Responsive CSS not working is Ultimo Magento theme - magento

I am facing unusual error. I am using Ultimo theme in magento but the CSS is not changing up according to device width.
Here is my website :
I am using Magento version 1.5
I tried all the option by merging CSS, Enabled Responsive Layout. Still the problem remains.
Please Help me.

Go to your admin->system->configuration->generat->design->themes tab and add ultimo to all field of themes like template,skin,layout,default etc and save.

add below code in "head.phtml file
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />


Custom fonts in rails 5 app and Heroku

can you please instruct me on how to add custom fonts to my rails 5 application? i've added my custom fonts files to fonts folder in app/assets. i went on to use the #fontface and font-url in .scss, but my fonts wont take effect after before and[enter image description here pushing to heroku.
enter image description here
I suggest you go modify your application.html and add the fonts there. I don't know what you are trying to do but adding a simple
<link href=""; rel="stylesheet">
In your header might be enough.

Laravel 5 styles differ between environment

have a strange one! When working with my Laravel 5 app using font awesome, every icon shows up as it should when I am running locally with debug set to on.
When I turn off APP_DEBUG and set to false, one of my font awesome icons just does not show!? Very odd - any ideas?
There is probably something weird with the href of the fontawesome css link tag. Check your url or just use a cdn such as:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

how to find theme/template used by site created using Joomla

I would like to know the theme that is used by some website.
E.g. I would like to know the theme that is used by this site (reference).
What are the steps to find the theme/template that is used by xyz site.
Speaking about Joomla specifically, it has a folder named templates in which templates are kept. I usually find out about the templates using
The path (for joomla it would be /templates/(Theme Name)/style.css)
By viewing source of the CSS files. A number of sites leave the template meta data untouched in there.
However, if the designer changes the template directory name or removes the meta data from within the css files or builds his/her own css from ground up. There wont be much left to identify the template. Hence you will have to do it the hard way , by identifying the CMS used and then browsing thru CMS specific templates. :)
Hope this helps you!
You can just open Firebug, inspect the page and it will some up with a few relevant links that will show you the template that is being used.
For example for the Pizza Hut website you provided:
Joomla! 1.5.x sites
<meta name="generator" content="Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management" />
Joomla! 1.0.x sites
<meta name="Generator" content="Joomla! - Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." />
Type "/administrator" in the address bar after the URL.
http://sitename/administrator or http://sitename/index.php/administrator
Type "?tp=1" after the url.You can view the template layout
You can view plugin/system/ or plugin/content/ in the source.
css file path /templete/themename/style.css

ASP.Net - Telerik Compatible with master page(<meta.. content="IE=9")

I'm using in my website some of the Telerik controls. (framework 2) Now i need to change the meta line to:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">
instead of:
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7">
For css compabilty(for border radius and other things), when i change this line, the telerik controls in some pages are not looking good.
Does anyone have any idea?
Because the stylesheet streamed out from Telerik.Web.Resource.axd handler does not set the mime type properly and IE9 ignores stylesheets without proper mimetype set.
I am not aware of any solution for it except adding the IE7 compatibility meta tag.
Create a new code file and add the embedded stylesheets with the assembly code as below.
[assembly: WebResource("Assets.Skins.Calendar.Custom.css", "text/css")]

Sencha Touch 2 Standard Themes?

I noticed that the theme code is missing from the KitchenSink in the final version of ST2. Are there any default themes that ship with the product? Also, are there any open source themes available? I'd like to have a few themes handy for demos so I can easily switch between them.
Yes there are, if you open up senchatouch2/resources/css you've got the default sencha-touch.css and then you have apple.css, android.css, bb6.css(blackberry).
<link rel="stylesheet" href="senchatouch2/resources/css/apple.css" type="text/css" />
I think following url will help someone
---Add the following link to your sencha-touch-2 app's html file.
---DEShowThemeBuilder(true); //function to show the theme builder
---DEShowThemeBuilder(false); //function to hide the theme builder
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
