How to exclude particular class/atrribute name in CSS selector in Selenium Automation? - ruby

I have below HTML sample code:
<a href="" title="Design" class="reMode_design reMode_hover">
<a href="" title="Design"
class="reMode_design reMode_hover reMode_selected">
Here, i need to define CSS for the 1st href element and want to ignore 2nd element which has this class "reMode_selected". How to define css for the 1st element by ignoring 2nd element???
I don't want to use Xpath and I am looking for like this below CSS selector:
element :fld_link, "[title='Design'] [class !='reMode_selected']"
This format doesn't work in SitePrism Cucumber. Need Help on how to exclude a attribute name in CSS selector...

You can do this with cssSelector

You can do with this css locator a[title='Design']:not([class*='reMode_selected'])

Have you tried using an xpath to locate the element? Perhaps something like: //a[contains(#title, 'Design') and not(contains(#class, 'reMode_selected'))]
Using not in xpath
Using and in xpath

You can use the not: css prefix as others have mentioned or you could combine a capybara query to return the element based off it's text, or use a waiter.
SitePrism is quite advanced, so pretty much all options are open to you


geb: select by existence of attribute

Given the following html:
<a class="foo">
<a class="foo" href="somePonderousJSIDontWantToQuoteInMyTests">
One can select the later from the former using $("", href: ~/.*/).
Is there a more elegant way of selecting an element, based on whether or not it has a certain attribute?
I don't know if using a CSS3 attribute matcher is more elegant but it's definitelly quicker especialy if your selector would return many elements without the filter because the filtering happens in the browser and not in the jvm as in your approach:

xpath (//a[contains(., "Test-Test-P24-FA")]) fails to select

This is what I have
1005523 Test-Test-P24-FAID-EUR
I want to write an XPath for the a based on its contained text. I tried the below but it does not work
xpath=(//a[contains(., "Test-Test-P24-FA")])
However, when I try this one, it works.
xpath=(//a[contains(., "Test-Test-P24-FAI")])
Do you have any suggestions?
Try any of this below mentioned xpath.
//a[contains(., 'Test-Test-P24-FAID')]
//a[contains(text(), 'Test-Test-P24-FAID-EUR')]
//a[text()='1005523 Test-Test-P24-FAID-EUR']
Explanation of xpath:- Use text method along with <a> tag.
//a[#class='managed_account_link being_setup'][text()='1005523 Test-Test-P24-FAID-EUR']
Explanation of xpath:- Use class attribute and text method along with <a> tag.
//a[#style='background-color: transparent;'][text()='1005523 Test-Test-P24-FAID-EUR']
Explanation of xpath:- Use style attribute and text method along with <a> tag.

Xpath - Selecting attributes using starts-with

I am trying to write an xpath expression that selects all div tags that have an attribute id that start with CompanyCalendar. Below is a snippet of the HTML that I am looking at:
<td class="some class" align="center" onclick="Calendar_DayClicked(this,'EventCont','Event');">
<span class="Text"></span>
<div id="CompanyCalendar02.21" class="Pop CalendarClick" style="right: 200px; top: 235px;"></div>
There are multiple divs that have an id like CompanyCalendar02.21 but for each new month in the calendar, they change the id. For example, the next month would be CompanyCalendar02.22. I would like to be able to select all of the divs that are equal to CompanyCalendar*
I am rather new at this so I was using some example off the net to try and get my xpath expression to work but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to write an xpath expression that selects all div tags that have an attribute id that start with CompanyCalendar.
The following expression is perhaps what you are looking for:
What it does, in plain English, is
Return all div elements in the XML document that have an attribute id whose attribute value starts with "CompanyCalendar".
While checking in Browser console with the $x() call, it worked only after flipping the quotes - i.e. double quotes inside the Xpath starts-with() call.

Xpath of a text containing Bold text

I am trying to click on the link whose site is‎ by searching in google
"qualtra" but there is problem in writing xpath as <cite> tag contains <B> tag inside it. How to do any any one suggest?
<div class="f kv" style="white-space:nowrap">
<cite class="vurls">
You may overcome this by using the '.' in the XPath, which stands for the 'text in the current node'.
The XPath would look like the following:

Writing xpath and CSS locator/path for Selenium Automated Test

I have the following HTML:
<input type="submit" style="-webkit-user-select:none;line-height:100%;height:30px" value="Advanced Search" class="jfk-button jfk-button-action adv-button">
I have written xpath as: //input[#value='Advanced Search']
What is the CSS locator/path?
It's difficult to answer as optimum search selectors need the entire source code to be written, as several DOM Elements in the document could be returned for a generic selector.
In this case, a more detailed selector would be :
input.adv-button[value='Advanced Search']
You can convert your xpath into corresponding CSS Locator by using the following website:
For example:
Go to site
Insert the XPath //input[#value='Advanced Search'] into text field
Click submit button and observe the result
You can see the corresponding CSS Locator as follows:
input[value="Advanced Search"]
