How to run Spring Cloud Config server in Fault Tolerance mode? - spring-boot

In my project we have a requirement to run two instances of spring cloud config server so if one instance goes down, other will take care the config server responsibilities.

Currently, you would need to put config server behind a load balancer. It is stateless, so that wouldn't hurt. There is an open issue to configure multiple config server url's in the client, so it could do failover there.

If you are running multiple instances of the config server, you can have them all register themselves in Eureka, and maybe do a lookup to the config server with it's application name via Eureka in all the other microservices. This way, Zuul (and Ribbon) will take care of the load balancing.
I guess spencergibb is right. It's best to use a load balancer, for eg: ELB, if you're going to deploy on AWS.
Consider multiple spring-cloud-config-uris for high availability


Spring Boot Microservices load balancing vs cloud load balancing

I am new to Microservices. (Learning phase). I have a question. We deploy microservices at cloud. (e.g. AWS). Cloud already provide load balancing and logs. And We also implement Load Balancing(Ribbon) and logs(Rabbit MQ and Zipkin) in Spring Boot.
What is the difference in these two implementation? Do we need both?
Can some answer these questions.
Thanks in advance.
Ribbon is a client side load balancer which means there is no any other hop in between your client and service. Basically you keep and maintain a list of service on your client.
In AWS load balancer case you need to make another hop in between the client and server.
Both have advanges and disadvantages. Former has the advantage of not having any dependency to any specific external solution. Basically with ribbon and service discovery like eureka you can deploy your product to any cloud provider or on-premise setup without additional effort. Latter has advantage of not needing an extra component of service discovery or keeping the cache of service list on client. But it has that additional hop which might be an issue if you are trying to run an very high-load system.
Although I don't have much experience with AWS CloudWatch what I know is it helps you to collect logs to a central place from different AWS components. And that is what you are trying to do with your solution.

Does Netflix's Eureka provide any benefit when running Docker containers within Rancher?

We have a collection of microservices built with Spring Boot, using Spring Cloud Netflix. Up until now, they've been packaged as RPMs and deployed to VMs. Using Eureka has allowed for service registration/discovery (obviously) and our cross-microservice interaction to be done using Spring's RestTemplate with a Virtual IP (VIP), like the following:
Client-side load-balancing was another benefit.
Now, we are looking to use Docker and run within Rancher. I'm wondering using Eureka still makes sense in this environment.
Within Rancher, if the Service is named 'foo-service', that name is used as a VIP within the Rancher internal network so the same URL shown above can also work, sans Eureka.
Also, if there are multiple Containers backing a Service, Rancher will round-robin load-balance traffic amongst them.
Plus, it seems Rancher will know about Containers coming and going sooner than Eureka would.
I'm struggling to find a solid reason to keep Eureka.
Not much familiar with Rancher, AFAIK it enables users to deploy a choice of Cattle, Docker Swarm, Apache Mesos or Kubernetes to manage your containers.
So, it finally comes down to whether your infrastructure platform provides service discovery functionality or not (I know Docker swarm and Kubernetes provides Service discovery, not sure about the others); if you get free service discovery out of the box from your platform and if you don't need client side load balancing, eureka is an overkill.
Here is an answer for the question in context of Kubernetes
Quoting the relevant parts
In Kubernetes platform, using Eureka (Or Consul/zookeeper any
other service registries) for service discovery is an overkill; you
can achieve the same (arguably) functionality with Kubernetes Services
(+kube DNS Addon), which will act as a referable IP address and a load
balancer (not client side) for the ephemeral Pods. Read this
[article][1] by Christian Posta. If you want to refer your service by
its name instead of IP address add KubeDNS (A kubernetes add on) to
your cluster.
Since you said,
Within Rancher, if the Service is named 'foo-service', it is used as a
VIP within the Rancher internal network so the same URL shown above
can also work, sans Eureka.
Also, if there are multiple Containers backing a Service, Rancher will
round-robing load-balance traffic amongst them.
So you are getting both Service discovery and the (server side) load balancer from your platform for free. So if you don't have a compelling reason to do client side load balancing, forget about eureka.

