Tez. Slow reducers - hadoop

I have strange behavior with TEZ mapreduce job.
I'm trying to read logs data from Hive, split it into some chunks by id, date and some other parameters and then write to another hive tables.
Map phase works fast enough and takes about 20 minutes, than reducers start to work and 453 from 458 reducers process all data within next 20 minutes. But last 5 reducers work for about 1 hour.
It happens because my input data includes some huge entries and processing these entries takes a lot of time.
What is the best practice for such cases? Should I make some hadoop/tez/hive tuning to allow kind of parallel processing for last reducers or it would be smarter to split input data by other parameters to avoid huge entries?
Thanks for any advice.

The magic word behind that not-so-strange behavior is skew. And it's a veeeery common issue. Usually people prefer ignoring the problem... until they really feel the pain (just like you do now).
With TEZ, since HIVE-7158 Use Tez auto-parallelism in Hive you can try to tinker with some specific properties:
But that "auto-parallelism" feature seems to apply when you have several abnormally small reduce datasets that can be merged, while your problem is the exact opposite (one abnormally large reduce dataset). So you should try also to tinker with
...to change the scale and make "large" the new "normal" (hence "normal" becoming "small"). But then, maybe all you will get will be 3 reducers all taking 1 hour to complete. Hard to say.
Good luck. This kind of performance tuning is more Art than Science.
Reference :
PS: of course, if you could remove the source of skewness by changing the way you organize your input dataset...


How to resume failed execution in MapReduce?

I have one requirement saying that -
a. Lets say i have 100GB of file/data
b. I have written Map Reduce job to process this data on certain logic.
c. I fired Map Reduce job, but it failed after reading 50GB
So my question is -
Can i resume the Map Reduce job from the 51th GB?
Please let me know if anybody have idea on how to do it, i don't want to reprocess the data which i processed before point of failure.
Thanks in advance
Brief answer: no.
And that's why working with large batch processing systems such as Hadoop or MPI is hard. Not only restarts of large jobs are inefficient from resource consumption point of view, but are also very psychologically depressive. That's why your primary goal is to reduce running time of single job to no more than couple of hours. Maybe it would be possible some day to implement "pausing" of jobs and "hot fixing" code, but currently it is not supported to my knowledge.
Solution #1. Split your job into error-prone parallelizable job and final error-free non-parallelizable job. Consider following example: you have hundreds of gigabytes of textual access logs from web server and you want to write job that will print how popular different browsers are. If you combine parsing and aggregating (summing) to a single huge job, then it's running time will be of order of days, and also chances that it will fail are very high because textual logs are usually hard to parse due to disambiguity. Much better idea is to split this job into two separate jobs:
First job is solely responsible for parsing log files. It prints only browser string as its output and even doesn't need to have any reducers. This job is the place for 99% of all errors because here is where parsing of "wild" data occurs. This job is parallelizable in the sense that you may split your input into chunks and process each chunk separately, so that each chunk is processed in 10-30 minutes. If job fails for some chunk, you fix it and restart; 30 minutes is not a big loss.
Second job is grand job that takes outputs from instances of first jobs and performs aggregation. Because aggregation code is very simple, this job is not likely to fail.
... .... ...
Solution #2. Sometimes you may be satisfied with result even if parts of input data are dropped out. In this case you may set options mapred.max.map.failures.percent and/or mapred.max.reduce.failures.percent to non-zero values.
If your entire job fails, the output gets cleared, so you loose whatever you processed. However, Hadoop retries failed tasks of a job. So as long as your failure is recoverable within preconfigured number of attempts, a job will not fail and you are not going to loose output from already completed tasks.
If your failure is not recoverable, then in most cases it is your fault, and you might need to do one or more of the following:
Fix your code, even simple bug may cause all your tasks to consistently fail
Use less resources (e.g. care of available memory)
Better partition the problem (see if some tasks are fed more data than others or make sure task input is getting split into smaller chunks)
Have a bigger cluster capacity.

How long does it take to process the file If I have only one worker node?

Let's say I have a data with 25 blocks and the replication factor is 1. The mapper requires about 5 mins to read and process a single block of the data. Then how can I calculate the time for one worker node? The what about 15 nodes? Will the time be changed if we change the replication factor to 3?
I really need a help.
First of all I would advice reading some scientific papers regarding the issue (Google Scholar is a good starting point).
Now a bit of discussion. From my latest experiments I have concluded that processing time has very strong relation with amount of data you want to process (makes sense). On our cluster, on average it takes around 7-8 seconds for Mapper to read a block of 128MBytes. Now there are several factors which you need to consider in order to predict the overall execution time:
How much data the Mapper produces, which will determine moreless the time Hadoop requires to execute Shuffling
What Reducer is doing? Does it do some iterative processing? (might be slow!)
What is the configuration of the resources? (how many Mappers and Reducers are allowed to run on the same machine)
Finally are there other jobs running simultaneously? (this might be slowing down the jobs significantly, since your Reducer slots can be occupied waiting for data instead of doing useful things).
So already for one machine you are seeing the complexity of the task of predicting the time of job execution. Basically during my study I was able to conclude that in average one machine is capable of processing from 20-50 MBytes/second (the rate is calculated according to the following formula: total input size/total job running time). The processing rate includes the staging time (when your application is starting and uploading required files to the cluster for example). The processing rate is different for different use cases and greatly influenced by the input size and more importantly the amount of data produced by Mappers (once again this values are for our infrastructure and on different machine configuration you will be seeing completely different execution times).
When you start scaling your experiments, you would see in average improved performance, but once again from my study I could conclude that it is not linear and you would need to fit by yourself, for your own infrastructure the model with respective variables which would approximate the job execution time.
Just to give you an idea, I will share some part of the results. The rate when executing determine use case on 1 node was ~46MBytes/second, for 2 nodes it was ~73MBytes/second and for 3 nodes it was ~85MBytes/second (in my case the replication factor was equal to the number of nodes).
The problem is complex requires time, patience and some analytical skills to solve it. Have fun!

