Laravel5 vsmoraes/pdf-laravel5 errors - laravel

I'm using this library.So i have this errors when i download
Undefined variable: cv_info
Here is my controller
public function downloadPDF()
$url=explode('/', $url);
$cv_id = substr($url[4], 0, -13);
$html = view('ui.userinfo.viewCV',$cv_info)->render();
return $this->pdf
I'm already pass the $cv_info to view why i have this erros.Thanks for help
$html = view('ui.userinfo.viewCV',$cv_info)->render();

You aren't passing it correctly.
$html = view('ui.userinfo.viewCV')->with('cv_info', $cv_info);
Or you could use
$html = view('ui.userinfo.viewCV', ['cv_info' => $cv_info])->render();


Code contain error as unexpected 'if' (T_IF)

I am creating dependent dropdown in which i want stay dropdown value after page reloading. & i found above error in controller file
public function get_reason_details(Request $req)
$html = '';
$get_product_details =
foreach ($get_product_details as $product) {
$html .= '<option value="'.$product->reason_detail_id.'"'if($reason_detail_id==$product->reason_detail_id){selected="selected"} '>'.$product->reason_detail.'</option>';
return response()->json(['html' => $html]);
You are writing your if condition inside a php variable that is why you are getting this error.
To solve this you can write your if condition outside K variable and use a variable to select the dropdown. For e.g
foreach ($get_product_details as $product) {
$selected = "false";
if($reason_detail_id==$product->reason_detail_id) {
$html .= '<option value="'.$product->reason_detail_id.'" selected="'.$selected.'" >'.$product->reason_detail.'</option>';

message: undefined variable in view

I am trying to get the data in my view in codeigniter but it gives me a Message: Undefined variable: topics_array
here is my model :
public function studentTopics($courseId, $periodId)
$this->dbi->select('topicitem.TopicItemID, topicItem.Content');
$this->dbi->from('topicitem, topics, periods');
$this->dbi->where('topics.PeriodItemID', $periodId)
->where('topics.TopicItemID = topicitem.TopicItemID')
->where('topics.PeriodItemID = periods.PeriodItemID')
->where('periods.CourseID', $courseId);
$res = $this->dbi->result_array();
return $res;
here is my controller
public function student_topic($courseId, $periodId)
$data['topics_array'] = $this->Student_model->studentTopics($courseId, $periodId);
$this->load->view('Student/StudentView', $data);
and my view
$courseID = $this->uri->segment(4);
$periodID = 1;
foreach ($topics_array as $key =>$value) {
echo "<tr>
<td>".$value['Content']. "</td>
</tr>"; }?>
You seem to be missing a get().
$res = $this->dbi->get()->result_array();
return $res;
Hope this will help you :
change this line of code : $res = $this->dbi->result_array();
$this->dbi->select('topicitem.TopicItemID, topicItem.Content');
$this->dbi->from('topicitem, topics, periods');
$this->dbi->where('topics.PeriodItemID', $periodId)
->where('topics.TopicItemID = topicitem.TopicItemID')
->where('topics.PeriodItemID = periods.PeriodItemID')
->where('periods.CourseID', $courseId);
$query = $this->dbi->get(); // missing this line of code
$res = $query->result_array();
for more :

How to use Ajax pager in Drupal7

I want to use ajax_pager in my block.
I've installed Libraries API and Ajax Pager API (as it described on the AP API page). But it's still not working.
When I use 'pager' instead of 'ajax_pager' it works.
What I'm doing wrong?
function latest_news_block_info() {
$blocks['latest_news_block'] = array(
// info: The name of the block.
'info' => t('Latest News'),
return $blocks;
function latest_news_block_view($delta = '') {
// The $delta parameter tells us which block is being requested.
switch ($delta) {
case 'latest_news_block':
// Create your block content here
$block['subject'] = t('Last news');
$query = new EntityFieldQuery();
//change news by the name of your content type
$entities = $query->entityCondition('entity_type', 'node')
->pager(5, 0)
->entityCondition('bundle', 'news')
->propertyOrderBy("created", "DESC")
$content = "";
foreach($entities['node'] as $obj) {
$node = node_load($obj->nid);
$content .= "<img src='" .file_create_url($node->field_image['und'][0]['uri']) . "' width='200px' height='200px'>" . l($node->title, "node/" . $node->nid) . truncate_utf8($node->body['und'][0]['value'], 200, true, true) . '<br><hr>';
$block['content'] = $content;
$pager = theme('ajax_pager', array('parameters' => array('selector' => 'block-system-main')));
$block['content'] .= $pager;
return $block;

Severity Notice: Undefined offset

With some changes I got the error, This work fine in raw php but in codeigniter I'm trying to get this result_array in a while(list), but I don't know what would be the alternative for fetch_row in codeigniter. Please help me to get this in a way at while (list($d, $sn, $s) = each($IDS-)) line.
public function raw_attendance_Data() {
$this->db->select('attnDate, TraineeID, Status');
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result_array();
public function rawAttendance(){
$data['IDS'] = $this->AttendanceModel->raw_attendance_Data();
$this->load->view('attendance/rawAttendance', $data);
$tdata = '';
while (list($d, $sn, $s) = each($IDS)) {
if ($curname != $sn) {
if ($curname) {
$tdata .= "<tr><td>$curname</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";
$rowdata = $emptyRow;
$curname = $sn;
$rowdata[$d] = $s;
$tdata .= "<tr><td>$curname</td><td>" . join('</td><td>', $rowdata). "</td></tr>\n";
$query->result_array(); returns an array and not an object. Thus the $IDS in $IDS->fetch_row() is an array (a non-object).
I don't understand, where you are getting the function fetch_row()?
If I understand what you are trying to accomplish then this should work.
$tdata = '';
foreach($IDS as $row)
$curname = isset($row['TraineeID']) ? $row['TraineeID'] : "";
$date = isset($row['attnDate']) ? $row['attnDate'] : "";
$status = isset($row['Status']) ? $row['Status'] : "";
$tdata .= "<tr><td>$curname</td><td>$date</td><td>$status</td></tr>";

calling function from same controller not passing $data

I am building an HTML mobile app using Jquery Mobile. Its amazing so far.
However, In building my dynamnic template, I ran into a bit of a snag.
Heres my controller:
function index()
$data['page'] = "home";
$page['head'] = $this->load->view('template/head',$data,TRUE);
$page['header'] = $this->load->view('template/header', $data, TRUE);
$page['footer'] = $this->load->view('template/footer', $data, TRUE);
$page['nav'] = $this->nav($data['page']);
$this->load->view("pages/home", $page);
function nav($page)
$data['page'] = $page;
$page['header'] = $this->load->view('template/header', $data, TRUE);
$page['footer'] = $this->load->view('template/footer', $data, TRUE);
return $this->load->view('template/nav',$page,TRUE);
Regardless as to why I have it set up this way, any reason why, within the function nav($page) the view would return Undefined variable: header and Undefined variable: footer errors?
It's because you're trying to overwrite a string based variable with an array index.
You're passing in $page to the method, but then trying to create an array called $page to pass to the view. You need to rename the array to pass to the view:
function nav($page)
$data['page'] = $page;
// you should rename the array to pass to the view (from $page to $my_page)
$my_page['header'] = $this->load->view('template/header', $data, TRUE);
$my_page['footer'] = $this->load->view('template/footer', $data, TRUE);
return $this->load->view('template/nav',$my_page,TRUE);
