The operation TimerInterval cannot accept the arguments: [(1800)] in App Inventor 2 - arguments

I'm stuck on an error in my App Inventor 2 application. I' m using three checkboxes, so the user to pass values to a timer interval in a clock component.
The values are stored in a variable as a list of three values of miliseconds (e.g. 1600, 1800, 2000). I check in code when and which checkbox is checked and then pass it over to a TinyDB database as a tag.
Problem is that, in Do it and on the device running the app, I get the following error as title suggests.
Here is the coding blocks I've used so far:
Does anyone be kind enough to direct me to how solving this error? Is it possible to pass values to a clock component through this logic. I've used a listPicker with success sometime ago, but I need it done with a checkBoxes layout. Thank you all in advance for your answers.
To overcome this error and before #Taifun's remarks and suggestions, I followed the variable path, to pass values in the timer interval field. Do not now if it is very efficient but it is working for now. Here is the coding blocks:

Bracket pairs like this () represent a list.
The operation TimerInterval cannot accept the arguments: [(1800)]
This is, what the error message is trying to tell you: You are trying to assign a list, which has the item 1800 inside, to the TimerInterval property of a clock component.
You should assign the value directly instead.
Also you should think about the default value: which value should be used, if the user did not store anything in TinyDB... You are currently using an empty string in the valueIfTagNotThere socket... This does not really make sense... A better value would be for example 1000 ... same for the else part in your if-then-else statement...


How to set entry filter for 24 hour time format in the listbox column in 4d database

I have a listbox with 2 columns (say "from time" and "to time"). I want to filter user input by 24 hour format only i.e. no other key should be allowed to press except 24 hour time format (i.e 00:00 to 24:00) in the cell. I tried with this: &"0-2"#&"0-3"#:& "0-5"#&"0-9"# it works well but it didn't allow to put something 19:22 or the value after 13:59 in the cell value as I haven't passed other optional value for that 24 hour time format. In regex, it's a bit easy to achieve this ('/^([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$/') but not sure how this can be done in the 4d database listbox cell field.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I suggest you make the list box columns text and manage the display and UI yourself if you require fine control over the input values.
The Time string method will convert a time value for you:
$timeStr:=Time string(Current time) // $timeStr = "07:23:45"
The input filters are not RegEx and will not give you the kind of fine control you need. They will let you filter unwanted characters (anything besides numbers for instance). Try this for the Entry Filter on the column
The result will be a text string of the numbers entered. Write a method to take the input string, parse the elements, validate them, update the data source and then return a properly formatted string for display. I would use the On data change form event as the trigger for running the method.
Recent versions of 4D manage time values as seconds since midnight which is why you may get a longint value instead of a 'time' value sometimes. And depending on which version you are using and the type of listbox (collection, entity selection, array, etc.) you may not even have a 'time' type option for the list box column which can be confusing. Given all that it's just easier to stringify the value and work with that.
For example, what do you want to do if a user enters "33:45:00"? If you want to reject the "33" at the outset you can do this by evaluating each character as it is typed. The On After Keystroke form event lets you run your evaluation method after each change in the field and the Get edited text command allows you to see what the user is entering.
To convert a string (or longint) into a time value use the Time method:
4D is a typed language and has had a time type since the beginning. However with the addition of ORDA some UI objects no longer support the time type (collection and entity selection list boxes, for example) and use a longint type instead. This can be confusing if you are working with an existing app or older code but attempting to use the newer tools. Be sure to look over
You may not need to get so involved in the input. It depends on the nature of the UI and the data. Time and date is tricky in just about every platform.

Reading barcode in datawindow (powerbuilder)

I have like a POS application where I work, and I added new code to read barcodes in a datawindow, but been having some problems to use it correctly. The process needs to read the barcode and automatically search for the product, and insert it in another datawindow with the info regarding the product.
The problem is that I have the code in the editchanged event, and that the barcodes have different lenght; so, every time a number of the barcode is read, the search function is called, here is the code for that function:
ll_rtn = dw_search.Retrieve()
If ll_rtn = 1 Then
is_code = dw_search.GetItemString(1,'barcode')
End If
If for example, a product of 10 digits is read and at length 5 the product is found, it's inserted but the editchanged is still running because the barcode is length 10, and depends of the search, might find it again with the last digits and insert it again.
I don't know how to stop reading after I find the product. Hope I explain it right.
Can you check if the barcode scanner can be configured to pass carriage return / Enter, upon scanning the barcode and this way you can move your code to itemchanged event
Bar Code Config
An editchanged event is fired for each keystroke in the control. You probably want to either move the code to the itemchanged event or to a totally separate event which is posted from the itemchanged event.
If you absolutely have to have the code in the editchanged event you need to set a boolean instance variable on the window which is set TRUE once the product is found. If it's true then don't search. Remember to reset the variable to FALSE prior to any new search.

