How does a Laravel queued job handle a deleted model as input? - laravel

What happens if a Laravel queued job is passed an Eloquent model as input, but the model is deleted before the job gets run in the queue?
For example, I am building an eCommerce site with Laravel 5.2 where a customer can enter addresses and payment methods. A payment method belongs to an address. But if a customer tries to delete an address, rather than cascading down and deleting any payment methods that are associated with it, I soft delete the address by marking it as disabled. That way, the payment method can still be used until the customer updates the billing address associated with it.
However, if the payment method is deleted and it references an address that has been soft-deleted, I want to do some garbage collection and delete the address from the database. This doesn't need to happen synchronously, so I wrote a simple queueable job to accomplish this. The handle method looks like this:
public function handle(PaymentMethodRepository $paymentMethodRepository, AddressRepository $addressRepository)
$billingAddress = $paymentMethodRepository->address($this->paymentMethod);
if ( ! $billingAddress->enabled) {
I dispatch this job in the destroy method of the PaymentMethodsController. However, if the payment method passed to the job is deleted from the database before the job gets executed in the queue, will the job fail?
I'm still developing the site so I don't have a server to deploy and test out what happens. I know that the model gets serialized to be put in the queue, but I wonder if an issue would occur when the model is restored to execute the job.

Yes, the job will fail if the "serialized model" is deleted before the job is executed. The model is not really serialized - the job stores the model class and model identifier and fetches the model before execution.
To get around this, you could store the primary key of the model in the job and then when executing the job, check to see if the record exists:
class DeleteAddressJob extends Job implements ShouldQueue
private $addressId;
public function __construct(int $addressId)
$this->addressId = $addressId;
public function handle(AddressRepository $addressRepository)
$address = $addressRepository->find($this->addressId);
if (is_null($address)) {
// Address doesn't exist. Complete job...
// Delete the address...


How to lock the job during execution in Laravel?

I see withoutOverlapping() mutex for commands, but I don't see it for jobs. How can I protect jobs of the same type from overlapping each other?
I think it's possible using the following:
You can specify a needed key that you can pass to the job to mark its uniqueness. In my case, I need to limit requests to a third-party API that happens in the job so if I have more than one worker handling the queue, it's possible to get 429 from the API. As soon as I have many API-keys (per user of the app), I can use it to have the same type of job being exxecuted independently across the app users but lock the job execution if the current job with a specific key is not completed.
Like this:
//In the class defining you must use ShouldBeUnique interface
class UpdateSpreadsheet implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeUnique
//some other code
public function __construct($keyValue)
//some other constructor code if needed
$this->keyValue= $keyValue;
//This function allows to set the unique key
public function uniqueId()
return $this->keyValue;
//If you don't need to wait until the job is processed, you may also specify
//the time for the force lock removing (so you'll be able to queue another
//job with this key after 10 seconds even if the current job is
//still in process)
public $uniqueFor = 10;

Laravel Single Job Class dispatched multiple times with different parameters getting overwritten

I'm using Laravel Jobs to pull data from the Stripe API in a paginated way. Basically, each job gets a "brand id" (a user can have multiple brands per account) and a "start after" parameter. It uses that to know which stripe token to use and where to start in the paginated calls (this job call itself if more stripe responses are available in the pagination). This runs fine when the job is started once.
But there is a use case where a user could add stripe keys to multiple brands in a short time and that job class could get called multiple times concurrently with different parameters. When this happens, whichever process is started last overwrites the others because the parameters are being overwritten to just the last called. So if I start stripe job with brand_id = 1, then job with brand_id = 2, then brand_id = 3, 3 overwrites the other two after one cycle and only 3 gets passed for all future calls.
How do I keep this from happening?
I've tried static vars, I've tried protected, private and public vars. I thought might be able to solve it with dynamically created queues for each brand, but this seems like a huge headache.
public function __construct($brand_id, $start_after = null)
$this->brand_id = $brand_id;
$this->start_after = $start_after;
public function handle()
// Do stripe calls with $brand_id & $start_after
if ($response->has_more) {
// Call next job with new "start_at".
dispatch(new ThisJob($this->brand_id, $new_start_after));
According to Laravel Documentation
if you dispatch a job without explicitly defining which queue it
should be dispatched to, the job will be placed on the queue that is
defined in the queue attribute of the connection configuration.
// This job is sent to the default queue...
dispatch(new Job);
// This job is sent to the "emails" queue...
dispatch((new Job)->onQueue('emails'));
However, pushing jobs to multiple queues with unique names can be especially useful for your use case.
The queue name may be any string that uniquely identifies the queue itself. For example, you may wish to construct the queue name based on the uniqid() and $brand_id.
dispatch(new ThisJob($this->brand_id, $new_start_after)->onQueue(uniqid() . '_' . $this->brand_id));

Laravel Jobs: Assumed index "job" causing error

I've got a Laravel 5.7 app consuming an SQS queue, populated by an external app to trigger some basic integration tasks.
I'm seeing in my Laravel logs this error:
Undefined index: job at (proj-dir)/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Queue/Jobs/Job.php:234
I can see the Jobs class is assuming a "job" index - but you can't assume that is set... unless the Laravel implementation assumes reading and writing to the SQS queue is handled only by Laravel.
* Get the name of the queued job class.
* #return string
public function getName()
return $this->payload()['job'];
I'm surprised this hasn't been reported all over the place. Perhaps I'm using it differently than most.
I'm not sure if I need to ask the other provider to specify a job name in the payload, or modify the Laravel core to not assume this is required.

