Spring Security: Securing URL and Parameters - spring

I have a requirement where application needs to secure URL for users based on the role user is having and parameter passsed..
There are four roles
And URL hit is
Lets say User is having only 'PUBLIC_VIEW' and 'PUBLIC_MODIFY' permission.
If user is passing parameter 'recipientType=PREVIEW' then page should be accessible only if user is having 'PREVIEW_MODIFY' permission.
So how to secure URL and parameter together?
i.e Allow this URL(http://myapp:8080/console/editGroups.action?orgId=1&recipientType=PREVIEW) only if user is having PREVIEW_MODIFY permission
allow this URL(http://myapp:8080/console/editGroups.action?orgId=1&recipientType=PUBLIC) only if user is having PUBLIC_MODIFY permission

to me, this is the wrong way of proceeding. URLs are changable by definition by the client because it's the client itself who decides who or what to call. Therefore, URLs are the worse place to put security information. Besides, if you need to walk this way, I think you can't but leverage encyption.
The server is the one to decide which role(s) the client is associated to, therefore it forces the client to include a parameter with its roles combination. Of course, this MUST be encypted (symmetric encryption will be enough) since the client MUST NOT be able to alter it in anyway.
When the client performs the request, the server retrieves the encrypted attribute and decrypt it to obtain the client's roles.
If you need to make this attribute understandable, you could show it in clear and use an additional cryptographic HASH parameter.


Onedrive OAuth 2.0 code flow for getting access token 'redirect uri' is not specified in the list of urls specified

Before adding, yes it works when I give the entire url like http://localhost:8080/onedrive/oauth2/success/1 in the list of uri in azure uris. I am using code flow to authroize these tokens.
But as per the docs, it should work with me just mentioning the domain name there, like http://localhost:8080. Which it doesn't.
I want to do something like send the user id along with every request for me to keep track of which user I should link this accees token to, and have no idea to do so, if this issue is there. My current application logic is, when my application sends the user details and calls my spring API, I want to handle all these transfer of tokens in the server side, so I want to transfer this userId as my path variable. How do I go about doing this? Has anyone done this, can they explain to me any other different solution?
You can't add custom details to OAuth redirects and it is best practice to always register the full redirect uri.
In terms of tracking the user, after login the token has a user id and you can also get fields such as user name and email - so both the UI and API will know which user each token is for. I can provide further details on mechanics if needed.
The user id in a token is often a generated value, whereas the user id you want to use in API path segments is maybe a user id from your app's back end database - if so you will need to map between token details and database details.
If you provide redirect uri as http://localhost:8080/ then it means you are handling the api response in
endpoint and not
To get to know the user to whom you are linking, few ideas which you can use are
1) Use security to obtain the logged in user credentials (Ex: Principal if you're using Spring security in java)
2) After successful authentication, use the user id you have and send one more request to backend and store it database with userid as a key

Gin-Gonic Restricting Routes

My webapp has means of abuse, users can access things they're not supposed to, such as & & and so on, within these it reveals the user's registration email, ip, etc (via JSON, so the web server can return customized messages, greetings, and allow users to edit account data within profile settings)
This is what my route looks like:
forum.GET("/users/:user_id", routeFunc(UsersGET))
I'm using Gin-Gonic HTTP framework to create a dummy forum, can someone tell me how to stop users from accessing the /users/ route whilst allowing the actual web server to use freely? and maybe link me to the correct direction. Thanks!
(The server uses it to return things like, Welcome Back, USERNAME).
You need to add authentication and authorization to your server.
Authentication is where a user will prove their identity to you by means of a shared secret (like a password hash) and authorization is where you check if that authenticated user is allowed to take the action they are trying to make.
There are many third party services that might help you with this (e.g. Auth0) where they can handle authentication for you and provide you with libraries for authorization.
Usually people bind authentication into their Gin-Gonic server by means of middleware (e.g. gin-jwt) which is run in front of every http request. Once that middleware authenticates the user, you can add some logic to your handle that states only users can only view themselves.
Hope this helps. Good luck.

Can SiteMinder inspect cookies and allow/deny access

Is it possible for SiteMinder to inspect a cookie (not the SM_) set by my application, for a value and if it matches a particular value, allow access to a resource?
For example, if my application sets a cookie back to the client with FOO="kjfkjafbf3nd" is there a way on subsequent requests (with that cookie submitted back to the server) for SiteMinder to see it and do something with it, like compare it against a value, or part of the resource URI, etc and perform an action (allow or deny access)?
I am not sure that is possible, in any case this does not seem like a good idea. Since SiteMinder is the first line of protection it should not need to depend on the applications behind it for decisions.
If your application has some authorisation logic and you would like to use that through SiteMinder the correct way would be to use SiteMinder authorisation. You could look at using a different Az directory or use the ActiveExpressions/Active Rules etc.

