Xcode does not autocomplete memberwise initializer of a Struct - xcode

I am defining a struct like this in the Point.swift inside of my Xcode Project file:
struct Point {
var x: Int
var y: Int
If i am trying to init the Point struct from another file, Xcode does not autocompleting the memberwise initializer. Even if I have been restarted the machine as some friends suggest.
BUT autocompletion works fine, if i am defining initialising a new Instance in the same file or playground.
Any ideas how to fix this autocompletion issue?

This appears to just be a bug in Xcode. The first time you use an instance in another file, Xcode does not provide the autocompletion. But, the second time you use it it does.
Here is a demo of the strange behavior I am seeing. Even with the Point.swift file saved, the first time I use Point in ViewController.swift it doesn't autocomplete, but the second time it does:
This is with Xcode 7.2.

This bug is still actual in Xcode 10. As an addition to top answer: you can use explicit .init for autocomplete and then delete .init.
Get autocomplete to work with explicit init:
Point.init(x: x, y: y)
Delete .init and you'll end up with the expected code:
Point(x: x, y: y)

As Михаил Бабаев also said, I've still seen this issue in Xcode 10.1.
Point.init( brings up the default initialisers.
Then you could delete the 'init'

Save your files.
Xcode will autocomplete correctly once you've saved Point.swift
I know it seems weird, but although Xcode recognizes the struct and enables syntax coloring properly while editing the files, it still doesn't autocomplete completely until the struct source file is definitely saved (the file icon will change its background color).
I've had this behaviour in the past, and I was just able to reproduce it in a sample project.

If you type Point.init( Xcode suggests the init autocompletion.
More exciting news: starting from Xcode 10.2 this seems to be fixed, now if you tipe just Point( Xcode suggests the init method. Enjoy it.

I hit this same issue with Xcode Version 11.4.1 (11E503a). For me the issue was that my struct was defined in a different target than my app target. That target was imported in the file (in app target) I was trying to create an instance of that struct in. However, Xcode was never able to autocomplete the struct. I solved this by moving the definition of the struct to the app target and it autocompleted the memberwise initializer as expected.
Are we having fun yet?

For me it was a self induced error. I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't offer the autocompletion option. It took a few inspections of the struct to realize that even though I had a bunch of properties they were all defined as static - there was nothing to initialize! smh


