what is the proper way to use HighCharts or ChartJS with angular-meteor - angular-meteor

I was researching a way if using a charting library with angular-meteor application. I have seen some examples of using HighCharts with AngylarJS. I have also seen examples of using HighCharts with Meteor. I would love to be able to use either HighCharts or ChartJS within angular-meteor application, and to have my charts data bound to Angular $scope, but, at the some time, have those charts react to the data changes in the server-side MongoDB (which us what Meteor does). I have seen some examples of angular-meteor app, but never seen such an app use any charts. Can anyone point me to a working angular-meteor example, which has a reactive chart?

You can use this angular directive for chart.js. Here is a simple example showing a pie chart:
Starting from a Meteor 1.3 template application (run meteor create myapp).
Replace blaze-html-templates with angular-templates in .meteor/packages,
"angular": "^1.5.5",
"angular-chart.js": "0.10.2",
"angular-meteor": "^1.3.10",`
to "dependencies" in package.json, run meteor npm install, replace the content of client/main.js with this:
import angular from 'angular';
import 'angular-chart.js/dist/angular-chart.css';
import 'angular-chart.js';
angular.module('app', [
]).controller('MainCtrl', function ($scope){
$scope.labels = ["a", "b", "c"];
$scope.data = [1, 2, 3];
and the content of client/main.html with this:
<body ng-app="app" ng-controller="MainCtrl">
<canvas id="pie" class="chart chart-pie" chart-data="data" chart-labels="labels"></canvas>
run meteor.
You should see the pie chart. Obviously you can replace the data variable with some data from a collection etc. using Meteor. Here we haven't really used meteor except of the command line tool.


How to add scroll reveal in vue3

Could someone advise me to use like scroll reveal for vue3, I couldn't find any forum and if so please explain to me exactly how to import scroll reveal for vue3
I've already tried different libraries, but all are for vue3, and the transition belonging to vue3 wouldn't work very well as scrollreveal
enter image description here
The Vue 3 branch for vue-scroll-reveal is not released on NPM, but you can add the library as a dependency using the project's github's URL. You will need to install it together with the dependency "scrollreveal" with yarn or npm like so:
yarn add scrollreveal https://github.com/tserkov/vue-scroll-reveal#v2
npm i scrollreveal https://github.com/tserkov/vue-scroll-reveal#v2
The Github README also describes how to use the library in a component which I've pasted below:
If using default options
<script setup>
import { vScrollReveal } from 'vue-scroll-reveal';
OR if using custom default options
<script setup>
import { createScrollRevealDirective } from 'vue-scroll-reveal';
const vScrollReveal = createScrollRevealDirective({
delay: 1000,
duration: 150,

Docusaurus v2 and GraphQL Playground integration

I'd like to render GraphQL Playground as a React component in one of my pages but it fails due to missing file-loader in webpack. Is there a way to fix this in docs or do I need to create new plugin with new webpack config?
Is it good idea to integrate Playground and Docusaurus at all?
Thanks for your ideas...
A few Docusaurus sites have embedded playgrounds:
In your case you will have to write a plugin to extend the webpack config with file-loader.
Not sure if you found a better way but check out: https://www.npmjs.com/package/graphql-playground-react
You can embed this react component directly in your react app - It looks like Apollo also uses the vanilla JS version of this
I just had exactly the same problem. Basically, Docusaurus with a gQL Playground Integration runs fine in local but won't compile due to errors when running yarn build as above.
In the end I found the answer is in Docusaurus, not in building a custom compiler:
I switched from using graphql-react-playground to GraphiQL: package: "graphiql": "^1.8.7"
This moved my error on to a weird one with no references anywhere on the web (rare for me): "no valid fetcher implementation available"
I fixed the above by importing createGraphiQLFetcher from '#graphiql/create-fetcher' to my component
Then the error was around not being able to find a window component, this was an easy one, I followed docusaurus docs here: https://docusaurus.io/docs/docusaurus-core#browseronly and wrapped my component on this page in like this:
import BrowserOnly from '#docusaurus/BrowserOnly';
const Explorer = () => {
const { siteConfig } = useDocusaurusContext();
return (
<BrowserOnly fallback={Loading...}>
{() => {
const GraphEx = GraphExplorer
This now works and builds successfully

What is the best practice to implement custom Javascript code and where should I start working with Ember first?