Sidecar doesn't support multiple instances of one NON-JVM app

I was able to register the single nodejs app instance using the netflix sidecar app successfully. Both nodejs and sidecar bridge app are running in Cloud foundry.
SAMPLE-NODEJS n/a (1) (1) UP (1)
When i scale the nodeJS app to 3 instances, could not see the scaled instances in Eureka service registry. It still shows 1 instance.
Can some one help me to do this....
I want to register all the instances of Nodejs app with Eureka service registry with Sidecar bridge app.
Pls.. help.
Sidecar, like the eureka java client is built to register only one application with the eureka server at a time. It is not a eureka proxy for multiple applications. I built a proof of concept proxy that will do what you want.
This happens because it's not your node application, which is registering to eureka, but your sidecar, which still runs in one instance.
simple solution
you scale your sidecars with your node apps. This is quite straight forward, in particular when using container based deployment. You just can craft a docker container starting both, a node instance and a sidecar.
load balancing
you can extend your sidecar application to load balance traffic to your sidecars. Then your node apps will still be shown as a single instance, but still have load balancing to scaled node instances

Zuul Autodiscovery issues

We are in the process of standing up a new microservices architecture with Zuul at the front-end and a bunch of tomcat enabled microservices at the backend. Each service as it starts up, will register itself with Eureka and any client that wants to call those service will do so through Zuul. We've got this all wired in and everything is working fine.
However, I have a couple questions as to how we can make this architecture much more dynamic.
One thing that we assumed was there out of the box with Ribbon/Eureka, but have yet to find a solution for is that as we add more services to the backend, that somehow (via Archiaus and update to Zuul's file) Zuul's Ribbon client would update itself with the new service details (e.g. vipaddress, load balancing algorithm, etc). So far, the only thing that works is to update the properties file and restart Zuul (ughhh).
For example, let's say today we have 2 microservices at the backend, therefore, Zuul's eureka/ribbon client configuration would include the below:
Now tomorrow, let's assume we need to add service3. What we have observed is that if we add those details to the same configuration (see below), they only become available to Zuul after a restart. Is there some other configuration parameter we are missing that would allow us to dynamically introduce the new service details or do we have to roll our own Eureka/Ribbon client to do this?
My other question is related and that is do we really need to add a client configuration (in for every service that Zuul could possibly route to? At some point, we may have 100's of services running and trying to maintain all the related client configurations in Zuul seems a bit clumsy. Is there a way to globally configure Zuul to load all services into its client list from Eureka (or based on some service metadata in Eureka) and dynamically update this list as new services register themselves with Eureka?
The issue is with namespaces.If we use the default namespace it should be able to pick up the new properties addedd by default.

RESTful Microservice failover & load balancing

At the moment we have some monolithic Web Applications and try to transfer the projects to an microservices infrastructure.
For the monolithic application is an HAProxy and Session Replication to have failover and load balancing.
Now we build some RESTful microservices with spring boot but it's not clear for me what is the best way to build the production environment.
Of course we can run all applications as unix services and still have a reverse proxy for load balancing and failover. This solution seems very heavy for me and have a lot of configuration and maintenance. Resource Management and scaling up or down servers will be always a manually process.
What are the best possibilities to setup production environment with 2-3 Servers and easy resource management?
Is there some solution the also support continuous deployment?
I'd recommend looking into service discovery. Netflix descibes this as:
A Service Discovery system provides a mechanism for:
Services to register their availability
Locating a single instance of a particular service
Notifying when the instances of a service change
Packages such as Netflix's Eureka could be of help. (EDIT - actually this looks like it might be AWS specific)
This should work well with continuous delivery as the services can make themselves unavailable, be updated and then register availability again.