SwiftUI / Xcode Error - Updating took more than 5 seconds

When I try to preview one of my views in the canvas I keep getting the following error:
PreviewUpdateTimedOutError: Updating took more than 5 seconds
All my other views load perfectly fine.
Why is this happening and how do I resolve?
I am using SwiftUI in Xcode 11.4 (public release)
I stopped using the simulator and chose "Any iOS Device" and that solved the problem.
In my case the issue was this line in Build settings:
Something I did accidentally changed signing settings in my project. Specifically, "signing identity" was set to "Sign to Run Locally.".
For some reasons, SwiftUI Previews don't work then.
Simply deleting this line from build settings (aka setting default value) solved the problem.
Some time, the error displaying is not the real error.
For me it was because i missing : .environmentObject(...)
As of Xcode 12.5.1, the message PreviewUpdateTimedOutError: Updating took more than 5 seconds most likely means that your app crashed and thus updating the preview failed. The real reason for the crash is unfortunately obscured by this useless message (why Apple would do that is beyond me). To get at the real reason, you'll need to:
click Diagnostics at the top of the preview next to the useless error message
in the next dialog, click Generate Report > Reveal in Finder
This will take a bit. Then Finder will open with a folder highlighted. Open that folder. Inside you'll see a lot of log files and folders.
If your app indeed crashed, you'll see a folder called CrashLogs which contains crash logs for your app, including the error message and stack trace. This should help you resolve the actual error causing the preview to break.
Note that for me, sometimes the CrashLogs were not included in the report even though my app really did crash. Retrying the preview and generating another report fixed this for me. The whole error reporting process seems to be rather unstable for the previews, unfortunately.
Try Clean (Shift + ⌘ + K) and Build (⌘ + B) to build again the SwiftUI project, it works in Xcode 11.6. Try building a basic hello world app.
In my case the issue was that the PreviewProvider was marked private. Simply make it internal or remove the private access modifier.
private /* <- remove */ struct YourView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
// Your previews
I am using Version 13.2.1 (13C100). I have Clean (Shift + ⌘ + K) and Build (⌘ + B) the project. But, the problem remains.
Then, just restarted Xcode. And the problem gone.
In my case viewModel required to display SwiftUI_preview was doing a call to a CoreData (fast call) in the init of the viewModel.
Moved actual call of that "reload() method" so it's not called on preview, fixed.
(I believe the correct way is to use mocked protocol instead of instance of the viewModel)
If you have an .onAppear clause, try commenting that out for preview.
None of these suggestions helped me but I did discover that you can't rely entirely on a successful build to pick up all issues. In my case I had '.modifier(modifier:)' entered incorrectly as 'modifier(modifier:)'. My code built successfully but my preview did not work until I added the period before modifier.
For me the issue was related to a force unwrapping of an element not being found at preview time.
Note: Always check the diagnostics report. The issue will be at the top section after termination reason.
In my case the canvas/screen size was smaller than the content, so simply wrapping my content in the scrollView do remove the error and displaying the content in the canvas.
I had a fatalError("...") in my code, which I only figured out after reading the diagnostic logs. Would be nice if SwiftUI actually hinted this!
You can get the diagnostics by clicking "Diagnostics" next to "Try Again" at the top of the preview window.
To summarise lots of answers here, it seems that the preview taking a while to update is the equivalent of a crash, when running on a real device or on the simulator.
First comment out all the environment Objects are used for the particular View. Once you get preview then uncomment it to run the build. This trick works for me
//#EnvironmentObject var observerObj:PropertyObserver
I had this issue as well, and nothing fixed the problem. I am now on 11.6 and after updating the issue went away. I think it might be a problem with Xcode 11.4.
I'd suggest updating Xcode if possible.
In SwiftUI, you couldn't add more than 10 subviews into your contentview, otherwise it couldn't compile.
I had the same problem, then I started to comment out the subViews inside my main view, one by one & try to preview again then I found out the problem was caused because I forgot to put a dot before one of the subViews attributes.
So that's how I fixed it.
The reason is because its unable to find the landmarkData.json file. To resolve this,
select landmark.json file in Resources.
Show Inspectors ( top right icon )
Select show file inspector
Under Target membership, select / check Landmarks
This should resolve the preview issue.
For some reason, in SwiftUI, when I embeded Text in Scroll View and VStack, this error occurred. After few unsuccessful attempts to fix this by clearing and building project, I deleted code and wrote it down again, same as it was. Now it is working.
I had my run device set to a real device I use for testing. When I changed that to one in the simulator it started working again.
Similar to #YannSteph, this happened to me because I put the .environmentObject() at the app entry point where it creates the first view:
struct RecipeApp: App {
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
But this prevented the preview from working. I thought I was being smart putting it there, so all the views could have access to it, but it just crashed the preview.
Moving it back into the main View.Swift file that is my app's starting view fixed the preview issue.
EDIT: Ran into this again when I didn't put the .environmentObject() in the struct for the preview. Probably a rookie mistake but there appears to be many ways to trigger this error.
I had the same issue after creating a brand new Multiplatform App project using Xcode 12.5. Based on the solutions above I followed a hunch and now believe that the issue is due to invalid path parameters.
After renaming the Schemes and Targets from (iOS) to .iOS (and the same for macOS), to remove spaces and brackets, it is now working.
I had this issue after changing bundle id and signing from personal to team.
After changing device to Any device as advised here, I received another error description, saying
Could not install the preview host "AppName.app" on iPhone 12 Pro Max
agentBundle = com.bundle.Its.AppName {
url: file:///Users/macbookair/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/AppName-> desupjbpqvjlegfbskxydixpouvc/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/AppName/Prod> ucts/Debug-iphonesimulator/AppName.app
> version: 49557
signingInformation: Code Signing {
identifier: com.bundle.AppName
hasGetTaskAllow: false
isSandboxed: false
Clean build, deleting Derived, Deleting all apps installed on simulators, cleaning Xcode Cache, restarting Xcode and Mac didn't help.
What had helped was creating new project with initially correct bundle id and copying all my files there.
I have got into the same issue on Xcode 12.4, but the code works fine on Xcode 13.0.
I was following the IOS App Dev Tutorial, where one creates an app named ScrumDinger. I ran into this issue at Displaying Data in List
In my case the problem was that I wrote in CardView.swift
HStack {
Label("\(scrum.attendees.count)", systemImage: "person.3")
accessibilityLabel("\(scrum.attendees.count) attendees")
instead of
HStack {
Label("\(scrum.attendees.count)", systemImage: "person.3")
.accessibilityLabel("\(scrum.attendees.count) attendees")
The missing dot before accessibilityLabel was the problem.
In my case the issue was that I was trying to preview a view with a fixed width (.previewLayout(.fixed(width: 344, height: 220))) wider than the selected simulator (iPhone SE 1st generation) 😬
I get this error often. My last time of occurrence, I had "gesture" instead of ".gesture". Usually its best to just need to find the error in your code yourself because Xcode does not point out the issue directly.
I only had Xcode 14 Beta installed on my machine and the previews did not work. All of the other answers did not work for me.
Installing Xcode 13.4.1 and running the preview with it did solve my problems and now I can also see the preview in Xcode 14 Beta as well.
In my case, I disabled automatic canvas refresh by going to Editor -> Canvas -> Automatically Refresh Canvas and making sure it.
Then I use ⌥⌘P (Command-Option-P) to refresh the canvas preview.

Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both frameworks

iOS 10 / Xcode 8 GM build getting the below, never had it before on Xcode 7. Any ideas?
objc[25161]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both
(0x12049a910) and
(0x1202c4210). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
(NOTE: Only seems to happen in simulator, does not appear on real device).
Main Idea
Main idea is simple:
If your app (or dependencies, such as Pods) uses framework, that uses explicit (or implicit) PhotoLibraryServices.framework or AssetsLibraryServices.framework as dependency, Xcode warns you (even if you are using only one of them). It might be Photos/PhotosUI.framework or AssetsLibrary.framework, or another (I don't have full list of dependencies, but it is possible).
What is the problem?
Class with name PLBuildVersion is defined in both PhotoLibraryServices.framework and AssetsLibraryServices.framework. Class name is unique in Objective-C (you can't define 2 classes with same name), so it is undefined which one will be used in runtime.
However, I think that it will not be a problem, because both classes have same methods and fields (checked this with disassembler) and I guess that both were compiled from the same source.
Radar is already sent.
As per answer from Apple employee on Apple's Developer Forum:
You don't control either of the class sources listed, so there isn't anything you can or should do – aside from Reporting a Bug.
I was unable to find a way to get rid of the warning, but if you want to prevent the app from crashing, you need to provide a description for why you are accessing the camera, photo library, etc. This is new in iOS10.
Input the following into your Info.plist file.
Key: Privacy - Photo Library Usage Description
Value: $(PRODUCT_NAME) photo use
Key: Privacy - Camera Usage Description
Value: $(PRODUCT_NAME) camera use
More info can be found here: https://iosdevcenters.blogspot.com/2016/09/infoplist-privacy-settings-in-ios-10.html
I find you can get this error merely by using a UIWebView. My solution was to replace my use of UIWebView with WKWebView.
I had this after adding Answers on Fabric to my project.
Deleting derived data did the trick for me. (shift alt command k in XCode)
Edit a year later:
After deleting derived data, always exit XCode and start it again.
In unrelated cases I have the impression that deleting derived data does not clear XCode’s in memory caches of the derived data.
Resetting the iOS simulator fixed this for me. Simulator -> Reset Content And Settings.
In my case this warning started to appear after opening a second xcode project and running the second app on the simulator. After changing back to the first app, the warning started to appear. I just quit the Simulator and Xcode and reopened my project. The warning disappeared after that. If that doesn't solve it, proceed with the other answers. Xcode can be really picky sometimes.

"Use of undeclared type" in Swift, even though type is internal, and exists in same module

