sqldeveloper query other users - oracle

I have a database that has say 100 other_users.
I am logged in as the database owner and I want to query a specific table in all the other users schemas.
So let's say each schema has a table called propertyvalue.
I want to find out which schemas have this value set to TRUE.
Is there a way I can run a select statement against all the other users schemas without specifically pointing to an individual schema.
Something like:
select * from otherusers.propertyvalue where value = 'TRUE', which doesn't work as I have tried that.

You can write a statement that will write select statements to do this
SELECT 'SELECT '||owner||'.'||table_name||'.'||column_name ||
' FROM '||owner||'.'||table_name||';'
FROM All_Tab_Cols atc
WHERE atc.column_name = 'PROPERTYVALUE';
Run this statement as a user with select privilege on the table and then run the selects that are the output.
However tables with multiple rows will return all rows. Are you expecting that there is only one row in each table?
You could also write an anonymous block that will open a cursor with the same statement and output the results to a file/table/output.


I am facing an issue with deletion operation in Stored procedures(packages)

I am facing an issue here. I have a table Products where there are columns called prod_trkg_tran_id and cntr_nbr etc. I also have two tables instance1 and instance2 which also contains prod_trkg_tran_id and cntr_nbr and they have one row of data each with same cntr_nbr. I ran a query like below in Oracle SQLDeveloper. It worked fine and deleted a row from prod_trkg_tran. Can you explain this??
But when i tried this in SP by assigning:
p_where_clause:= 'WHERE t.prod_trkg_tran_id in (
select distinct tp82.PROD_TRKG_TAN_ID
from instance_1 tp21
join instance_2 tp82 on tp21.cntr_nbr=tp82.cntr_nbr
and called a method delete_table which a statement contains
'DELETE FROM ' || p_table_name ||' t ' || p_where_clause;
p_table_name is prod_trkg_tran and p_where_clause is the one which I defined earlier.
If I run this, SP records are not getting deleted from prod_trkg_tran.
Ideally it was supposed to delete like I tried in SQLDeveloper. Can you explain this?
delete from prod_trkg_tran t
WHERE t.prod_trkg_tran_id in (
select distinct tp82.PROD_TRKG_TRAN_ID
from instance_1 tp21
join instance_2 tp82 on tp21.cntr_nbr=tp82.cntr_nbr
It is most probably a grant issue where executing schema/user does not have grant for delete or select aforamentioned tables.
If your user have DBA privileges you do not encounter with this error while using SQL Developer, however Stored Procedure does.
In your case, your tables may be synonyms to another schema table and you may not have grants on these tables.
Please make sure that you have sufficient grants.
By the way, what is the error that you are facing?

how to get select statement query which was used to create table in oracle

I created a table in oracle like
CREATE TABLE suppliers AS (SELECT * FROM companies WHERE id > 1000);
I would like to know the complete select statement which was used to create this table.
I have already tried get_ddl but it is not giving the select statement. Can you please let me know how to get the select statement?
If you're lucky one of these statements will show the DDL used to generate the table:
select *
from gv$sql
where lower(sql_fulltext) like '%create table suppliers%';
select *
from dba_hist_sqltext
where lower(sql_text) like '%create table%';
I used the word lucky because GV$SQL will usually only have results for a few hours or days, until the data is purged from the shared pool. DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT will only help if you have AWR enabled, the statement was run in the last X days that AWR is configured to hold data (the default is 8), the statement was run after the last snapshot collection (by default it happens every hour), and the statement ran long enough for AWR to think it's worth saving.
And for each table Oracle does not always store the full SQL. For security reasons, DDL statements are often truncated in the data dictionary. Don't be surprised if the text suddenly cuts off after the first N characters.
And depending on how the SQL is called the case and space may be different. Use lower and lots of wildcards to increase the chance of finding the statement.
select distinct table_name
all_tab_columns where column_name in
select column_name from
where table_name ='SUPPLIERS'
you can find table which created from table

How do I get the number of rows in each table I have in my oracle database

Can someone tell me how I can get the number of rows in each table in my oracle database? I have found several queries, but none of them worked because I am using oracle 7 and sqlplus 3.2 and basically all what I found didn't work on it. I just need something that would work on sqlplus 3.2.
Table Name Rows
Table 1 0
Table 2 5
Is it possible to do it with something like a loop? Or what exactly should I do?
if SELECT table_name, num_rows from all_tables doesn't give you what you need.
You could use dynamic SQL and counts as Rahul selected.
Run the below to get results which dynamically build a union on all tables, then run the results as it's own query to get final results.
SELECT 'SELECT ' ||t.name || ' as tName, count(*) as Row_Cnt
FROM ' || t.name || ' UNION ALL '
Just be sure to remove the last union statement on the last query.
Also note: if you don't have access to see the table, it will not come out in this list!
---Updated ------
So if all_tables doesn't exist none of this will work. Since I don't have a oracle 7 instance handy... could you see if SELECT * FROM dictionary returns anything that might produce a list of all the tables? If you find a view or table object use it in place of all_tables above.
I'm reading the docs for oracle 7 now but finding little easily searchable. thus a guess and check method may go faster.

