ElasticSearch Query to retrieve only field values and not documents - elasticsearch

Is it possible in ElasticSearch to retrieve only value not documents.. Like only particular field value should be returned not as document just value


Elasticsearch Query where KEY is Null

Im having problems getting a query to return the results i require. Im wanting to search for all documents which have a Field name called 'Title' but only them where the value is null.
By default Elasticsearch does not store fields with null value in its index, so you are not able to distinguish documents without Title field at all from documents where this field contains null. To cope with this issue you have explicitly choose some value that will indicate that field is empty. Look at this article for details.

Elasticsearch get document count for all fields of index type

I would like to get an aggregation with document count on all fields of an index. is this possible or do I have to define every field within a missing to get something similar

elasticsearch find documents that missing or have particular value

I wonder how do I filter documents in elastic search that doesn't have particular field or have this field with particular value.
example, I have a doc which may have the field "only2".
and I query for all the docs, that have this field equals to my username and the whole the docs that are not set to my username (meaning I set it to be public)

Are ElasticSearch document IDs scored?

If the mapping of a document is set to analyzed, it's scored and then relevant results are returned on a query. Are document IDs (_id) scored too?
I need to perform an exact ID match on a analyzed document and cannot change the type to non-analyzed since I'm unable to dump the data already in that index.
Will making a query with a specific ID return the exact match?
Document ID's are not scored in elasticsearch.
So index/type/id will fetch the exact document with given id
From docs:
Each document indexed is associated with a _type (see the section
called “Mapping Typesedit”) and an _id. The _id field is not indexed.

ElasticSearch Stats Aggregation custom field value for max/min

Is it possible to retrieve Stats Aggregation with custom field value of max/min document?
Eg. imagine example from ElasticSearch Stats Aggregation documentation is there possible to retrieve for example name of student with max/min value of grade? (we assume that beside grade there is student name in document).
Is it even possible? What if ElasticSearch gives us multiple documents with max/min value?
No - it's not possible to get a max value and the rest of the document in a single query.
You would need to do two queries - the first to get the max value, the second to return documents that have a matching value.
