Unable to perform an event on a Web button even though the system identifies the object in UFT - hp-uft

Unable to perform an event on a Web button even though the system identifies the object in UFT.
I have already tried changing the Replace type to the value "mouse" and also tried using Fire Event. Please help me find the issue here.

Check out this post UFT 12.01 ".click" and "FireEvent" doesn't work
it could be many reasons, what worked for me was using IE 8.
Let me know if this works


RTE control unexpecting clears after switching to another tab Web Forms

I am using the Syncfusion RichTextEditor on my Web Forms project and have trouble with unexpected clearing the data.
I initialize RTE control and other Web Forms controls in Page_Load method using the condition if (IsPostBack = true).
After I switch to another tab and IsPostBack = false the default Web Forms controls are initialized and have the values but Syncfusion RTE is empty.
The question is why the RTE doesn't save the data as another Web Froms Controls and what would be the solution?
Switching between pages (RTE is in the TableComments):
We have validated your reported problem in EJ RTE control in Web Forms project. But we were unable to reproduce your reported problem in our end, the value of RTE maintained properly when switching the Tab. We have recorded video for your convenience, which can be downloaded from the below link.
We have also attached the sample for your convenience, please refer to the below link for sample application.
Please check the above sample, if the issue still persists in your application. Please share some additional details it will be help us to provide you the prompt solution.
Share us the RTE rendering code block.
If you face any script error in console window of the browser, then please share us those error screenshots.
Share us the issue replicating sample or else replicate your reported issue in the shared sample.
Share us the screen recorded video with issue replicating steps.
We can also raise query in Syncfusion forums.
Muthukrishnan K

The control Type is hidden - Coded Ui

While trying to automate an web application using Coded UI, I faced the following issue :-
"Failed to perform Action on hidden control exception: Cannot perform 'Set property of text with value "Muj*****" on the hidden control'.
Version used:-
Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012//
Microsoft .NET Framework
IE Version used:11.0
This is a internet banking application. Once I launch the browser with the application URL, I will be able to view the page in two languages. One in Arabic (default) and there is a Hyperlink to change the preferred language to English. So once I click on the hyper link and try to pass the Username and password to the respective fields, I get the above mentioned error. But without changing the language to English, the credentials are passed successfully. Again once I enter into the next page, I face the above mentioned issue to control the objects.
I assume that once we navigate from one page to the other, we face this issue.
Got to know this could be due to One Security update in IE (KB2870699). But this security update is not installed in my PC. Instead (KB3003057) is installed. I am not sure if this could be a reason for this issue. Just mentioning this here.
Kindly provide me a solution on how can I proceed.

Displaying UI message before upload on iOS

My Fine Uploader instance is working fine. Great product and thank you!!
I'm using the JQuery method of implementation.
The issue I'm running in to is on iOS6 (iPad.)
When I select many files (say 6 or more) there is a long pause where nothing happens before the auto upload triggers.
What I'm trying to do is display a dialog to the user during this awkward pause to say "hold on we're processing the files" or something.
I've already tried to throw the dialog in onSubmit, onSubmitted it's simply too late. The pause happens, THEN the dialog appears. I just want the user to not be left hanging during this awkward pause, as I'm dealing with very non-savvy users.
I tried to throw it on validateBatch but I'm doing something wrong.
So finally my question is this:
How/where (which callback or event) would I go about throwing a message to my users after they have selected their files?
You are describing a very specific bug in iOS6. I created a bug report in the Fine Uploader project that covers this. I also opened up a bug report with Apple.
The issue is that Safari on iOS (possibly Chrome too, though I have not verified) takes a noticeable amount of time to trigger the "onchange" event (which Fine Uploader depends on internally) after a user has selected files. The amount of time it takes iOS6 to trigger this event seems to be proportional to the number of files selected at once. This issue in particular is not related to Fine Uploader as it can be reproduced with a simple file input element on an empty page (as indicated in the bug report I linked to).
I'm afraid there is no workaround for this, as far as I know. When a user selects a file or files via a file input element, Fine Uploader has no way of knowing about this until the browser triggers the "onchange" event on the file input.
Note: The bug report I linked to may not load at the writing of this answer as Github is currently down (and has been for a while now).

reload after customize

i have a very simple firefox addon that essentially just displays the total number of open tabs.
So far it works beautifully, however after right clicking on the toolbar and selecting Customize… it only shows the default text until a tab is opened or closed.
i presume that i need to add an event listener for this event and call updateWidget(), however i can't find it in the API doc. So does anyone know how to do it?
Verified as bug, see : bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=773297

Firefox Extension - Monitor refresh and change of tab

I need to know when a user refreshs the page and when he switches to another tab.
Does anyone has a clue how to capture this in a firefox extension?
Best regards
What you seem to want is knowing when the value in the location bar changes. This requires implementing nsIWebProgressListener interface. The only method you really need is onLocationChange, rest of them should be dummies. You can find the documentation along with code examples here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Code_snippets/Progress_Listeners. You can also use progress listeners to monitor page loads.