Programmatic authentication

I am using Spring Security in my application.
I have all the pages secured. But couple of URL needs to be available both for system user and anonymous user.
But anonymous user should not have direct access to the URLs. He gets a link with unique token and gets access to some URLS if this token is valid.
What I want to do is:
In controller check if token in URL is valid
If it is - authenticate user in the system programmatically using some predefined login and password. This user will be configured to have authority to access necessary URLs.
The question is:
Is this a correct approach to perform user authentication programatically with some roles in controller if token is valid? Is this safe approach?
Security is an aspect. An aspect can be decoupled from your main code (controller) to reduce code duplication and improve flexibility. Move authentication code from controller to new filter (be sure that this filter executed after spring security filter chain). You will be able secure new URLs via web.xml (zero lines of code).
I think the better way to do this is:
move the shared operations into service layer
define a controller for those anonymous user and make its authority
as anonymous
check the validity of token in this controller
if valid, call some services method to perform the operations.
render the result in this controller

Is this a good security strategy?

I'm trying to make a web service secure.
It's not for a bank or anything of that sort, but the organization using it may lose some money if the service will be used by someone not authorized (it's hard to tell exactly how much..).
The purpose is not to allow unauthorized applications to use any method (other than "GetChallenge". for users authentication there is a different mechanism which checks for username and password. I actually combined the two, but they serve different purposes):
So here's what I do:
I send a (ASP.NET) session key (for everyone to read. ASP.NET's session Is 15 randomly generated bytes, it lives for 20 minutes unless prolonged, and ASP.NET will not receive any request without it).
In my SignIn method, apart from username and password (which anyone can acquire, since it's a part of a public site), I receive a third parameter - the session key hashed by md5 algorithm with 6 bytes as salt.
And only if the hash is correct (I'm hashing and comparing it on the server side) - I let the users sign in.
From then on in every method, I check if the user is signed in.
Added: The username and password are sent as clear text, and that's not a problem (not the one I'm addressing at least). The problem is for someone (other than the company we're working with) writing an application which uses my web service. The web service should only be used by an authorized application.
Also, the session id is sent back and forth with every request and response (as a part of ASP.NET session mechanism. That's how ASP.NET knows to "track" a session specific for a user). Sorry for not clarifying that from the first place.
(irrationally thought it was obvious).
How strong and effective is that security strategy?
Updated based on your edit and comment
It's pretty secure and is very similar to the approach used by Google, Facebook and others for their API keys. Except...
Session ID plain text potential issue
I would recommend against using Session ID as part of a security mechanism.
The one issue is with passing the session key in plain text across the network. There is potential that this could open up some Session hijack and other attacks.
From the Microsoft Docs:
The SessionID is sent between the server and the browser in clear text, either in a cookie or in the URL. As a result, an unwanted source could gain access to the session of another user by obtaining the SessionID value and including it in requests to the server. If you are storing private or sensitive information in session state, it is recommended that you use SSL to encrypt any communication between the browser and server that includes the SessionID.
As you are using the Session ID as part of your security mechanism I would say that is sensitive data.
One way to ensure someone doesn't get hold of your session key is to run your service on HTTPS. Personally I would avoid using the Session ID in this way and generating a non-related value instead.
Recommended change
Follow more closely the model used by Google and the like. Generate a new GUID for each application, store the GUID in a database on the server, pass the GUID in each request to your server from the client.
Identifies the client application uniquely, allowing you to track and manage usage per client nicely
Easily disable any client by removing the GUID from your data store
No sensitive data on the wire
I would still run the service on HTTPS as it's easy to setup and gives the added benefit of protecting any other data you send to your service.
The purpose of encryption is not to
allow unauthorized applications to use
any method
Wrong. The purpose of encryption it to prevent the understanding of data whilst either in transit or stored. It prevents data being 'useable' by those that do not have the means to decrypt.
What you are describing is something similar to a public/private key system. You're making your session key available to everyone. Then only after they've md5 with the correct salt (as per your server side comparison) you're then trusting that source.
You've got NO authentication here except for username and password. Also your data isn't encrypted during transit. I fail to see how this is at all secure.
I think you're best bet is to use an SSL certificate (so your web service is running over HTTPS) along with the username and password. If you want to be doubly secure you might want to go down the route of checking source IP ranges and login locations as an additional check. Perhaps a forced password change interval will help in the case that consumers are passing credentials to a third party + audit how the web service is actually being used.
As a side note if you want to hash something don't use MD5, its broken.
From a web services perspective the ideal way to use authentication or provide security to your service is something like this: Web Service Authentication (Token and MD5 Hashing to encrypt password).
The way you describe it, it does not seem secure at all.
What is the point of letting the SignIn method accept a hashed session key, if the session key is public ("for everyone to read")?
Plus: "in every method, I check if the user is signed in. " How do you check that?
A common (and reasonably secure) strategy would be to generate a (unique, sufficiently long and random) session ID server-side, and send it to the client after it has authenticated. Then check every client request and only accept it if it contains the session ID. To do this, either embed the ID into all links on every page, or set it as a cookie, depending on what's easier for you.
On logout, just delete the session ID on the server.
That way, no one can invoke any method without a valid session.
