How to Add an Interval to a Date in Oracle - oracle

I'm trying to get a new date from the product of 'date' + 'time interval'.
Something like this.
'15/02/2016 18:00:00' + '+00 02:00:00.000000'
Expected result:
'15/02/2016 20:00:00'
But using the columns in database.
Thanks for your help.

You can just add them together:
insert into timerest (date_asign, time_asign)
values (to_date('15/02/2016 18:00:00', 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
to_dsinterval('+00 02:00:00.000000'));
alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS';
select date_asign + time_asign from timerest;
15/02/2016 20:00:00
This follows the rules for datetime/interval arithmetic: date + interval = date.

If you have a date in DATE format you can simply add the a numeric interval that represents days (for example 1.5 is 1 day and a half)
You can extract from the time interval days and hours and then add them to to you date because, if I remember correctly, you can't add directly them to a date type (maybe to a timestamp type you can)
To extract the days you can use the extract function:
extract(second from TIME_ASIGN)/3600)+(extract(hour from TIME_ASIGN)/24)+(extract(day from TIME_ASIGN)/24)
then you add the number to your DATE_ASIGN


Oracle get all records between current day inserted with timestamp

Unable to retrieve records properly with the formatted date values, need select query with right date format to get all records inserted per day
I have a date string like this in my script -  
dateString :='26-MAR-20 AM';
I want to add 0.313 minutes to this date value. And also I want to
increment it to the next day something like this- '27-MAR-20 AM'; ​
I tried this 
dateString :='26-MAR-20 AM';
dateString :=to_char(dateField,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF');
dateField := to_timestamp(dateString, 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') + 0.313 * INTERVAL '1' MINUTE;
I can see the output and inserted these values into the DB but
unable to retrieve records properly with these formatted date values..
I suspect it might be to do with the timestamp fields
When I run this query -
select *from rptallexceptions where exceptiontime between '27-MAR-2020 AM' and '28-MAR-2020 AM' order by exceptiontime desc;
--- this one gives 3833 records but expected is 4600
it shows only the records on 27th march., records inserted with timestamp containing 28th march are not retrieved..
select *from rptallexceptions where exceptiontime between '28-MAR-2020 AM' and '29-MAR-2020 AM' order by exceptiontime desc;
--- this one returns '0' rows
Excerpt from the script:
cnt :=cnt +1;
dateString :=to_char(dateField,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF');
-- add time difference for each exception.
dateField := to_timestamp(dateString, 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') + 0.313 * INTERVAL '1' MINUTE;
-- after n*4600 exceptions,update date to next date.
IF REMAINDER(cnt,exceptionsPerDay) = 0 THEN
dateField := to_timestamp(dateField + 1,'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF');
The way I see it, your problem is that you're comparing timestamps to strings.
Sample table:
SQL> create table test as
2 select to_timestamp('27.03.2020 04:00:00:000000', ' hh24:mi:ss:ff6') datum, 'A' name from dual
3 union all
4 select to_timestamp('28.03.2020 15:23:00:000000', ' hh24:mi:ss:ff6') datum, 'A' name from dual;
Table created.
Query should use timestamp, not string:
SQL> select *
