Spring Data Rest Secure HATEOAS link - spring

Lets say I have an User entity with a ManyToMany mapping to UserGroup entity. If I create repositories for both entities and GET the URI /users/1, I get a response like this:
"enabled" : true,
"password" : "xxxxxx",
"username" : "xxxxxx",
"credentialsNonExpired" : true,
"accountNonLocked" : true,
"accountNonExpired" : true,
"_links" : {
"self" : {
"href" : ""
"user" : {
"href" : ""
"userGroups" : {
"href" : ""
The userGroups link here is really useful.
I can list all UserGroups using the /userGroups endpoint.
I would like to protect the /userGroups endpoint and /users/1/userGroups endpoint using different spring-security expressions.
Using the reference here: http://docs.spring.io/spring-data/rest/docs/current/reference/html/#security I understand how to secure the first endpoint:
public interface UserGroupRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<UserGroup, Long> {
Iterable<T> findAll();
But how do I secure the second endpoint? Is that even possible currently? Is there some work planned on such a feature. I would love to contribute.

I have also encountered this problem and not found any solution working with Spring's security annotations. As a workaround, I have added something along the line of:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
// Whatever config you already have.
to my implementation of WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter. While this works, it duplicates the work done when securing the repositories and it is easy to forget adding both the java config and annotations when adding new repositories.

I realize this question is four years old, but this issue has continued to plague me, and I finally found something that works.
The problem essentially comes down to the fact that Spring HATEOAS has no real security controls; while you can configure the repositories with the appropriate method-level security annotations to prevent access via the REST API, you can't stop the HATEAOS representation model assembler from slurping up any objects it can see.
The solution I found was to expose a RepresentationModelProcessor bean for EntityModel<DomainObject>s. In your case, this may look something like
public class SecureHateoasConfig {
public static class UserGroupProcessor implements RepresentationModelProcessor<EntityModel<UserGroup>> {
public EntityModel<UserGroup> process(EntityModel<UserGroup> model) {
.anyMatch("ROLE_ADMIN"::equals)) {
return model;
} else {
return null;
public UserGroupProcessor userGroupProcessor() {
return new UserGroupProcessor();
Objects replaced by null seem to get filtered out after the normal processing, so embedded entities simply don't include the objects which don't match your filter!
There's probably a much easier way to filter links if you're only doing role-based security, but I'm afraid I don't know it...
Of course, it's possible to extend this considerably, since your secure object processor need not only apply to EntityModel<UserGroup>! In my case I have an interface all my secure domain objects implement which can be used to make security decisions, so only one RepresentationModelProcessor implementation/bean is required.


