Upsert Mongo Document using spring data mongo - spring

I have a Class
public class MyDocument {
private String id;
private String title;
private String description;
private String tagLine;
private Date createdDate;
private Date updatedDate;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public void setTitle(String title) {
this.title = title;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public void setDescription(String description) {
this.description = description;
public String getTagLine() {
return tagLine;
public void setTagLine(String tagLine) {
this.tagLine = tagLine;
i have added annotated application with #EnableMongoAuditing
i have created interface which implements mongorepository
public interface MyDocumentRepository extends MongoRepository<MyDocument, String> {
when i have created RestController with GET,POST,PATCH methods
in POST I'm sending
Controller Class POST method is
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> saveMyDocument(#RequestBody MyDocument myDocument) {
MyDocument doc =;
return new ResponseEntity<MyDocument>(doc, HttpStatus.CREATED);
Its saving the data in mongo.
"_id" : ObjectId("56b3451f0364b03f3098f101"),
"_class" : "com.wiziq.service.course.model.MyDocument",
"title" : "test"
and PATCH request is like
#RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PATCH)
public ResponseEntity<MyDocument> updateCourse(#PathVariable(value = "id") String id,
#RequestBody MyDocument myDocument) {
MyDocument doc =;
return ResponseEntity.ok(course);
when in make PATCH request with data {"description":"This is test"}
it update the docuent BUT it removes title field and createdDate form the document, its doing update which is ok. But i wanted to do an upsert, i can do its using mongoTemplate,
but there i have to set each property which i want to set.
Is there any generic way to that if i get a PATCH request i can update only not null properties.. properties which are coming in request
spring-data-rest seems to do it using #RepositoryRestResource. How can i achieve the same.
I don't want to code like this
Update update = new Update().set("title", myDocument.getTitle()).set("description", myDocument.getdescription());

Unfortunately its the behavior in MongoDB, you can verify the same using shell.
So to update create an Update Object and using
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("id").is(ID));
Here ID is the document which you want to update.Based on your requirement set upsert after that using findAndModify update document.
mongoTemplate.findAndModify(query, update,
new FindAndModifyOptions().returnNew(true).upsert(false),

If you have a model like MyModel.class and you need a smooth way to create an Update object from it there is no real clear way how to do this but you can use MongoConverter bean that is created in Spring Data Mongo auto configuration and then just use replaceOne method of MongoCollection.
private MongoTemplate template;
private MongoConverter mongoConverter;
public void upsertMyModel(MyModel model) {
Document documentToUpsert = new Document();
mongoConverter.write(model, documentToUpsert);
Filters.eq("_id", model.getId()),
new ReplaceOptions().upsert(true));

Upsert can be done in Spring data mongodb using BulkOperations.
Suppose there are two entities Entity1 and Entity2. Entity1 has foreginId which is primary id of Entity2. Both have a field title. Now, to upsert from entity2 to entity1, we can do it as follows:
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("foreignId").is(entity2.getId()));
Update update = new Update();
List<Pair<Query, Update>> updates = new ArrayList<Pair<Query, Update>>();
updates.add(Pair.of(query, update););
BulkOperations bulkOps = this.mongoTemplate.bulkOps(BulkMode.UNORDERED, Entity1.class);


Spring MongoRepository custom query

Hi I am new to using Spring with MongoRepository and I'm working on creating a custom query for MongoDB using Spring's MongoRepository.
What I would like to do is return a custom query for another variable in my model instead of the Object id.
for my model I have:
#Document(collection = "useraccount")
public class UserAccounts {
private String id;
private String accountNumber;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
// getters and setters
inside of my repository I just extend the generic MongoRepository:
public interface UserAccountsRepository extends MongoRepository<UserAccounts, String> {
I am trying to create a custom query that returns the accountNumber inside of my UserAccountsService:
public class UserAccountsService {
private final UserAccountsRepository userAccountsRepository;
public UserAccountsService(UserAccountsRepository userAccountsRepository) {
this.userAccountsRepository = userAccountsRepository;
// generic find by Object id
public UserAccounts findOne(String id) {
Optional<UserAccounts> userAccountsOptional =
if(!userAccountsOptional.isPresent()) {
throw new RuntimeException("User Account Not Found");
return userAccountsOptional.get();
// would like to implement custom query to return UserAccount if
// found by accountNumber variable
public UserAccounts findOneByUserAccountNumber(String accountNumber) {
return dormantAccountsRepository.findOne(*need query here*);;
How would I go about creating a custom query to find a User Account by the accountNumber instead of the object id?
Any help would be great thanks!

Spring Data JPA JpaRepository only uses No Arg Constructor

I have this simple REST API that i created with Spring Boot.
In this app, I have a a POJO called Expense with 4 fields. I have a no Argument constructor and another constructor that takes only two inputs. One String value "item" and one Integer value "amount". The date is set using the method and the id is set automatically in a MySql db running in the server.
Here's my Entity class
public class Expense {
#GeneratedValue (strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
private Integer id;
private String date;
private String item;
private Integer amount;
//No Arg Construction required by JPA
public Expense() {
public Expense(String item, Integer amount) { =;
this.item = item;
this.amount = amount;
public Integer getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Integer id) { = id;
public String getDate() {
return date;
public void setDate(String date) { = date;
public String getItem() {
return item;
public void setItem(String item) {
this.item = item;
public Integer getAmount() {
return amount;
public void setAmount(Integer amount) {
this.amount = amount;
I have another class with RestController annotation where i have set a method to post Expense object with a post method using Request Mapping annotation.
public class ExpController {
private ExpService expService;
private ExpenseRepo expenseRepo;
public ExpController(ExpService expService, ExpenseRepo expenseRepo) {
this.expService = expService;
this.expenseRepo = expenseRepo;
#RequestMapping(path = "/addExp", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public void addExp(Expense expense){;
Now finally i am using PostMan to make the HTTP Post Request. I have made a simple Json Format text to send Item and Amount
"amount": 75
After I make the post request, all i can see is that a new Entry is created but all values are set to null.
I have done some experimentation and found out that the method is only using the default no Arg constructor to save the data. But it's not using the second constructor that takes the two parameters that I am passing through Postman
How to solve this issue. Please help
Change your controller method like this
#RequestMapping(path = "/addExp", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public void addExp(#RequestBody Expense expense){;
You need to use #RequestBody

