The control Type is hidden - Coded Ui - visual-studio

While trying to automate an web application using Coded UI, I faced the following issue :-
"Failed to perform Action on hidden control exception: Cannot perform 'Set property of text with value "Muj*****" on the hidden control'.
Version used:-
Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012//
Microsoft .NET Framework
IE Version used:11.0
This is a internet banking application. Once I launch the browser with the application URL, I will be able to view the page in two languages. One in Arabic (default) and there is a Hyperlink to change the preferred language to English. So once I click on the hyper link and try to pass the Username and password to the respective fields, I get the above mentioned error. But without changing the language to English, the credentials are passed successfully. Again once I enter into the next page, I face the above mentioned issue to control the objects.
I assume that once we navigate from one page to the other, we face this issue.
Got to know this could be due to One Security update in IE (KB2870699). But this security update is not installed in my PC. Instead (KB3003057) is installed. I am not sure if this could be a reason for this issue. Just mentioning this here.
Kindly provide me a solution on how can I proceed.


RTE control unexpecting clears after switching to another tab Web Forms

I am using the Syncfusion RichTextEditor on my Web Forms project and have trouble with unexpected clearing the data.
I initialize RTE control and other Web Forms controls in Page_Load method using the condition if (IsPostBack = true).
After I switch to another tab and IsPostBack = false the default Web Forms controls are initialized and have the values but Syncfusion RTE is empty.
The question is why the RTE doesn't save the data as another Web Froms Controls and what would be the solution?
Switching between pages (RTE is in the TableComments):
We have validated your reported problem in EJ RTE control in Web Forms project. But we were unable to reproduce your reported problem in our end, the value of RTE maintained properly when switching the Tab. We have recorded video for your convenience, which can be downloaded from the below link.
We have also attached the sample for your convenience, please refer to the below link for sample application.
Please check the above sample, if the issue still persists in your application. Please share some additional details it will be help us to provide you the prompt solution.
Share us the RTE rendering code block.
If you face any script error in console window of the browser, then please share us those error screenshots.
Share us the issue replicating sample or else replicate your reported issue in the shared sample.
Share us the screen recorded video with issue replicating steps.
We can also raise query in Syncfusion forums.
Muthukrishnan K

Why can't I add a webresource to form in Dynamics CRM?

I am working with an on-premise instance of Dynamics CRM 2015. I have added web resources by creating them through the "Customize the System" window as well as by uploading them.
When I go to a form or dashboard to add these, it never works. I click Web Resource, find the web resource, fill out the form and submit and it just goes back to the Form edit screen and nothing happens!
No error is being shown or anything and it is driving me nuts! What am I doing wrong?
What browser do you use? Try to use IE because FF and Chrome have issues exactly with customization of forms.
I agree on using Internet Explorer. Or use debug tools marking the update always from server box, as it is a cache problem.

How to make a password field in the web setup project user interface?

In the web setup project(using VS) when creating a user interface, how can I create a password field ?? there isn't any property for making the input that written in the text field hidden(give star instead of showing the password)...
the type of the dialog that i'm using is a text box.
Thanks alot..
Even though this is 3 years old I figured I would answer it, for future visitors - based on a tutorial I found (linked below)
First the bad news, this is not possible using the Visual Studio Setup Project (at least not in 2010 professional). However the good news is that you can
Download ORCA
Edit the textfield (under group 'control') and give it the property '2097159'
which will make every character you type a password character.
Taken from:

Winform usercontrol in WebForm

I want to display a "folderview" which I can drag and drop files into but via WebForm. I am doing this via a webbrowser control pointing at local drive. The code works in a win form user control but what I want is to embed this control in web form. This is an intranet so security etc is less of an issue. However when I add things like AllowDrop or the webbrowser control to my control it stops working - I get the image placeholder which I take to mean an error. Can anyone give me an idea what is wrong or perhaps suggest a different solution.
Hi I figured it out when you deploy a new version of your user control you need to clear the GAC download cache - gacutil /clc but I think versioning your dll may work. I don't think web browser control work at all but I may be wrong. I've managed to drag and drop msg files with Outlook Automation see

How do I write a custom start page for VS 2008?

I've looked around, and not found much documentation on this, so I thought I'd ask where all the experts hang out.
I would like to create a new start page, with bug tracking and source control interfaces, rather than the standard MSDN feed. I seem to remember that one can do more than just supply a different URL, but can actually implement a component to run as the start page, which needn't use web content. I may be wrong. Can anyone please give me some tips?
You can do is to create a DTE ToolWindow (read: Creating a ToolWindow hosting a .NET user control) and host your controls there, then its pretty easy to create an addin that will show the tool window as a document at runtime. (The same way that the start-up page looks)
Go to Tools > Options > Environment > Startup and put your RSS URL in the Start Page news channel field.
That should give you enough, but if you want to do more you can select open home page in the at startup dropdown and point it at a URL with the appropriate content. If you use an intranet with Windows authentication you could display user specific stuff.
This will be completely customizable in VS 2010. You'll be able to do anything you want to on the start page.