Spark "ExecutorLostFailure" - how to solve?

I've checked out some of the other answers on "ExecutorLostFailure" and most of them either:
** 1. Don't have an answer**
** 2. Insist on increasing the executor memory and the number of cores **
Here are some of the ones that I'm referring to: here here here
Is there any other solution to this? I've tried both, but it's unclear to me how to correctly gauge how much to allocate for each (memory and cores) in my SparkContext.
The error occurs within a saveAsTextFile action. Thanks.
From my experience, increasing the executor memory can help. But I'd suggest that this is a naive fix, and usually the underlying issue will remain.
The reason I say this is that one of Spark's most important features is that it allows you to perform computations on datasets that are too big to fit in memory. In theory, you could perform most calculations on a 1TB dataset with a single executor with 2GB memory.
In every case that I've encountered an OOM, it has been one of the following two reasons:
1. Insufficient executor memory overhead
This only applies if you are using a resource manager like Mesos or YARN). Check the Spark docs for guidance with this.
2. Something you are doing in your transformations is causing your RDD to become massively "horizontal".
Recall that I said Spark can handle datasets that are too big to fit in memory. The caveat to this is that the datasets must be vertically parallelizable - think a text file with 10^8 rows, where each row contains a relatively small data point (e.g. list of floats, JSON string, a single sentence etc.). Spark will then partition your dataset and send an appropriate number of rows to each executor.
The problem arises when a single row is very large. This is unlikely to occur through normal map-like operations (unless you are doing something quite weird), but is very easy to do through aggregation-type operations like groupByKey or reduceByKey. Consider the following example:
Dataset (name, age):
John 30
Kelly 36
Steve 48
Jane 36
If I then do a groupByKey with the age as key, I will get data in the form:
36 [Kelly, Jane]
30 [John]
48 [Steve]
If the number of rows in the initial dataset is very large, the rows in the resulting dataset could be very long. If they are long enough, they may be too large to fit into executor memory.
The solution?
It depends on your application. In some cases, it may indeed be unavoidable, and you may just have to increase executor memory. But usually it's possible to restructure your algorithm to avoid the issue, e.g. by replacing a groupByKey with a countByKey, or throwing away data points with a very high incidence rate (in one case I observed, it was a bot generating millions of requests that was responsible for the issue. These could be safely discarded without affecting the analysis).

Fiware-Cosmos MapReduce

I have a Question regarding the MapReduce example explained here:
It is indeed the most common example of hadoop MapReduce, the WordCount.
I am able to execute it with no problems at the global instance of Cosmos, but even when I give it an small input (a file with 2 or 3 lines) it takes a lot to execute it (half a minute more or less). I assume this is its normal behavior but my question is: ¿Why does it takes so long even for an small input?
I guess this method increases its efectiveness with bigger datasets where this minimal delay is negligible.
First of all, you have to take into account the current instance of Cosmos at FIWARE LAB is a shared instance of Hadoop, thus many other user may be executing MapReduce jobs at the same time resulting in a "competition" for the computation resources.
Being said that, MapReduce is designed for large datasets and larga data files. It adds a lot of overhead that it's not necessary when processing a couple of lines (because for a couple of lines analsis you don't need MapReduce! :)) but which help a lot when those lines are thounsands, even millions. In those cases the processing time is proportional to the data size, of course, but not in a let's say 1:1 proportion.

Hive find expected run time of query

I want to find the expected run time of query in Hive. Using EXPLAIN gives the execution plan. Is there a way to find the expected time?
I need Hive equivalent of SQL query EXPLAIN COSTS .
There is no OOTB feature at this moment that facilitates this. One way to achieve this would be to learn from history. Gather patterns based on similar data and queries you have run previously and try to deduce some insights. You might find tools like Starfish helpful in the process.
I would not recommend you to decide anything based on a subset of your data, as running queries on a small dataset and on the actual dataset are very different. This is good to test the functionality but not for any kind of cost approximation. The reason behind this is that a lot of factors are involved in the process, like system resources(disk, CPU slots, N/W etc), system configuration, other running jobs etc. You might find smooth operation on a small dataset, but as the data size increases all these factors start playing much important role. Even a small configuration parameter may play an important role.(You might have noticed sometimes that a Hive query runs fast initially but starts getting slow gradually). Also, execution of a Hive query is much more involved than a simple MR job.
See this JIRA, to get some idea, where they are talking about developing a Cost Based Query optimization for Joins in Hive. You might also find this helpful.
I think that is not possible to because internally map reduce gets executed for any particular Hive query. Moreover map reduce job's execution time depends on the cluster load and its configuration. So it is tough to predict the execution time. May be you can do one thing you can use some timer before running the query and then after that finishes up you can calculate the exact execution time that was needed for execution.
May be you could sample a small % of records from your table using partitions , bucket features etc then run the query against the small dataset. Note the execution time and then multiply with the factor (total_size/sample_size).
