cloudera host with bad health during install - installation

Trying again & again with all required steps completed but cluster Installation when install selected Parcels, always shows every host with bad health. setup never completed at full.
i am installing cm 5.5 on CentOS 6.7 using virtualbox.
The Error
Host is in bad health
Host is in bad health
Host is in bad health
Host is in bad health
Host is in bad health
Host is in bad health
above error are shown on step 6 where setup says
The selected parcels are being downloaded and installed on all the hosts in the cluster
in previous step 5 all hosts were completed with heartbeat checks in the end
memory distributions
cm 8GB
all others with 1GB
i could not find proper answer anywhere else. What reason could be for the bad health?

I don't know if it will help you...
For me, after a few days I struggled with it,
I found the log files (at )
It had a comment there is a mismatch of the guid,
so I uninstalled everything from both machines (using the script they give,/usr/share/cmf/ , yum remove 'cloudera-manager-*' and deletion of every directory related to cloudera I found...)
and then removed the guid file:
rm /var/lib/cloudera-scm-agent/cm_guid
Afterwards I re-installed everything, and that fixed that issue for me...
I read online that there can be issues with the hostname and things like that, but I guess that if you get to this part of the installation, you already fixed all the domain/FDQN/hosname/hosts issues.
It saddens me there is no real manual/FAQ for this product.. :(
Good luck!

I faced the same problem. This is my solution:
First I edited config.ini
$ nano /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini
so that the hostname where the same as the command $ hostname returned.
then I restarted the agent and the server of cloudera:
$ service cloudera-scm-agent restart
$ service cloudera-scm-server restart
then in cloudera manager I deleted the cluster and added again. The wizard continued to run normally.


How to safely fix an AWOL ambari system user?

I'm a student working on a test cluster, consisting of around 25 hosts. We installed using Ambari and have FreeIpa running on a host as a dns and ldap server. The rest are typical Hadoop
infrastructure. Hive was failing and I wondered whether the db connection parameters used during the Ambari installation were incorrect and I tried to find a way to re-run the db connection process. I didn't get anywhere and it was late so I left it, ambari interface working.
Next morning, ambari webUI seems to be down. I thought that maybe the webserver needed restarted so I tried the following:
[akidd#dw ~]$ sudo ambari-server start
Using python /usr/bin/python
Starting ambari-server
ERROR: Exiting with exit code 1.
REASON: Unable to detect a system user for Ambari Server.
- If this is a new setup, then run the "ambari-server setup" command to create the user
- If this is an upgrade of an existing setup, run the "ambari-server upgrade" command.
Refer to the Ambari documentation for more information on setup and upgrade.
Can anyone help me to understand what could have happened?
If I run ambari-server setup will the existing cluster be ok assuming I create everything like for like with how it was originally?
Thanks for your help!
#user3535074 You should try to start it with the user that installed it.
If you do run ambari-server setup as current user, remember to choose No the following options:
Customize user account for ambari-server daemon [y/n] (n)? n
Do you want to change Oracle JDK [y/n] (n)? n
Enter advanced database configuration [y/n] (n)? n
More info on the following post, including how to backup ambari database before running setup again:

Ambari remove dead host

I have a host configured into Ambari which no longer exists. Ambari still thinks it's there. When I try to delete it through the UI I get:
400 status code received on DELETE method for API:
Error message: Bad Request
When I try to delete it via the api, with the command below, I get the same host information as with a GET:
curl -H "X-Requested-By: ambari" -DELETE
I have tried the instructions here to no avail:
My question is: how do I get Ambari to no longer know about/try to do things with this host.
I am not able to reproduce your behaviour with Ambari 2.1.2 and HDP 2.3 stack.
Note that host removing is supported only for hosts with no master components, so if they are present, then deleting is not possible.
Try to do ambari-server restart, sometimes it have intermittent issues
If this is an option, I recomend you to do ambari-server reset and install it from scratch. If you don't have much setup, it will save your time probably.
If not, you may want to post ambari-server.log file additionally. This may help to debug the core issue
Another option - just ignore that host, it will not do much harm to you. You can move it to maintenance mode, that will ease cluster operation.