How do I get all indices on a Table in Oracle via JDBC, even if they are owned by different users?

Yes, I know about DatabaseMetadata.getIndexInfo, but it doesn't seem to do what I want.
I've got two users/schemas, let's call them A and B.
There's a table in A called TAB. The user B created an index on A.TAB, let's call that index IND.
The information that I want is: what indices are there on the table TAB in the schema A (a.k.a with the owner A). I don't care about the owner of the indices, just that they are on that specific table.
Experimenting with getIndexInfo I found out the following things:
the first argument catalog seems to be entirely ignored by the Oracle JDBC driver.
the second argument schema restricts which table statistics is returned and the owner of the index
unique and approximate do (roughly) what they should (except that giving approximate=false will actually execute an update statistics statement).
Having traced the SQL the JDBC driver executes on getIndexInfo(null, "A", "TAB", false, true), I got this:
select null as table_cat,
owner as table_schem,
null as index_qualifier,
null as index_name, 0 as type,
0 as ordinal_position, null as column_name,
null as asc_or_desc,
num_rows as cardinality,
blocks as pages,
null as filter_condition
from all_tables
where table_name = 'TAB'
and owner = 'A'
select null as table_cat,
i.owner as table_schem,
decode (i.uniqueness, 'UNIQUE', 0, 1),
null as index_qualifier,
1 as type,
c.column_position as ordinal_position,
null as asc_or_desc,
i.distinct_keys as cardinality,
i.leaf_blocks as pages,
null as filter_condition
from all_indexes i, all_ind_columns c
where i.table_name = 'TAB'
and i.owner = 'A'
and i.index_name = c.index_name
and i.table_owner = c.table_owner
and i.table_name = c.table_name
and i.owner = c.index_owner
order by non_unique, type, index_name, ordinal_position
As you can see both table_name and i.owner are restricted to being TAB. This means that this query will only return index information that is owned by the same user as the table.
I can think of three possible workarounds:
always create the index and the table in the same schema (i.e. let them have the same owner). Unfortunately that's not always an option.
Query with schema set to null. This would get ugly as soon as two schemata contained the same table name (because there's no way to find out on which table (i.e. which table owner) a given schema is).
execute that SQL directly (using executeQuery()). I'd rather not fall down to this level, unless it's absolutely unavoidable.
None of those workarounds look particularly pleasing to me, but if nothing else works, I might have to fall back to direct SQL execution.
Both the Database and the JDBC Driver are at
So basically my questions are:
Is this a bug in the JDBC driver, or is there some logic behind it that I'm unaware of?
Is there a simple and reasonably portable way to get Oracle to give me the information that I need?
I suggest you query directly the Oracle dictionary tables, BUT start with:
select * from dba_indexes
Using that view it should be almost trivial to get the info you need.
However, accesing the dba_ tables and views requires the user to have special privileges, but since you don't want to give DBA privilege to everyone, you can just:
grant select any dictionary to username
connected as system or sys so the selected user can query the dictionary.
Just in case you want to explore Oracle's dictionary, try:
select * from dict
Best regards.
always create the index and the table in the same schema (i.e. let them have the same owner). Unfortunately that's not always an option.
That would be my preferred way of doing it.
Query with schema set to null. This would get ugly as soon as two schemata contained the same table name (because there's no way to find out on which table (i.e. which table owner) a given schema is)
Of course you can find that out, because the result set returned by getIndexInfo() does contain the correct schema for each table. But you can't find out in which schema the index is.
execute that SQL directly
I would actually use a modified version of that query that also returns the schema for each index to alleviate the identification of the index.
But again: I would also create the index and the table in the same schema.

Oracle--Error(Refereence to object_id)

SELECT object_id from dbname.tablename
This query has to be executed against oracle 11g.I get errors when i execute this.
I do a migration from sybase to oracle and in oracle this query fails.
What could be the problem. Please suggest a solution
"What could be the problem."
All sorts of things. Since you failed to state what errors you're getting, we can only guess, e.g.:
Table not found
No SELECT privilege on table
dbname not a valid schema
object_id not a column in the table
Not connected to a running oracle instance
Trying to run the statement in an environment that doesn't understand SQL
etc, etc, ...
If all you want is to check that the table exists, you could do this:
SELECT 1 FROM dba_tables WHERE owner = 'DBNAME' AND table_name = 'TABLENAME';
If you want to check that you can query the table, you could do this:
SELECT 1 FROM schemaname.tablename WHERE 1=0;
If you want to check if the table has any rows, you could do this:
SELECT 1 FROM schemaname.tablename WHERE ROWNUM <= 1;
What you will do with the result. If you only want a unique id for a row, yo can user SELECT ROWID FROM dbname.tablename!
