Issue with social login plugin of magento - magento

I have a website where I have installed a plugin Magegaint Social Login.
While registering through Google or Facebook, its registering. I checked in the admin panel, registration is confirmed.
But when I try to sign in through next time by Google, error message shows that account not activated.
Also mail is not going to the customer who has newly registered.
I have attached the picture below.
I will be glad to know some solutions.enter image description here

try it after disabled customer Activation module. B'coz this module also overwrite same function and method for customers.
Go To app/etc/modules/module_name.xml


No access to partner - Information could not be retrieved

Here is my full error:
Information could not be retrieved. Please contact iandevice to verify that your account has been properly set up. You may need to add the developer email address as a home member in the Google Home app settings.
I have seen several similar questions, but their solution did not help me. I've followed this link to setup: but got the error when authorizing my account.
My email address is a personal gmail account. I have checked that my email address in the device access console (Top Right) is the same account that is linked to my nest. I have tried several solutions like re-creating the whole GCM project, credentials, etc, or trying with another gmail account.
I have also ensured that my account is added in my Google Home App, tried adding another account and trying but it's the same. Completely lost here after trying everything, does anyone have a solution to this? Thank you.
Just to add on, I have also checked in the OAuth consent screen that I have the same email address listed under email and developer's email. Also tried deleting the whole home and creating a new one, and link my nest to that h ome

payment module not working in magento

I have a magento store, and it's payment module is not working. I can add my shipping method, but after submitting shipping method,
it won't proceed to payment mode,
I have enabled cash on delivery. and
I have an amazon payment extension also. When I checked in console,
there shows some error, That is client ID is invalid in amazon, But
the extension is disabled
, still it causing problem, i think so,
Checkout with Multiple Addresses is working without any problem.
Can any one please help me, this is my website link please check
You took the client ID that was given to you by wizard. I ran into the same problem.
Go to your Amazon SellerCenter Account.
Then from Top right drop-down list select Login with Amazon.
From right side select the Application you want the information for.
Under Web Settings take the Client ID.

Why can't my client through his login update the calendar on his page that we created for him via Joomla?

We are having some trouble with a website we recently developed for a client of ours. He is a DJ. For his page, we added a tab that contains a calendar where he can post his events.
Using the admin login, I can successfully post events. However, the client (the DJ) cannot. When I tried using his login, I could not enter events either. Even stranger, I gave the client the admin login (which I used successfully) and he still couldn't post events! I even walked him through it, and he followed the same instructions, but no luck.
We can't figure this out. Here is the site in case it helps to review it.
Make the DJ's account a "super user" OR if you are using Joomla 2.5 or 3.0 you can change the permissions to give his user type access to the calendar.
Good luck!

Windows store app certification failed - New user sign up for services missing

Our windows store application is especially for our customers.
It requires user credential to login.
It doesn't have any sign up page.
New users cannot access our application(They should be our customer.)
For new users, Admin will create an account and share them to the
At the first time, user is requested to change password.
This is how our customer access our application
We submitted our free business app to the windows store.
But it is rejected with the reason saying "Apps that require users to sign in must either specify upfront in app description the type of access user must have and how to get it or provide a mechanism for new users to sign up for services from within the app. At a minimum this could be a link in the app to the website where the user can create a new account and sign up for services. Your app did not appear to provide this information to the user."
We do not have such a page. How can we proceed for resubmission?
Whether we need to provide description like "Our application can be accessible to our customers only"
provide support email address and saying like "Contact our support team/admin to create new account"
any suggestions?
Simply show a description which tells user that this app is only for registered customers. For more details you can write us to your email id or can fully describe the log in process there on the first page.
The description says it all. Include exactly what you have said in the application's description update. In addition include this information on the main page of your application for extra safety.
Note how DropBox has done it. When you install the app your very first screen has the login boxes and a link to "or Create an Account" which then brings you to a webpage to create the account.
You could link this to a page on your site that allows a user to contact your org for an account or register for one to then be approved, etc

Magento + PayPal Sandbox

So, recently PayPal switched from sandbox.paypal to developer.paypal interface. It is still in beta mode, so it's not working perfectly, and on the other hand sandbox is practically disabled, you can not register nor login with old credentials.
So, when trying to make a test system in Magento, I create one seller account and one buyer account in new developer.paypal interface, but when I try to make a purchase it keeps showing me the wrong login/pass error (I enter the seller account e-mail and password).
Before all this I remember I had to be logged in the sandbox.paypal with my main sandbox account for this to work, but now login to sandbox is not possible any more, and login to developer doesn't help.
Anyone had similar issues? I tried anywhere to find any clue for solution, but no luck, and I don't waiting for PayPal to complete their test environment is an option.
I haven't had the same issue however have you imported your old accounts? That way you can use the same test email addresses and passwords as before.
Log into
Click Applications
Click Sandbox accounts
Click "Import data"
Enter your email address and password for the old developer account.
All settings for the prior accounts should be imported as well. is still accessible too, you do need to be logged into your developer account to access it which is the same condition as before.
If you continue receiving a password error trying resetting the password to the accounts by following the steps below:
Log into
Click Applications
Click Sandbox accounts
Expand the account in question
Click "Profile"
Click "Change Password"
Lastly, you'll also want to delete all cookies and cache before using the beta environment. If you do not, you'll see the error message below:
"This Sandbox email address is not available. Please enter another email address."
Let me know if you continue to receive errors.
