XAMPP configuration page missing - xampp

Today I installed XAMPP (v5.6.15). Everything seems to be okay but the old orange configuration page is missing (localhost/xampp/index.php).
Now I don't know how to change security settings (such as MySQL password...).
Is there a way to bring back configuration page?

The old orange XAMPP administration page is no longer included in current XAMPP versions. You cannot bring back the old orange start page unless you go back to using the older version.
As for changing the password without the Orange Page:
Start the Apache Server and MySQL instances from the XAMPP control panel.
Open phpMyAdmin: http://localhost/phpmyadmin.
In the phpMyAdmin window, select SQL tab from the right panel. This will open the SQL tab where we can run the SQL queries.
Now type the following query in the textarea:
UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('password') WHERE User='root';
Click Go. You will see a message saying that the query has been executed successfully.
If you refresh the page, you will get an error message. The phpMyAdmin configuration file is not aware of our newly set root passoword. We have to modify the phpMyAdmin config file.
Open the file [XAMPP Installation Path] / phpmyadmin / config.inc.php in your favorite text editor.
Search for the string $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = '';
Change to: $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'password';
Here the 'password' is what we set to the root user using the SQL query.
Save the config.inc.php file and RESTART the XAMPP server.
Hope this helps!


"Error: Token Mismatch" After adding a 2nd server to phpMyAdmin

I've been searching and trying to solve this problem for about 3 weeks. I'm stumped. Please help!
I added a second server to phpMyAdmin by adding the following lines to the end of my "config.inc.php" file in the installation directory.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = '<SERVER 2 NAME REDACTED>';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '<SERVER 2 ADDRESS REDACTED>.rds.amazonaws.com';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowNoPassword'] = false;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['ssl'] = false;
After I added this server, we started getting the "Error: Token Mismatch" popup randomly when running some SQL queries or performing certain actions while logged in to server #2. We never got it on the first server we had set up for several years, and I matched all the server configuration settings to those of the first server. The issue is not 100% reproducible with SQL queries, but it does seem to be 100% reproducible when I try to add users to the database via phpMyAdmin's user creation page.
log in (select server #2 in the "Server Choice" drop-down menu)
click "users" tab at top of page
click "add user" link
fill out the required fields and click "go"
At this point I always get the "Error: Token Mismatch" popup.
Things I've tried so far:
clear cache / cookies (I do this every time I change settings)
use different browser (tried Chrome, Firefox, and Safari)
change ";session.save_path" variable to “/tmp” in php.ini file
Do "chmod 1733" on the sessions save directory
Made sure there is free space available (19GB free)
After all this, we still get the error.
PHP: 5.3.29
Apache: 2.2.23 (Amazon)
SQL type: 10.1.23-MariaDB
Database client version: libmysql - 5.5.24
PHP extension: mysqli
phpMyAdmin: 4.2.2
phpMyadmin server hardware: Amazon EC2 m3.large
SQL database server hardware: db.m4.2xlarge
Any suggestions for places to look or things to try are greatly appreciated.
One thing that caught my eye is that you mention the ;session.save_path variable; the semicolon in front of it is a comment so for the directive to be recognized you'll have to remove the semicolon. Check the output of phpinfo.php to verify that the change was successful.
Other than that, it's tough to guess. You're using an old PHP and old phpMyAdmin version, so I'm not saying an upgrade will or won't fix the problem, but you really should upgrade.
One workaround would be to have two phpMyAdmin installations; you can have phpMyAdmin in two different folders, with each one pointing to a different MySQL server. It sounds like it was working fine with one server so if you do it this way, each instance will only have one server and hopefully you won't have the problem.

Magento admin panel not loading(404 error) after Changing Allow Magneto backend to run on frame

I have changed System > Configuration > Advanced > Admin > Security > Allow Magento Backend to run in frame from it's default "Only from same domain" to "Enabled" and I am not able to login to my admin panel. it says 404 not found.
I want to reset back to "only from same domain" from the (script/.htaccess) backend.
Is it possible.
This should not be a problem - you could try to clear your cache folders with rm -rf <YOUR MAGENTO ROOT>/var/*.
If that does not help you can set this setting back to "Only from same origin" via database query.
For that please run the following command on your Magento database:
UPDATE core_config_data SET value=2 WHERE `path`='admin/security/domain_policy_backend';
I have done the following steps to resolve this 404 error. Hope might help someone.This error has been resolved by programming.
Go to your cpanel and launch phpMyAdmin.
Locate your Magento Database and select the core_config_data table.
Locate and edit the following rows:
Scope:"Default" and Path:"admin/url/custom"
Select the NULL checkbox and save.
Scope:"Default" and Path:"admin/url/use_custom"
Change value from 1 to 0 and save.
Scope:"Default" and Path:"admin/url/use_custom_path"
Change value from 1 to 0 if it isn't already and save.
Locate and delete the following rows:
Scope:"Stores" and Path:"web/secure/base_url"
Scope:"Stores" and Path:"web/unsecure/base_url" (should be located on the last page)
Delete /var/cache folder