Relationship Exists in neo4j but not in Spring #NodeEntity

I have a class in my domain called Activity that looks like the following
#JsonIdentityInfo(generator=ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class, property="id")
public class Activity {
private Long id;
private String title;
private String description;
#Relationship(type = "RELATED_TO", direction = Relationship.UNDIRECTED)
private List<Activity> relatedActivities = new ArrayList<>();
public Activity() {
public Long getId() {
return id;
public void setId(Long id) { = id;
public String getTitle() {
return title;
public String getDescription() {
return description;
public Collection<Activity> getRelatedActivities() {
System.out.println("getting relatedActivities");
return relatedActivities;
public void addRelatedActivity(Activity activity) {
I create relationships using the following repository class:
#RepositoryRestResource(collectionResourceRel = "relationships", path = "relationships")
public interface RelationshipRepository extends GraphRepository<Relationship> {
#Query("MATCH (a1:Activity), (a2:Activity) " +
"WHERE a1.title = {0} AND a2.title = {1}" +
"CREATE (a1)-[:RELATED_TO]->(a2)")
void addRelationship(String a1Title, String a2Title);
I have verified that this code works using the neo4j browser, which lets me see existing nodes and relationships between them. However, when I access getRelatedActivities() on an Activity object, it's always an empty array, even if that Activity has other Activity nodes related to it, clearly visible in neo4j.
How can I get the relatedActivites on an Activity to automatically populate based on its relationships correctly?
The problem in your code is that you define the "target" as an Activity here
#Relationship(type = "RELATED_TO", direction = Relationship.UNDIRECTED)
private List<Activity> relatedActivities = new ArrayList<>();
but you also have a RelationshipEntity class in your code base: Relationship with the same type RELATED_TO.
When OGM gets the result it tries to match every field but since it converts the relationship type RELATED_TO to the RelationshipEntity and not an Activity object, it does not fill the list in the Activity class.

How to disply timdstamp column with specific format in Spring Data JPA

I am using Spring Data JPA and I have a table like below:
public class Apk {
private java.util.Date creationTime;
My DBMS is MySQL5.x and the above column is defined datetime type in it. I just call findAl() method in a repository class extends PaginAndSortingRepository.
public interface ApksRepository extends PaginAndSortingRepository<Apk, Long>{
public class ApksServiceImpl implements ApksService {
public PagingRes<Apk> findAll(PageInfo pageInfo){
PaginRes<Apk> result = new PagingRes<Apk>();
Page page = apksRepos.findAll(pageInfo.toPageRequest());
return result;
public class PageInfo {
private int page;
private int rp;
private String sortname;
private String sortorder;
private String query;
private String qtype;
//getters and setters
public PageRequest toPageRequest() {
Sort.Direction direction = Sort.Direction.ASC;
if (sortorder!=null && "DESC".equals(sortorder))
direction = Sort.Direction.DESC;
return new PageRequest(page-1, rp, direction, sortname);
public class PagingRes<T> {
private long total;
private int page;
private int rowPerPage;
private List<T> rows;
//getters and setters
public PagingRes<T> fromPage(Page page) { = page.getNumber();
this.rowPerPage = page.getSize(); = page.getTotalElements();
this.rows = page.getCotent();
return this;
And I am trying to display data in the table including the column but when I did it, the column is shown as long type. I wan to display the column in the fomat 'dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss'. How can I do this?
Thanks in Advance.
I knew that Jackson mapper for JSON response were giving weird result. So after searching, I used JsonSerializer to fix it like below:
Entity class
private java.util.Date eventTime;
Custom Serializer
public class AuDateSerializerextends JsonSerializer<Date> {
public void serialize(Date value, JsonGenerator gen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss");
Now it works fine. Thanks.

Store enum name, not value in database using EBean

I have this enum :
public enum DocumentTypes {
PDF("PDF Document"), JPG("Image files (JPG)"), DOC("Microsoft Word documents");
private final String displayName;
DocumentTypes(final String display) {
this.displayName = display;
public String toString() {
return this.displayName;
And a model like this :
#Table(name = "documents")
public class Document extends Model {
public Long id;
#Column(length=20, nullable=false)
public DocumentTypes type;
public String document;
I match the enum using this in my controller :
DynamicForm form = form().bindFromRequest();
// ...
Document doc = new Document();
doc.type = DocumentTypes.valueOf(form.field("type").value());;
The problem is that in database, it's stored as "Microsoft Word documents", but I would prefer to store it as DOC.
How can I do that?
You can define it very fine granular with the Anotation EnumMapping or EnumValue. This works with the old version org.avaje.ebean.
It seems that there was a complete rewrite of the code. In the actual version there is a different approach.
