Docusaurus v2 and GraphQL Playground integration - graphql

I'd like to render GraphQL Playground as a React component in one of my pages but it fails due to missing file-loader in webpack. Is there a way to fix this in docs or do I need to create new plugin with new webpack config?
Is it good idea to integrate Playground and Docusaurus at all?
Thanks for your ideas...

A few Docusaurus sites have embedded playgrounds:
In your case you will have to write a plugin to extend the webpack config with file-loader.

Not sure if you found a better way but check out:
You can embed this react component directly in your react app - It looks like Apollo also uses the vanilla JS version of this

I just had exactly the same problem. Basically, Docusaurus with a gQL Playground Integration runs fine in local but won't compile due to errors when running yarn build as above.
In the end I found the answer is in Docusaurus, not in building a custom compiler:
I switched from using graphql-react-playground to GraphiQL: package: "graphiql": "^1.8.7"
This moved my error on to a weird one with no references anywhere on the web (rare for me): "no valid fetcher implementation available"
I fixed the above by importing createGraphiQLFetcher from '#graphiql/create-fetcher' to my component
Then the error was around not being able to find a window component, this was an easy one, I followed docusaurus docs here: and wrapped my component on this page in like this:
import BrowserOnly from '#docusaurus/BrowserOnly';
const Explorer = () => {
const { siteConfig } = useDocusaurusContext();
return (
<BrowserOnly fallback={Loading...}>
{() => {
const GraphEx = GraphExplorer
This now works and builds successfully


Import TNS Modules in the same typescript file of the angular web app

Nativescript Angular is well known for its code sharing properties. I am trying to simplify my design by using only 1 typescript file instead of splitting into the .ts and the .tns.ts file.
I was trying to import { Page } from "tns-core-modules/ui/page"; in the .ts. When running on Android, the code works flawlessly, but if I ng serve for the web app, it says Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'tns-core-modules/ui/page'.
The reason why I wanted to import the page module is because of setting the action bar properties
constructor(private page: Page) {
if (isAndroid) {
console.log("This is Android"); = true;
I was hoping to import the tns-core-modules/ui/page and some other tns-core-modules in the same file as the angular web app. Is it possible to do so? Or is it a must to split into the .ts and the .tns.ts files?
You have to go with platform specific ts files, one for web and one for tns, Page won't be valid while running inside a browser (ng serve).
If you prefer to reuse most of your code, try writting a common / base ts component, extend platform specific ts files from the common / base ts component, inject Page only within the tns specific ts file.

MSAL for Angular Preview angular webpack AOT compilation not including resourceMap

I am creating my protectedResourceMap and I am passing the const to the #NgModule as stated in the documentation.
export const protectedResourceMap: Map<string, Array<string>> = new Map<string, Array<string>>();
protectedResourceMap.set("", [""]);
protectedResourceMap.set("", ["api://a88bb933-319c-41b5-9f04-eff36d985612/access_as_user"]);
imports: [ MsalModule.forRoot({
clientID: Your client ID,
protectedResourceMap : protectedResourceMap
But when I run ng build with --prod (with AOT on by the default), then the AOT compiler try to optimize the code, it adds all the other parameters of MSalConfig, but it doen not add my resourceMAP (as show in the image bellow).
If I turn off buildOptimizer and AOT in the Angular.Json file, it works fine.
Is that a bug? any ideas on how to workaround that?
I have posted an issue in the MSAL github project and they answered a fix for that will be released in the new version.
BTW this issues is with the version 0.2.2 of MSAL wrapper for Angular.
You can check more information about that here:

NativeScript adding xml namespace on Page tag

I'm new to NativeScript. I have created a new project using the Angular Blank template. The navigation is done using page-router-outlet. I want to include a xmlns attribute on the page level. As far as i can see and understand the entire code is rendered inside a global page attribute. I've seen that I can modify the page properties by injecting the Page in a component and changing it's properties, but how can I do this for xmlns?
Best regards,
To register a UI component in Angular based application you should use registerElement and not XML namespaces (which is a concept used in NativeScript Core). Nowadays most plugin authors are doing this job for you, but still, some of the plugins are not migrated to use the latest techniques so in some cases, we should manually register the UI element.
I've created this test applicaiton which demonstrates how to use nativescript-stripe in Angular. Here are the steps to enable and use the plugin.
npm i nativescript-stripe --save
Register the UI element in app.module.ts as done here
import { registerElement } from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";
registerElement("CreditCardView", () => require("nativescript-stripe").CreditCardView);
Add the following in main.ts as required in the plugin README
import * as app from "tns-core-modules/application";
import * as platform from "tns-core-modules/platform";
declare const STPPaymentConfiguration;
app.on(app.launchEvent, (args) => {
if (platform.isIOS) {
STPPaymentConfiguration.sharedConfiguration().publishableKey = "yourApiKey";
Use the plugin in your HTML (example)
<CreditCardView id="card"></CreditCardView>

whats the correct way to "shim" in systemjs?

Sorry for the obfuscated question, I'll elaborate my problem. I am currently developing a single page app in Aurelia, and I found a lib I want to try out: I did the normal jspm routine:
jspm install github:hootsuite/grid
which installs successfully and adds the following to the systemjs config:
map: {
"hootsuite/grid": "github:hootsuite/grid#1.0.0",
The package file looks like this:
define(["github:hootsuite/grid#1.0.0/src/gridList.js"], function(main) {
return main;
Which enables me import the module as expected:
import * as grid from 'hootsuite/grid';
So far so good, but the js file referenced by the module is not the one I am interested in (src/gridList.js), the src folder also contains a jquery plugin named "jquery.gridlist.js" which is the file I actually want to resolve. I managed to "fix/hack" it by adding an additional AMD module definition in the module file (grid#1.0.0.js):
define('gridlist', ["github:hootsuite/grid#1.0.0/src/gridList.js"], function(main) {
return main;
define(["github:hootsuite/grid#1.0.0/src/jquery.gridList.js", "github:hootsuite/grid#1.0.0/src/gridList.js"], function(main) {
return main;
This is not a viable solution because the jspm_modules are not a part of source-control, thus it will have to be patched manually for every dev. So, whats the best approach for this type of problem? Or which features am I missing out on which removes the problem entirely?

js in html is not executing in Phoenix framework sample app

I'm playing around with the phoenix framework. I copied the chat example entirely but I'm not getting any results.
In fact when I write console.log("testing") in my app.js I notice that my console does not log anything...
I am getting the error referenced in this link:
phoenix framework - invalid argument at new Socket - windows
However that error seems to be related to Brunch not working in windows. When I brunch build, I can confirm that app.js has the console.log("testing") that I included.
Nevertheless, I don't see that console log when I visit my localhost:4000.
Why is JS not executing?
Turns out the guide is missing a key line that made it not work.
The guide has the following:
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="<%= static_path(#conn, "/js/app.js") %>"></script>
But that is missing the below line which you can put above the body tag.
Even as Chowza already solved this question I would like to propose another, possible cleaner solution, using the autoRequire feature of
The problem occurs because does not autoRequire the app.js under Windows correctly. Chowza worked around this issue by requiring the file manually in the html. You can omit the manual require if you alter the /brunch-config.js as follows: Change from
modules: {
autoRequire: {
"js/app.js": ["web/static/js/app"]
modules: {
autoRequire: {
"js/app.js": ["web/static/js/app"],
"js\\app.js": ["web/static/js/app"]
This way the app.js is autoRequired, even if you work on a Windows based system.
I would like to mention, that this solution is based on the link Chowza himself posted, so all credit goes to him for pointing to the link.