Spring WebFlux Security PreAuthorize Best Practice

as the title suggests, I have configured security in my Spring WebFlux application by using #EnableWebFluxSecurity and #EnableReactiveMethodSecurity.
I am using RouterFunction to handle the request routing. The following code is for the router:
public class UserServiceRequestRouter {
private UserServiceRequestHandler requestHandler;
public RouterFunction<ServerResponse> route() {
return RouterFunctions
.route(GET("/user/{userId}"), requestHandler::getUserDetails);
And the request handler is:
public class UserServiceRequestHandler {
private UserService userService;
#PreAuthorize("#userServiceRequestAuthorizer.authorizeGetUserDetails(authentication, #request)")
public Mono<ServerResponse> getUserDetails(ServerRequest request) {
return userService.getUserDetails(request.pathVariable("userId"))
(UserDetails userDetails) -> ServerResponse.ok()
.body(Mono.just(userDetails), UserDetails.class)
Note: The #Autowired UserService is to fetch data from the database in a reactive way.
Next, I have defined a #Component as:
public class UserServiceRequestAuthorizer {
public boolean authorizeGetUserDetails(JwtAuthenticationToken authentication, ServerRequest request) {
// #formatter:off
if (authentication == null) {
return false;
Collection<String> roles = authentication.getAuthorities()
if (roles.contains("Admin")) {
return true;
Jwt principal = (Jwt) authentication.getPrincipal();
String subject = principal.getSubject();
String userId = request.pathVariable("userId");
return Objects.equals(subject, userId);
// #formatter:on
It is notable here that I am using Spring OAuth2 Authorization Server, which is why the parameter authentication is of type JwtAuthenticationToken.
The application is working as per the expectation. But I am wondering if I am doing it the right way, meaning is this the best practice of doing method level Authorization in a reactive way?
The followings are my stack:
JDK 17
Any advice you could give would be much appreciated.
As mentioned by M. Deinum in the comment why shouldn't I use hasAuthority("Admin") or principal.subject == #userId, the reason is that the authorization code I provided is merely for demonstration purposes. It can get complicated and even if that complicacy might be managed by SpEL, I would rather not for the sake of simplicity.
Also the question is not about using inline SpEL, it's more about its reactiveness. I don't know if the SpEL mentioned in the #PreAuthorize is reactive! If it is reactive by nature then I can assume any expression mentioned in the #PreAuthorize would be evaluated reactively.
As far as I know, SpEL expressions evaluation is synchronous.
Unless your UserServiceRequestAuthorizer does more than checking access-token claims against static strings or request params and payload, I don't know why this would be an issue: it should be very, very fast.
Of course, if you want to check it against data from DB or a web-service this would be an other story, but I'd say that your design is broken and that this data access should be made once when issuing access-token (and set private claims) rather than once per security evaluation (which can happen several times in a single request).
Side notes
It is notable here that I am using Spring OAuth2 Authorization Server, which is why the parameter authentication is of type JwtAuthenticationToken.
I do not agree with that. It would be the same with any authorization-server (Keycloak, Auth0, Microsoft IdentityServer, ...). You have a JwtAuthenticationToken because you configured a resource-server with a JWT decoder and kept the default JwtAuthenticationConverter. You could configure any AbstractAuthenticationToken instead, as I do in this tutorial.
It can get complicated and even if that complicacy might be managed by SpEL, I would rather not for the sake of simplicity.
I join #M.Deinum point of view, writing your security rules in a service, like you do, makes it far less readable than inlining expressions: hard to guess what is checked while reading the expression => one has to quit current source file, open security service one and read the code.
If you refer to the tutorial already linked above, it is possible to enhance security DSL and write stuff like: #PreAuthorize("is(#username) or isNice() or onBehalfOf(#username).can('greet')") to stick to your sample, this would give #PreAuthorize("is(#userId) or isAdmin()).

