s/ *##.*//; p }' sample
sed is instructed to read file sample, which it will do line by line.
The -n option tells sed to suppress its usual behavior of automatically outputting its pattern space at the end of each cycle, which is an easy way to filter out lines that don't match the search criterion.
The sed expression starts with an address, which in this case is a pattern matching lines by id, according to the script's first argument. It is much like your grep pattern, but I append \>, which matches a word boundary. That way, searches for id 123 will not also match id 1234.
The rest of the sed expression edits out the everything in the line except the value of the requested field, with the field name being matched case-insensitively, and prints the result. The editing is accomplished by the two s/// commands, and the p command is of course for "print". These are all enclosed in curly braces ({}) and separated by semicolons (;) to form a single compound associated with the given address.
'label' fields have format ##<string>:
need to handle case-insensitive searches
'label' fields could be located anywhere in the line (ie, there is no set ordering of 'label' fields)
the 1st input search parameter is always a value associated with the ##id: label
the 2nd input search parameter is to be matched as a whole word (ie, no partial label matching; nam will not match against ##name:)
if there are multiple 'label' fields that match the 2nd input search parameter we print the value associated with the 1st match found in the line)
One awk idea:
awk -v search="${search}" -v field="${field}" '
BEGIN { field = tolower(field) }
{ n=split($0,arr,"##|:") # split current line on dual delimiters "##" and ":", place fields into array arr[]
found_search = 0
found_field = 0
for (i=2;i<=n;i=i+2) { # loop through list of label fields
value = arr[i+1]
sub(/^[[:space:]]+/,"",value) # strip leading white space
sub(/[[:space:]]+$/,"",value) # strip trailing white space
if ( label == "id" && value == search )
found_search = 1
if ( label == field && ! found_field )
found_field = value
if ( found_search && found_field )
print found_field
' sample
Sample input:
$ cat sample
##id: 123 ##name: John Doe ##age: 18 ##Gender: Male
##id: 345 ##name: Sarah Benson ##age: 20 ##Gender: Female
##name: Archibald P. Granite, III, Ph.D, M.D. ##age: 20 ##Gender: not specified ##id: 567
Test runs:
search=123 field=gender => Male
search=123 field=ID => 123
search=123 field=Age => 18
search=345 field=name => Sarah Benson
search=567 field=name => Archibald P. Granite, III, Ph.D, M.D.
search=567 field=GENDER => not specified
search=999 field=age => <no output>
For the given data format, you could set the field separator to optional spaces followed by ## to prevent trailing spaces for the printed field.
Then create a key value mapping per row (making the keys and the field to search for lowercase) and search for the key, which will be independent of the order in the string.
If the key is present, then print the value.
awk -v search="${search}" -v field="${field}" '
BEGIN {FS="[[:blank:]]*##"} # Set field separator to optional spaces and ##
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { # Loop all the fields
split($i, a, /[[:blank:]]*:[[:blank:]]*/) # Split the field on : with optional surrounded spaces
kv[tolower(a[1])]=a[2] # Create a key value array using the splitted values
val = kv[tolower(field)] # Get the value from kv based on the lowercase key
if (kv["id"] == search && val) print val # If there is a matching key and a value, print the value
}' file
And then run
./ 123 gender

Grabing values from one file (via awk) and using them in another (via sed)

I am moving using gawk to grab some values but not all values from a file. I have another file that's a template that I will use to replace certain piece then generate a file specific to those values I grab. I would like to use sed to substitute these fields of interest that are in the template.
the dog NAME , likes to ACTION in water when he's bored
another file,f1, would have the name of the dog and the action
So I can grab these values and store them into an associative array...what I cant do, or see, is how do I get these to my sed script?
so a simple sed script could be like this
s/NAME/ value from f1
s/ACTION/ value from f1
so my out put for the template would be
the dog Maxs , likes to swim in water when he's bored
So if I ran a bash file, the command would look something like this, or what I have attempted
gawk -f f1 animalNameAction | sed -f (is there a way to put something here) template | cat
gawk -f f1 animalNameAction > PulledValues| sed -f PulledValues template | cat
but none of this has worked. So I am left wondering how this could be done.
You can do this, using awk itself,
I assume, template can be of multiline char,
so in FNR==NR{} block, I saved entire file (template) contents in variable t,
and in other block, I replaced NAME and ACTION with first and second fields from comma separated file.
Here is example :
$ cat template
the dog NAME , likes to ACTION in water when he's bored
$ cat file
$ awk 'FNR==NR{ t = (t ? t RS :"") $0; next}{ s=t; gsub(/NAME/,$1,s); gsub(/ACTION/,$2,s); print s}' template FS=',' file
the dog Maxs , likes to swim in water when he's bored
the dog StoneCold , likes to digs in water when he's bored
the dog Thor , likes to leaps in water when he's bored
Better Readable :
awk 'FNR==NR{
t = (t ? t RS :"") $0;
print s
' template FS=',' file