moving modx to new server - clear cache

I moved website to new server, domain stay the same, files structure stay the same, but path to public_html has beed changed. Database has been also moved.
I tried to clean cache, but i dont think I made it. This is error i get:
Could not find action file at: /home/account_name/domains/domain.co.uk/public_html/manager/controllers/default/welcome.php
account_name is different now.
I havent access to the old server, so I cant login and clear cache. I tried to do it using php script I found, but it didnt help.
Moving to new server documentation - there is welcome.php error and how to fix it, but since I haven't access to website from old server, I can't do it.
Also I can't login and clear cache in admin panel, because this message in when i wan get access to it.
I also change in db, in modx_workspaces->path from {core_path} to home/account_name/domains/domain.co.uk/publis_html/core, but didn't help.
How can i clear cache or if it's not the case, what should I do to make it work?
I have change location in settings:
In .htaccess I couldn't find path to website, I didn't change anything.
I remove all content from core/cache/, except one file (.gitignore), and if I go to domain.co.uk/manager/ it's blank page, no content at all. And still can't log in.
Clear the cache on the new server manually VIA FTP or from a shell.
Change that modx_workspaces thing back
did you change all your settings in core/config/config.inc.php ?? if not do so, that is where you will set most of your paths & database credentials.
you have a backup? good!
Now upgrade to the same version of modx, that should fix all your path issues. [make sure you are not logged into the manager while trying to upgrade]
When moving the site to the new server rather watch two things:
the right paths into this files
the folder /core/cache/ is empty. They can be cleaned simply by removing the contents via ftp.
and correct the value in the database back to {core_path}

Where are the Spree Mailer Settings entered in the Admin panel saved?

I am working on a Spree application using Rails 3.2.3. My version of Spree is 1.1.0. I am running my Rails server in development mode on my home computer. I have entered mail settings in the Spree admin panel at localhost:3000/admin/mail_methods. I can see the place in the development log where I entered the mail settings, and when I turn the server on and off, the settings persist, so I know that they are stored somewhere. However, I cannot find where they are stored. I set my SMTP Mail Host to be "smtp.hello.com", and when I do the following command from the project root directory, I only see the line in my development log where the mail settings were entered: grep -r "smtp.hello.com" .
The reason I want to find these settings is because I want to find a way to set them without using the Admin Panel GUI. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
They are stored in the sql database follow these steps
1st table is called spree_mail_methods note the id of the method that you want to set.
but the actual data is stored in spree_preferences table the following sql statement will get you what you want as that table has a lot of data in it.
select * from spree_preferences where key like 'spree/mail_method%';
Shame on spree for storing passwords in plain text!

Magento Admin 404

We recently migrated our Multi-domain magento setup from a shared host to a dedicated server.
All is working fine fronted, but when I try to go to the admin section I get a 404 error on anything after login.
It seems to work if I remove index.php from the url but then as soon as I click on another link in the admin section it 404's again with the index.php back in the URL.
-- You need to go your server directly and do this via SSH/ FTP
You have to delete the following file
If you get an error after that like
Notice: Undefined index: 0 in
on line 92
Then go to your Database Management.
Open PhpMyAdmin
Go to your database
Click SQL
Run the following SQL Query:
UPDATE `core_store` SET store_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `core_store_group` SET group_id = 0 WHERE name='Default';
UPDATE `core_website` SET website_id = 0 WHERE code='admin';
UPDATE `customer_group` SET customer_group_id = 0 WHERE customer_group_code='NOT LOGGED IN';
Some thing strange happens with the cache when you move the databases from one server to another so it seems like you need to clear it out.
Check in this way
> http://www.yourstore.com/index.php/admin/
> http://www.yourstore.com/admin/
After migration from www.domain1.com/magento/ to www.domain2.com/magento/
I was getting 500 Internal Server Error.
So I just renamed my .htaccess to htaccess.txt.
And my frontend started working fine,
But at Backend http://www.yourstore.com/admin/ I was getting Same 500 Internal Server error.
After trying many option suggested online nothing worked for me and after that I tried to access admin via following URL and voilà worked perfect, Hope this help others.
Try to access as this > http://www.yourstore.com/index.php/admin/
Does the dedicated server have mod_rewerite enabled? Does the apache configuration allow .htaccess files to make changes to configuration directives via AllowOverride? Both of those are common ways that the Magento config gets pooched up.
This is an old thread but I've also had an issue with ownership what was returning a 404 in admin.
I'd been doing some work on securing the server and some files were owned as root, not apache. So a chown -R apache:apache . fixed it right up.