Use CRNK without repository

We've standardized on using JSON:API for our REST endpoints, however; not all of our data revolves around repositories and it seems that CRNK requires repositories in order to work.
Is that correct?
I wrote a very simple Spring Boot 2.1.9 example that has a single controller and included CRNK in it, but when I get into my controller I do not get the expected JSON:API output.
Please keep in mind, I am just starting to look at CRNK and this is just a simple "hello world" type of application that I am testing with
Here is my example
package com.example.crnkdemo;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;
public class Controller {
#GetMapping(value = "/{country}", produces = "application/vnd.api+json")
public Country test1(#PathVariable String country, #RequestParam(name = "filter[region]", required = false) String filter) {
return new Country(country, filter);
Country is just a dummy class I created which is:
package com.example.crnkdemo;
import io.crnk.core.resource.annotations.JsonApiId;
import io.crnk.core.resource.annotations.JsonApiResource;
#JsonApiResource(type = "country")
public class Country {
private String country;
private String region;
But when I use the following URL http://localhost:8080/test/v1.0/US?filter[region]=northeast I get
"country": "US",
I would have expected the JSON API type of result
"data": {
"type": "country",
"id": "US",
"attributes": {
"region": "northeast"
I ran into similar issue and the problem was that I got io.crnk:crnk-format-plain-json in my dependencies (simply copied from an example app) which changes the way how the responses look like (non-JSON-API). So first have a look into your maven/gradle configuration.
"not all of our data revolves around repositories"
you may also have a look at http://www.crnk.io/releases/stable/documentation/#_architecture where the architecture of resource-oriented framework like Crnk and JSON:API are discussed in more detail. In principle one can model everything as repository. Applications usually follow two kinds of patterns: CRUD ones and "actions". CRUD is simple: GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE objects. A repository is a perfect match for that. In contrast, people have a harder time when it comes to "actions". But this can be modelled as well as CRUD. For example, POSTing an AddressChange resource may trigger a server to start modifying the address(es) of some objects. This may happend immediately or take a longer time. Subsequent GET requests for the POSTed resources will reveal the current status of the action. And a DELETE request can cancel the request.
Crnk itself is not in need for Controllers as Spring MVC is. This kind of "lower-level plumbing" is taken care by Crnk itself because JSON:API specifies how a REST layer is supposed to look like. So there is no need to write custom code to specify urls patterns, parameters, etc. as in the MVC example above. Instead one can implement a repository:
public class TaskRepositoryImpl extends ResourceRepositoryBase<Task, Long> {
private ConcurrentHashMap<Long, Task> tasks = new Concurrent...
public TaskRepositoryImpl() {
public <S extends Task> S create(S entity) {
map.put(entity.getId(), entity);
return entity;
public ResourceList<Task> findAll(QuerySpec querySpec) {
return querySpec.apply(tasks.values());
There are also many built-in defult repository implementatons like for in-memory, JPA, security to cover the most frequent use cases.
with crnk, no need of writing controllers, manager classes. By default the controllers are defined.
Once we define the resources, we can access it by http://server_name:portno/crnk-path-prefix-property/defined_resourcename & the method type
Eg. In our case, resource is country, let's say server is running in localhost:8081 and crnk-path-prefix is /api/v1, then the url is http://localhost:8081/api/v1/country & set method type is GET, it will give the desired output. Remember to set content-type as application/vnd.api+json.
For POST, same url and set method type as POST, pass the data object
For PATCH, same url along with id attribute appended to the url and set method type as PATCH & pass the data object

How to change Hateoas output format in spring application?

I am currently working on a spring application that offers a REST interface with which CRUD operations on entities of various kinds can be performed. These entities are stored in repositories and thus a major part of the REST interface is automatically generated by spring. When I execute a GET request on such an entity type (e.g. /devices), the result looks as following:
"macAddress": "...",
"ipAddress": "...",
"name": "Device_1",
}, ...
Now I need to implement a similar interface manually, because additional checks are required. I have made use of the spring-hateoas features for this purpose. However, I am unable to achieve the same output structure like the one automatically generated by spring. The corresponding code in my controller class (annotated with RestController) looks as follows:
public Resources<Device> getDevices() {
List<Device> deviceList = getDeviceListFromRepository();
Link selfRelLink = ControllerLinkBuilder.linkTo(
Resources<Device> resources = new Resources<>(deviceList);
return resources;
The configuration (excerpt) looks as follows:
#EnableHypermediaSupport(type = EnableHypermediaSupport.HypermediaType.HAL)
public class WebServletConfiguration extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter implements ApplicationContextAware {
public void configureContentNegotiation(ContentNegotiationConfigurer c) {
However, this is the output of a request:
"macAddress": "...",
As you can see, instead of an _embedded key there is a content key and the links key misses the leading underscore. These are the main issues I have with this output, more detailed differences compared to the output above are not that important to me. I would like to unify the ouput generated by my application, but I am unable to achieve the output format of the mappings that are automatically generated by spring. I also tried to wrap the resources object into another resource object (like return new Resource<...>(resources)), this did not work as well though.
Do you have any hints for me about what I am doing wrong here? I am quite new to Spring & Co, so please tell me if you need more information about a certain thing. Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Finally I was able to find a solution: The strange output format as showed in the question was generated due to the accept header application/json that was sent by the client. After adding
public void configureContentNegotiation(ContentNegotiationConfigurer configurer) {
to class WebServletConfiguration which extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter everything works as exptected and the output format is now HAL-like. A quite easy fix, but it took me weeks to figure this out. Maybe this answer will help somebody else in the future.

