Verpatch.exe error - windows

I am trying to add new version resource string to .exe file using verpatch.
I need to add new sting to version resource as I am creating test connector to Qlikview. For QlikView and Qlik Sense to be able to recognize an .exe file as a connector, the file version information resource must include the property “QlikView Connector”.
I am developing my connector with Visual Studio and this command is run as a post build command and build ends with error. I also tried to run it from command line with same result:
C:\verpatch>verpatch.exe C:\QV_temp\QVTestConnector.exe /s "QlikView Connector" "Qv Test Connector"
Exception in ParseBinaryVersionResource
Error in ParseBinaryVersionResource
error parsing version info from the file
Some of actions failed, exiting
I have also tried different versions on verpatch.exe. Any ideas?

The example that Qlik gives on their documentation does not seem to work with the version of verpatch.exe that ships with QVX SDK 2.1.
I resolved this error by updating to a newer version from CodePlex.
verpatch seems to have moved to

Please see documentation. After /s should go "description".
If it has problem reading existing version resource, try to rewrite it completely with /va. So, do something like:
verpatch your.exe /va /s desc "QlikView Connector" /s product "Qv Test Connector"
If you can share the problematic exe with the author of verpatch (on Codeplex), he may provide a fix.

I couldn't set properties on my executable with any version of verpatch - because I had a different codepage in the resource strings.
I would recommend rather using the Python package pe-tools (PyPI), which has a nicely documented command peresed that does this (docs).
You can also set specific version-info fields or set resource entries to the contents of a file:
peresed filename.exe -V "QlikView Connector=Qv Test Connector"
I have run this command successfully, but not verified whether the properties were set - but other properties like FileDescription are set correctly.


Error in publishing to RPubs from Rstudio

I installed the latest version of RStudio (RStudio 1.1.423 - Windows Vista / 7/8/10).
I'm trying to publish to RPubs, but in Global Options does not appear the option for Rpubs.
When I request Publish Document, the following error appears: Error occurred while executing method.
I entered the command: options (rpubs.upload.method = "internal") at line 25 of Rprofile, but it did not resolve.
The solution is provided by a careful rereading of
"Put in options(rpubs.upload.method = “internal”) and no other text at all". Meaning that this line of code is the only code present in the .Rprofile file.
Previously I had been adding the line to a copy of the rest of the Rprofile text. The unnecessary code was the culprit.
I had the same error before. Turns out it was due to having an accent mark in a folder name from my directory (í). I just modified that one folder name and it worked fine.

Building RXTX with --disable-locks

I need to build RXTX ( for a 64 bit platform with --disable-locks. ( the target platform is a Ubuntu Snappy platform so there is a problem with the permissions and lock files).
The .configure --disable-locks and make seemed to run ok.
I got a new .jar file and as a result.
However when I installed them, I get the following error :
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError:; thrown while loading
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class thrown while loading
Is there something else I need to do?
Are there other object files I need to copy over.
Thanks in advance.
I solved the problem myself.
The problem was that the configure script was not expecting a java version higher than 1.5 as shown here in t he extract :
#fix_parameters $JPATH/jre/lib/
CLASSPATH=".:\$(TOP):\$(TOP)/src:"find $JPATH/ -name RXTXcomm.jar |head -n1
So the paths were not being set up correctly for me.
I changed it to
Then it worked ok.

F# Microsoft.ParallelArrays not defined

So I downloaded and installed Microsoft Accelerator v2 to use ParallelArrays. I have referenced it in my project but when I try and execute the code from the module in a script file I get:
"The namespace 'ParallelArrays' is not defined
I have followed the instructions on this post:
Microsoft Accelerator library with Visual Studio F#
I've added a reference to the managed version "Microsoft.Accelerator.dll" to my F# project and then added the native "Accelerator.dll" as an item in my solution and set it's 'Copy To Output Directory' to Copy Always.
Still getting the FSI error and inline error in my script file on the '#load ...' line, however the solution builds fine, and no error in the module file.
Any ideas on what I'm missing? I'm sure it's something stupid.
I tried mydogisbox's advice, which got rid of the error above, but now when I run the code in the .fsx file I get this error instead:
--> Referenced 'F:\Work\GitHub\qf-sharp\qf-sharp\bin\Debug\Microsoft.Accelerator.dll' (file may be locked by F# Interactive process)
[Loading F:\Work\GitHub\qf-sharp\qf-sharp\MonteCarloGPU.fs]
error FS0192: internal error: F:\Work\GitHub\qf-sharp\qf-sharp\Accelerator.dll: bad cli header, rva 0
So the bad header error has dissapeared, but now I get this instead:
Microsoft.ParallelArrays.AcceleratorException: Failure to create a DirectX 9 device.
at Microsoft.ParallelArrays.ParallelArrays.ThrowNativeAcceleratorException()
at Microsoft.ParallelArrays.DX9Target..ctor()
at <StartupCode$FSI_0002>.$FSI_0002_MonteCarloGPU.main#() in F:\Work\GitHub\qf- sharp\qf-sharp\MonteCarloGPU.fs:line 14
Stopped due to error
I found this thread on MSDN however the answers proposed as fixes on that thread barely even relate to the question.
My Direct X version is 11, and I imagine that will suffice, however I tried installing DX9 however, it tells me that a newer version is detected therefore cant install.
There are special directives for referencing dlls from fsi. The #load directive loads the .fs file only. You need to use the #r directive to reference the file. You can either use the full path of the file or you can use #I to include the path to the file. More details here. Keep in mind that fsi is completely independent of your project, so all references in your project must be duplicated in fsi for it to access the same types.

