Makefile: read input variable and set several variables - makefile

I have a makefile where I want to read file name from input and then make other names based on it`s name. I have tried the following code
mlext = .ml
testext =
nativeext = test.native
#read -p "Enter file name: " file; \
echo $$file$(mlext); \
echo $$file$(testext); \
echo $$file$(nativeext)
for example:
If i type: foo
then I want to get,, footest.native
however, I can only get For the rest two i only get .ml and .native
How can i fix this?

First, let us see what is the exact recipe given to the shell by removing the # in your Makefile:
read -p "Enter file name: " file; \
echo $; \
echo $; \
echo $filetest.native;
The issue is thus that the content of $(testext) gets appended to $$file, creating the shell variable $filetest, which (very probably) does not exist, resulting in an empty string in the end. This does not occur with $(mlext), as the initial dot cannot be part of a variable name.
To overcome this, use $${file} instead of $$file in your Makefile rule.


Doxygen print bash file contents

I have a project with bash, python, and C files where I would like to simply print the contents of the bash file in the doxygen documentation.
I am using Doxygen 1.9.4 and my Doxyfile has the following modified settings:
FILTER_PATTERNS = *.sh="sh_filter"
The sh_filter file has the following contents
echo "\verbatim"
echo "$(cat $1)"
echo "\endverbatim"
After running doxygen, there is nothing that appears in the file reference for the bash file that is within the working directory.
How can I get the file contents to be printed verbatim?
A bit long for a comment. The construction as requested is quite unusual as normally the purpose is to document routines / variables / classes / namespaces etc and support this with code. In this case the requirement is to just show the contents of the file.
The bests solution I found is to create the filter like:
echo "/** \file"
echo "\details \verbinclude $1 */"
echo "$(cat $1)"
and have the following added to the doxygen settings file:
FILTER_PATTERNS = *.sh="./sh_filter"
(where the different paths are depending on the local situation)

what is this line means $runCmd = "cmexec $node1 echo \"\" > ".$logfile;

Code snippet:
my $node = shift;
my $runCmd = "cmviewcl -v -f line -p ".$package_name." | awk -F \"[:|=]\" \'(\$1 == \"script_log_file\") { print \$2 }\'";
my $logfile = $output[0];
chomp $logfile;
#DC1_list = utils::getDC1Host($hash_ref);
#DC2_list = utils::getDC2Host($hash_ref);
foreach $node1 (#DC1_list) {
$runCmd = "cmexec $node1 echo \"\" > ".$logfile;
Please let me know the what's this line means:
$runCmd = "cmexec $node1 echo \"\" > ".$logfile;
it was written before as:
$runCmd = "cmexec $node1 rm -rf ".$logfile;
which probably means remove the file in logfile variable forced recursive, but later changed to the above. so
what's it's doing?
Remove a file is different than an empty file.
The first option keep the file but override the content with "" (2x double quote), the second one remove the file.
Maybe your application need the file exist, because of this you cannot remove it.
If you have really copied this line verbatim, it is pretty nonsense.
Let's assume that the variables mentioned here have the folllowing values:
runCmd has value FOO
node1 has value BAR
logfile has value BAZ
After parameter expansion and making the quoting a bit more legible, this leaves you with a line equivalent to
FOO = 'cmexec BAR echo "" >' .BAZ
This means that a command named FOO is invoked. It must either be an executable file in the PATH, or a function. This command gets three parameters:
First parameter : a lonely equal sign
Second parameter: The string cmexec BAR echo "" >
Third paramete : the string .BAZ
I don't believe that anybody would seriously write such a command; my guess is that you made a typo, or error when doing a copy&paste of this command.

How can I deal with Makefile syntax error made by "tab"?