Using awk to print a new column without apostrophes or spaces

I'm processing a text file and adding a column composed of certain components of other columns. A new requirement to remove spaces and apostrophes was requested and I'm not sure the most efficient way to accomplish this task.
The file's content can be created by the following script:
john smith thomas blank 123 123456 10
jane smith elizabeth blank 456 456123 12
erin "o'brien" margaret blank 789 789123 9
juan "de la cruz" carlos blank 1011 378943 4
# put this into a tab-separated file, with the syntactic (double) quotes above removed
printf '%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n' "${content[#]}" >infile
This is what I have now, but it fails to remove spaces and apostrophes:
awk -F "\t" '{OFS="\t"; print $1,$2,$3,$5,$6,$7,$6 tolower(substr($2,0,3)); }' infile > outfile
This throws an error "sub third parameter is not a changeable object", which makes sense since I'm trying to process output instead of input, I guess.
awk -F "\t" '{OFS="\t"; print $1,$2,$3,$5,$6,$7,$6 sub("'\''", "",tolower(substr($2,0,3))); }' infile > outfile
Is there a way I can print a combination of column 6 and part of column 2 in lower case, all while removing spaces and apostrophes from the output to the new column? Worst case scenario, I can just create a new file with my first command and process that output with a new awk command, but I'd like to do it in one pass is possible.
The second approach was close, but for order of operations:
awk -F "\t" '
BEGIN { OFS="\t"; }
sub("['\''[:space:]]", "", var);
var=substr(var, 0, 3);
print $1,$2,$3,$5,$6,$7,$6 var;
Assigning the contents you want to modify to a variable lets that variable be modified in-place.
Characters you want to remove should be removed before taking the substring, since otherwise you shorten your 3-character substring.
It's a guess since you didn't provide the expected output but is this what you're trying to do?
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=OFS="\t" }
abbr = $2
abbr = tolower(substr(abbr,1,3))
print $1,$2,$3,$5,$6,$7,$6 abbr
$ awk -f tst.awk infile
john smith thomas 123 123456 10 123456smi
jane smith elizabeth 456 456123 12 456123smi
erin o'brien margaret 789 789123 9 789123obr
juan de la cruz carlos 1011 378943 4 378943del
Note that the way to represent a ' in a '-enclosed awk script is with the octal \047 (which will continue to work if/when you move your script to a file, unlike if you relied on "'\''" which only works from the command line), and that strings, arrays, and fields in awk start at 1, not 0, so your substr(..,0,3) is wrong and awk is treating the invalid start position of 0 as if you had used the first valid start position which is 1.
The "sub third parameter is not a changeable object" error you were getting is because sub() modifies the object you call it with as the 3rd argument but you're calling it with a literal string (the output of tolower(substr(...))) and you can't modify a literal string - try sub(/o/,"","foo") and you'll get the same error vs if you used var="foo"; sub(/o/,"",var) which is valid since you can modify the content of variables.

