Is Update 3 of Visual Studio 2015 cumulative? - visual-studio

Can I install Visual Studio Community Edition RTM and then Update 3?
Or, do I need to Install Update 1 then 2 then 3?

Yes, it is cumulative. Moreover, each time a new update is released, Microsoft immediately makes sure there is no access to any previous updates. All links to previous updates get redirected to the latest update. (More precisely, all links simply lead to the online installer, which always downloads the latest update).
This is a major PITA, BTW, since there's no immediate solution to new code-breaking bugs that Microsoft often introduces into new updates. Update 3 is quite problematic in that regard.
For this reason, if you already have Visual Studio installed, it is highly recommended to make a snapshot of your system before installing any further VS updates. That way you will always be able to revert to the previous version in case the new update is broken.

The VS install I downloaded (latest one) includes SP3.
So it appears that the current download of VS includes the latest SP updates.


How do I install an older release of Visual Studio 2017?

I brought up a new VS2017 dev environment at work yesterday, which means I got the recently released version 15.3. I'm getting an internal compiler error on a VC++ project that nobody else in the organization is getting; everyone else is still on 15.2. To test my theory that the 15.3 update may have broken something, I want to install VS2017 15.2 (or even 15.1 or 15.0). But I can't figure out how to do that. When I run the 15.0 or 15.1 bootstrapper, it still tries to install 15.3.
I've already gone over this guide for creating offline installations but it doesn't say anything about getting an older release. I found a guide here that shows how to use a specific release with VS2015, but I can't find anything for VS2017.
My work gave me an MSDN account (Visual Studio Professional), which offers older bootstrapper downloads, but does not offer full offline installation downloads for older releases.
How do I install VS2017 15.2 (or 15.1, or 15.0) when 15.3 has already been deployed by Microsoft?
There is support for downloading a prior version, but evidently you have to contact support for the link. None of the links on any of the pages I could find within the site referenced it.
Installing an earlier release of Visual Studio 2017
Be sure to take the time to read the "[no]support policy" regarding "earlier" releases. Essentially, the day they released version 15.4, version 15.3.5 was no longer supported.
On another note, I have noticed many people seem to respond (here and on other similar postings) along the lines of "Why on earth would you want to reinstall the same version you were working with instead of the latest release?". Note that I am para-phrasing that to clarify the sentiments commonly expressed.
The reason is because TEAMS of developers need to be on the SAME version of the tool set. They have deadlines and cannot afford to drop everything and switch everybody to a new version of the tools that may or may not work correctly for them. Even if the developers were willing to take that hit to their productivity, usually their managers are not. This is why taking away the option to install the previous version the very same day you make a new release available is an unacceptable practice for Enterprise or Professional grade development software.
Another common reason is that when bugs have to be fixed in software, you often need to use the same, or very close to same, version of the tools to rebuild it after fixing the bug. The costs of regression testing after forcing a non-trivial upgrade on an entire software product or suite is unacceptable to most organizations. Upgrading may not even be an option due to contractual obligations.
It seems that based on this article that Microsoft do not offer a mechanism to download any version of Visual Studio 2017.
The site offers bootstrap downloaders for 15.0 and 15.3 only. Intermediate versions such as 15.1 and 15.2 are not available as of September 2017.
I have a modest sized engineering team that would quite like to stay with 15.2 even for new starts and this is quite frustrating as we didn't capture an offline install of anything other than 15.0!
Apparently its possible to install a older version in parallel to a newer one. I just downloaded 15.6.7 from and started the install - it didnt touch my existing installation 15.9.19
But the probably better solution is just to install the toolset which is available separately for each VC2017 release. See this intersting article:

The C# project is targeting ".NeETFramework, Version=v4.0", which is not installed on this machine

Trying to run an old project in Visual Studio 2015. It was created in 2012 or 2013, I cannot remember which. I have uninstalled both programs as I was running out of space, and i think that is what caused this. I get the following options:
And I do not want to change the target, so clicking on the second option brings me to which I can't seem to find anything there that remedies the situation. Is there a way around this without reinstalling the old version of Visual Studio again? Will that even fix my problem? Thank you.
Just Reinstall Visual Studio. When you uninstalled previous version it caused this problem.
You could try doing a repair reinstall of Visual Studio 2015.
Another point to consider is that Windows 7 (the oldest version of Windows still supported by Microsoft) includes a Windows Update for the .NET Framework v4.6.1 categorized as an "Important" update. I have not confirmed with Windows 8, but I suspect it, too, includes a similar update. Windows 10 comes with .NET 4.6 to start with. That means that any up-to-date supported machine today will be able to run apps targeting any .NET version up to and including 4.6. I recognize that there may be other reasons to continue targeting an older .NET version, but I bring this up just in case the concern is support on client workstations.