I have a type in my module:
import Cocoa
class ColoredDotView : NSView {
It is used in a number of different classes with no issue:
class EditSubjectPopoverController : NSObject {
#IBOutlet internal var subjectColorDotView : ColoredDotView!
But for some reason, when I use it in one specific class, I have compilation errors on the type:
class EditTaskPopoverController : NSObject {
#IBOutlet internal var lowPriorityDotView : ColoredDotView! // Error here
#IBOutlet internal var medPriorityDotView : ColoredDotView! // And here...
#IBOutlet internal var highPriorityDotView : ColoredDotView! // And here...
The compilation error is:
EditTaskPopoverController.swift:15:49: Use of undeclared type
Which I don't understand. It's the first compilation error in the file, and the rest of the errors are all symptomatic of the first. Further, there are no other files with compilation errors. I don't understand why the type is undeclared, as the file is in the same module:
I have tried cleaning the project, cleaning the build folder, and restarting Xcode, to no avail. What potential missteps can cause an undeclared type compiler error in Swift?
For me, I encountered this error when my test target did not have some swift files that my app build target had in compile sources. It was very confusing because the 'undeclared type' was being used in so many other places with no problem, and the error seemed vague. So solution there was of course to add the file containing the 'undeclared type' to the test target.
This has already been answered by #Craig Otis, but the issue is caused when the classes in question do not belong to the same targets, usually the test target is missing. Just make sure the following check boxes are ticked.
To see the target membership. Select your file then open the file inspector (⌥ + ⌘ + 1) [option] + [command] + 1
Phew, finally diagnosed this. Somehow, the offending Swift file EditTaskPopoverController.swift was in two different build phases.
It was in Compile Sources properly, with all the other Swift files, but it was also, for some very strange reason, in the Copy Bundle Resources phase as well, along with all my XIB and image resources.
I have no idea how it got there, but removing it from the extra build phase resolved the issue.
In XCode menu Product->Clean and then Product->Build worked for me. I encountered this issue when added new ViewController to my project in new Group/Folder.
I had the exact same problem. Some of the files in my framework were not reachable from other classes within the same module.
For some reason the files that had been added to the framework in Xcode was not part of the Compile Sources. If your Swift file is not part of the compile sources you need to add them by tapping the + and selecting them in the popup.
Also make sure the file is part of the framework target. (The little box in the screenshot below should be checked)
The cause for me was a function name that began with same characters as a type:
#IBOutlet weak var tableView: CustomTableView!
and in the implementation I had a function beginning with CustomTableView
func CustomTableView(tableView: CustomTableView, dataForRow row: Int) -> NSData {...}
The fix was to change the function signature so that it didn't begin with the same characters as the type (CustomTableView), e.g.:
func dataForRow(row: Int, tableView: CustomTableView) -> NSData {...}
This was a very misleading error message for the actual cause in my case.
In case anyone encounters a similar problem but the Compile Sources fix does not solve the problem, restarting Xcode may (it worked for me). My version of Xcode is Version 6.1 (6A1052d).
Sometimes errors can be very silly
Before checking all the solutions up here , make sure you have
imported all the basic stuff
import Foundation
import UIKit
It is quite a possibility that when you import some files from outside
to your project, which may miss this basic things as I experienced
once .
In my app I have app delegate and other classes that need to be accessed by the tests as public. As outlined here, I then import my my app into my tests.
When I recently created two new classes ,their test targets were both the main and testing parts. Removing them from their membership from the tests solved the issue.
In my case, the TestTarget's compile sources were having files from the Main Target.
Why this happens ?
This happens since we check the TestTarget association while creating
the file
Or manually checking this option from the inspector.
How did i resolve ?
I removed the main target's files from compile source of Test Target
I tried many of the solutions offered here, but eventually deleted the file and created it again, and Xcode was mollified :/
This can also happen if you by accident capitalize the parameter name, and call it the same as the object.
class func didRecieveData(BlockItems: [BlockItems])
This might help someone.
I've created new test project with Core Data called "CoreData". Shortly I've got "Use of undeclared type" for NSManagedObjectContext and other Core Data classes. After several attempts of importing, adding to Build phases, etc. I've deleted project and started new one called "TestingCoreData" and it all worked well.
Don't name (test) Projects like name of the Classes
This can also happen if you have a function with the same name as an object type in your signature. For example:
class func Player(playerObj: Player)
will cause the compiler to get confused (and rightfully so) since the compiler will first look locally within the file before looking at other files. So it looks at "Player" in the signature and thinks, that's not an object in this scope, but a function, so something is wrong.
Perhaps this is a good reason why I shouldn't capitalize class functions. :)
I got this error message in Xcode 8 while refactoring code in to a framework, it comes out that I forgot to declare the class in the framework as public
Maybe you have added class with some "FirstNameClass" and after that manually rename to "ColoredDotView". Try to copy content of "ColoredDotView" class to clipboard, remove "ColoredDotView" from project and add agin.
This id fix similar problem from me.
In my case was a mistake made by me. I added a new file as "OS X>Source>Cocoa Class", instead of "iOS>Source>Cocoa Touch Class".
In my case, this was caused by a subclass name being used in the very next line as a variable name with a different type:
var binGlow: pipGlow = pipGlow(style: "Bin")
var pipGlow: PipGlowSprite = PipGlowSprite()
Notice that in line 1, pipGlow is the name of the subclass (of SKShapeNode), but in line two, I was using pipGlow as a variable name. This was not only bad coding style, but apparently an outright no-no as well! Once I change the second line to:
var binGlow: pipGlow = pipGlow(style: "Bin")
var pipGlowSprite: PipGlowSprite = PipGlowSprite()
I no longer received the error. I hope this helps someone!
When testing Swift code that belongs to the application, first make sure the test target is building the application as a dependency. Then, in your test, import the application as a module. For example:
#testable import MyApplication
This will make the Swift objects that are part of the application available to the test.
In my case, that was caused by swift files's Text Encoding.
One file showed 'No Explicit Encoding', and after convert that to 'UTF-8', problem solved.
And the reason why file's text encoding is not explicit is that I copied all code from other swift file.
No Explicit Encoding Screenshot
UTF-8 Screenshot
Cleaning the project solved my problem.
Product -> Clean(or Shift + Cmd + K)
In my case I wanted to add a method with a custom swift object as a type parameter, and the name I gave to the variable in the parameter was exactly the same as the custom object class name
The problems was something like this:
func moveBlob(**blob** : blob){
The part in bold characters was causing the error of undeclared type
as others mentioned well and in this thread
use of unneeded swift files in "copy bundle resources"
Like others, it was some unrelated code that was causing the #testable to malfunction.
In my test target there was an Objective-C header file that had
#import ModuleUnderTest;
I removed this line (because the import was actually unnecessary) and miraculously #testable starting working again.
I was only able to track this down but removing everything from my project and adding it back in bit by bit until it failed. Eventually I found the problem line of code.
if you are accessing it from different module or Target then you just need it to public it
In case someone makes the same silly mistake I did...
I was getting this error because in renaming my source file, I accidentally removed the. from the filename and so the compiler treated the file as a plain text file and not as source to compile.
so I meant to rename the file to
but accidently named it
It's a simple mistake, but it was not readily obvious that this is what was going on.
Not adding the correct import delcaration can also be an obvious miss. For me, I had simply omitted to import PriorityUIKit.
My situation is that I drag a new file XXView.swift into the project. And declare a View type to be XXView then the error "use of undeclared type....".
I just try to add my XXView.swift to the test target which it solved the error.
But I didn't want my UI Class involved in the test target.
Finally, I found my ViewController already in the test target which should not happen. ( I think because I create the VC by an xctemplate therefore, it automatically be included in the test target)
I remove the view controller from the test target, and then my XXView is now no need to add to the test target.
Conclusion: make sure all your related files should also uncheck the test target.
After spending an hour on this error I found that the module file is duplicated. delete the extra file, and shift+cmd+k to clean and the error is gone.
In my case, the issue was with a new class not being recognized. I solved the issue by deleting the class and re-adding it but this time checking the Watch App Extension option when creating the new class.
Please note that I do have a Watch App Extension in my Application.

Swift code completion isn't working

I installed Xcode 6.0 beta and downloaded the iOS8 library Documentation.
but when i create a Swift project, try to typing code
func aa(){
let format = NSDateFormatter()
var pageData = format.
I find Xcode can't dot any property and function. Am I missing any step?
The problem is sloved, typing a whitespace can aid code completion
It's append when you change the hardware type and you choose less than iphone5.
Choose Iphone 6 for example in the list at the right of the stop button and the code completion for 'format' will appear.
I met the same problem and solve it by removing the non-ASCII char in comment (in my problem, it's a chinese char "年" automatically generated in comment by xcode).
btw. "typing a whitespace can aid code completion" doesn't work for me
It’s a bug, your code works on my system (OS X 10.9). Note that when typing code, I sometimes see the code completion crash for two seconds and come back.
When trying a first project named "swift", code completion crashed in a infinite loop… beta bugs… I just had to name it something else to test the language.
You know, I've experienced something similar with Objective C projects in Xcode 6 Beta 1. It seems Apple have changed the default behaviour a bit:
In Xcode 5.x code would always automatically complete as you type, but in this early beta try pressing ESCAPE - that will bring up the list you're looking for. Works for me. Some code auto completes as you type (both in Swift and Objective C), but at times only ESCAPE will bring up what we're looking for.
I'm nor sure if this is expected behaviour or a bug (I'm guessing the latter).
I must admit that your code works fine on my system without this trick. Just make sure you have code completion setup under Xcode - Preferences - Text Editing:

Getting strange debugger message: Assertion failed: (cls), function getName: what is this?