Parsing a CSV file using shell

My shell is a bit rusty so I would greatly appreciate some help in parsing the following data.
Each row in the input file contains data separated by comma.
[name, record_timestamp, action, field_id, field_name, field_value, number_of_fields]
The rows are instructions to create or update information about persons. So for example the first line says that the person John Smith will be created and that the following 6 rows will contain information about him.
The field_id number always represent the same field.
John Smith,2017-03-03 11:56:02,create,,,,6
Susan Anderson,2017-03-01 12:09:36,create,,,,8
,,,,2,BIRTH_CITY,San Diego,,
,,,,5,CITY,Palo Alto,,
Brad Bradly,2017-02-29 09:15:12,update,,,,3
Sarah Wilson,2017-02-28 16:21:39,update,,,,5
I want to parse each of these persons into comma separated strings that looks like this:
name,birth date,birth city,sex,employer,salary,marrage status,record_timestamp
but we should only output such a string if both the fields birth date and birth city or both the fields employer and salary are available for that person. Otherwise just leave it empty (see example below).
Given our input above the output should then be
John Smith,1985-02-16,Portland,Male,,,Yes,2017-03-03 11:56:02
Susan Anderson,1981-09-12,San Diego,Female,Facebook,5612,No,2017-03-01 12:09:36
Sarah Wilson,,,Female,Disney,5110,Yes,2017-02-28 16:21:39
I've figured out that I should probably do something along the following lines. But then I cannot figure out how to implement an inner loop or if there is some other way to proceed.
cat test.txt | while read -a outer
echo ${outer[0]}
Thanks in advance for any advice!
A UNIX shell is an environment from which to call UNIX tools (and manipulate files and processes) with a language to sequence those calls. It is NOT a tool to manipulate text.
The standard UNIX tool to manipulate text is awk:
$ cat tst.awk
numFlds=split("name BIRTH_DATE BIRTH_CITY SEX EMPLOYER SALARY MARRIED timestamp",nr2name)
$1 != "" {
rec["name"] = $1
rec["timestamp"] = $2
{ rec[$6] = $7 }
END { prtRec() }
function prtRec( fldNr) {
if ( ((rec["BIRTH_DATE"] != "") && (rec["BIRTH_CITY"] != "")) ||
((rec["EMPLOYER"] != "") && (rec["SALARY"] != "")) ) {
for (fldNr=1; fldNr<=numFlds; fldNr++) {
printf "%s%s", rec[nr2name[fldNr]], (fldNr<numFlds ? OFS : ORS)
delete rec
$ awk -f tst.awk file
John Smith,1985-02-16,Portland,Male,Microsoft,,Yes,2017-03-03 11:56:02
Susan Anderson,1981-09-12,San Diego,Female,Facebook,5612,No,2017-03-01 12:09:36
Sarah Wilson,,Miami,Female,Disney,5110,Yes,2017-02-28 16:21:39
Any time you have records consisting of name+value data like you do, the approach that results in by far the simplest, clearest, most robust, and easiest to enhance/debug code is to first populate an array (rec[] above) containing the values indexed by the names. Once you have that array it's trivial to print and/or manipulate the contents by their names.
Use awk or something like
while IFS=, read -r name timestamp action f_id f_name f_value nr_fields; do
if [ -n "${name}" ]; then
# proces startrecord, store the fields you need for the next line
# process next record
done < test.txt
awk to the rescue!
awk -F, 'function pr(a) {if(!(7 in a && 8 in a)) a[7]=a[8]="";
if(!(1 in a && 2 in a)) a[1]=a[2]="";
for(i=0;i<=10;i++) printf "%s,",a[i];
printf "%s\n", a["ts"]}
NR>1 && $1!="" {pr(a); delete a}
$1!="" {a[0]=$1; a["ts"]=$2}
$1=="" {a[$5]=$7}
END {pr(a)}' file
this should cover the general case, and conditioned fields. You may want to filter out the other fields you don't need.
This will print for your input
John Smith,1985-02-16,Portland,Male,,Seattle,,,,Yes,,2017-03-03 11:56:02
Susan Anderson,1981-09-12,San Diego,Female,,Palo Alto,,Facebook,5612,No,5107586290,2017-03-01 12:09:36
Brad Bradly,,,Male,,,,,,No,,2017-02-29 09:15:12
Sarah Wilson,,,Female,,,,Disney,5110,Yes,,2017-02-28 16:21:39
Avoid IFS hacks like the plague. They are ugly stuff.
Play with the -d option to read to specify the comma as delimiter.