2 from test
3 where datum between to_timestamp('25.03.2020 12:00:00:000000am', ' hh:mi:ss:ff6am') --> timestamp
4 and to_timestamp('28.03.2020 12:00:00:000000am', ' hh:mi:ss:ff6am'); --> timestamp
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
27.03.20 04:00:00,000000000 A
You were kind of "lucky" (though, one might call it bad luck as your query didn't fail, but it produced wrong results, according to number of rows being returned) for not getting an error as my database raises (due to different NLS settings):
SQL> select *
2 from test
3 where datum between '25.03.2020 12:00:00:000000am' --> string
4 and '28.03.2020 12:00:00:000000am'; --> string
where datum between '25.03.2020 12:00:00:000000am'
ERROR at line 3:
ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string
Strings are handled differently than dates (or timestamps), or numbers. Maybe you'll see the difference clearly in this example:
SQL> with test (col) as
2 (select '1' from dual union all
3 select '9' from dual union all
4 select '20' from dual
5 )
6 select *
7 from test
8 where col < '9';
20 < 9? Yes, if those are strings. The same might have happened to you. Try with proper datatype.
When you do:
dateString :=to_char(dateField,'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF');
you are converting whatever is the initial value of dateField to a string; but it looks like that has has not been set yet, so you end up with an empty string (which is the same as null). Your original value of dateString is never being used.
If you skip that and just do:
dateString :='26-MAR-20 AM';
dateField := to_timestamp(dateString, 'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF') + 0.313 * INTERVAL '1' MINUTE;
​then you are converting the 2-digit year 20 with a YYYY format element, which will turn it into year 0020, not 2020; but you also don't have AM in the format model, so it will get ORA-01830 anyway, and have HH24 instead of HH. I think your to_char() is attempting to 'correct' the string format, but that's not a great approach.
If you can't control the starting string format then the model has to match that:
dateString :='26-MAR-20 AM';
dateField := to_timestamp(dateString, 'DD-MON-RR HH:MI:SS.FF AM') + 0.313 * INTERVAL '1' MINUTE;
which gives dateField a value of 2020-03-26 05:00:18.780000.
Later on you do:
dateField := to_timestamp(dateField + 1,'DD/MON/YYYY HH24:MI:SS.FF');
which is also doing an implicit conversion of dateField + 1 - which is converted to a date, incidentally as timestamp + number is a date, not a timestamp - to a string; which will use your NLS_DATE_FORMAT. Presumably that is something like 'DD-MON-YYYY'.
So stepping through that:
dateField + 1 => date '2020-03-27 05:00:18' (losing fractional seconds)
implicit to_char(dateField + 1) => string '27-Mar-2020' (losing time)
to_timestamp(to_char(dateField + 1), '...') => timestamp '2020-03-27 00:00:00.000000' (with time at midnight).
So your between is, at best going to find records between 2020-03-26 05:00:18.780000 and 2020-03-27 00:00:00.0000000 - so it won't pick up any records later than midnight on the 27th.
Don't convert to and from strings when you don't need to; leave data in its native data type (timestamp in this case) and use direct manipulation with intervals.
Using between isn't ideal anyway, because it is inclusive; it would be better to end up with:
exceptiontime >= timestamp '2020-03-26 05:00:18.780000'
and exceptionTime < timestamp '2020-03-27 05:00:18.780000'