Oracle development tools for visual studio not installing [duplicate]

Having installed managed ODP.NET on my computer, the ODP.NET Managed Driver does not appear inside the Choose Data Source dialog in Visual Studio 2013 Professional.
This is how it should look like:
This is how it actually looks on my machine:
I've followed the steps described in the "An Easy Drive to .NET" article on the Oracle website.
I've also installed the Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio. Still no managed driver to select.
My question:
Is there anything I forgot to do in order to make the data provider appear?
The generic answer to this question is "(Re)install 'Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio' (ODT)". Simply getting ODP.NET from Nuget or from other sources is not enough to take advantage of Visual Studio integration. You must install ODT also.
Download "ODTwithODAC":
Update 4/2018: If you are using Visual Studio 2017 Community edition, please upgrade to version or later. That is the first version that works with VS 2017 CE:
As you noticed, sometimes installations get munged. So if you do not see the driver in the dialogs or are getting generic (non-oracle ORA-) errors when you try to use features then you should reinstall ODT.
Open your Registry editor and check if RegKey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\.NETFramework\v4.0.30319\AssemblyFoldersEx\ exists. It contains only the (Default) value with location of your Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.dll.
Add the key in case it is missing, example:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
You can also try the Oracle config scripts at {ORACLE HOME}\\managed\x64\configure.bat and {ORACLE HOME}\\managed\x86\configure.bat, they should do the same
Then check your compile options whether you selected target Framework at least to .NET Framework 4.
Update for Release 12.2
Key seems to be used in old version 12.1. Latest release uses Oracle.ManagedDataAccess:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
While Wernfried posted his answer I tried at the same time the following approach:
Uninstall any previously installed Oracle packages/drivers.
Restart Visual Studio.
After these steps, the drivers were present:
I'm still not 100% sure, why a simple uninstall fixes something.
Old post but same issue. THe root cause is - i think - if you have VS 2022 installed the ODT for VS 2017 or 2019 does not install properly. I had to uninstall all versions of VS, reinstall VS 2017, reinstall ODTwithODAC183. Ensure that it can actually find the latest version of VS 2017 - I used the Visual Studio installer and it installed the latest version of VS 2017 Pro. I think that made a difference too. It looks like otherwise the installer won't find VS 2017 properly (if 2022 is installed) and the whole thing is fubar.
To test if it's installed correctly, add a entity data model and you should be able to see the oracle option in the data source list.
I has same error. Since I installed vs2015 Update 3.
Reinstall Oracle Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2015.

Problems with installation of VS 2012 (.Net is missing)

I'm having trouble installing Visual Studio 2012. When I run the installer I get the message:
Microsoft .NET Framework required for Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2012 setup
The first time I got this message, I clicked to install. It loaded some stuff but it didn't look like it installed anything. I ran the installer for VS 2012 again and I get the same message but now without any buttons to click on. Is there any solution to this?
What happened before
I had VS 2012 already up and working. I left it alone for quite a while until I decided I wanted to do some programming again. Starting the application resulted suddenly in an error:
Cannot find one or more components. Please reinstall the application.
After searching for a couple of hours I couldn't resolve the problem so I did as it asked and reinstalled VS, but I got the same error again. Then I tried to remove every single application VS installs as indicated by this list and any program that had a similar name. I also removed all .NET versions and C++ redistributables. Now I can't install VS anymore and some games and gadgets are now broken.
And I always, always, always forget the existence of system restore. I doubt my oldest system restore is old enough. This is going to be my last resort.
What I tried
Search for a .NET installation in the control panel, it's not present after clicking the install button on the prompt of the VS 2012 installer.
Reinstall .NET 4.5 using this installer. It installs correctly, but the problem persists.
Turning .NET 3.5.1 off from windows features and install it manually. This fails for an unknown reason (error code -2145124329, which seems undefined). Just turning it off doesn't work either.

VS 2010 RC. Is it "final enough to install w/o worry?"

I used to install betas freely and learned the hard way that I best only do that using a disposable environment.
What is your perception of the safetey of installing the Release Candidate version? Is it likely that when I go to install the final version that I will be faced with having to do ugly manual steps to get rid of it just so I can install the actual release version?
I just un-installed beta 2 from a machine I use to code on (not my main work dev PC though) fairly frequently. The uninstaller does a very good job of tidying up and only left behind the Visual Studio Tools for Office runtime. I then installed the RC and everything went fine and nothing seems to have broken. Based on the beta 2 uninstaller behaviour I expect the RC should uninstall nicely when RTM time comes around .
That said, the usual caveats that apply to all pre-release software still apply here. If the machine you're thinking of installing onto is mission critical then don't take the risk, use a VM or a machine you can afford the time to rebuild instead.