Pentaho: How to rollup time

I have time for example I have in records time written in this way: 00:02:24 or 15:22:45, and now I want to make another column (hours), where can be values for example for time 02:43:22 is value 2, or for time 23:22:14, is value 23 and so on. But I don't know how can I do that, I tried number range, but unsuccessfully.
Here is a picture, how i want to be:
You can use the Modified JavaScript Value step.
I do not know which type is your Time.
If it is a String, a var Hour = Time.substr(0,2); will do.
If it is a Date, use var Hour = Time.getHour();.
If the type is something else, then convert in a String first.
To do this:
drag-and.drop the step Modified JavaScript Valueand link it to the data flow provider (in the example a Data grid).
edit this step and add your script. (Note that you can quickly add the input variable with a double click. Note also that clicking on the Transformation Function in the left menu gives you the list of available function additional to the Javascript built-in collection).
Click on the Get variable button, keep the variable you need (here Hour), and define/redefine its type (here String).
That's done: OK and preview.
If needed, adapt to the type of your input flow. For example Hour = Hour+'' to force a type conversion into a String.

Report Builder Expressions

Im new to Report Builder and having issues with some expressions that Im trying to implement in a report. I got the standard ones to work however as soon as I try any distinctions, I get error messages. Over the last couple weeks, Ive tried many combinations, read the expression help, google and looking at other questions at internet sites. To reduce my frustrations, I even would jump to other expressions and walk away hoping I would have different insight coming back.
Its probably something simple or something I dont know about writing expressions.
Im hoping that someone can help with these expressions; they are the versions I get the least errors with(usually just expression expected) and show what Im trying to accomplish.
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)='1' and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE)='A' or
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)='1' and
=Sum([DOLLARS] case when [RECORDFLAG]='P' then -1*[DOLLARS])
Thank You.
The error message gives you the answer here - no false part of the iif() has been specified. Use =IIF((Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value)=”D”,COUNTDISTINCT(Fields!TICK‌​ETNUM.Value), 0)
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)="1" and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE)="A" or "B",SUM(Fields!DOLLARS.Value),0)
This is not how an OR works in SSRS. Use:
=IIF((Fields!TRANSTYPE.Value)="1" and (Fields!RECORDFLAG.VALUE="A" or Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "B"),SUM(Fields!DOLLARS.Value),0)
The 0s are returned due to your report design. countdistinct() is an aggregate function - it's meant to be used on a set of data. However, your iif() is only testing on a per row basis - you're basically saying "if the current row is thing, count all the distinct values" which doesn't make sense. There are a couple of ways forward:
You can count the number of times a certain value occurs in a given condition using a sum(). This is not the same as the countdistinct(), but if you use =sum(iif(Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "D", 1, 0)) then you will get the number of times RECORDFLAG is D in that set. Note: this requires the data to be aggregated (so in SSRS, grouped in a tablix).
You can use custom code to count distinct values in a set. See You can apply this even if you have only one dataset - just reference the same one twice.
You can change the way your report works. You can group on Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value and filter the group to where Fields!RECORDFLAG.Value = "D". Then in your textbox, use =countdistinct(Fields!TICKETNUM.Value) to get the distinct values for TICKETNUM when RECORDFLAG is D.

What means "Name=SWEIPS" Parametr in Siebel

Writing script in LR for Siebel Open UI. All my requests contains this parameter, with different values. What does it mean?
Examples (from different requests):
"Name=SWEIPS", Value = #0'0'1'0'GetProfileAttr'3'attrName'SBRF Position Id'"
"Name=SWEIPS", Value = #0'0''0'3'1-SQE21A, 1-SQL21E, 1SQE31"
And so on.
Can I simple delete it?
Can I simply delete it? - No, you’re not supposed to delete it.
Compare SWEIPS value by recording twice or trice with different data sets, check is there any date/time values in SWEIPS. If there is nothing to correlate leave as it is, no need to delete.
Ensure to correlate values like SWET,ROWID,SWECount,SWEC and so on.