AWK between 2 patterns - first occurence

I am having this example of ini file. I need to extract the names between 2 patterns Name_Z1 and OBJ=Name_Z1 and put them each on a line.
The problem is that there are more than one occurences with Name_Z1 and OBJ=Name_Z1 and i only need first occurence.
My desired output would be:
I am currently writing a more ample script in bash and i am stuck on this. I prefer awk to do the job.
My greatly appreciation for who can help me. Thank you!
For Wintermute solution: The [Name_Z1] part looks like this:
FilterAttr=CeaseTime;blank|ObjectOfReference;contains;511047;512044;513008;593026;598326;CL5518;CL5521;CL5538;CL5612;CL5620|PerceivedSeverity;=;Critical;Major;Minor|ProbableCause;!=;HOUSE ALARM;IO DEVICE|ProblemText;contains;AIRE;ALIMENTA;BATER;CONVERTIDOR;DISTRIBUCION;FUEGO;HURTO;MAINS;MALLO;MAYOR;MENOR;PANEL;TEMP
And the [Name_Z1_Phone] part looks like this:
FilterAttr=CeaseTime;blank|ObjectOfReference;contains;511047;512044;513008;593026;598326;CL5518;CL5521;CL5538;CL5612;CL5620|PerceivedSeverity;=;Critical;Major;Minor|ProbableCause;!=;HOUSE ALARM;IO DEVICE|ProblemText;contains;FUEGO
The fix should be somewhere around the "|PerceivedSeverity"
Expected Output:
This should work:
sed -n '/^\[Name_Z1/,/^OBJ=Name_Z1/ { /^Names/ { s/^Names;//; s/;/\n/g; p; q } }' foo.txt
Explanation: Written readably, the code is
/^\[Name_Z1/,/^OBJ=Name_Z1/ {
/^Names/ {
This means: In the pattern range /^\[Name_Z1/,/^OBJ=Name_Z1/, for all lines that match the pattern /^Names/, remove the Names; in the beginning, then replace all remaining ; with newlines, print the whole thing, and then quit. Since it immediately quits, it will only handle the first such line in the first such pattern range.
EDIT: The update made things a bit more complicated. I suggest
sed -n '/^\[CAB_Z1/,/^NAME=CAB_Z1/ { /^FilterAttr=/ { s/^.*contains;\(.*\)|PerceivedSeverity.*$/\1/; s/;/\n/g; p; q } }' foo.txt
The main difference is that instead of removing ^Names from a line, the substitution
is applied. This isolates the part between contains; and |PerceivedSeverity before continuing as before. It assumes that there is only one such part in the line. If the match is ambiguous, it will pick the one that appears last in the line.
An (g)awk way that doesn't need a set number of fields(although i have assumed that contains; will always be on the line you need the names from.
(g)awk '(x+=/Z1/)&&match($0,/contains;([^|]+)/,a)&&gsub(";","\n",a[1]){print a[1];exit}' f
(x+=/Z1/) - Increments x when Z1 is found. Also part of a
condition so x must exist to continue.
match($0,/contains;([^|]+)/,a) - Matches contains; and then captures everything after
up to the |. Stores the capture in a. Again a
condition so must succeed to continue.
gsub(";","\n",a[1]) - Substitutes all the ; for newlines in the capture
group a[1].
{print a[1];exit}' - If all conditions are met then print a[1] and exit.
This way should work in (m)awk
awk '(x+=/Z1/)&&/contains/{split($0,a,"|");y=split(a[2],b,";");for(i=3;i<=y;i++)
print b[i];exit}' file
sed -n '/\[Name_Z1\]/,/OBJ=Name_Z1$/ s/Names;//p' file.txt | tr ';' '\n'
That is sed -n to avoid printing anything not explicitly requested. Start from Name_Z1 and finish at OBJ=Name_Z1. Remove Names; and print the rest of the line where it occurs. Finally, replace semicolons with newlines.
Awk solution would be
$ awk -F";" '/Name_Z1/{f=1} f && /Names/{print $2,$3,$4} /OBJ=Name_Z1/{exit}' OFS="\n" input
$ awk -F";" '/Name_Z1/{f++} f==1 && /Names/{print $2,$3,$4}' OFS="\n" input
-F";" sets the field seperator as ;
/Name_Z1/{f++} matches the line with pattern /Name_Z1/ If matched increment {f++}
f==1 && /Names/{print $2,$3,$4} is same as if f == 1 and maches pattern Name with line if true, then print the the columns 2 3 and 4 (delimted by ;)
OFS="\n" sets the output filed seperator as \n new line
$ awk -F"[;|]" '/Z1/{f++} f==1 && NF>1{for (i=5; i<15; i++)print $i}' input
Here is a more generic solution for data in group of blocks.
This awk does not need the end tag, just the start.
awk -vRS= -F"\n" '/^\[Name_Z1\]/ {n=split($3,a,";");for (i=2;i<=n;i++) print a[i];exit}' file
How it works:
awk -vRS= -F"\n" ' # By setting RS to nothing, one record equals one block. Then FS is set to one line as a field
/^\[Name_Z1\]/ { # Search for block with [Name_Z1]
n=split($3,a,";") # Split field 3, the names and store number of fields in variable n
for (i=2;i<=n;i++) # Loop from second to last field
print a[i] # Print the fields
exit # Exits after first find
' file
With updated data
cat file
FilterAttr=CeaseTime;blank|ObjectOfReference;contains;511047;512044;513008;593026;598326;CL5518;CL5521;CL5538;CL5612;CL5620|PerceivedSeverity;=;Critical;Major;Minor|ProbableCause;!=;HOUSE ALARM;IO DEVICE|ProblemText;contains;FUEGO
awk -vRS= -F"\n" '/^\[CAB_Z1_FUEGO\]/ {split($3,a,"|");n=split(a[2],b,";");for (i=3;i<=n;i++) print b[i]}' file
The following awk script will do what you want:
awk 's==1&&/^Names/{gsub("Names;","",$0);gsub(";","\n",$0);print}/^\[Name_Z1\]$/||/^OBJ=Name_Z1$/{s++}' inputFileName
In more detail:
s==1 && /^Names;/ {
gsub ("Names;","",$0);
/^\[Name_Z1\]$/ || /^OBJ=Name_Z1$/ {
The state s starts with a value of zero and is incremented whenever you find one of the two lines:
That means, between the first set of those lines, s will be equal to one. That's where the other condition comes in. When s is one and you find a line starting with Names;, you do two substitutions.
The first is to get rid of the Names; at the front, the second is to replace all ; semi-colon characters with a newline. Then you print it out.
The output for your given test data is, as expected:
