How do I convince VS2012 it has update 5? - visual-studio

I have Visual Studio 2012 as my dev environment.
I installed Update #5 after its release several months ago.
However, I intermittently get informed by the VS updater that there's an update available.
Checking the notification, it's always Update 5. I've tried downloading it from the updater and running the update - I get prompted to repair or uninstall.
Repair does not help. I am trying uninstall/reinstall, but I do not expect it to work.
I'm concerned that this issue may prevent me from getting future updates.
How can I move past Update 5?
EDIT: I've uninstalled and installed it again. The issue persists.


SQL Server Management Studio 16.4.1 - Will not run

Yesterday I updated SSMS from 16.3 to 16.4.1, rebooted and then installed the Window 10 Anniversary Update from Windows update. Everything on my PC seemed to be running fine.
However, trying to open SSMS today for the first time since the update and nothing happens. There is no error message and nothing is created in Event Viewer.
I have tried repairing the installation, which didn't fix the problem, and reinstalling the application which again did not fix the problem.
I can see in Process Monitor that the process exits with status 0 and it doesn't appear there is any effort made to write to a log file.
Has anyone encountered a similar issue with this release?
Edit: The problem is resolved by uninstalling 16.4.1 and reinstalling 16.3, which makes me think something is broken in the latest release.
It appears the solution, after rolling back to 16.3, was to install the Community edition of Visual Studio 2015 and then install 16.4.1 again.

Is Update 3 of Visual Studio 2015 cumulative?

Can I install Visual Studio Community Edition RTM and then Update 3?
Or, do I need to Install Update 1 then 2 then 3?
Yes, it is cumulative. Moreover, each time a new update is released, Microsoft immediately makes sure there is no access to any previous updates. All links to previous updates get redirected to the latest update. (More precisely, all links simply lead to the online installer, which always downloads the latest update).
This is a major PITA, BTW, since there's no immediate solution to new code-breaking bugs that Microsoft often introduces into new updates. Update 3 is quite problematic in that regard.
For this reason, if you already have Visual Studio installed, it is highly recommended to make a snapshot of your system before installing any further VS updates. That way you will always be able to revert to the previous version in case the new update is broken.
The VS install I downloaded (latest one) includes SP3.
So it appears that the current download of VS includes the latest SP updates.

Xamarin install fails requiring Build Tools that are already installed

I have VS Community 2015 installed on a Windows 7 machine.
Few days ago new Xamarin version, the one, has been released.
I have tried to install it (upgrading from many times but every time I receive message about Build Tools requirement, even if the Build Tools 2013 and 2015 are correctly installed on the machine.
I have tried to reinstall Build Tools, repair VS and actual Xamarin installation without any success.
What may I check to be able to upgrade?
Thanks in advance for any help I will receive.
Am not sure if you were lucky enough to find a solution yet.
I faced a similar issue and was able to overcome it by :
1)First running the VS as Administrator.
2)Then Follow the normal update process Via Tools -> Options -> Xamarin -> Other
You will be asked to close VS during installation which is OK.
I guess that means the update process needs to access some files which require Admin rights? anyway it worked for me and I hope it works for you as well.
All the best!.

Problems with installation of VS 2012 (.Net is missing)

I'm having trouble installing Visual Studio 2012. When I run the installer I get the message:
Microsoft .NET Framework required for Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 setup
The first time I got this message, I clicked to install. It loaded some stuff but it didn't look like it installed anything. I ran the installer for VS 2012 again and I get the same message but now without any buttons to click on. Is there any solution to this?
What happened before
I had VS 2012 already up and working. I left it alone for quite a while until I decided I wanted to do some programming again. Starting the application resulted suddenly in an error:
Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the application.
After searching for a couple of hours I couldn't resolve the problem so I did as it asked and reinstalled VS, but I got the same error again. Then I tried to remove every single application VS installs as indicated by this list and any program that had a similar name. I also removed all .NET versions and C++ redistributables. Now I can't install VS anymore and some games and gadgets are now broken.
And I always, always, always forget the existence of system restore. I doubt my oldest system restore is old enough. This is going to be my last resort.
What I tried
Search for a .NET installation in the control panel, it's not present after clicking the install button on the prompt of the VS 2012 installer.
Reinstall .NET 4.5 using this installer. It installs correctly, but the problem persists.
Turning .NET 3.5.1 off from windows features and install it manually. This fails for an unknown reason (error code -2145124329, which seems undefined). Just turning it off doesn't work either.

The version of clr.dll does not match the one mscordacwks.dll was built for

I have a C# console app in Visual Studio 2010 that I can run just fine. When I attempt to run the process in debug mode, I am presented with the following error:
I have tried searching for any information, but I haven't been able to find anything. Can anyone provide clues as to why I can't run this with the debugger?
EDIT: I should clarify that I have been able to successfully debug a console app previously, this is a new situation.
From what I can tell when I'm able to reproduce this error, it is caused by being in the middle of installing Windows updates. So, running updates, then postponing a reboot, then attempting to debug code is what was putting me in this broken state.
I had this issue once and it was caused by an pending Windows Update on the Server where the process was running, which I wanted to attach.
I encountered the same issue. It happened to me when I attempted to attach to a process for debugging purposes. At the time I had postponed a pending windows update.
Everything started working fine after I restarted my computer and allowed the update to take place.
Additional notes: I had recently updated to Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate and installed its Service Pack 1.
I had this when I installed .NET 4.6 for Visual Studio 2013.
In this particular case, restarting Visual Studio 2013 solved the problem.
I have finally solved this!
It seemed to have happened after I updated my Windows 7. One of my files must have been out of date.
The fix: Install VS 2010 Service Pack 1
Worked correctly right after I installed. Hitting breakpoints and everything!
Hope this works for you too!
I also updated to Service Pack 1, and made sure Windows updates were up to date, but I was still having the same issue:
"The Version of CLR.dll in the target does not match the one mscordacwks.dll was built for."
Microsoft closed this issue on as not reproducible... Unforgivable, irresponsible support system!!
But on I was directed to upgrade through this link, and this has resolved the problem in my machine ( Win7,VS2010,target 4.0)
Hope it helps.
Simply. Restarting Visual Studio solved the problem in my case.
I had VS 2010 SP1 for ages and had rebooted many times. There wasn't any windows update in progress either. I closed all my VS 2010 IDEs and then opened them, and the problem was gone.
This happens, when you do a WINDOWS UPDATE and haven't rebooted your system and the update isn't compatible with VISUAL STUDIO. So in order to solve this, just do an update on VISUAL STUDIO to latest. That should FIX it
I had this weird issue after installing .net framework 4.5, when using .net 4 for my project.
updating VS 2010 service pack didn't solve this, only removal of .net 4.5 and 4, and then reinstalling .net 4 only.
I have VS2013 on Win7 and restarting VS worked for me. Seems it is a VS/CLR bug.