I'm using Ember 2.7.0 of course with ember-cli.
I come from Rails, I used to put in "assets/application.js" all my javascript like, for example:
var ready = function () {
$('#btn-fluid').on('click', function () {
document.addEventListener("turbolinks:load", function () {
Now with Ember where I have to put this code in my application?
I read on the web the use of:
ready: function () {
but I don't know how to put this code: in app.js maybe, but I already have:
App = Ember.Application.extend({
modulePrefix: config.modulePrefix,
podModulePrefix: config.podModulePrefix,
and if I create another file in the root, like for example "mycode.js" like this:
import {Ember} from 'ember';
let myCode;
myCode = Ember.Application.create({
ready: function () {
export default myCode;
and import it in application using ember-cli-build.js here:
it compile the big js with my code, but it doesn't work at all my ready function.
How to do?
I have to use Components? Maybe an application component?
Which is the best Ember way for top performances?
To start working with Ember is a must to know Ember's structure and the way Ember works, Simply you need to use Ember guideline to get the best performance. I will explain you some steps and example and I hope it will help you to understand more.
First of all check this image
1. Review Ember Guides and API Docs
In addition, it's a good to review this repository on Github as well. https://github.com/emberjs/guides/ which will help developers to get used to Ember.
2. Install Ember-CLI
Ember-CLI is a command line interface which has been designed for creating Ember apps that strongly favor convention over configuration.
3. Install the Ember Inspector Extension
The Ember Inspector Extension is super-useful for debugging your Ember app.You may also find Chrome app on Google play.
4. Read “From Rails To Ember”
Since you know Ruby on Rails and you are a developer of that, it is essential that you read the tips compiled in From Rails To Ember.
5. Get to Know Ember.Component
A simple way to think of an Ember component is that it is a combination of controller and view, isolated and reusable:
You should pass in the state you need to the component.
Components should communicate with their parent scope (e.g, controller
or another component) by sending actions.
Parent scope (e.g., controller or another component) communicates with
the component by changing the data state that it has passed to the
As an example I am going to explain some part of your code.
You have this
$('#btn-fluid').on('click', function () {
and probably this is your HTML code
<a id="btn-fluid">Whatever for CLICK </a>
<div id="myPage" class="">dummy text </div>
However, in Ember what would be the best practice to use Actions in your Route or Controller to define your action function for example your code in Ember will be something like this :
myPage: null,
actions: {
clickOnbtnFliud() {
this.set('myPage', 'container');
and HTML in the same template for the controller would be like
<a {{action 'clickOnbtnFliud'}}>Whatever for CLICK </a>
<div class="{{myPage}}">dummy text </div>
In Summary,
You may use Components as you need which is the best practice for your Ember Application but you need to understand where you have to create that.
You rarely need to edit Ember-Cli-Build.js unless you want to insert extra plugins library or ... but I don't recommend you to insert your internal JS files as you can simply convert it to Ember Native codes. For instance you don't need to do this app.import('mycode.js'); but you can simply create your Route and add your custom code like I said as an example before to your Route or Controller or Components.
What I can assure you is if you user Ember in the way that you can find in Guidelines in Ember website, You don't need to worry about performance.Just try to user Ember Native way to implement your code.
Last word, As much as possible keep yourself motivated to use EmberAddons rather than thirdparty plugins and always choose the best updated addons not all of them. Search for best Addons and popular ones and use it.
Hope this guide help you.

D3js - How to integrate mini libraries like d3-scale in Angular CLI?

I am using d3js for my project in Angular CLI.
I have successfully integrated d3js in the project. In order to perform what I want to create, I need the scale method. However, D3js 4.0 have been split into mini-libraries and it seems like each of them have to be integrated separately into the project. Here you can see the result of npm install d3:
I tried importing d3 and d3-scale like this:
vendorNpmFiles: [
const map: any = {
'#angular2-material': 'vendor/#angular2-material',
'ng2-bootstrap': 'vendor/ng2-bootstrap',
'moment': 'vendor/moment/moment.js',
'd3': 'vendor/d3/build/d3.js',
'd3-scale': 'vendor/d3-scale/build/d3-scale.js'
import * as d3 from 'd3';
import * as d3Scale from 'd3-scale';
But the build fail even if my d3-scale is in the vendor folder, he cannot find it.
Is it the correct way to integrate those mini libraries?
I found my problem.
Definitely Typed does not provide a typings file for d3js 4.0 but for 3.0 versions.
That's why I had:
- a method d3.scale.linear() available which returned undefined (typings for d3 3.0)
- the library d3-scale for d3 4.0 which crashed during build
So I will go back to d3js 3.0 until they provide a d.ts file for the 4.0.

Example of Kendo UI Scheduler with Angular 2?

Does anyone have a kendo UI scheduler example with angular 2? Is it compatible?
Since there is some interest in this still you can create a component that is wrapped by the scheduler:
import { Component, ViewEncapsulation, ElementRef, AfterViewInit, OnDestroy, DoCheck, Input, Output, EventEmitter, IterableDiffers } from '#angular/core';
//you can import Jquery here if you want - i used it via CDN and not local node.
declare var jQuery: any;
scheduler: any;
schedulerControl: any;
selector: 'scheduler',
template: `
styleUrls: ['./scheduler.component.scss'],
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
protected el: ElementRef,
) {
//you can also do #input and #outputs here if you want to build proper events around the scheduler components.
ngAfterViewInit() {
this.scheduler = jQuery(this.el.nativeElement.children[0]);
this.schedulerControl = jQuery(this.scheduler).data("kendoScheduler");
this.scheduler.kendoScheduler({.....put your scheduler options here ....});
You must import and use the right version of jquery - which is sadly still version 1.xxx
Note 2:
New versions now supports higher versions of Jquery - important to make sure they versions match with kendo requirements.
We are currently working on a project that has a very complex scheduling module.
At the momonet we are using Kendo UI scheduler wrapped with Angular2.
This is of course not a good solution as we are wrapping the Kendo JQuery implementation. It does work (and pretty well) but we will not continue with it if there will be no progress on native Angular2 implementation soon as it forces us to work "outside" Angular.
I think it's a shame that Telerik announcements on Angular2 are not clear enough. They put on their flag being leaders in Angular2 support long ago but it seems this is not happening as expected. We are already invested in Kendo in other projects(not Angular2) but we will have to choose something real soon.
If Kendo will not start showing any real progress we will not continue with it.
It is likely that the Angular2 kendo scheduler widget will be released in 2017. Here is a link to their roll out plan.
In the meantime to use the scheduler our team has just imported angular 1.x for the page running our scheduler in our angular 2.x app. Not ideal but you can also get just the kendo scripts you need to run the scheduler if you're worried about performance.
You may also want to look at using ngForward with angular 1.x in the meantime until the angular 2.x widget is available. Then convert your entire application over to angular 2.x when kendo releases the scheduler.
