Returning custom contact fields via the Google contacts api - google-api

I have been unable to return any UserDefined/custom fields for a contact. I'm not even wanting to create or update an existing entry as per Programatically adding "New Custom Field" To Google Contacts using Google contact API
I have followed the guide here, but still to no avail.
I've called both
in an attempt to get ALL of the values returned. I thought I might have to call each contact id specifically to get the full details, but that doesn't work either.
DEADBEEF is clearly replaced with a valid contact id in my scenario.
/contacts/default determines that request should return contacts for the current auth'd user, which is myself in this case.
Has anyone managed to return custom values, is this even possible?

I found the answer, add the ?v=3.0 to the url string eg
However, you should use the preferred method of adding a GData-Version header.


Google Places API setFields AND getDetails

The google places api docs clearly state: "IMPORTANT: To avoid paying for data that you don't need, be sure to use Autocomplete.setFields() to specify only the place data that you will use." But then when I'm calling the getDetails() method (see in generic-y form below), I'm specifying my fields, which is what setFields() sets.
I THINK I'm basically setting them via the getDetails() method, but given the caution exercised in the docs, I also don't want to surprise anyone with extra costs besides what we need. I've tried to find a clear answer in the docs, but I haven't found one. I'm hoping someone here knows from experience or has better luck with the docs. Thanks!
const placesService = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(myField);
fields: ['address_components'],
placeId: result.place_id,
sessionToken: token,
details => this.updateMethod(details.address_components),
Autocomplete.setFields is used when implementing Places Autocomplete Widget which will constrain the succeeding Places Details request to specific fields only when a user selects a place from the suggestions. Check out the example here.
However, as for your given sample code, I can see that you are directly using Places Service to get the details of a place given a Place ID and not from the Autocomplete Widget suggestions. With this, you can just set the fields in the request parameter of the getDetails(request, callback) method which is what you have correctly done in your code. See this example.
Hope this helps!

How can I retrieve list members using given a unique_email_id on Mailchimp API v3?

Given a unique_email_id, how can I retrieve all list members matching that ID?
I am attempting to use the search-members endpoint, ala what I do for searching email-addresses:
but instead (given a unique_email_id of 4dce5
and I'm getting no results.
Is there another endpoint I'm missing?
However using the query string ?unique_email_id=X attached to the end
of GET lists/list_id/members will pull up anyone with that specific
Indeed this works very well. Example :
GET /3.0/lists/dfc3cf4b38/members?unique_email_id=f4b75a9d78&fields=members.email_address
will return :
I've had a chat with the mailchimp support about this issue. This was there response (part of it because not everything discussed in that chat is relevant to this question):
(09:00:04 AM) Mailchimp support: Thanks for hanging in there, Me. It looks like
the email_unique_id can't be searched via API endpoint like it can be
within the app. Another option to get to your goal is GET to
lists/list_id/members with the query string
?fields=members.email_address,members.unique_email_id which should
pull up all their subscribers' emails and unique ids. At that point,
you can filter through those results for the unique id
(09:00:52 AM) Me: Same goes for the user ID I guess?
(09:02:05 AM) Me: Why can't it be searched? When I list ids as well I might miss information. I don't need the unique_email_id in my response, I need to search for it to retrieve user information without getting duplicates in my result
(09:07:11 AM) Mailchimp support: Ok I understand, one
moment while we test this out for you. Thanks again for your patience!
(09:16:22 AM) Mailchimp support: Hey Me, thanks for waiting. I tested the
endpoint lists/list_id/members?unique_email_id=e8da8fa60a and  I was
able to return just the one subscriber with that field. Search-Members
only functions the way it does in app where you can only search
specific strings like names, email addresses, but not ids as those
aren't visible in app. However using the query string
?unique_email_id=X attached to the end of GET lists/list_id/members
will pull up anyone with that specific EUID.

Tracking Opens using MailChimp API V3

I'm looking to replicate the functionality of this call in V3 of the MailChimp API:
Is there a way to track campaign opens for an email address in V3?
I've been trying the Report/campaign/email-activity/subscriber URL and I'm able to return all their details but the Activity field is always empty no matter who I call.
Edit: The only way I've found so far is to query the Member's Activity. This gives an output on all the 'opens' for a specific email address but sadly not a list of campaign specific opens.
If your campaign is multivariate (has more than one email format), then you have to use the campaignId of the combinations to get email-activity. You can get those campaignId's using the endpoint /campaigns/{campaign_id}. It will be under variate_settings -> combinations -> id in the response

How to get Places Reference Key?

I have few lat,lng of some Google Places business which I want to search and get detailed information about that place.
I was looking at Place Detail search which require reference key of particular place page.
Here is what I am doing is.
Do Place search via api key for lat,lng,lng&radius=50&location=lat,lng&name=placenamesensor=false&key=my key
that returns exact place page result in xml and i grab ref key of that page.
then do call
which gives output of particular business.
Now question is on 1st step to get ref key of business what if I dont know name but just know lat,lng and wish to grab ref key of that page. What query I have to fire to reduce api calls limit?
You can find it here:
I believe this is what you are looking for
you need to work with places api and implement the the typeahead feature

How to convert a Blogger user name to numeric ID

When working with the Blogger API the user ID is expected to be numeric. I found out my numeric ID by looking at the URL for my Blogger profile page. However, I want my users to be able to use their usual Blogger user name. So:
Is there a way to convert Blogger
user names to numeric user IDs?
Is there a way to pass in user names
instead of IDs to the Blogger API?
It depends on what you are trying to do, but in most use cases you don't need to explicitly know this information because the authToken will take care of resolving these issues for you if you use the default URLs with the API. But, in the interest of providing an answer in case you really do need to know this:
After the user authenticates, just request some information, like the list of blogs, and you'll be able to extract the ID number from your choice of several places in the response.
Not really, except that during login you use the username. Otherwise you need to use either default, assuming an active authToken, or the ID to reference a particular user's Blogger content.