Since I upgraded from Xcode 3.2.3 to 3.2.4 and iOS 4.0.1 to iOS 4.1 SDK, when I set a breakpoint in my code and single-step over instructions, at each step, the debugger will spit one or more of that line:
Assertion failed: (cls), function getName, file /SourceCache/objc4_Sim/objc4-427.1.1/runtime/objc-runtime-new.m, line 3939
It doesn't happen on a specific line or for a specific instructions. I have a few breakpoints in my code and each time I hit one of those, the debugger starts spewing those messages. It doesn't seem to have any detrimental effect as the program works correctly. It's just very annoying to retrieve the information in the console when there are tens of those lines. I'm sure they're not displayed for nothing but I haven't found what the problem might be and what instruction might cause it. If I don't hit a breakpoint, then I don't see any of those lines. I did clean and rebuild my project multiple times to no avail.
Does anybody have any idea what this is?
I ran into this - and here's the reason mine happened: I had used
+localizedStringFromDate:dateStyle:timeStyle: in my code. Worked fine on the iPhone, but it's not available pre-4.0 SDK, so it coughed on the iPad. See if you're calling some routine that's either no longer available in the SDK, or available only in later versions. Frankly, I can't wait for 4.1 on the iPad!
I'm also having this problem, in an iPad app originally written in Xcode 3.2.4 using the iOS 3.2 SDK, now being debugged in Xcode 3.2.5 using the 4.2 SDK, but only when I set the simulator to the 3.2 iOS Deployment Target (so I can run in the 3.2 simulator). Every stop at a breakpoint in the debugger, I get this assert repeated eight times. Single-stepping over a line gets two more.
What I can't understand is I haven't added any code to the project since I last run it in Xcode 3.2.4 and iOS SDK 3.2, so I can't have added any calls that were not present in that SDK or else it wouldn't have compiled.
Until someone finds an answer to this, I think the only workaround (so I can continue debugging my code in a 3.2 environment) is to reinstall Xcode 3.2.4 and use the 3.2 SDK and simulator.
I had this problem when I was running on simulator "iPad 3.2 simulator". This problem disappeared when I switched the simulator to "iPad 4.3 simulator"
I have exactly the same issue. I know it's not the complete answer but here's what I could find.
The relevant function getName looks like this:
* getName
* fixme
* Locking: runtimeLock must be held by the caller
static const char *
getName(struct class_t *cls)
// fixme hack rwlock_assert_writing(&runtimeLock);
if (isRealized(cls)) {
return cls->data->ro->name;
} else {
return ((const struct class_ro_t *)cls->data)->name;
So gdb is complaining that the assertion assert(cls) is failing. Which means that getName somehow gets a NULL pointer as an argument.
Which is kinda funny, where could we be asking for the name of a NULL class?
Hope this helps...
I also have the same problem; I don't have a solution but I'm able to work around it. In short, I suggest you add more breakpoints...
I noticed in the call stack that it's actually the debugger that is misbehaving. The function gdb_class_getClass calls getName, presumedly this is passing NULL instead of (say) MyClass. The code that I'm trying to debug is a method of MyClass. So, thinking that the debugger has a problem with MyClass, I set a breakpoint at a line outside of any code of MyClass (ie the line that calls the method on MyClass) and hit continue when the program breaks. This seems to resolve the problem in my case. (Note that auto-continue doesn't work.)
To be clear:
//Set breakpoint here
[myClassInstance buggyMethod];
My buggyMethod is actually in another file:
-(void)buggyMethod {
//This is where I set my 'real' breakpoint
Hope that helps.
I'm having a similar problem, but mine is with creating a custom view with Core Text in it. As soon as my view's drawRect calls the line
CTFontRef titleFont = CTFontCreateWithName(CFSTR("Baskerville"), 40.0f, NULL);
It hangs the app, whether in the simulator or on the device. Bizarrely, I can rectify this by alloc-initing another UIKit text component in the View Controller's viewDidLoad method... I don't even have to add it as a subview. It's like it needs some common text elements loaded before Core Text can load in fonts.
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
UILabel *l = [[UILabel alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 0, 0)];