I am not familiar with shell. I just want to successfully run this piece of code which I downloaded from Github. When I directly ran the code with the command,
make file='example.txt' file_test
it didn't work, and here is the error.
makefile line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
I tried to fix the problem by unifying the encoding format of '' and 'example.txt' to be Unix, but still it did not work at all.
Then I asked my friend(he is also new to shell), and he told me to delete the "tab" before each line(not including the command lines). The error is different at this time, but I still could not fix it by using Google.
Makefile:75: *** commands commence before first target. Stop.
Please, somebody can help? It is driving me crazy and I have no time left for solving this problem. :( Thanks!!!
And, here is the code after I deleted the 'TAB'.
# State-of-the-art paper:
SHELL := /bin/bash
NC := \033[0m
RED := \033[0;31m
GREEN := \033[0;32m
CYAN := \033[0;36m
work_dir := $(PWD)
script_dir := $(work_dir)/scripts
NTS_dir := $(work_dir)/NeuralTextSimplification_model
filetype := $(shell file $(file) | cut -d: -f2)
article_name := $(basename $(notdir $(file)))
article_simple := $(basename $(file))-simple.txt
NTS_script := $(NTS_dir)/src/scripts/
NTS_input := $(NTS_dir)/data/test.en
NTS_result_file = $(NTS_dir)/results_NTS/result_NTS_epoch11_10.19.t7_5
# passage = xml file representing a sentence parsed with TUPA
sentence_dir = $(script_dir)/sentences/$(article_name)
passage_dir = $(script_dir)/passages/$(article_name)
sentences = $(sentence_dir)/*.txt
passages = $(passage_dir)/*.xml
.ONESHELL: # To execute all commands in one single bash shell
.PHONY: all file_test NTS DSS tupa_parse split_to_sentences help clean
all: file_test $(article_simple)
printf "\n${GREEN}Article simplified :\n====================${NC}\n\n"
cat $(article_simple)
# evaluate the system results using BLUE & SARI metrics
# The original test.en must be given to evaluate (
evaluate: all
printf "\n${GREEN}Evaluating: (the original test.en must be given)${NC}\n\n"
python $(NTS_dir)/src/ $(NTS_input) $(NTS_dir)/data/references/references.tsv $(NTS_dir)/predictions
# The following targets are only useful as aliases for testing
# Generates the corresponding NTS model result file.
NTS: file_test $(NTS_result_file)
# Generates the article sentences split using the two semantic rules mentioned in the paper.
DSS: file_test $(NTS_input)
# Parses the article's sentences using TUPA -> output : xml files
tupa_parse: file_test $(passages)
# Splits the article into sentences, each one in a single file
split_to_sentences: file_test $(sentences)
# Testing the validity of the file
# Whether the file was provided as an argument
if [ $(file) = "" ]; then
printf "${RED}ERROR${NC}: One & only file must be given in argument! Please specify it by:\nmake file=<file_name> <target>\n\n"; exit 1
# Whether the file exists
if [ ! -f $(file) ]; then
printf "$(RED)ERROR${NC}: $(file) File not found!\n\n"; exit 1
# Whether the file is empty
if [ ! -s $(file) ]; then
printf "$(RED)ERROR${NC}: $(file) is empty!\n\n"; exit 1
# Whether it is a text file
if [[ ! "$(filetype)" = *"ASCII"* && ! "$(filetype)" = *"UTF-8"* ]]; then
printf "$(RED)ERROR${NC}: Only text files (ASCII or UTF-8 Unicode text) are accepted!\n\n"; exit 1
# Prints help on the useful targets for the user
printf "\n${CYAN}make file=<file_path>${NC} : Executes the simplification completely and avoids rebuilding if unnecessary.\n\n"
printf "${CYAN}make file=<file_path> file_test${NC} : Tests whether the given file is valid.\n\n"
printf "${CYAN}make file=<file_path> NTS${NC} : Generates the corresponding NTS model result file.\n\n"
printf "${CYAN}make file=<file_path> DSS${NC} : Generates the article's sentences split using the two semantic rules mentioned in the paper.\n\n"
printf "${CYAN}make file=<file_path> tupa_parse${NC} : Parses the article's sentences using TUPA -> output : xml files.\n\n"
printf "${CYAN}make file=<file_path> split_to_sentences${NC} : Splits the article into sentences, each one in a single file.\n\n"
printf "${CYAN}make clean${NC} : Cleans results of previous executions.\n\n"
# Produces the simple version of text as an output and writes it to "article_simple" variable
$(article_simple): $(NTS_result_file)
cd $(work_dir)
cat $(NTS_result_file) > $(article_simple)
# Equivalent for target NTS
$(NTS_result_file): $(NTS_script) $(NTS_input)
printf "\n${GREEN}Simplifying sentences using the NTS model : ... ${NC}\n\n"
cd $(NTS_dir)/src/scripts/
source ./
# Equivalent for target DSS
$(NTS_input): $(script_dir)/ $(passages)
printf "\n${GREEN}Splitting the article's sentences : ... ${NC}\n"
python $(script_dir)/ $(passage_dir) > $(NTS_input)
# If the output of the splitting is empty, then it failed
if [ ! -s $(NTS_input) ]; then
printf "$(RED)ERROR${NC}: Splitting failed!\n\n"; exit 1
# Equivalent for target tupa_parse
$(passages): $(sentences) | $(passage_dir)
printf "\n${GREEN}Parsing the article's sentences : ... ${NC}\n\n"
python -m tupa $(sentences) -m $(work_dir)/TUPA_models/ucca-bilstm
mv *.xml $(passage_dir)
# Equivalent for target split_to_sentences
$(sentences): $(file) $(script_dir)/ | $(sentence_dir)
python $(script_dir)/ $(file)
# Creates the passage directory
$(passage_dir): $(file)
if [ -d $(passage_dir) ]; then
rm -f $(passage_dir)/*.xml
mkdir -p $(script_dir)/passages/
mkdir $(passage_dir)/
# Creates the sentence directory
$(sentence_dir): $(file)
if [ -d $(sentence_dir) ]; then
rm -f $(sentence_dir)/*.txt
mkdir -p $(script_dir)/sentences/
mkdir $(sentence_dir)
# Cleans the residues from previous executions
rm -rf $(passage_dir)* $(sentence_dir)*
echo > $(NTS_result_file)