Add additional info in authetication reply

Working on a REST API application using Grails 3.3.5 and Spring-security-rest 2.0.0-RC1.
When I log in using /api/login I got correctly this as result:
"username": "name.surname#acme.com",
"roles": [
"access_token": "qgsbpk05jfrbf33xx08m8r4govkg53d1"
I'd like to add other information in the response, like name and surname of the user. Thanks
Thanks to Evgeny that points me in the right direction and reading the manual I implement also a UserDetailsService.
From the manual:
If you want to render additional information in your JSON response,
you have to:
Configure an alternative userDetailsService bean that retrieves the additional information you want, and put it in a principal object.
Configure an alternative accessTokenJsonRenderer that reads that information from the restAuthenticationToken.principal object.
You can override accessTokenJsonRenderer bean
Create class:
class MyRestAuthTokenJsonRenderer implements AccessTokenJsonRenderer {
String generateJson(AccessToken accessToken){
// create response, see DefaultAccessTokenJsonRenderer.groovy from https://github.com/alvarosanchez/grails-spring-security-rest
return your_formatted_json_response
override bean in resources.groovy
beans = {

Spring data rest - Is there a way to restrict the supported operations?

I want to expose data from a database as Restful APIs in a Spring(SpringBoot) application. Spring Data Rest appears to be an exact fit for purpose for this activity.
This database is read-only for my application needs. The default provides all the HTTP methods. Is there a configuration that I can use to restrict (in fact prevent) the other methods from being exposed?
From the Spring docs on Hiding repository CRUD methods:
16.2.3. Hiding repository CRUD methods
If you don’t want to expose a save or delete method on your
CrudRepository, you can use the #RestResource(exported = false)
setting by overriding the method you want to turn off and placing the
annotation on the overriden version. For example, to prevent HTTP
users from invoking the delete methods of CrudRepository, override all
of them and add the annotation to the overriden methods.
#RepositoryRestResource(path = "people", rel = "people")
interface PersonRepository extends CrudRepository<Person, Long> {
#RestResource(exported = false)
void delete(Long id);
#RestResource(exported = false)
void delete(Person entity);
It is important that you override both delete methods as the exporter
currently uses a somewhat naive algorithm for determing which CRUD
method to use in the interest of faster runtime performance. It’s not
currently possible to turn off the version of delete which takes an ID
but leave exported the version that takes an entity instance. For the
time being, you can either export the delete methods or not. If you
want turn them off, then just keep in mind you have to annotate both
versions with exported = false.
As of early 2018, there is now the ability to only expose repository methods explicitly declared for exposure (DATAREST-1176)
See RepositoryRestConfiguration
A Export false at Type level does not allow overriding with export true at Method level ticket (DATAREST-1034) was opened, but closed as a duplicate of DATAREST-1176. Oliver Gierke stated:
I'll resolve this as fixed against the version of DATAREST-1176 for
now but feel free to reopen in case there's anything else you need.
They are not exact duplicates and the functionality described in 1034 would have been more user friendly, but there are at least some options now.
By default, Spring boot exposes all methods to REST. You can set that to false.
For more information, you can refer org.springframework.data.rest.core.config.RepositoryRestConfiguration.
Sample code snippet to do this:
public class ApplicationRepositoryConfig implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {
public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config, CorsRegistry cors) {
Since Spring Data REST 3.1, we can configure exposure per HTTP method. I used the following snippet to disable exposure of PUT, PATCH, POST and DELETE methods for items and collections:
public class SpringDataRestCustomization implements RepositoryRestConfigurer {
public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config, CorsRegistry cors) {
ExposureConfiguration exposureConfiguration = config.getExposureConfiguration();
exposureConfiguration.withItemExposure((metadata, httpMethods) -> httpMethods.disable(HttpMethod.PUT)
.withCollectionExposure((metadata, httpMethods) -> httpMethods.disable(HttpMethod.PUT)