How to add a day with a specific date using add_months function

I am trying to add a day with a specific date using add_months in oracle database.
I wrote this line:
this returns:
Why doesn't it return 02-JAN-18?? Can I add one day to the date using this function?
Why doesn't it return 02-JAN-18??
According to MONTHS_BETWEEN documentation,
The MONTHS_BETWEEN function calculates the number of months between
two dates. When the two dates have the same day component or are both
the last day of the month, then the return value is a whole number.
Otherwise, the return value includes a fraction that considers the
difference in the days based on a 31-day month
select MONTHS_BETWEEN('02-JAN-2018', '01-JAN-2018') FROM DUAL ;
ADD_MONTHS returns the date date plus integer months.
So, .0322.. is considered as integer 0 and your query is equivalent to
In order to add 1 months, simply take the difference of two dates.
SELECT ADD_MONTHS(DATE '2018-01-01', DATE '2018-01-02' - DATE '2018-01-01') FROM DUAL;
Or better, add an INTERVAL of 1 month
To answer your question, add 1 day, simply use
SELECT DATE '2018-01-01' + 1 FROM DUAL;

How do I update the time in oracle sql?

I need a query to update a time in an appointment date by keeping the date but changing the time.
For example
10-Feb-2016 09:00:00
and i want to change it to 10-Feb-2016 10:00:00.
Update Appointment
set vdate = '10:00:00'
where vdate= '10-Feb-2016'
I get the "0 row has been updated'. Not sure if i'm missing something.
Thanks in advance.
You can use trunc() which sets the time part of a DATE (or TIMESTAMP) to 00:00:00, then add the 10 hours to it:
Update Appointment
set vdate = trunc(vdate) + interval '10' hour
where trunc(vdate) = DATE '2016-02-10'
This would change all rows that have a date 2016-02-10. If you only want to do that for those that are at 09:00 (ignoring the minutes and seconds) then just add one hour to those rows
Update Appointment
set vdate = trunc(vdate) + interval '1' hour
where trunc(vdate, 'hh24') = timestamp '2016-02-10 09:00:00'
trunc(vdate, 'hh24') will set the minutes and seconds of the date value to 00:00, so that the comparison with 2016-02-10 09:00:00 works properly.
Unrelated, but: do not rely on implicit data type conversion. '10-Feb-2016' is a string value, not a DATE literal. To specify a date either use an ANSI DATE literal (as I have done in the above statement) or use the to_date() function with a format mask to convert a string literal to a proper date value.
Your statement is subject to the evil implicit data type conversion and will fail if the SQL client running the statement uses a different NLS setting (it will fail on my computer for example)
If what you want to do is add an hour to a date, then you can do:
Update Appointment
set vdate = vdate + 1/24
where vdate = to_date('10/02/2016 09:00', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi');
since in Oracle, date differences are measured in number of days, and an hour is 1/24th of a day.
If what you want to do is specify an exact time (e.g. to 10:25:48), then you could do the following instead:
Update Appointment
set vdate = trunc(vdate) + 10/24 + 25/(24*60) + 48/(24*60*60)
where vdate = to_date('10/02/2016 09:00', 'dd/mm/yyyy hh24:mi');
Bear in mind that these updates will update all rows that have a date of 10th Feb 2016 at 9am. You'd need to change your query's where clause if you wanted to specify a more specific row or set of rows.
Try like this.

Converting Time Interval to actual time in AM PM in Oracle

How can i convert the result of select statement of time interval field in respective time in Am/Pm format.
My Field is:
Interval Day(2) To Second(6)
I tried this:
select To_Char(Att_EntranceTime , 'HH:MI AM') From EMPLOYEEATTENDENCETABLE;
however this does not help me, i have also tried to add the basetime from systime to my interval field but that did not help.. can someone suggest me what to do?
Intervals can't be directly formatted, as you've discovered. You can add your interval to any date which has its time set to midnight, and then format the resulting date to show the time in your desired format. For example you could add it to today's date using trunc(sysdate):
to_char(trunc(sysdate) + my_interval, 'HH:MI AM')
You need to truncate it to set the time to midnight; otherwise the result will be your interval plus the current system time.
Or you can use any fixed date; here's an example with some dummy data set-up:
create table my_table (my_interval interval day(2) to second(6));
insert into my_table (my_interval) values (interval '0 12:34:56.78' day to second);
insert into my_table (my_interval) values (interval '99 01:02:03.456' day to second);
select my_interval, to_char(date '1970-01-01' + my_interval, 'HH:MI AM') as formatted
from my_table;
-------------------- ---------
+00 12:34:56.780000 12:34 PM
+99 01:02:03.456000 01:02 AM
The second value shows a potential problem. Your interval is defined to allow a two-digit day number, which means the interval can span anything less than 100 days. If you only extract the time portion you lose that information about the number of days. That may be what you want to happen though. If the interval is supposed to be representing a time of day, which wanting to show AM/PM implies - and it's unusual to store an actual time separate from its date - then having or allowing a number of days seems strange.

Oracle: how to add minutes to a timestamp?