How can I write multiple lines in expect program for the spawn command?

I have written this little script for getting multiple files from my remote server to my host computer:
#! /usr/bin/expect -f
spawn scp \
user#remote:/home/user/{A.txt,B.txt} \
expect "password: "
send "somesecretpwd\r"
This is working fine, but when I want to make new lines between the files like this:
B.txt} \
I am getting the following error(s):
scp: /home/user/{A.txt,: No such file or directory
scp: B.txt}: No such file or directory
I tried this:
B.txt}" \
bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'
bash: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
cp: cannot stat 'B.txt}"': No such file or directory
or this:
B.txt}" \
getting the same error at the beginning.
How can I write the files in multiple lines but so that the program is working correctly? I need this for a better readability of the choosen files.
Only changed the local user name to user_local
In Tcl (and so Expect) \<NEWLINE><SPACEs> will be converted into one single <SPACE> so you cannot write a string containing no spaces into multiple lines.
% puts "abc\
abc def
% puts {abc\
abc def
Assuming the filenames are really longer (not much point otherwise) you could use a couple of variables like this:
#! /usr/bin/expect -f
set A A.txt
set B B.txt
spawn scp \
user#remote:/home/user/{$A,$B} \
expect "password: "
send "somesecretpwd"
For anyone who want to solve a similar problem with only using expect:
You can write a list of files and then concat all files to one string.
Here is the code:
#! /usr/bin/expect -f
set files {\ # a list of files
# will return the concatenated string with all files
# in this example it would be: A.txt,B.txt,C.txt
set concat [join $files ,]
# self made version of concat
# set concat [lindex $files 0] # get the first file
# set last_idx [expr {[llength $files]-1}] # calc the last index from the list
# set rest_files [lrange $files 1 $last_idx] # get other files
# foreach file $rest_files {
# set concat $concat,$file # append the concat varibale with a comma and the other file
# }
# # puts "$concat" # only for testing the output
spawn scp \
user#remote:/home/doublepmcl/{$concat} \
expect "password: "
send "somesecretpwd\r"

Issue on concatenating files shellscipt

Sorry, I'm from Brazil and my english is not fluent.
I wanna concatenate 20 files using a shellscript through cat command. However when I run it from a file, all content of files are showed on the screen.
When I run it directly from terminal, works perfectly.
That's my code above:
set -x -a
DATE=`date +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`
# check if all paremeters are passed
if [ -z $FINAL_NAME ]; then
echo "Please pass the final name as parameter"
exit 1
# concatenate files
I solved the problem putting the cat block inside a function, and redirecting stdout to the final file.
