Unity 3d - Curve Imported Image - image

It's been a week since I have been trying to find how to resolve the problem.
I am kind of new to Unity and I'm trying to curve an Image to a round shape.
For my example, the player imports an image from his hard drive, and then this image is curved to cover a bottle, which I created in Blender, the image should cover the girthier part of the bottle, like the bottom part.
Obviously, the image texture is changed to 2D and UI.
I have tried several things, such as downloading a script that curves the UI Image, but later realized the image can't be a UI because it should appear in the scene and be manipulated later by the player. I would like to add text that "covers" the bottle, in a curved way too but this is another problem.
So if anyone knows how I could curve an Image in Unity thank you in advance.
Ps: If I don't post any code it's because I haven't done anything yet in the project rather than the camera movement, therefore nothing interesting. I am just trying to figure out how to do this before continuing on anything else.


Project Tango C API mapping specific 3D point to color

I am using Project Tango C API. I signed up to color image and depth image callbacks(TangoService_connectOnPointCloudAvailable and TangoService_connectOnFrameAvailable). So I do have TangoPointCloud and matching TangoImageBuffer. I've rendered them separately and they are valid. So I understand that I essentially can loop through each 3D point now in TangoPointCloud and do whatever I want with them. The trouble is I also want the corresponding color for each 3D point.
The Tango standard examples have lots of examples such as drawing depth and color separately or do OpenGL texture on depth image but they don't have a simple sample that maps 3D point to its color.
I tried TangoSupport_projectCameraPointToDistortedPixel but it gives weird results. I also tried TangoXYZij approach but it is obsolete.
Please those who achieved this help, I wasted two days going back and forth with this.

How to show image in a circle shape using C++ builder?

I just want to show images in circle shapes (I use XE8). I tried TCircle. But the only problem I am facing at now is
*) I am having graphics issue (edges are not smooth as it should be), specially when I make the size of TCircle 200px or more.
If I show an already cropped image (in circle shape), it looks much smoother. So I thought, it would be a good idea to crop an image first, then save it as as png image, and then show it on a TImage. If I get solution on TCircle it would be much easier for me, than croping an image. I would appreciate any kind of help or suggestion.

Unity script: scene to 3D led cube

I am a total beginner to Unity, but I'm getting familiar with the interface and the way scripts work with Game Objects. Some days ago, I came across with an article regarding a 3D LED Matrix controlled by Unity and since then I've been trying to make it work with my project.
Original article: http://philippseifried.com/blog/2014/10/29/3d-led-matrix-with-unity/
Basically, once the script is attached to an Orthographic camera (or at least that's what I understood from the article), the camera layers and "slices" the scene, transforms it into a pixel matrix and paints the result into some preview layers dynamically generated.
I have accomplished to attach the camera and get the preview layers to show up. However, I'm unable to get the final result the article shows, as preview layers show absolutely nothing. I think it has to do with the fact that the author is using some kind of transparent planes I have been unable to replicate.
It would be great if someone could guide me a bit to get the exact same result of the article by reading it and watching the last Vine, as it shows his Unity screen with the transparent layers working up and running.
The script was looking at the background color to decided wether a pixel had to be painted or not.
Changing the camera background to transparent (RGBA) was enough to see the final result.

Getting distortion in animated images unity2d?

I am new in Unity2d creating animation via series of images of the player and images are very clear but when i add them in my animation they are getting distortion.
I am following this tutorial:
and it working perfectly for it's own images, Note: my images has empty spaces (as png pics has) and only that part of the images getting distortion while tutorial images has no empty spaces.
The Print Screen of my problem: Image sample
Didn't went through the entire tutorial line by line. What I suspect though is that you are overlapping your textures by just looking at the screenshot.
Imagine you are drawing pictures on the only piece of paper you have at hand. Suppose there are 1, 2, ..., k images, you draw the first image i1 on the piece of paper. Now, you wanna draw the second one i2. Since you have only one piece of paper, you have to rub away your previous drawing first. Without clearing the drawings on your paper, your new drawings will always overlap the old ones. Unless you are using a new piece of paper everytime, of course.
Back to the question. If the images used in the animation are fully opaque (not even a single pixel), then of course you will not notice the difference even if you draw new paintings over the old ones. But in your case, there are many transparent areas in the images. If the canvas is not cleaned everytime before drawing a new painting, it is obvious that the results will be something similar to what you have in the screenshot.
The images used in the tutorial are fully opaque, I suppose.

Is there a way to pre-render a virtual panoramic scene?

I would like to put a photorealistic virtual scene on a tablet so when the user rotates the tablet, it shows as if the tablet is a window to an virtual world.
Pre-rendered scenes can be rendered photorealistic, while real-time rendering has a "computer-made look". Given that for one scene, the POV can be rotated but not translated in space, is it possible that a pre-rendered virtual panoramic scene give an immersive impression?
I doubt that this is easy, since rotating the view point will cause some sort of distortion. This kind of distortion is easy for apps like Starwalk, but difficult for photos. Can anyone point me out a direction?
I know that this will be tremendously easy for restricting motion in only one direction, but I would like the user to have a full 3d experience.
You need to either warp the photographs before applying them as textures to your "sky dome" or use non uniform texture coordinates. If done right this will even out most of the distortions giving a more realistic appearance.
Another alternative is to use more photographs so that you are only actually using the central area of each one.
I've found that http://code.google.com/p/panoramagl/ can render cubic, spherical and cylindrical panoramic images, so the problem transforms to how to make render a panorama which can be solved by stitching. I will still leave this answer open to see if anyone else has better answers.