I need to add 30 minutes to values in a Oracle date column. I do this in my SELECT statement by specifying
to_char(date_and_time + (.000694 * 31)
which works fine most of the time. But not when the time is on the AM/PM border. For example, adding 30 minutes to 12:30 [which is PM] returns 1:00 which is AM. The answer I expect is 13:00. What's the correct way to do this?
In addition to being able to add a number of days to a date, you can use interval data types assuming you are on Oracle 9i or later, which can be somewhat easier to read,
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
SELECT sysdate, sysdate + interval '30' minute FROM dual
SQL> /
-------------------- --------------------
02-NOV-2008 16:21:40 02-NOV-2008 16:51:40
All of the other answers are basically right but I don't think anyone's directly answered your original question.
Assuming that "date_and_time" in your example is a column with type DATE or TIMESTAMP, I think you just need to change this:
to_char(date_and_time + (.000694 * 31))
to this:
to_char(date_and_time + (.000694 * 31), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI')
It sounds like your default date format uses the "HH" code for the hour, not "HH24".
Also, I think your constant term is both confusing and imprecise. I guess what you did is calculate that (.000694) is about the value of a minute, and you are multiplying it by the number of minutes you want to add (31 in the example, although you said 30 in the text).
I would also start with a day and divide it into the units you want within your code. In this case, (1/48) would be 30 minutes; or if you wanted to break it up for clarity, you could write ( (1/24) * (1/2) ).
This would avoid rounding errors (except for those inherent in floating point which should be meaningless here) and is clearer, at least to me.
SET DATE_FIELD = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + interval '48' minute
WHERE (...)
Where interval is one of
The SYSDATE pseudo-column shows the current system date and time. Adding 1 to SYSDATE will advance the date by 1 day. Use fractions to add hours, minutes or seconds to the date
SQL> select sysdate, sysdate+1/24, sysdate +1/1440, sysdate + 1/86400 from dual;
-------------------- -------------------- -------------------- --------------------
03-Jul-2002 08:32:12 03-Jul-2002 09:32:12 03-Jul-2002 08:33:12 03-Jul-2002 08:32:13
I prefer using an interval literal for this, because interval '30' minute or interval '5' second is a lot easier to read then 30 / (24 * 60) or 5 / (24 * 60 * 69)
some_date + interval '2' hour
some_date + interval '30' minute
some_date + interval '5' second
some_date + interval '2' day
You can also combine several units into one expression:
some_date + interval '2 3:06' day to minute
Adds 2 days, 3 hours and 6 minutes to the date value
The above is also standard SQL and also works in several other DBMS.
More details in the manual:
If the data type of the field is date or timestamp, Oracle should always give the correct result if you add the correct number given in number of days (or a the correct fraction of a day in your case). So if you are trying to bump the value in 30 minutes, you should use :
select field + 0.5/24 from table;
Based on the information you provided, I believe this is what you tried to do and I am quite sure it works.
Can we not use this
SELECT date_and_time + INTERVAL '20:00' MINUTE TO SECOND FROM dual;
I am new to this domain.
like that very easily
i added 10 minutes to system date and always in preference use the Db server functions not custom one .
select to_char(sysdate + NUMTODSINTERVAL(10,'MINUTE'),'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;
Be sure that Oracle understands that the starting time is PM, and to specify the HH24 format mask for the final output.
SELECT to_char((to_date('12:40 PM', 'HH:MI AM') + (1/24/60) * 30), 'HH24:MI') as time
FROM dual
Note: the 'AM' in the HH:MI is just the placeholder for the AM/PM meridian indicator. Could be also 'PM'
Oracle now has new built in functions to do this:
select systimestamp START_TIME, systimestamp + NUMTODSINTERVAL(30, 'minute') end_time from dual
Based on what you're asking for, you want the HH24:MI format for to_char.
To edit Date in oracle you can try
select to_char(<columnName> + 5 / 24 + 30 / (24 * 60),
'DD/MM/RRRR hh:mi AM') AS <logicalName> from <tableName>
SELECT to_char(sysdate + (1/24/60) * 30, 'dd/mm/yy HH24:MI am') from dual;
simply you can use this with various date format....
