How to show image in a circle shape using C++ builder? - image

I just want to show images in circle shapes (I use XE8). I tried TCircle. But the only problem I am facing at now is
*) I am having graphics issue (edges are not smooth as it should be), specially when I make the size of TCircle 200px or more.
If I show an already cropped image (in circle shape), it looks much smoother. So I thought, it would be a good idea to crop an image first, then save it as as png image, and then show it on a TImage. If I get solution on TCircle it would be much easier for me, than croping an image. I would appreciate any kind of help or suggestion.


Unity 3d - Curve Imported Image

It's been a week since I have been trying to find how to resolve the problem.
I am kind of new to Unity and I'm trying to curve an Image to a round shape.
For my example, the player imports an image from his hard drive, and then this image is curved to cover a bottle, which I created in Blender, the image should cover the girthier part of the bottle, like the bottom part.
Obviously, the image texture is changed to 2D and UI.
I have tried several things, such as downloading a script that curves the UI Image, but later realized the image can't be a UI because it should appear in the scene and be manipulated later by the player. I would like to add text that "covers" the bottle, in a curved way too but this is another problem.
So if anyone knows how I could curve an Image in Unity thank you in advance.
Ps: If I don't post any code it's because I haven't done anything yet in the project rather than the camera movement, therefore nothing interesting. I am just trying to figure out how to do this before continuing on anything else.

How to save photoshop pixel art

I'm having some troubles right now with isometric pixel art. So I'm drawing this picture that is going to be uploaded later in the game, but when I save it and zoom it looks like this:
The picture became blurred and colors are not that bright. Is there anything I could do about it? How can I save it so it will be the same as in the photoshop (300% zoom)?
Would be really grateful for any help.
As Phlume said, you can use Vector base software like illustrator, CorelDraw, Inkscape (freeware) etc. and export it as a SVG image.
for a quick fix, in a Photoshop you can create image in a 300% size (canvas size 3 times then require ) and export image in 96dpi. And further to reduce the image size for faster loading you can try
And by the coding you can resize it to required size.
Photoshop is a raster based program. To retain the clarity of the pixel artwork you should switch to a vector bed program such as illustrator. When you zoom in with illustrator the math recalculate to form clean lines from point to point. The blurry you see in photoshop is a product of the pixel data becoming compressed upon saving and finding a "happy medium" to represent the color within that region.

Matlab GUIDE blurs image?

my plan is implementing an image in a Matlab GUIDE figure. Somehow the output is always blurred (see screenshot). On the left you can see the image in Photoshop on the right in Matlab - notice how the font and other parts become blurred.
I experimented with JPEG and PNG file formats (no compression), I also tried various pixel sizes(resolutions smaller, same and bigger as the actual position of the image) and DPI(values between 30-300) settings, because I expected some scaling issue. Somehow I am stuck - Looking forward to your input!
Thank you,
Screenshot of the issue:
Most probably the reason for the blur is interpolation.
If the axis size you allocated for the image is different from the size of the image MATLAB will resize the image to occupy the whole area.
In order to prevent any interpolation you must set the axis dimension to be the image dimension.

Replace all solid colors in a UIImage

I'm trying to perform image recognition via a SIFT algorithm using solid shapes.
To improve the performance, I would like to take the image (captured from an iOS camera), make all non-light colors a dark red and make the remaining pixels transparent.
An example of a before and after of what I'm trying to achieve is attached in the images on this question.
Assumption: the images are always solid-black shapes and printed on plain white paper
Can someone please help me with this or point me in the right direction?
As provided in this code, you can simply iterate over the pixel data and compare each color of the pixel with the value you want to filter. But before you should maybe apply some filters for better results.

NSImage Overlay/Mask Gradient like iOS

I'm looking to replicate with Cocoa/Core Graphics the process which seems to occur on iOS when setting an image for a UITabBarItem. When the tab bar item is selected, the image is overlayed with a gradient.
For example,
I'm unsure exactly what I should be doing to achieve this effect. It seems like the image is masking the gradient. Any pointers in the right direction (or code!) would be much appreciated.
You can use a monochrome CGImage with alpha channel (like most iPhone tool-/tabbar icons) as a mask. Basically, you'd use CGContextClipToMask with your monochrome image. Then you'd draw the gradient which is then clipped to the mask image. You might also want to have a look at the code of UMEKit, which implements this effect on Mac OS X (haven't looked at how exactly they do it, there are probably several ways).