Unable to get Mesos to run from tutorial: Setting up a Single Node Mesosphere Cluster

I have been following this tutorial to try and setup a single node mesosphere cluster from their
official tutorial:
I followed all the commands without any issues, and I also added the ports 5050 and 8080 to my security group. When I try to access the console for mesos/marathon, I get a "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" message.
They also recommend checking it the following way:
MASTER=$(mesos-resolve `cat /etc/mesos/zk`)
mesos-execute --master=$MASTER --name="cluster-test" --command="sleep 5"
But that comes up with an error:
WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
F0106 17:03:08.126703 20993 process.cpp:1561] Failed to initialize, gethostbyname2: Unknown host
*** Check failure stack trace: ***
I am not really sure how to troubleshoot this either, and there are not many tutorials I could find on how to install mesos on ubuntu.
I checked the contents of the zk file, seems to be the default value.
$ cat /etc/mesos/zk
I would really appreciate any clues on how to go about this one.
Edit: The process is definitely running too - just an fyi:
root 31545 8.5 5.9 187464 35604 ? Ssl 17:28 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/mesos-slave --master=zk://localhost:2181/mesos --log_dir=/var/log/mesos
root 31563 28.5 2.1 116304 12856 ? Rs 17:28 0:00 /usr/local/sbin/mesos-master --zk=zk://localhost:2181/mesos --port=5050 --log_dir=/var/log/mesos --quorum=1 --wo
Mesos uses gethostbyname2 to resolve hostnames to IPs. The first thing I would recommend, is to try "ping localhost" and "ping hostname", and verify that there are no strange settings in /etc/hosts. If you're doing a multi-node cluster, I'd recommend that hostname map to the public IP address (not 127.0.x.1).
If that doesn't help, you can try setting the --ip and --hostname flags when starting mesos-master and mesos-slave, to bypass the gethostbyname2 resolution. These can also be set by writing to the file-based parameters, e.g. /etc/mesos/mesos-master/ip
For additional troubleshooting, try running wget http://localhost:5050 (or curl -L) from the mesos master, to verify that it is locally visible. Also try wget http://<public_ip>:5050 to verify that the web server is up and serving to the public IP. Depending on how your (EC2?) node is setup, you may need to expose/forward the port, or connect to a VPN.
Thanks Adam. I ran the wget and curl commands, and nothing was actually listening on port 8080 or 5050. I did open those ports in the ec2. A simple reboot did the trick however, once I ssh'ed into the ec2 instance after the reboot, both mesos and marathon were running and both ports are now showing after I ran
netstat -ntln.

CDH 5.1 host IP address change

I have a CDH 5.1 cluster with 3 nodes. We installed it using cloudera manager automated installation.
It was running perfect until we moved the box to a different network and IP addresses changed. I tried following steps
1. Stopped service, cloudera-scm-server.
2. Stopped service, cloudera-scm-agent
3. Edit the /etc/cloudera-scm-agent/config.ini
4. change the server host to the new ip.
5. restart service, cloudera-scm-agent, cloudera-scm-server.
not working .
Then i followed
Not helped even after changing the ips in the PostgreSQL directly.
I found following blog :
Getting following error in the scm-agent log file
ProtocolError: <ProtocolError for 401 Unauthorized>
Not working ....
Can anyone please help how to change all IP addresses in a cdh 5.1 cluster safely .....
This is causing because of precious cloudera-scm-agent service wasn't stopped correctly, please try,
$> ps -ef | grep supervisord
$> kill -9 <processID>
then restart the agent again.
$>service cloudera-scm-agent start

Error in Cloudera Cluster installation process?

I have installed Cloudera manager successfully. It shows Currently managed hosts as and it is active.
When I search and install cluster using the cloudera manager after the loads it shows the following error.
Installation failed. Failed to receive heartbeat from agent.
Ensure that the host's hostname is configured properly.
Ensure that port 7182 is accessible on the Cloudera Manager server (check firewall rules).
Ensure that ports 9000 and 9001 are free on the host being added.
Check agent logs in /var/log/cloudera-scm-agent/ on the host being added (some of the logs can be found in the installation details).
The following image clearly shows the problem while installing my cluster on cloudera manager.
I had a similar problem and it turned out the issue was conveniently skipping (unfortunately) the ...password-less SSH key ... step
After several hours breaking my head over it, I realised this.
At the terminal do,
ls -al ~/.ssh
You must see files like,
These are you public/private key pairs. [Not necessarily the same names as mine above].The file name you used in Setting up SSH public/private keys step for your machine.
You need to copy the data in to a file authorized_keys in this same folder. If its not there, create authorized_keys.
Incase you don't have you public/private key pair see here
For ubuntu, the problem is usually because of the association of "ubuntu" in your /etc/hosts file. For me, after changing it to "ubuntu", which is the standard local loopback, I can add the cluster successfully. Hope this helps!
I was struggling with this problem for two days. Fixing /etc/hosts as suggested by "khoadoan" worked for me.
/etc/hosts was looking like this when I had the problem localhost ubuntu
I changed it like this: localhost ubuntu
Restarted the machine.
sudo init 6
Launched the Cloudera Manager Admin page. This time the host status was already showing up "Managed = Yes". And I got an additional tab "Currently Managed Hosts(1)", where the local host was listed.
