How to get Appointment recurrence in XML format using EWS? - exchange-server

I am working on Mail Application. I want to get Appointment details from Exchange Server Account using EWS. I use Scheduler control which get details of recurrence in XML format. I want to get details of Appointment in either XML or in String Format.
For Example, This is Gmail occurance detail
Test: Weekdays, Never End Meeting
Recurrence object details: "RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR"
I use following method to get Appointment.
foreach (Appointment appointment in service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, new ItemView(int.MaxValue)))
Can anybody please suggest me appropriate way?


Power Automate Flow: Rename a file's attachment with the mail receive time and storing the attchment

I am absolutely new to the tool. I have a need to extract attachments from a folder in my inbox. Its a folder that gets daily reports. Those reports do not have the date time mentioned in the attachment name, hence I need to download the attachment after renaming them with the mail received date.
I have searched and none of the solutions are exactly matching my ask. Almost all of them are talking about "When a new mail arrives", whereas I need to parse through each mail that is already in this folder.
I am unable to figure out how to rename the attachment with the received date in a loop.
Formula for the Compose piece:
concat(formatdatetime(triggerBody()?['DateTimeReceived'],'yyyy-MM-dd-hhmm - '),item()?['Name'])
Here is what I have so far:
I assume you want to receiveddatetime property of the email? Within the expression you are referring to a property from the Manually trigger a flow action.
However, the details of this property are in the Get Emails (v3) action. You can refer to the receiveddatetime property by using the items() function instead.
Try this expression:
concat(formatdatetime(items('Apply_to_each_2')?['receivedDateTime'],'yyyy-MM-dd-hhmm - '),item()?['Name'])

Get Recent Campaign Sends from Mailchimp API

I'm trying to pull the latest sends from all my campaigns in Mailchimp via the 3.0 API. The only way I seem to be able to do this is:
1) Search for a given member by email
2) Get the member ID and request their activity
3.0/lists/{LIST ID}/members/{USER ID}/activity
3) Pull the content of the email in their activity feed:
3.0/campaigns/{CAMPAIGN ID}/content
The problem with this is that I need to know the user's email in advance and then search by each user individually, meaning many wasted of API calls.
Is there an endpoint for campaigns that I can request the last sends for a given date range?
The /campaigns endpoint returns campaigns for a given list and each returned object does include a recipients property.
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Is there a way to fetch the attachments of an email message?

I'm using the default net/pop class in order to fetch emails from a specific email account. From each message, I need to read all attachments and extract some data from them. But I can't find any way to achieve that! Seems like the POPMail class doesn't have a specific method to get the message's attachments.

Tracking Opens using MailChimp API V3

I'm looking to replicate the functionality of this call in V3 of the MailChimp API:
Is there a way to track campaign opens for an email address in V3?
I've been trying the Report/campaign/email-activity/subscriber URL and I'm able to return all their details but the Activity field is always empty no matter who I call.
Edit: The only way I've found so far is to query the Member's Activity. This gives an output on all the 'opens' for a specific email address but sadly not a list of campaign specific opens.
If your campaign is multivariate (has more than one email format), then you have to use the campaignId of the combinations to get email-activity. You can get those campaignId's using the endpoint /campaigns/{campaign_id}. It will be under variate_settings -> combinations -> id in the response

Returning custom contact fields via the Google contacts api

I have been unable to return any UserDefined/custom fields for a contact. I'm not even wanting to create or update an existing entry as per Programatically adding "New Custom Field" To Google Contacts using Google contact API
I have followed the guide here, but still to no avail.
I've called both
in an attempt to get ALL of the values returned. I thought I might have to call each contact id specifically to get the full details, but that doesn't work either.
DEADBEEF is clearly replaced with a valid contact id in my scenario.
/contacts/default determines that request should return contacts for the current auth'd user, which is myself in this case.
Has anyone managed to return custom values, is this even possible?
I found the answer, add the ?v=3.0 to the url string eg
However, you should use the preferred method of adding a GData-Version header.