Quartz .NET - Prevent parallel Job Execution

I am using Quartz .NET for job scheduling.
So I created one job class (implementing IJob).
public class TransferData : IJob
public Task Execute(IJobExecutionContext context){
string tableName = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap.Get("table");
// Transfer the table here.
So I want to transfer different and multiple tables. For this purpose I am doing something like this:
foreach (Table table in tables)
IJobDetail job = JobBuilder.Create<TransferData>()
.WithIdentity(new JobKey(table.Name, "table_transfer"))
.UsingJobData("table", table.Name)
ITrigger trigger = TriggerBuilder.Create()
.WithIdentity(new TriggerKey("trigger_" + table.Name, "table_trigger"))
.WithCronSchedule("*/5 * * * *")
await this.scheduler.ScheduleJob(job, trigger);
So every table should be transfered every 5 minutes. To achieve this I create several jobs with different job names.
The question is: how to prevent the parallel job execution for the same jobName? (e.g. the previous run takes longer for one table, so I do not want to start the next transfer for the same table.)
I know about the attribute #DisallowConcurrentExecution, but this is used to prevent the parallel execution for the same Job class. I do not want to write an extra Job class per table, because the "main" code for the transfer is always the same, the one and only difference is the table name. So I want to use the same job class for this purpose.
The Quatz .NET documentation is a little bit confusing.
DisallowConcurrentExecution is an attribute that can be added to the
Job class that tells Quartz not to execute multiple instances of a
given job definition (that refers to the given job class)
concurrently. Notice the wording there, as it was chosen very
carefully. In the example from the previous section, if
“SalesReportJob” has this attribute, than only one instance of
“SalesReportForJoe” can execute at a given time, but it can execute
concurrently with an instance of “SalesReportForMike”. The constraint
is based upon an instance definition (JobDetail), not on instances of
the job class. However, it was decided (during the design of Quartz)
to have the attribute carried on the class itself, because it does
often make a difference to how the class is coded.
But if you read the API documentation, it's says: the bold text is important!
An attribute that marks a IJob class as one that must not have
multiple instances executed concurrently (where instance is based-upon
a IJobDetail definition - or in other words based upon a JobKey).
In other words: the DisallowConcurrentExecution attribute works for my purposes.

Laravel Scheduling in clustered environment

I am working with scheduling in Laravel 5.3. Previously, I was using one server to host the laravel application. Now that I am using two servers to run the Laravel App, how do I ensure that both servers are not running the same jobs at the same time?
Recently, I saw an Event method called "withoutOverlapping()". See
In my case, withoutOverlapping() cannot help me as I am working in a clustered environment.
Are there any workarounds or suggestions regarding this?
First of all, define if it is critical or not to avoid running task multiple times.
For example, if your app is using a task to do some sort of cleanup, there is almost no drawback to run it on every server (who care if you try to delete messages with +10 min twice?)
If it is absolutely critical to run every task only one time, you'll need to define a "main server" that will execute tasks, and a slave server that will just answer to requests but not perform any task. This is quite trivial as you just have to give every env a different name in your .env, and test against that when you define the scheduler tasks.
This is the easiest way, seriously don't bother making a database locking mecanism or whatever so you can synchronise tasks accross servers. Even OS's struggle to manage properly synchronisation against threads on the same machine, why do you want to implement the same accross different machines?
Here's what I've done when I ran into the same problems with load balancing:
class MutexCommand extends Command {
private $hash = null;
public function cleanup() {
if (is_string($this->hash)) {
$this->hash = null;
protected abstract function generateHash();
protected abstract function handleInternal();
public final function handle() {
try {
$this->hash = $this->generateHash();
//Set a value if it does not exist atomically. Will fail if it does exist.
//Essentially setnx is the mechanism to acquire the lock
if (!Redis::setnx($this->hash,true)) {
$this->hash = null; //Prevent it from being cleaned up
throw new Exception("Already running");
} finally {
Then you can write your commands:
class ThisShouldNotOverlap extends MutexCommand {
public function generateHash() {
return "Unique key for mutex, you can just use the class name if you want by doing return static::class";
public function handleInternal() { /* do stuff */ }
Then whenever you try to run the same command on multiple instances one would successfully acquire the "lock" and the others should fail.
Of course this assumes that you are using a non-clustered redis cache.
If you are not using redis then there's probably similar locking mechanisms you can implement in other caches, if you are using a clustered redis then you may need to use the RedLock locking mechanism
Essentially no, there's no a natural way using Laravel to know if another Laravel app have the same job on the job dispatcher.
We have some options there to find a solution:
Create a intermediate app that manages the jobs from the other apps.
Allow only one app to dispatch jobs.
Use worker queues, you have some packages for this, I would recommend to use Laravel 5 with WebSockets and Queue Asynchronously.
First of all Laravel scheduler isn't designed to work in a clustered environment. It was never intended to be that way.
I would suggest you should have a dedicated cron instance which manages your Laravel scheduler jobs.
