I have some problem with my ireport interface, I don't know why my ireport interface have problem like this.
I try to solve the problem with some step like reset window, install newest java 7 version but doesn't work.
Can anyone help me out whilst I still have some hair left.
I have been running VSCode on Windows 10 since January. Yesterday it attempted to update to the latest version 1.54 but failed. VSCoce will now not run.
I am trying to re-install from the VSCode site installer. However when I download and run the installer file windows gives an error saying the file is corrupt.
Windows Error Message
I seem to remember having this problem when installing the 1.52 version in January but I can find no reference to what I did to resolve this. I believe I was pointed to an alternative install program, but I cannot find this now.
Please can anyone assist?
Many thanks.
Colin Murdoch.
OK. I have now managed to re-install VScode by downloading the .zip file and extracting all the elements into a directory within Program Files. It remains to be seen if this will work properly as with no official install routine, nothing will have been added to the registry. However the program loads OK and seems to recognise the PlatformIO extension that was already loaded.
I still don’t understand why I cannot run the official install routines. There must be something odd about my Windows installation.
check your antivirus program. I recognize that message. I had the same issue when trying to install an SQL server.
I have installed Java 8 update 60 which includes Javafx as well.
I am able to see the javafx classes being imported but unable to find HBox Class under javafx.scene.layout package
It is showing me the deprecated HBoxBuilder. Am I missing anything?
I guess you are using 8u60 early access.
I've checked - HBox.class exists in jdk_home/jre/lib/ext/jfxrt.jar (linux x64)
Please open jfxrt.jar in archive manager and check it.
What platform do you use?
It looks like you have not switched jdk in your ide
Holy Cow, the HBox class was there in the JAR in JAVAfx-8 u60. It was my old eclipse classic that was unable to show. Sounds absurd, but this is what happened. I am using Eclipse Mars now and able to see.
I downloaded the latest adt bundle (adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140624), and uncompresed that zip file, but when i try to open that adt, it open as juno eclipse. can any body help me to resolve this prblem.
thanks in advance
ADT Bundle contains Eclipse, to start Android development you need the ADT and the bundle comes with both you don't have to spend time searching for the ADT and Eclipse
Same problem here, using OSX. The downloaded ADB dows not show the typical ADB buttons and other extension provided by the plugins, but just a plain Eclipse. Installing an older version of ADT (adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140321) and updating won't help.
The package seemes somehow broken, some files like the ADT app icon, just aren't there. Other people experimented problems (Same problem; Other problem, also documented here).
I know it's not a real answer, but I just switched to Android Studio. I think the only other option is reverting to an older versione and wait for a new release.
To not get blocked I've continued to install the latest ADT Bundle 23.0.0 and adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140624 fresh on my system. Updated the SDK to the latest and continued to set "targetVersion as '19'" instead of setting it to 20 or 21.
That way you can proceed ahead with your coding and later when things get resolved...you can implement that to new version. BTW, I've also selected 'Blank Activity / Empty Activity" during the project creation
Comment back if it makes sense or NOT until the problem gets resolved by Google... :)
The Bug thread about this issue can be tracked here : Latest ADT Bundle Bug Tracker
I'm developing a plugin for Eclipse Juno under Mountain Lion.
I can test my plugin without problem by doing run as > Eclipse application.
However when I try to export the plugin by doing the following action it fails.
Open plugin.xml
Go to the tab Overview
Select Export Wizard
It returns the following error:
/Users/luca/Documents/University/PhD/FODA/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core/temp/org.eclipse.pde.container.feature/compile.org.eclipse.pde.container.feature.xml:4: The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/luca/Documents/University/PhD/FODA/it.unibg.robotics.featuremodels.model/build.xml:31: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_07.jdk/Contents/Home/Classes does not exist.
The following error occurred while executing this line:
/Users/luca/Documents/University/PhD/FODA/it.unibg.robotics.featuremodels.model/build.xml:31: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_07.jdk/Contents/Home/Classes does not exist.
What's the problem?
Just ran into this problem myself today. As far as I understood, it comes from the fact that recently Apple stopped maintaining their version of Java in favor of an official version for the MacOS X from Oracle. The Oracle version, however, doesn't have the same directory structure as before, and the build script generated by Eclipse assumes the old structure.
You can see many bug reports related to this. E.g.,
I heard that switching to using Java 6 would solve the issue, as MacOS X still has the Apple Java 6 installation with the old directory structure. I didn't want to go back to Java 6, so I didn't try this.
Instead, I tried creating the directory that is reported missing (i.e., /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.7.0_07.jdk/Contents/Home/Classes), with nothing in it. Oddly, it seems to have worked.
Let me know if it works out for you as well... Future updates of Eclipse might also fix this (I updated mine today, but the problem was still there).
This is fixed in Eclipse 3.8.2 and 4.3.
Good morning,
I have to use the properties from DeviceNetworkInformation in my application.
I've already add the following line to my code
using Microsoft.Phone.Net.NetworkInformation;
but when I try to use DeviceNetworkInformation, I got the following error:
The name "DeviceNetworkInformation" doesn't exist in current context.
I just don't know what to do.
Thank you all.
It's only available for the Windows Phone 7.1 SDK (or newer). You probably made a 7.0 application.