File Replace during upgrade

We use Inno Setup(version 5.4.2) as the packaging tool to generate our installer. While upgrading our software from older version to current version,
we try to overwrite existing binaries/drivers. This is often leading to issues as some monitoring software like 'HP ArcSight Logger/Connector', 'SplunkUniversalForwarder' etc. are holding file handles on our binaries and casuing overwrite to fail. Our installer shows beolow popup message on encountering this issue each time.
An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
DeleteFile failed; code 5.
Access is denied.
Click Retry to try again, Ignore to skip this file(not recommended), or Abort to cancel installation"
Interestingly, even after above getting above pop-up, we were able to rename xxx.sys to xxx.sys.old manully. We used to suggest cusotmers to rename
xxx.sys to xxx.sys.old and 'Retry' the installation. After renaming, upgrade used to complete without any issues.
1) Is it possible to rename xxx.sys through program always, when we hit this issue.
2) Any process to reproduce the DeleteFile failed; code 5 issue?
Using the installer you can rename the existing file and install the new file using the correct file name with help from the windows registry.Remember to ask the user to reboot their computer to complete the install.Another option would be to either use the installer to rename the file and again using the window's registry to delete the unneeded file.
Window's registry allows you to delete or rename files on reboot as part of an install.
Reference to use of PendingFileRenameOperations:
Example to rename from microsoft support:
The syntax used is (without quotes):
"\??\source file !\??\target file"
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
Value name: PendingFileRenameOperations Data type : REG_MULTI_SZ
Value data: \??\c:\temp\win32k.sys !\??\c:\winnt\system32\win32k.s
The same command can be used to delete a file as well although requires the use of nulls.
Same example used to delete a file:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager
Value name: PendingFileRenameOperations Data type : REG_MULTI_SZ
Value data: \??\c:\temp\win32k.sys\0\0\0
I hope this helps you!

passing msiexec command line params to a child process started by msiexec

I have a requirement to update config files with the command line provided arguments for some reason, the file is not being updated so I wrote a small utility app in c# to be started by msiexec. The intention is to get the commandline params to this app so that it would open the config file and update it during the course of installation.
My app was executed fine but when trying to read the parent process (msiexec) command line params, I get something like C:\windows\msiexec /V not the ones I specify on the msiexec command line (I'm not even using /V)
Any ideas about what could be the issue? If you have a better way to handle this please suggest.
Sorry for the confusion, I was using WiX installer and I start the WiX generated .msi on the command line as below for eg.
C:\> msiexec /I foo.msi ARG1="v1" ARG2="v2"
ARG1 and ARG2 are defined in Wix installer script.
What I'm looking at is a way to access the command line params ARG1="v1", ARG2="V" by a small application which will be started by msiexec (the app is specified in Wix installer script as custom action).
Ideally, when I use xmlFile (tried xmlConfig as well), my WiX installer script should be able to update my config files with v1, v2 but its not happening so wrote an application that should be able to read v1 & v2 and write to the config file.
using xmlFile I get the following error:
ExecXmlFile: Error 0x8007006e: failed to load XML file: Error 25531. Failed to open XML file , system error: -2147024786 MSI (s) (E4!54) [18:11:36:714]: Product: -- Error 25531. Failed to open XML file , system error: -2147024786 –
Doesn't get any meaningful info. I used the msiexec argument /l*v to generate the logging.
Log excerpt:
Actually xmlFile should do my requirement but I get the following error while using it. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
MSI (s) (E4:00) [18:11:32:110]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=ExecXmlFile,,) Action 18:11:32: ExecXmlFile.
MSI (s) (E4:00) [18:11:32:111]: Executing op: CustomActionSchedule(Action=ExecXmlFile,ActionType=3073,Source=BinaryData,Target=ExecXmlFile,CustomActionData=1030//cloudRecognition/connectiontype130//cloudRecognition/connectionaddress192.168.128.59;;50001)
MSI (s) (E4:DC) [18:11:32:113]: Invoking remote custom action. DLL: C:\Windows\Installer\MSIA419.tmp, Entrypoint: ExecXmlFile
MSI (s) (E4:EC) [18:11:32:113]: Generating random cookie.
MSI (s) (E4:EC) [18:11:32:115]: Created Custom Action Server with PID 10104 (0x2778).
MSI (s) (E4:68) [18:11:32:402]: Running as a service.
MSI (s) (E4:68) [18:11:32:403]: Hello, I'm your 32bit Elevated custom action server.
ExecXmlFile: Error 0x8007006e: failed to load XML file:
Error 25531. Failed to open XML file , system error: -2147024786
MSI (s) (E4!54) [18:11:36:714]: Product: -- Error 25531. Failed to open XML file , system error: -2147024786
CustomAction ExecXmlFile returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
Are you passing the arguments as MSI properties? If yes, then you can read them from the MSI database. Check this:
I am guessing you are setting environment specific application properties to the Config file? If so, why don't you have all the properties defined in the config file and make the application smart enough to read the right properties (by checking the environment)? I would do that.
Above comments are just based on the limited information you provided. You would have your own reasons to do so :)
It seems to me that you need to add a CustomAction to your install process.
You might need both or just one, depending of the request that you have.
To Update Configuration files can you use XmlFile CustomAction, to change modify any XML file.
To launch a Quiet Execution CustomAction
I believe that this will allow you to change the values of the configuration file during the installation. You can find a nice introduction to CustomActions and their types here. Have a look at the type 2 CustomAction.
Edit for follow question in Answer section:
When is the CA scheduled to launch during the installation process?
Do you have a log file for the install?
Without Code or more information about the installation process, I can't really help more.
Helpfull info would be:
Where in the installation sequence is your CA launched?
What WiX Element are you using to change the values in your file.
Did you try to create an installer that does just the part that you are having trouble with, to isolate the behavior.
